Read Starbright Online

Authors: Alexandra Richland

Tags: #Fiction

Starbright (33 page)

BOOK: Starbright
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Beth’s gaze skipped to Kazan.

“The motion picture is
Golden Gloves
.” Displeasure grappled Mr. Mertz’s voice. “It will be filmed in Technicolor. Elia Kazan is directing.” His upper lip curled away from his teeth. “And it stars Aidan Evans,
among other notables.”

Beth summoned all of her acting talent to suppress a smile.

“For the record, I am not pleased with this decision.” Mr. Mertz’s eyes flitted to Kazan. “I prefer you not to associate with Mr. Evans whatsoever, but the film requires an endearing female lead to contrast his tough character. I planned to cast one of my more sensual leading ladies and have her dress down for the role, but for some reason, Elia only wants you. I’m done arguing. Filming starts Tuesday, and I refuse to lose a penny on the project.”

Kazan’s warm grin captured Beth’s attention. “I want you to play Mary Oliver, the wife of Aidan’s character, Joe Oliver, based on your tremendous performance in
Sparkling Meadow
. Congratulations on your Academy Award nomination, by the way. That’s very impressive for your first feature film.”

Beth smiled. “Thank you, Mr. Kazan.”

“Now, I assume you know nothing about
Golden Gloves
, correct?”

Feeling Mr. Mertz’s beady eyes on her, Beth delivered her lie calmly. “Correct.”

“The film is set in Chicago. It’s about a young man who was the top middleweight fighter in America when he accidently killed his opponent in the ring at the age of eighteen,” Kazan explained, as though he didn’t know Aidan had spoken with her about the project already. “Joe’s guilt forced him to quit boxing, though he still harbored love for the sport. Five years later, his former trainer, along with his wife—that’s you—convince him he should return to the ring and make a comeback. The rest of the film is about Joe coming to terms with what happened in his past as well as triumphing over his fear and guilt and becoming number one again.”

“It sounds like a wonderful story.” Beth’s tone remained diplomatic, in concert with her collected exterior. Inside, her heart thudded as she came to terms with the reality that she was playing Aidan’s wife and would work with him every day for the next several months. Also, after filming
Venus Rising
, she longed for a part with substance like her role in
Sparkling Meadow
Golden Gloves
seemed like the perfect project.

“Luther, I looked over Miss Sutton’s
Golden Gloves
contract yesterday, and it seems fair to me,” Mr. Stern said. “My client will read it over tonight, and if she accepts your terms, I will present it to you, signed, in the morning.”

Mr. Mertz waved his hand dismissively. “Yes, that’s fine.”

According to her Starlight Studios contract, Beth had no choice but to accept the role—not that she would ever reject it. However, Nathan and Mr. Stern always told her there was room to negotiate the specifics of each film deal if she felt unsatisfied with the initial draft.

Kazan leaned forward in his chair. “There’s still the issue about casting Joe’s best friend, Sal. I wanted Sal Mineo for the role, but his current film is running overtime, so he’s unavailable.” He cleared his throat pointedly. “Given our time constraints, Luther, I’m going to conduct an extensive search over the next few days to cast the role, and I don’t want you to make a fuss over who I choose. You’re funding this film, but in the end, it’s still
film. The actors I’ve tested from your studio haven’t cut it, and none of my Actors Studio pupils have the proper look.”

Mr. Mertz pursed his lips. “It’s only the one character that needs to be cast, right?”


“Fine. Do as you wish.”

Kazan gave a satisfactory nod. “There are tons of guys in town looking for their big break, so I’m hopeful I’ll find someone with everything I’m looking for—dark features, boyish charm, and the ability to pull off a no-nonsense aura. Maybe I’ll put an ad in

“I know a young man who fits that description.” Beth shot a nervous glance at Mr. Mertz, hoping she hadn’t spoken out of turn. “He’s unsigned, but he has taken acting lessons for several years and is very dedicated. I haven’t spoken to him since June, but I’m confident I can find him.”

Kazan’s grin expressed his appreciation. “Hey, I got nothing to lose. Have him see me here on the lot. My temporary office is in building eighteen, third floor. This week I’m there every day, all day, going over the script and making last minute adjustments with our screenwriter. Our first read-through as a cast will be this Friday, so tell him not to dawdle if he’s interested. I’ll hire him on the spot after a quick audition if I like what I see.”

Mr. Mertz’s face tightened with disapproval. “You’re inviting union trouble if you hire an actor off the street.”

Kazan lifted a hand to stop him. “My film, remember?” He turned to Beth, ignoring Mr. Mertz’s deepening scowl. “Wardrobe fittings are scheduled for Monday, and filming starts Tuesday, but I’ll go over all that and more during the read-through. Come by my office before you leave today, and I’ll give you a copy of the script.”

“Miss Sutton, you will attend your acting and dance lessons over the next several days, as scheduled, and prepare for Friday’s read-through on your own time.” Mr. Mertz’s tone warned against an argument.

Beth nodded. She’d forgo those lessons again during filming anyway.

Kazan extended his hand to her. “Glad to have you on board, Miss Sutton.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kazan.” She leaned over the armrest of her chair and shook his hand.

Mr. Mertz fastened her with a purposeful glare. “You’re dismissed, Miss Sutton. I have additional matters to discuss with Elia and Saul in private.”

Beth bowed her head. “Thank you for believing in my ability to play Mary effectively, sir.”

Mr. Mertz grunted and gestured haphazardly to the door.

Kazan and Mr. Stern stood from their chairs when Beth did.

She smiled graciously. “Good day, gentlemen.”

“I’ll walk you out.” Kazan motioned for her to exit the office first. In the reception room, he glanced at Ethel and Caroline, who typed on their typewriters, and then leaned into her ear. “Aidan’s training at the men’s gym right now. Not the main men’s gym, but the older one that studio employees don’t use much anymore. I think you should be the one to tell him.”

“Thank you, Mr. Kazan!”

Beth all but ran to the elevator as Kazan returned to Mr. Mertz’s office. Her dance lesson commenced in just over an hour, giving her time to surprise Aidan with the news. She didn’t have a studio car at her disposal because her acting class had been in walking distance from Mr. Mertz’s office, but she wasn’t deterred and made the trip to the other end of the lot in record time.

As she entered the building that housed the men’s older gym, she found the lobby especially quiet. Women exercised at the Starlight Studios Spa, so she had no idea where inside this location Aidan trained. She picked a corridor and looked into its various rooms. All of them were empty. Turning a corner, she heard noises coming from the room at the far end of the hall.

Tentatively, Beth pushed the door open. Inside was a vast, concrete, windowless space with a boxing ring, punching bags, and freestanding fans. She heard a man shouting but upon first glance, couldn’t see anyone.

She slipped inside and closed the door behind her. Further inspection of the gym revealed a collection of skipping ropes, weights, exercise mats, boxing gloves, and most notably, a shirtless Aidan. He stood in the far corner, hitting a large, black punching bag, which hung from a rod protruding from the nearest wall. The source of the hollering was the dark-haired man who stood beside him, wearing a black T-shirt and black sweatpants.

Aidan’s gloved hands flew at the bag with astonishing speed, the sounds he emitted guttural and determined. He wore red boxing shorts with a broad white waistband and black boots laced halfway up his bulging calves. His face looked puffy, as though he had something in his mouth. If he were a stranger, Beth would’ve felt intimidated by his merciless expression and fierce fighting form. Instead, she saw the man she loved with all of her heart and walked toward him, unafraid.

Aidan moved his feet as if he bounced on a trampoline, and he attacked the bag with various punches. His muscles engaged with every hit, glistening under the sheen of sweat that coated his skin and dampened his hair, making it curl at the ends. Beth had never seen the human body on such fine display.

She knew nothing about boxing, but he looked professional to her. Watching him in action, she developed a newfound respect for the sport. It was no longer a barbaric activity but an art form.

The man training Aidan discovered Beth watching them. She assumed he was the middleweight boxing champion, Rocky Marcello. Aidan said he was a very friendly man, but presently, he did not look pleased.

As Aidan struck the bag over and over, Rocky walked toward her. He was shorter than Aidan but had a stockier build, and his nose looked crooked.

“Miss, you cannot be in here,” he said gruffly. “This is a closed session.”

Beth shrank away from him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to interrupt.”

Aidan’s gaze drifted in their direction. He dropped his hands and seized his fancy foot maneuvers.

“Beth!” Her name sounded garbled, but the enthusiasm in his voice was unmistakable.

He shook off his gloves, and on his jog toward her, removed a plastic guard from his mouth. His lips stretched into a welcoming grin.

“Rocky.” Aidan placed a wrapped hand on his trainer’s shoulder. “This is my girl. The one I’ve been telling you about—Beth Sutton.”

Rocky’s stern expression relaxed. “Ah, yes. Your secret girlfriend. Sorry, I didn’t recognize you, Miss Sutton. I didn’t mean to be rude, but when I’m training someone, I don’t like an audience.” He tossed Aidan a sly grin. “But I’m sure if I sent you away now, Evans would pummel me with everything he’s got.”

Aidan smirked. “You’re right about that.”

“The name’s Rocky.” The boxer extended a large hand to Beth.

She shook it eagerly. “It’s a pleasure to meet you. Aidan has said nothing but good things about you.”

Rocky cocked his eyebrows. “Really? He doesn’t hate me for putting him through the ringer? Sometimes, after our initial training sessions, he looked a little worse for wear.”

The three of them laughed.

“I’ll leave you two kids alone. It’s time for a break anyway.” Rocky waved on his way out the door. “I’m gonna grab a meal at the commissary. I’ll see you in an hour.”

Aidan wasted no time and placed a kiss on Beth’s cheek. The minty fragrance of his aftershave, mixed with the faint scent of perspiration, made her insides melt.

“What are you doing here?” he asked. “Not that I’m not happy to see you—I’m just surprised. I thought you were busy all day.”

“I was. I mean, I am…” Beth tore her gaze from his sculpted torso so she could put a proper sentence together. She’d seen him without his shirt on before, but the unadulterated masculine prowess drifting off him now overwhelmed her in the best possible way. “What I came here to tell you is I had a meeting with Mr. Mertz.”

Aidan’s eyes darkened. “What?”

“Don’t worry. Mr. Stern was present—”

“That goddamn Mertz.” Aidan’s hands curled at his sides.

“And Mr. Kazan,” she hastened to add.

Aidan’s expression morphed from anger to surprise. “Gadg was there?”

Beth smiled. “Yes, and I’m here to tell you why. I wouldn’t have interrupted you if it wasn’t important. I know how seriously you take your training sessions.”

Aidan chuckled, a wondrous sound that abolished the tension in the gym. “Will you tell me already? You’ve got me on edge here.”

Beth wrapped her arms around his neck. “I’m playing Mary in
Golden Gloves

Aidan’s eyes widened.

“Are you serious?” He lifted her off the floor and spun her with beautiful laughter. When he set her back down, his eyes searched hers, as though they provided the answers he desired. “Mary? As in Joe’s Mary?

Beth rested her hands on his shoulders. “The one and only.”

Aidan shook his head. “I can’t believe Gadg kept this from me.”

“I suppose he didn’t want to get your hopes up before it was confirmed. Apparently, Mr. Mertz held out as long as possible before agreeing to cast me. I’m glad Mr. Kazan put his foot down.”

“Why did Mertz agree to this?” Aidan dragged his hand through his damp hair. “I thought he didn’t want you breathing the same air as me, let alone acting with me. Hell, I’m surprised he didn’t ship you out of town, knowing I was filming on the lot over the next few months.”

“I think he finally agreed to Mr. Kazan’s terms because the role actually suits my image. Originally, he wanted to hire a sex kitten and downplay her looks, but he probably realized the idea was absurd.”

“I can’t believe this.” Aidan’s boyish grin sent her heart fluttering. “We’re gonna be together all the time, and Mertz can’t say a damn thing about it.” He kissed her lips firmly. “This is the best news ever.”

“An added bonus is you said the script is excellent.”

Aidan brushed his lips to her ear. “And there are some pretty steamy onscreen kisses, too, which we’ll have to rehearse a
to get just right.”

“Yes, we definitely will.” Beth’s voice took on a raspier tone, ignited by the sparks that flew between them.

Aidan gripped her waist. “How long do you have before you need to leave?”

Beth looked at the clock on the wall. “Just under an hour.”

A mischievous grin swept across Aidan’s face. “Perfect.”

Beth planted her hands on her hips. “I know that look, mister. What do you have in mind?”

“You’ll find out soon enough.” Aidan jogged to the far corner of the room and returned with a pair of black boxing gloves. “These are for you.”

Beth eyed the gloves curiously. “But I don’t box.”

Aidan’s smirk widened into a grin. “I’m gonna teach you.”

Beth frowned. “I’m afraid I’d be a terrible student. Plus, I’m wearing a dress.”

“You can give me every excuse in the book, and I still won’t change my mind.” He reached out to her. “Come on, it’ll be fun.”

BOOK: Starbright
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