Star Force: Perquisition (11 page)

Read Star Force: Perquisition Online

Authors: Aer-Ki Jyr

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Action & Adventure, #Science Fiction & Fantasy, #Science Fiction, #Colonization, #Galactic Empire, #Military, #Space Fleet, #Space Marine, #Space Opera, #Two Hours or More (65-100 Pages)

BOOK: Star Force: Perquisition
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“If they put in a kill code I’m going to be pissed,”
Brad said half-jokingly.

“Fortunately our bad guy overlords have an ego, else
they could very well have done so. If you ask Kara what they’d think of a
rebellious Zen’zat she’d probably laugh.”

“Yeah, not looking forward to taking on one of them
hand to hand. At least they’re not out to wipe us from existence.”

“Kara got on their good side,”
said, knowing well that there was more to it than that. “How are your guys’

“Partial improvement with the Purples. Beyond that
Protovic standard.”

“And the Oranges?”

“Their speed is faster, but reaction time is the

“And the Reds?”

“They’re damn clever. Not up to Archon standards, but
they’re definitely thinkers rather than followers.”

“We don’t want followers,”
reminded him. “We’re in the right, so why should we fear thinkers?”

“They’d make really good serial killers.”

“Their ancestors did well enough in that regard
without the enhancement.”

“True,” Brad acknowledged. “Think I’m worrying too

“The V’kit’no’sat don’t worry about such things
because they can solve any problem that arises by beating the crap out of it.
We’re Archons, we can do the same. You said you were short on Monarch
candidates. How do these Reds stack up?”

“Too soon to tell, but Davis has one of his people
here looking into it.”

glanced at him. “Did you
request that?”

“I should have. He saw the possibility before I did.”

“That guy has his fingers into everything.”

“Lucky us,” Brad said as his earpiece chirped. He
mentally turned it on and heard the voice of one of his command staff giving
him a priority update. He remained silent, listening for a long bit as
saw a twitch in him.

“Copy that,” Brad said, shutting off the earpiece with
another thought.

asked, sensing
something important.

“We just got a message packet in from one of our
scouting teams. They’ve found the 8th variant.”

insides twisted up with
a mix of excitement and trepidation. This was the last piece of the genetic
puzzle they’d been searching 90 years for. “What color?”


snickered, but when Brad
didn’t reciprocate he sensed something was wrong. “And?”

“And they’re unlocked. They have telepathy.”


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