Star-Struck, Book 1 (6 page)

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Authors: Twyla Turner

BOOK: Star-Struck, Book 1
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“Okay Sunny. I want you to close your eyes. Cover them with your hands if you have to, but I don’t want you to see where we’re going yet.

“Fine.” Sunny grumbled.

They must have driven about fifteen more minutes before he told her to open her eyes. When she uncovered her eyes, the big sign in front of her filled her with instant joy.

“Sea World! I’ve never been, but always wanted to go! How did you know?” Sunny was literally bouncing in her seat with anticipation.

“I had no idea. But it just seemed like something fun that you would like.” Gabe’s grin screamed happy and proud for making the right decision.

“When I was a kid I wanted to work here. I wanted to be a marine biologist. And well, also a veterinarian, a zoologist, and an astronomer. I had some pretty big aspirations back then. And the inability to focus, obviously.” She shrugged sheepishly.

Gabe laughed as he got out of the truck, making his way around to open her door. “Come on Sweet Girl. Let’s go meet the fishy co-workers you would’ve had if you worked here.

“Ha! Funny.” Sunny rolled her eyes, but smiled happily. Taking the hand he extended to her, they made their way to the entrance.







Chapter 6





The afternoon spent with Sunny, was one of the most enchanting Gabe could ever remember having. She was just a happy person, filled with joy. It was infectious. He also couldn’t ever remember smiling this hard either. His cheeks were killing him. He had no idea how she could smile this much without her face cramping.
Maybe that’s why her cheeks are so big and rosy…they’ve been worked out a lot.
At one point he even had to ask her. She simply replied, “I’m used to it. Though they do ache a little today.” She even tried to smoosh down her cheeks with her hands and made a funny face to relax her mouth. But the instant she released her cheeks, the smile bounced right back into place. She just shrugged her shoulders as if to say, ‘oh well’, and skipped off to the next exhibit.

That’s how the afternoon went; her skipping, zigzagging, or dancing her way from one spot to another, filled with pent up energy. Gabe noticed that if there was music playing, Sunny would invariably start to dance and sing. And
people loved it…loved her. They would either dance and sing with her or smile and laugh at the entertainment.

Gabe also realized that Sunny made friends everywhere she went. She wasn’t afraid to talk to anyone. She would chitchat in the lines for rides, in front of the sea turtle tank and even while waiting in line to get giant pretzels and frozen lemonade.
People just gravitated towards her. He didn’t have to worry much about people recognizing him. All the focus was on Sunny. Even the sea mammals loved her.

The best was watching her during the Dolphin Encounter. The dolphin she interacted with, Phineas, took to her and vice-versa. The trainer had her feed the dolphin fish, made him twirl jump and at the end kissed her on the lips with his long bottle-nose, making Gabe’s heart burst. The dolphin even tried to follow her as she walked around the tank as they started to exit the dolphin arena. She looked up at Gabe with a huge grin on her face. He stopped her and wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

“You know, I don’t think it’s fair that a dolphin got to kiss you before I did.” The dolphin had actually given him the perfect lead-in. Hey, he took what he could get.

“Welllll, then I guess there is just one thing that can make it right.” Sunny raised her chin, putting her lips in direct line with his.

Gabe slowly bent down and gently brushed his lips across hers, trying to savor the moment. Electric pulses shot through his body and he started to deepen the kiss.
Gabe was splashed with a shit ton of water.
What the hell!
Gabe turned and looked to see a fin dip back into the water. Then the dolphin’s head popped up and started squealing, in what suspiciously sounded like a laugh. The trainer had to call the dolphin back. She came over apologizing profusely and directed them towards a locker room with hairdryers he could use to dry himself off.

Sunny had been extra quiet since the incident started. Gabe looked down at her and saw that she was squeezing her lips together in an attempt to keep from laughing. But failed the instant he looked at her.

“AAAAAAhahahahaha!” She doubled over, clutching her stomach as she laughed at him.

“Humph…” Gabe frowned at her.

This of course, made her laugh harder. “That had to be the cutest thing I think I’ve ever seen. A jealous dolphin. Hahahahaha!” Gasping, she could barely breathe from laughing so hard.

I’ll give you something to gasp about.
Gabe thought it was time for him to take a stand for his pride. He took his hat off and threw it onto the counter. Smirking at her, he brought his arms up, reached behind his back, grabbed his t-shirt near the nape of his neck, and slowly started to pull the shirt up. The laughter died quickly as Sunny stared at him with huge eyes, realizing what he was about to do.




Oh, boy!
Sunny gulped. She watched as Gabe lifted his soaking wet t-shirt up from the back. The situation had been so comical that she hadn’t noticed how the wet shirt looked transparent and clung to him like a second skin. She noticed now.
Drumroll, please! And the winner of the Hot Guy Wet T-shirt Contest is…

The shirt came over his head and he also tossed that on the counter with his hat. Then he reached behind her to a rack of towels she hadn’t noticed before, his skin and scent so close to her, she thought she might pass out. He grabbed a towel and started rubbing it down he chiseled pecs and washboard abs.
Oh, unfair!
Her hands flexed at her sides with the need to touch him. But she couldn’t move. Didn’t dare move.

“Sunny?” His deep voice caressed her like a warm breeze.

She couldn’t speak. All she could do was look up into his eyes, which got her every time with that vibrant blue gaze.

“Why haven’t you ever touched me? I’m always finding little ways to touch you. Sunny, I
you to touch me. I crave your sweetness.” Sunny saw that he meant every word, the look in his eyes so vulnerable. And she realized that she’d went out of her way not to touch him, for fear that this would all just be a dream.

Digging deep to find the courage that she needed, she took the few steps that brought her an inch away from his skin. Close enough that if she inhaled deeply her breasts would rub against his stomach. Slowly she reached up and gently placed her fingertips on the scruff that covered his cut jawline. With fingers splayed, she brushed
her thumbs along his cheeks. His eyes fluttered closed and nostrils flared. Sunny slid her hands away from his face and focused on his ridiculously broad chest. Her hands rested lightly on his pecs, feeling the dusting of black hairs there. Then she smoothed her hands over the taut skin till her fingers brushed his flat pink nipples. And something in him snapped.

A growl escaped his lips, and before she could process what was happening, he bent down, crushed his lips to hers and wrapped his arms around her lush bottom and lifted her like she weighed nothing.
Holy shit! He can lift me!
She wrapped her legs around his waist as he quickly walked her to the counter, setting her on the edge, biting, nibbling and making a meal of her lips. He pulled back sharp blue eyes searching warm honey, seeking permission. Getting the answer he needed, his hands grabbed her face and his lips swooped down, tongue plunging into her awaiting mouth.

Once she had touched him, it was like she couldn’t stop. Her hands were all over him; his back, shoulders, chest, tight abs, bulging arms and beautiful face. She couldn’t get enough of his hot flesh. As their tongues intertwined, mimicking what their bodies wanted to do, Sunny tried to get closer to him, her wet heat seeking his hot steel. But her dress was in the way, tangled around her knees and thighs. Gabe realized what she was trying to do, and brought her arms around his neck and just as politely as he pleased grabbed her butt to lift her up and slid her dress up until it was bunched at her hips, then he sat her back down. Gripping her hips, he slid her closer to the edge of the counter. Her knees spread of their own accord to make room for him in the middle. Her wet panties exposed, she could smell the musky scent of her arousal in the space between them.

“Ah God! I can smell you. Smell how much you want me.” Gabe’s forehead rested against her shoulder as he breathed in deep. He grasped her hips again pulling her up against an impressive (as far as she could tell), erection encased in denim. Little gasps slipped through her lips every time he thrust forward, rubbing his hardness against her covered clit, the friction causing delicious need to slice through her. Until her gasps became cries, becoming louder and more frequent. She felt the climax building as he pressed soft kisses all over her face, continuing to grind into her. And as she went over the edge, he covered her mouth in a heated kiss, tongues stroking absorbing her loud cry.

Sunny reluctantly broke the kiss and Gabe rested his forehead against hers, their breath mixing harsh and hot. Never had she found her orgasm with a man, and this man quickly brought one out just from

“And that is exactly why I hadn’t touched you. I knew I’d have no control.” Sunny whispered.

“Hmm…,” Gabe had no words yet. He just rubbed his hardness against her once, twice, three times. Sunny shuddered, clit still sensitive. Gabe finally pulled away slowly, putting needed distance between them. He tried to adjust himself in the crotch area to get more comfortable, but Sunny could see the strain on his jeans and his face.

“Oh God, Gabe! I’m so sorry to keep doing this to you. I’m gonna end up giving you blue balls.” Sunny cringed seeing the discomfort on his face.

“Sunny-” Gabe said in warning.

“Wait.” Sunny interrupted. “Before you yell at me. I wasn’t apologizing for being me I was apologizing for putting you through pain. I don’t want to see you suffer because you’re giving me so much pleasure and you’re getting none in return.” She reached across and grabbed him by the belt and pulled him closer once more. With trembling fingers she unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his jeans and was sliding down the zipper when they heard someone enter the locker room.

Sunny quickly jumped down from the counter, straightening her dress. While Gabe zipped back up, fastened his belt and picked up his shirt and the hairdryer and started drying it, right as the trainer from earlier came around the corner.

“Hey guys. How’s it coming along?” Gabe turned slightly and looked down, apparently not wanting her to recognize him.

Sunny stepped up. “Oh, we’re doing good. Almost finished.”

“Yeah, sorry again. Phineas doesn’t normally do things like that. He must have really liked you.” She said smiling at Sunny.

“I guess so. It was sweet though.”

“Pfft!” That came from Gabe’s general direction and Sunny had to laugh to herself.
Jealous much…over a dolphin!

“Well, I better get back. Have a good evening. And take as long as you need.” She waved goodbye as she walked around the corner.

Sunny walked up to Gabe’s back, wrapped her arms around his waist, pressed her nose against his firm but soft skin and rubbed her face back and forth against him. His body tensed with pent up need. Sunny spoke against his back, “Maybe I’ll finish up what I started, later.” Gabe just put his head back and a groan came from deep in his chest. It rumbled so deep she could feel it through his back.

“You’re gonna be the death of me, woman.” His voice came out in a thick sexy rasp.

Sunny just smiled into his back and squeezed him a little harder.

“Alright, Sweet Girl. Let me get you out of here before I take advantage of you in a bathroom stall.” He pulled her around to his front to give her a big hug, before he slipped back on his shirt and hat. Then they headed out.







Chapter 7





They walked back to his truck hand in hand. Once there he unlocked and opened that passenger door for her to get in. She had never been so spoiled before. She knew that she had told him she deserved better than ‘booty-call’ treatment, but actually getting what you want, she realized would take some getting used to.

Gabe opened the driver side door and reached back to grab a shirt that had been hanging behind the seat. “Give me just a second.” He smiled at her while he shrugged on a beautiful azure blue dress shirt with shiny pinstripes of the same color, over his now dry t-shirt. The color of the shirt seemed to make his eyes glimmer like a wolf’s. All predator and she was his prey. He then pulled dress shoes and socks out of a gym bag that was tucked under the seat. He pulled off his gym shoes and gym socks and swapped them out for the dressy replacements. He took off his hat and grabbing one of the bottles of water he had purchased earlier for them, he took the cap off, poured some in his hands and slid his wet hands through his hair. Sunny realized he was rewetting his wavy locks to get rid of his ‘hat-hair’.

She was enthralled at the entire process of him changing for a night out. “Well my, my, my.” Sunny said as she fanned herself with her hand.

Gabe looked up from his reflection after fixing his hair and gave Sunny a cocky grin. “Is there something you like?”

“Hell yes!”

Gabe got into the truck, leaned across and kissed Sunny quickly but deeply on the lips, just a hint of his tongue flicking her lips. Now that the first kiss was over with, Sunny knew it was game on. There would be constant stolen kisses from here on out.

“So you’ve decided to ditch the hat? Isn’t that a little risky?
People are going to recognize you instantly. You’re kinda hard to ignore.” Sunny looked him up and down as he started the truck and pulled out of the parking lot.

“I know. But a lot of the dress codes for the bars and clubs are strict. And besides, I’ve hung out around here a lot and no one bothers me too much. It’s nice.” Gabe reached over and squeezed Sunny’s hand reassuringly.

She looked down at their hands, her heart warming. “Okay, I trust your judgment. I just don’t want a repeat of last night. That was pretty awful.”

“Yeah it was. I got my ass pinched and grabbed several times. And a couple of girls and quite possibly even a dude cupped my junk!”

“Ha! How do you know it was a guy?”

“Because if it wasn’t, that chick had awfully big hands.” His face was dead serious.

Sunny’s head fell onto his shoulder as she laughed hysterically. Shaking her head back and forth on his shoulders, she wiped the tears off her face. She leaned a bit closer and kissed him on the cheek, finding it easier and easier to show her affection towards him without the fear of being rejected.

“Just to let you know, I told Trent last night that I quit.”

“What? Oh Sunny, I never intended for that to happen. I know how much you love to perform, I could tell.” Gabe smoothed a tendril away from her cheek and looked down at her sadly.

“It’s okay. I can always find someone else that can play a guitar and willing to sing in front of a crowd. Don’t worry about it.” She covered the hand he still had on her face comfortingly.

“So are you hungry?”

“Yeah, a little.”

“Well I’m starving…and not for food.” He stared down at her lips. Then a horn honked behind them, making them jump apart, letting them know that the light they were stopped at had turned green. He blew out a harsh breath. “Alright, let’s go eat…food.”




Gabe parked on a side street in Mission Beach, an area filled with bars, restaurants, shops and a boardwalk amusement park. Laid-back and chill enough for Sunny to feel comfortable and at ease. Their first stop would be Risqué, an intimate lounge with good food.

They walked the few blocks to the lounge, hand in hand. He was glad that she was becoming comfortable enough to show and reciprocate affection. He was also glad that it was now evening, dark enough for
people not to recognize him. Plus, most people didn’t usually expect to see anyone famous walking down the street. He wasn’t ready for his date to be interrupted, things were going too well. And Sunny deserved his full attention.

When they got to the door, they were instantly let in without question. Gabe knew the bouncer from the previous times he had come to the lounge. Walking in, the lounge had a dark seductive feel to it. It was decorated in black, red, silver and gold. With leather booths and velvet couches. They sat next to each other on one of the cozy leather love seats. Across the room from where they sat were works of art of the naked female form, many similar to the Renaissance age, where the women reminded him of Sunny. Soft with dangerous curves, like what he felt a woman should look like.

As he looked at Sunny, who was looking around taking in the details of the place, he thought of the women he’d been with in the past. Several had been hard-bodies, with hours spent at the gym. Others skinny and waif-like, that ate like rabbits. But gazing at Sunny he realized that none of that was as appealing as her plush and inviting curves. He just wanted to bury himself in her and not leave for a week. If only he could convince her of this, he’d be in business.

A waitress walked up to take their food and drink orders. Her mouth dropped open when she realized who he was. “Wow. Mr. Wolf, my name is Bree and I’ll be your server tonight. And if there is anything you need, I mean anything, don’t hesitate to ask. Is there anything I can get you started with?”

Gabe recognized the innuendo in her voice. But there was absolutely nothing that the frail, bleach blonde with gigantic fake boobs could do for him. Noticing that she hadn’t even acknowledged Sunny’s presence, Gabe looked to Sunny to place her order first. “Ladies first.” He pointedly looked at Bree then at Sunny, letting her know that he was in fact with the beautiful girl next to him. “What would you like to drink, Sweet Girl?”

For the second time the waitress’s mouth dropped open and gave Sunny a look he didn’t appreciate. “Oh, sorry. What can I get for you?” She asked in a snotty tone.

Sunny ignored her and gave Gabe an innocent look. “I’ll take a
, with lime and a salt shaker please.”

Gabe looked at Sunny suspiciously, wondering what she was up too. “I’ll take a whiskey, neat.”

The waitress scurried away to grab their orders. Gabe still stared at Sunny curiously.


“You’re up to something.”

“I have no idea what you’re talking about.” She smiled sweetly at him as the waitress brought their drinks. She placed their drinks in front of them, as well as Sunny’s salt shaker and lime on a napkin.

“Would you also like to order something to eat?” The waitress asked.

“Give us a few minutes, thank you.” Gabe responded not looking at her, but focused on Sunny to see what she planned to do with the lime and salt. He understood the lime, but had no idea what the salt could be for.

Sunny grabbed the lime, squeezed the juices into the bottle of
, took the lime and rubbed it all over the neck of the bottle, coating the neck in lime juice. Then she grabbed the bottle tilted it to the side, took the salt shaker and started to shake salt onto the bottleneck as she rotated it, until the neck was lightly covered in salt.
What the hell is she doing? OH. MY. GOD!

Gabe watched as she brought the bottle to her mouth, then placed her tongue on the bottom of the neck, slowly licked up to the top and then tipped the bottle up taking a sip of the beer. She placed the bottle back on the table and look
ed up at him from under her lashes coyly.

She was the only woman who could make him go from normal to rock hard in the span of a second. “You totally did that on purpose!”

“I did not! I love
and that is how I was taught to drink it the first time I ever had one.”

“Right. You could’ve had any of the many beers they have here. Even your favorite ‘blue mountains’, but you decide to get the beer that you happen to lick like a champ? I really think that you are trying to kill me. Death by exploding blue balls!” He scowled at her.

“Well since you put it that way, now I just feel bad. I didn’t mean to get you worked up. Well not that worked up.”

Gabe leaned into her, burying his nose in her neck and rubbing it up to her ear. “Don’t worry I have every intention of getting you back later. Much. Much. Later.” Each of the last words was punctuated by a kiss on her ear, finished by a quick flick of his tongue on the shell. Uncontrollable shivers coursed through her body.

“Ahem.” A voice broke into their playful flirtation. They looked up to see the sour faced waitress. “Are you ready to place your orders?”

“Oh, sorry. I may not be that hungry anymore, seeing as how good she tastes.” Gabe purposely said it to piss

“Don’t listen to him. Sorry, we haven’t even looked at the menu. Hold on just as sec.” Sunny quickly scanned the menu. “Hey Gabe, do you like hummus?”

“Love it.”

“Okay, we’ll start with the hummus platter appetizer. And I’ll have the Mediterranean Stromboli.”

“And I’ll get the Buffalo Chicken Stromboli. Thank you.” Gabe ordered and quickly dismissed the waitress. Turning back to Sunny, “So, you have a thing for Mediterranean cuisine?”

“Yeah. Most of it is light and flavorful. I love it.”

Hmm…maybe one day, if everything goes the way I hope it will, I’ll take her there.

“You’re flavorful.” Gabe murmured while he reached over to nibble on her neck and shoulder.

“And you’re full of it.” Sunny said breathlessly as she pushed him off of her neck. “So I only got to ask you one question about yourself earlier. That wasn’t nearly enough.”

Gabe pretended to pout at not being able to taste more of her skin, but it was probably a good idea that she stopped him, because he knew he couldn’t. “Alright shoot.”

“Well, first let me start by saying that
is one of my favorite websites and apps of all time. I’m looking up movie and actor information almost on a daily basis. So yes, I have looked you up before. But I’m not a stalker or anything.” She was looking down at her wringing hands again.

Gabe touched her chin with his index finger and pressed up, forcing her to look at him. “No one would accuse you of being a stalker, Sweet Girl. Most times you’re trying to run away from me.”

“True. Though I’m trying to stay put.”

“I’ve noticed. And I’m glad.” He leaned forward and gently placed a kiss on her ridiculously soft lips and had to restrain himself from going deeper.

Again, she pulled back and inhaled and exhaled slowly. As if, she was trying to check herself as well. “So as I was saying. I noticed that your Mini Biography was empty, but there was some Trivia about you. One of the things it said was that you were an orphan. And I’ve seen interviews with you, where they asked you questions about your childhood, but you always find a way to dodge the questions. So…what was your childhood like?” She finally asked hesitantly.

This subject he had always avoided like the plague. His past life was no one’s business. And his skin usually prickled in anger when anyone asked about it. But now, he felt like purging himself. Telling her everything. He realized that he trusted her…that much. With his past.
With my heart. Shit!
He knew he was in trouble now, if she walked away. If she decided that she couldn’t deal with the constant scrutiny of being with someone in the spotlight. And she walked away. She’d be taking all of him with her. That’s just how much she had already gotten under his skin. Infiltrated his every emotion. Now that he knew her and she was a part of his life, he couldn’t imagine her not being in it.
How could this beautiful tiny curvy little spitfire come to mean so much to me in only three days’ time?
He couldn’t figure it out, but decided not to question it. And to just open up.
Well, here goes nothing.
And for the first time since he had become
Gabriel Wolf
the actor, he told his story.

Gabe cleared his throat, “Sunny, you have to understand that this is hard for me. I’ve never talked about my past with anyone before.” He took a deep breath, fortifying himself to tell a difficult part of his life. And gaining strength from the reassuring and attentive look she gave him. But before he could start the waitress came back with their appetizer. She left quickly after placing the plates on the table, sensing the tension.

Sunny picked up some of the warm pita bread and dipped it into the hummus, patiently waiting for him to begin. He loved that she wasn’t pushing, just giving him time to get his thoughts together. As if she had all the time in the world.




He also took some food, chewed thoughtfully and began again. “
was right. I was…am an orphan.”  Sunny could see the hurt written all over his face when he said the word ‘orphan’. It broke her heart. He continued through the pain. “I was abandoned at the hospital after I was born. My mother left a note, a picture, and a baby blanket that she had crocheted herself. In the note she wrote that her and my father had been happily married. Her name was Francesca and she was from Spain…Mataró, a coastal city outside of Barcelona. And my father Erik Wolf was from Oslo, Norway. I guess he came from a wealthy family that wanted him to follow his in father’s and grandfather’s footsteps and become a doctor. And before he went off to medical school, he took a holiday, traveling around Europe. That’s when he met my mother. She was eighteen and he was twenty-two.

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