Star Wars - Thrawn Trilogy - Dark Force Rising 02 (16 page)

BOOK: Star Wars - Thrawn Trilogy - Dark Force Rising 02
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Clenching his teeth, Han raised his blaster. But even as he did so, his peripheral vision caught Luke's hand making some sort of gesture; and suddenly the Imperial spun around in the opposite direction, pointing his blaster rifle toward a patch of empty floor. "He thinks he heard a noise," Luke whispered. "Let's go.
Han nodded, and sidled around to the other side of the barge. A few seconds later they were crouched beside the X-wing's landing skids. "Artoo?" Han stage-whispered upward. "Come on, short stuff wake up."
There was a soft and rather indignant beep from the top of the X-wing. Which meant the Imperials' restraining bolt hadn't shut the droid down entirely, just blocked out his control of the X-wing's systems. Good. "Okay," he called to the droid. "Get your comm sensor warmed up and get ready to record."
Another beep. "Now what?" Irenez asked.
"Now we get cute," Han told her, pulling out his comlink. "Lando? You ready?"
"As ready as I'm going to be," the other came back.
"Okay. When I give the signal, turn on your beckon call and get the Lady Luck moving. When I tell you again, shut it off. Got that?"
"Got it. I hope you know what you're doing.
"Trust me." Han looked at Luke. "You got your part figured out?"
Luke nodded, holding up his lightsaber. "I'm ready."
"Okay, Lando. Go."
For a long moment nothing happened. Then, through the background noise of the landing area, came the distinctive whine of repulsorlifts being activated. Half standing up, Han was just in time to see the Lady Luck rise smoothly up from among the other docked ships.
From somewhere in the same general vicinity came a shout, followed by the multiple flash of blaster fire. Another three weapons opened up almost immediately, all four tracking the Lady Luck as it made a somewhat ponderous turn and began floating south toward Lando's hiding place.
"You know it'll never get there," Irenez muttered in Han's ear. "As soon a, they figure out where it's going, they'll be all over him.
"That's why it's not going to get to him," Han countered, watching the Lady Luck closely. Another couple of seconds and every stormtrooper and Imperial soldier in the place ought to have his attention solidly fixed on the rogue ship:"Ready, Luke : now."
And suddenly Luke was gone, a single leap taking him to the top of the X-wing. Over the commotion Han heard the snap-hiss as Luke ignited his lightsaber, could see the green glow reflected from the nearest ships and equipment. The glow and sound shifted subtly as Luke made a short slice-
"Restraining bolt's off" Luke called down. "Now?"
"Not yet," Han told him. The Lady Luck was about a quarter of the way to the far wall, blaster bolts still scattering off its armored underside. "I'll tell him when. You get ready to fly interference."
"Right." The X-wing rocked slightly as Luke moved forward and dropped into the cockpit, its own repulsorlifts beginning to whine as Artoo activated them.
A whine that no one else out in all that confusion had a hope of hearing. The Lady Luck was hallway to the wall now:"Okay, Lando, shut down," Han ordered. "Artoo, your turn. Call it back this way."
With full access again to the X-wing's transmitters, it was a simple task for the droid to duplicate the signal from Lando's beckon call. The Lady Luck shuddered to a halt, reoriented itself to the new call, and started across the landing area again toward the X-wing.
It wasn't something the Imperials had expected. For a second the blaster fire faltered as the soldiers chasing the yacht skidded to a halt; and by the time the fire resumed in earnest, the Lady Luck was nearly to the X-wing.
"Now?" Luke called.
"Now," Han called back. "Put her down and clear us a path."
Artoo twittered, and the Lady Luck again halted in midair, this time dropping smoothly to the ground. There was a shout that sounded like triumph from the Imperials : but if so, it was the shortest triumph on record. The Lady Luck touched down-
And without warning, the X-wing leaped into the air. Pulling a tight curve around the Lady Luck, Luke swooped back down, wingtip lasers spitting a corridor of destruction across the startled soldiers' line of approach.
Given time, the Imperials would regroup. Han had no intention of giving them that time. "Come on," he snapped to Irenez, leaping to his feet and making a mad dash for the Lady Luck. He was probably on the ramp before the soldiers even noticed him, and was up and through the hatch before anyone was able to get off a shot. "Stay here and guard the hatch," he shouted back as Irenez charged in behind him. "I'm going to go pick up Lando."
Luke was still roaring around creating havoc as Han scrambled into the cockpit and dived into the pilot's seat, throwing a quick look at the instruments as he did so. All the systems seemed to be ready; and anything that wasn't was going to have to do so on the way up. "Grab onto something!" he shouted back to Irenez and lifted.
The stormtrooper Lando had mentioned as being near his position was nowhere in sight as Han brought the Lady Luck swinging over to the pile of shipping boxes. Luke was right with him, the X-wing's lasers making a mess of the landing area floor as he kept the Imperials pinned down. Han dropped the ship to within a half meter of the floor, entrance ramp swiveled toward the boxes. There was a flicker of motion, visible for just a second through the cockpit's side viewport-
"We've got him," Irenez shouted from the hatch. "Go!"
Han swiveled the ship around, throwing full power to the repulsorlifts and heading upward into one of the huge exit ducts overhead. There was a slight jolt as he cleared the magnetic seal on the end, and then they were out in clear air, screaming hard for space.
Four TIE fighters were skulking around just above the city, waiting for trouble. But they apparently weren't waiting for it to come this quickly. Luke got three of them on the fly, and Han took out the fourth.
"Nothing like cutting it close to the wire," Lando panted as he slid into the copilot's seat and got busy with his board. "What have we got?"
"Looks like a couple more drop ships coming in, Han told him, frowning. "What are you doing?"
"Running a multisensor airflow analysis," Lando said. "It'll show up any large irregularities on the hull. Like if someone's attached a homing beacon to us.
Han thought back to that escape from the first Death Star, and their near-disastrous flight to Yavin with just such a gadget smuggled aboard. "I wish I had a system like that for the Falcon."
"It'd never work," Lando commented dryly. "Your hull's so irregular already the system would go nuts just trying to map it." He keyed off the display. "Okay; we're clear."
"Great." Han threw a glance out to the left. "We're clear of those drop ships, too. They don't have a hope of catching us now.
"Yes, but that might," Irenez said, pointing at the midrange scope.
Which showed an Imperial Star Destroyer behind them, already leaving orbit and moving into pursuit.
"Great," Han growled, kicking in the main drive. Using it this close to the ground wasn't going to do New Cov's plant life any good, but that was the least of his worries at the moment. "Luke?"
"I see it," Luke's voice came back through the comm speaker. "Any ideas besides running for it?"
"I think running for it sounds like a great idea," Han said. "Lando?"
"Calculating the jump now, the other said, busy with the nav computer. "It ought to be ready by the time we're far enough out."
"There's another ship coming up from below," Luke said. "Right out of the jungle."
"That's ours," Irenez said, peering over Han's shoulder. "You can parallel them by changing course to one twenty-six mark thirty."
The Star Destroyer was picking up speed, the scope now showing a wedge of TIE fighters sweeping along ahead of it. "We'd do better to split up," Han said.
"No-stay with our ship," Irenez said. "Sena said we've got help coming."
Han took another look at the ship climbing for deep. A small transport, with a fair look of speed but not much else going for it. Another look at the approaching TIE fighters-
"They're going to be in range before we can make the jump," Lando murmured, echoing Han's thought.
"Yeah. Luke, you still there?"
"Yes. I think Lando's right."
"I know. Any way you can pull that Nkllon stunt again? You know-scramble the pilots' minds a little?"
There was a noticeable hesitation from the comm. "I don't think so," Luke said at last. "I-don't think it's good for me to do that sort of thing. You understand?"
Han didn't, really, but it probably didn't matter. For a moment he'd forgotten that he wasn't in the Falcon, with a pair of quad lasers and shields and heavy armor. The Lady Luck, for all Lando's modifications, wasn't anything to take on even confused TIE fighter pilots with. "All right, skip it," he told Luke. "Sena just better be right about this help of hers."
The words were hardly out of his mouth when a flash of brilliant green light shot past the Lady Luck's cockpit canopy. "TIE fighters coming in from portside," Lando snapped.
"They're trying to cut us off," Luke said. "I'll get rid of them."
Without waiting for comment, he dropped his X-wing below the Lady Luck's vector and with a roar of main drive swung off to the left toward the incoming TIE fighters. "Watch yourself," Han muttered after him, giving the rear scope another look. The pursuing batch of fighters was still closing fast. "Your ship got any weapons?" he asked Irenez.
"No, but it's got good armor and plenty of deflector power," she told him. "Maybe you should get ahead of them, let them take the brunt of the attack."
"Yeah, I'll think about it," Han said, wincing at the woman's ignorance of this kind of fight. TIE pilots didn't much care which ship was first in line when they attacked; and sitting close enough to another ship to hide in its deflector shield was to give up your maneuverability.
Off to portside, the incoming group of TIE fighters scattered out of the way as Luke drove through their formation, wingtip lasers blazing away madly. A second wave of Imperials behind the first closed to intercept as Luke pulled a hard one-eighty and swung back on the tails of the first wave. Han held his breath; but even as he watched, the X-wing managed somehow to thread its way unscathed through the melee and take off at full throttle at an angle from the Lady Luck's vector, the whole squadron hot on his tail.
"Well, so much for that group," Irenez commented.
"And maybe for Luke, too," Lando countered harshly as he jabbed at the comm. "Luke, you all right?"
"I got a little singed, but everything's still running," Luke's voice came back. "I don't think I can get back to you.
"Don't try," Han told him. "As soon as you're clear, jump to lightspeed and get out of here."
"What about you?"
Luke's last word was partially drowned out by a sudden twitter from the comm. "That's the signal," Irenez said. "Here they come."
Han frowned, searching the sky outside the front viewport. As far as he could see, there was nothing out there but stars-
And then, in perfect unison, three large ships suddenly dropped out of hyperspace into triangular formation directly ahead of them.
Lando inhaled sharply. "Those are old Dreadnaught cruisers."
"That's our help," Irenez said. "Straight down the middle of the triangle-they'll cover for us."
"Right," Han gritted, shifting the Lady Luck's vector a few degrees, and trying to coax a little more speed out of its engines. The New Republic had a fair number of Dreadnaughts, and at six hundred meters long each they were impressive enough warships. But even three of them working together would be hard pressed to take out an Imperial Star Destroyer.
Apparently, the Dreadnaughts' commander agreed. Even as the Star Destroyer behind the Lady Luck opened up with its huge turbolaser batteries, the Dreadnaughts began pelting the larger ship with a furious barrage of ion cannon blasts, trying to temporarily knock out enough of its systems for them to get away.
"That answer your question?" Han asked Luke.
"I think so," Luke said dryly. "Okay, I'm gone. Where do I meet you?"
"You don't," Han told him. He didn't like that answer much, and he suspected Luke would like it even less. But it couldn't be helped. With a dozen TIE fighters currently between the Lady Luck and the X-wing, suggesting a rendezvous point on even what was supposed to be a secure comm channel would be an open invitation for the Empire to send their own reception committee on ahead. "Lando and I can handle the mission on our own," he added. "If we run into any problems, we'll contact you through Coruscant."
"All right," Luke said. Sure enough, he didn't sound happy about it. But he had enough sense to recognize there was no other safe way. "Take care, you two."
"See you," Han said, and cut the transmission.
"So now it's my mission, too, huh?" Lando growled from the copilot's seat, his tone a mixture of annoyance and resignation. "I knew it. I just knew it."
Sena's transport was into the triangular pocket between the Dreadnaughts now, still driving for all it was worth. Han kept the Lady Luck with them, staying as close above the transport's tail as he could without getting into its exhaust. "You got some particular place you'd like us to drop you?" he asked, looking back at Irenez.
She was gazing out the viewport at the underside of the Dreadnaught they were passing beneath. "Actually, our Commander was rather hoping you'd accompany us back to our base," she said.
Han threw a look at Lando. There had been something in her tone that implied the request was more than merely a suggestion. "And just how hard was your Commander hoping this?" Lando asked.
"Very much." She dropped her gaze from the Dreadnaught. "Don't misunderstand-it's not an order. But when I spoke to him, the Commander seemed extremely interested in meeting again with Captain Solo.

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