Star Trek

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Authors: Dayton Ward,Kevin Dilmore

BOOK: Star Trek
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Starfleet Corps of Engineers series from Pocket Books:

The Belly of the Beast
by Dean Wesley Smith

Fatal Error
by Keith R.A. DeCandido

Hard Crash
by Christie Golden

Book 1 by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore

Book 2 by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore

Cold Fusion
by Keith R.A. DeCandido

Book 1 by David Mack & Keith R.A. DeCandido

Book 2 by David Mack & Keith R.A. DeCandido

The Riddled Post
by Aaron Rosenberg

Here There Be Monsters
by Keith R.A. DeCandido

by Dave Galanter & Greg Brodeur

Some Assembly Required
by Scott Ciencin & Dan Jolley

No Surrender
by Jeff Mariotte

Caveat Emptor
by Ian Edginton & Mike Collins

Past Life
by Robert Greenberger

by Glenn Hauman

Book 1 by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore

Book 2 by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore

Book 3 by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore

Enigma Ship
by J. Steven York & Christina F. York

War Stories
Book 1 by Keith R.A. DeCandido

War Stories
Book 2 by Keith R.A. DeCandido

Book 1 by David Mack

Book 2 by David Mack

Home Fires
by Dayton Ward & Kevin Dilmore


Age of Unreason
by Scott Ciencin

Balance of Nature
by Heather Jarman

This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are products of the author's imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events or locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Publication of POCKET BOOKS

POCKET BOOKS, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc.
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Copyright © 2003 by Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.

STAR TREK is a Registered Trademark of Paramount Pictures.

This book is published by Pocket Books, a division of Simon & Schuster, Inc., under exclusive license from Paramount Pictures.

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ISBN: 0-7434-7591-7

ISBN-13: 978-0-7434-7591-4
eISBN-13: 978-0-743-47591-4

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We would like to thank Allyn Gibson, Jim McCain, and Alex Rosenzweig, members of the group who so diligently maintain Pocket Books' Official
Star Trek
Novel Timeline, for their assistance. They helped us to pin down the best place to set the flashback portion of
Home Fires
and provided interesting historical tidbits for us to reference, thus preventing yet another couple of bumbling writers from destroying the very fabric of
Star Trek
continuity as we know it. Be sure to check out the latest edition of their Timeline (as of this writing, at least) in the conclusion to the
Star Trek: Gateways
What Lay Beyond


Stardate 53904.8, Earth Year 2376

omenica Corsi hated landings.

How many times had a rough approach or a bad setdown offered reasons for her never to set foot on the deck of a spacecraft again? Corsi had lost count, though she recalled a few instances with clarity. The entry into the steel-gray atmosphere of Svoboda II, a buffeted drop through a storm of howling wind and dangerous coatings of ice, almost ended her first command of a security detail before it even started.

Getting that beat-up two-seater settled on Pemberton's Point all those years ago had been a chore, too; a landing she would have aborted had it
not been for Dar's insistence. Then there was the time that her father allowed her to pilot and land that transport, and a rented transport at that. Her attempts to dazzle him on touchdown almost cost them the vessel as well as its shipment of Bolian spice nectar, a cargo precious enough that its spoilage would have ruined the family business.

Despite the animosity she held for those experiences, separately or together, they and many others had failed to shake her resolve for duty and responsibility to her family, friends, and career. Time after time, the security officer picked herself up from the deck, brushed off the front of her Starfleet uniform, and leapt back aboard whatever passage she needed to press onward.

That was the way it had always been, at least until Galvan VI.

Corsi's memories of that roiling gas giant were more vivid than they had any right to be for her. Visions of being tossed and bobbled within the planet's turbulent and electrically charged clouds of liquid-metal hydrogen should not be putting her so ill at ease. She should not be able to recall most of it. At her ship's time of greatest need, a time when nearly two dozen of her friends and crewmates were sacrificing their lives aboard the
U.S.S. da Vinci
, the ship's security chief was down for the count.

I was unconscious, comatose, useless to the people who depended on me
, she thought as her right hand clenched the armrest of her seat.
I didn't go through the hell they did, not really. So why is this even an issue? Damn, for as many times as I've done this and walked, you'd think


The shuttle pitched as it altered course, and Corsi felt her stomach lurch and the blood drain from her face. She pinched her eyes shut, trying to turn away mental flashes of white-hot lightning against boiling gas. Relaxing and letting her eyelids open, she turned to look out the port window with the hope that its view might calm her a bit. As expected, her destination lay below, and she studied the rooflines and landscaping of the well-maintained residence that appealed to her as oddly familiar even though she had never set foot within it.

Corsi felt the touch of a hand on her left forearm, followed by a voice. “You okay?”

“Don't hover over me,” she snapped, not even turning from the window. The pressure on her arm disappeared and she missed it immediately, more so than she would have dared admit just a few days ago. Turning to face Fabian Stevens, the shuttle's only other occupant, she saw him offer a slight smile that seemed to work better at calming her stomach than
did her view of the ground. “Sorry.” She managed a weak smile of her own in return but knew it had to appear forced, especially to someone with whom she had shared so much.

Including, well, my bed.

“Corsi, you're as white as a ghost,” Stevens said with concern in his voice. “Are you sure you're all right?”

“Fine,” she replied as she returned her gaze out the window. Corsi chided herself for appearing vulnerable in front of a shipmate, particularly the one most likely to crack wise about it in front of others back on the
da Vinci

, she admitted to herself,
maybe that's not giving Fabian enough credit. Things have changed between us. They're changing every day

In a soft tone, Stevens's voice broke through her ruminations. “We're almost there. Nothing to worry about.”

She would have preferred to beam down from the transport ship, but that had not been an option. Many of the settlements on Fahleena III, including the one where her parents had chosen to make their home, possessed rules permitting only minimized use of many forms of technology found on just about any other Federation world. Among the restrictions the settlers chose to live with was on the use of transporters,
limiting their employment to emergencies. Otherwise, more traditional forms of land, sea, and air travel were the norm.

Probably just as well
, Corsi thought.
It's not like I'm in a rush to get down there

The house and the patch of land surrounding it were growing in the viewport as the shuttle continued its descent. She could not help the smirk as she caught her first look at the property. Its greenish hue, adobe-like finish, and Vulcanesque architectural lines came as no surprise to her; such aspects only fit into the pattern she had seen throughout her life.

She heard the hydraulic whine of the shuttle's landing pads lock into place for touchdown, then felt herself settle into her upholstered seat as the craft softly landed several meters from the entrance to the property.

“Ta-daa! See? Safe and sound,” Stevens said as he rose from his seat and reached for the keypad on the bulkhead that controlled the shuttle's hatch. “Ready?”

She said nothing as she got up and grabbed the carrying strap of her Starfleet-issue duffel bag, slinging it over her shoulder. She passed Stevens a hard-shelled travel case, then retrieved from under her seat a rectangular wooden case with a clear top. Tucking the case under her arm, the two stepped from the shuttle. Corsi keyed a command into a panel on the shuttle's
exterior and stepped back as the hatch closed. Once they were clear of the craft, she lingered to watch as it rose from the ground and disappeared into the sky.

“Welcome home, Commander.”

Corsi cast a look at Stevens. “Yeah, well, this is the first time I've been here. I'm not sure how homey it all feels just yet.”

“I don't care how it feels so much as how it smells. Do you suppose your mom baked that Yigrish cream pie she promised?”

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