Star Trek: ALL - Seven Deadly Sins (35 page)

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“I have always made it a point,” Kang said, “to trust the word of a Klingon.”

Kobyk bowed his head.

Then Kang moved to stand before Kor, next to Koloth, putting the three of them in a circle. “Well done, Kor—let us return to the
I will have Galarch prepare a feast to celebrate your victory!”

Kor smiled. “I’m sure the meal will be glorious.”

Freedom Angst

Britta Burdett Dennison

Historian’s Note

This story takes place in an alternate time line—commonly called the Mirror Universe—in 2369 (ACE). The events are concurrent with the Cardassian Union’s surrendering the space station, now known as Deep Space 9, to the provisional Bajoran government (“Emissary” DS9).

This one is for Danelle

There was silence in the cockpit of the little Alliance shuttle as it hurtled toward its preprogrammed coordinates, outside the Trivas star system from where it had originated. The silence was not an easy one. Although Benjamin Sisko and his wife Jennifer had been married for almost twelve years, a time when many married couples would be finishing each other’s sentences, Benjamin and Jennifer felt as though there was nothing they could say to one another that might not be considered an invitation to argue. For the better part of an hour, they had chosen to say nothing at all, though both were wrestling with dozens of questions about their destination.

Sisko wanted to enjoy the long journey—he had never traveled outside the Trivas system before. He had never even been in a shuttle that had the capacity to go this kind of distance. But he was troubled. He was curious to know what Jennifer was thinking about all of this, but not curious enough to be the first to break the willful silence. He considered his questions while surreptitiously glancing at his wife’s profile. Her face bore no expression, except for the slight set of her chin, a subtle stiffness to her lower lip that nobody but her husband would have recognized as a product of dismay.

He wondered why the Intendant of Terok Nor, a space station in the nearby Bajoran system, had summoned Jennifer. He wondered what Jennifer’s father was going to have to say about it. He wondered
what it would be like for himself and his wife, two Terrans walking around on the Alliance side of an ore-processing station. Both Benjamin and Jennifer were well-dressed, more like members of the Alliance than Terrans, but they were Terrans nonetheless. Their clothing would offer them little protection if either of them were to accidentally upset someone, and the trouble was, the Siskos were far more proud than any Terrans had a right to be, with Sisko’s pride being a sight more volatile than his wife’s.

The station was just coming into view. Sisko had seen a Cardassian orbital station before—Empok Nor, the station in the Trivas system, was identical to this one. Sisko had passed it many times, but he had never been inside of it. Even from a distance, Sisko had always thought it an ugly thing. It looked like a hunk of the Cardassian machinery that had overrun the Terran colonies in the age following the Alliance conquest.

As they drew closer to Terok Nor, its shape was easier to define; the crooked, arching spires hunched around a flattened base. Sisko was given the impression of a hand—a cruel, bony hand with metallic fingers, closing over an already beleaguered world, as if it meant to crush it entirely. The image was troubling, to say the least.

The shuttle drew toward the docking clamps, and in a moment the Siskos were able to disembark. A stocky Cardassian man with a wide-eyed, contemptuous expression appeared, presumably to escort them to the Intendant. The man did not speak to them, did not so much as grunt at them, apparently not feeling that they were worthy of introductions.

Benjamin glanced at his wife as they followed, and recognized a hint of fear in her eyes. In an instant, he regretted the long silence that had endured throughout their journey here. Benjamin was accustomed to dealing with Alliance people that he did not know, but Jennifer was not, and this experience must make her feel very uneasy. He at least should have had the courtesy to try and comfort her, prior to their landing. His marriage might be shaky, but he still cared for this woman. He tried to smile reassuringly, but she was not looking at him, and the gesture went unnoticed.

Their surly escort brought them to a large, ornate door and pressed a panel off to the side. Benjamin could hear a woman’s voice
that he recognized as the lazy contralto of Kira Nerys, the Bajoran Intendant of Terok Nor. “Come in, Garak.”

Sisko was surprised when the door slid open to reveal that the comely Bajoran woman was seated at a long dining table, which sagged under the weight of all the food laid upon it. Surely this feast was meant for at least two dozen people? But there were only three place settings, and he realized that one of them was meant for him.

“Well, don’t just stand there,” the Intendant said, raising one of her slender, white arms in a sweeping gesture. She was hardly dressed to discuss business, clad as she was in a long, body-hugging gown of violet satin that clashed with the brightness of her auburn hair and the blood red of her lips. She was not so much sitting in her chair as she was draped over it, her movements slow and provocative. “Sit down, please. You’re right on time.” Her eyes smoldered, and every word she uttered seemed to have a hidden subtext. “I like punctuality.” She glared at the Cardassian as she said it, and the man bristled before taking a step backward. Sisko sensed that a long feud had brewed between these two, and he hoped he would not be put in a position to get tangled up in any of it.

“That’s right, Garak,” Kira went on. “You’re not needed here. Dismissed.”

Sisko almost sat down before remembering to pull out a chair for his wife. He gave her a small nod, and he saw a hint of gratitude in her eyes before she sat down. A tiny gesture could go a long way in a hostile environment, even between two people whose relationship had come to be as strained as that of the Siskos.

“So,” the Intendant began. She gestured to a Klingon servant who had been looming in the shadows, almost unnoticed. He stepped forward to fill her cup with a flagon of spring wine. “Jennifer Devitt.”

“It’s Jennifer Sisko,” Jennifer said in a low voice, and Benjamin tensed.

The Intendant paused for a dangerous moment, and then she laughed. But her laughter was brittle, the fluidity of her movements suddenly appearing stilted. “Yes, of course it is, my dear. Jennifer
Devitt is your father’s name.”

“Yes,” Jennifer said, and began to help herself to some Bajoran
fruit that was artfully arranged on a platter in front of her. “Sisko is my husband’s name.”

Kira cut her eyes at Benjamin, who wished to be left out of the discussion, but she thankfully did not address him, replying to Jennifer. “Your father … is a most remarkable man. For a Terran.”

Jennifer cleared her throat. “He is a remarkable man,” she agreed.

“It’s my understanding that the men in your family were smart enough to see which way the wind was blowing when the Alliance came into power,” Kira said. “There weren’t many who had that much foresight. Most Terrans actually thought they had a chance to defend themselves.” Kira appeared thoughtful. “Your father’s father was like a Bajoran that way,” she said. “He understood that there is a time to fight, and there is a time to cooperate.”

Jennifer nodded without saying anything.

“I imagine, Jennifer, that you understand that as well as your father and grandfather did.”

“Of course I do.”

“Good,” purred the Intendant, and then, to Benjamin, “What’s the matter, Benjamin? Aren’t you hungry?”

Benjamin was, but he shrugged. “Not especially.”

“Well, at least
Don’t you like Bajoran food?”

Benjamin hadn’t had much Bajoran food, but he didn’t feel like offering an explanation. “I like it well enough.” He helped himself to some food, avoiding eye contact with everyone in the room.

Kira turned back to Jennifer. “Tell me. Do you … enjoy the work you do for Akiem?” she asked, seeming somehow to know the answer already. Jennifer oversaw the tech support for the Cardassian-run company where her father had been employed since he was a young man, a group that bought out debt from various industrial interests who didn’t have the resources necessary to strong-arm their outstanding liabilities into payment. Benjamin was also employed by Akiem, and his “clients” were mostly Terrans.

Jennifer shrugged, but Benjamin saw a little crease form at the corner of her mouth. The Intendant had hit a nerve. Jennifer was capable of doing so much more than routine computer checks and security sweeps, but she was a Terran, and her potential was not likely ever to be fully realized, despite her father’s unusually prestigious position. “It’s not demanding work,” Jennifer said.

Kira’s voice was still friendly, but there was an edge to it that did
not go unnoticed. “I didn’t ask if it was demanding, I asked if you enjoyed it.”

Jennifer hesitated. “I wouldn’t mind … more of a challenge,” she admitted.

Kira’s smile widened, became more genuine. “I thought so,” she said. She took a long drink from her cup, signaled for her Klingon assistant to bring more, and spoke again. “I might be able to offer you something better,” she said, “but it depends on several factors.”

Jennifer waited for a moment before responding. “Such as?”

Kira shrugged playfully. “Oh, this and that. There are a few particulars to work out. And, of course, there is your father to consider. He might prefer that you not go to work for me.”

Jennifer seemed to struggle for the correct response. “He … I don’t see how it would make a difference,” she finally said.

“Well, of course it wouldn’t, if I wanted you badly enough.” Kira laughed. “But I thought it would at least be polite to mention it.”

“I see,” Jennifer said stiffly.

“I consider myself a courteous person, among other things.” The Intendant drained her cup again, but instead of continuing, she turned her attention to Benjamin.

“Benjamin Sisko,” she said, lacing her fingers together and resting her chin on her hands. “I confess, I knew so little about you when I called your wife here to the station. But I did a little checking, and I was rather impressed by what I found.”

Benjamin, whose mouth was full of food, stopped chewing, and swallowed with some difficulty. “What … did you find?”

“Well, it seems you were something of a nobody before you met your wife here.” Kira nodded at Jennifer. “Going from place to place, working wherever you could, mostly keeping your head down. You must have really made an impression on Jennifer. She’s quite a powerful woman for a Terran, not to mention beautiful. Tell me, Benjamin.” Kira unlaced her fingers and shifted her weight so that she was leaning toward him, the white curve of her shoulder thrust forward so that he could get a good look at the plunging neckline of her gown. Her voice grew husky, and she batted her long eyelashes at him. “How did you do it?”

Sisko was dumbfounded. He did not even have to look at
Jennifer to sense her dismay, but there wasn’t much he could do about it. “I … you’ll have to ask her that,” he said. The truth was, he had often wondered the same thing himself.

Kira offered Jennifer a cursory glance, but her attention remained focused on Benjamin, and she did not respond to his suggestion. “Some Terrans would have difficulty adapting to a position like yours,” Kira said. “But your record indicates that you’ve managed to collect over ninety-eight percent of your clients’ debt. Of those who could not pay, you were very swift in meting out an appropriate punishment. That’s impressive, Benjamin. I have Cardassians on my staff whose efficiency records pale in comparison to yours.”

Sisko’s face felt cool, as though the blood was draining away. Could the Intendant possibly know that much of his “success” was false? It wasn’t that Sisko was especially soft-hearted; it was mostly that he knew there was no way to get juice from a stone. His only recourse, besides sanctioning the death of hundreds of Terrans, was to skew the accounting data in his own favor, and he was lucky enough to know a particularly number-savvy Trill with the right access codes who was willing to cook the books for him. Not even Jennifer knew what he’d been up to. He met Kira’s gaze, searching her eyes for signs that she knew, but her smile revealed nothing. “I don’t believe in doing anything halfway,” he said finally.

“I’d bet not,” Kira said, her voice even huskier than before. The blood suddenly rushed back to Ben’s face again, and he felt thankful that his complexion was dark enough to conceal any outward sign of embarrassment. He could hear by Jennifer’s breathing that she was not pleased, but thankfully she said nothing.

“I have found that Terrans are very well-suited to certain lines of work,” Kira went on, her tone shifting back to the more personable, businesslike quality she had been using before. “It’s possible that I could find a desirable place for you in my fleet. Very desirable, for a Terran.”

“In your … fleet?” Sisko repeated. The implication was almost unthinkable, but surely Sisko had misunderstood . . .

“Certainly. You’d be outfitted with a ship, your own crew … that sort of thing.” Kira smiled brilliantly. “But I’d have to make some adjustments first.”

Benjamin could feel Jennifer’s cold gaze. Though he could barely see her in his peripheral vision, he didn’t have to be looking at her to know what she was thinking. “I … I couldn’t . . .” he stammered, “I … I work for Jennifer’s father. It’s … family business. It’s . . .”

“Oh, of course I understand your wanting to be loyal to your father-in-law,” the Intendant interrupted. “Suppose I talk it over with him?”

“I don’t think that’s a good idea,” Benjamin said gruffly, instantly regretting his answer. Who was he to tell the Intendant of Terok Nor that her idea was not a good one?

There was a short silence during which the Intendant only looked at him with a small, disquieting smile playing about her mouth. “Well,” she said softly. “As you wish. But maybe just think about it before you give me a definitive answer. Meanwhile”—she turned her attention back to Jennifer—“it was so lovely to meet you in person, to get to know you a little better.” Her gaze flickered between Sisko and his wife. “I have a feeling this will turn out to be a very profitable meeting for all of us.”

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