Stalk Me (12 page)

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Authors: Jennifer Salaiz

BOOK: Stalk Me
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Nicole writhed on the bed. Trevor used his other hand to play with her clit. The hoarse moans eased their way out of her throat. He moved down at the perfect time and captured her release the moment she convulsed with spasms.

With the tie that Ayden had to Trevor, and, with Nicole being mated to him, he knew without a doubt Ayden tasted Nicole just as much as he did. The thought made him want to smile. The sudden

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realization of what it would take to bring Ayden storming through the door made him laugh.

* * * *

Nicole lay there fighting for air. She couldn’t breathe past all the heavy moaning she’d been doing. Her throat felt dry and hoarse, but she knew the perfect thing to soothe it.

“How about we try for one more time?” Trevor said, smiling up at her as she rose on her elbows.

“I have a better idea,” Nicole said, moving toward him. “Get up there and lay down, I need a break.”

Trevor complied and rose to the pillows. Flicking her tongue over his hard nipple, she watched him close his eyes, groaning. Gently, Nicole bit the hard nub, sucking it into her mouth. With her hand, she began to stroke his cock. Slowly, she nibbled her way down until she was placing him back into her mouth. With slow strokes of her hand, she met her lips while she worked her way down.

The more Trevor moaned the faster Nicole’s movements became.

The need to taste him again only drove her to go faster. All Nicole felt was air until her back connected with the bed. She looked up at Trevor, feeling her eyes go wide.

“It’s time.”

Thickness eased deep into her while Trevor buried his length to the base of his cock. She wrapped her arms around his neck while he began to kiss her passionately.

With each thrust, he became more demanding, kissing her with more emotion and moving into her harder. Her nails dug into his back, driving him on.

* * * *

Trevor gathered both of Nicole’s legs and placed them on his
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shoulders. His cock plunged into her again, deeper this time. His fingers gripped her headboard as he brought himself down for another powerful thrust.

“Oh, fuck, right there,” Nicole moaned against his ear. He smiled and knew it was almost time. He began to pound into her while her pussy tightened around his cock.

Closing his eyes and lowering himself, he prayed Ayden wouldn’t kill him for this. Trevor’s teeth sank into Nicole’s shoulder, the one Ayden hadn’t marked. Blood coated the inside of his mouth, so rich with Ayden’s bond for Nicole that he felt the tie electrically merge with his. Currents rippled through his insides at the intense joining.

Now, they were three. The pure power overwhelmed him.

Nicole’s moan vibrated against his teeth. He pulled his cock out just in time to shoot across Nicole’s stomach. Then his phone rang.


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Chapter 17

Nicole reached for Trevor’s phone on the bedside table. The thought of them affecting Ayden at all made her excited. Had they succeeded? He quickly took it away from her before she could open the damn thing.

“We can’t answer it. He’s going to be pissed. We need to get him here, and the only way to do that is to ignore his calls. Nicole, I just marked you,” Trevor said uneasily. “Ayden is going to think I’ve either, one, betrayed him, or two, challenged him. We have to let him believe both possibilities if we want him to get angry enough to show up.”

“You’re right. So, what now?”

“Now we get cleaned up, rest, and start all over again. Are you up for it?” Trevor asked, smiling at her.


* * * *

Ayden could only see red as he stared at the vehicles passing him from the shoulder of the busy highway. Rage and betrayal like he never felt before consumed his mind, his body, every part of Ayden that made him the person he was.

The moment Nicole’s scent filled the interior of his truck, he had to pull over. Confused by the thoughts rushing into his head, Ayden couldn’t concentrate enough to drive. After Nicole’s heated speech, he was on his way to tell them he wanted to come home, how sorry he felt for leaving in the first place. Her taking his kitten felt equivalent
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to her taking their child. As stupid as it sounded to him, he’d spent the last few days associating it with her memory. It broke his heart to have the only piece of her he held tight taken away.

When pleasure and love swept every inch of his body, he knew they were Trevor’s feelings. The conflicting emotions tore at him again until he thought he was going to scream out in agony. If he wouldn’t have left and handed her over, this would be what he’d be feeling. Nicole was his, but his best friend was also a part of him.

Over and over, Ayden felt and tasted Nicole’s climax, which made Trevor more and more possessive over her. Trevor and Ayden were a lot more alike than he realized. Of course, they had never been in love or mated with the same person before. Ayden knew Trevor wouldn’t give Nicole up any more than he was willing to.

Electrical currents and the most uncontrollable rage shot through him the moment Trevor’s teeth sank into her flesh. For some reason, he knew it would happen. The possessiveness told him it was what he himself would do in the same situation, what he
done. So why did he feel so angry?

He let the question circulate around his brain and push its way through every lie that he continued to tell himself. Could he let her go, really let her go and never see her again? Leave her to be with Trevor forever? A man who had betrayed not only his best friend, but his alpha?

Ayden growled, slamming his fist into the stereo of his truck. It caved under his strength.

“She’s mine, not his. Mine!”

* * * *

Nicole looked at the clock. It was close to three. Body aches covered her from head to toe. She rolled back over and looked at Trevor’s sweaty body, which was sprawled out on the bed in the same position she had left him in.


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“I don’t think I’m going to have to worry about Ayden. You’re going to kill me before he gets here to do the job himself,” Trevor said with his deep, hoarse voice.

Both of their voices were almost gone with the amount of moans and screams they’d been doing. Nicole wasn’t sure how much longer this could go on before she, herself, ended up useless.

“Why do you think Ayden’s going to kill you? He has no right to get angry. He’s the one who left.”

“Yes he did, but you heard how adamant he was about me not marking you. That is the biggest no-no a werewolf can commit. It’s basically like I came in and stole his wife.”

“That doesn’t make sense. He gave his,” Nicole put her fingers up to resemble quotation marks, “‘wife’ away, so to speak, so why should it matter?”

“It’s complicated.” Trevor grabbed his boxers off the floor and slid them on. “It’s just not to be done with any man’s mate. With Ayden being alpha, it only makes things worse. It’s like, not only am I stealing you, I’m challenging his authority. More than likely a few blows will be exchanged, I’ll cower down, and then, maybe we can get a few words in before he either storms out or stays.”

“A few blows?” Nicole stood, grabbing and putting on her blue silk robe.

“Well, that’s if I’m lucky. My luck, he’ll try to kill me, but I’m hoping that isn’t the case.”

“Oh, it’s the case all right,” Ayden said, practically flying through the window. Nicole looked into his glowing eyes and froze.

Trevor smiled, and Nicole wanted to wipe that smile off his face.

This wasn’t the time for jokes or provocation. They needed to focus on why they brought him here and try to explain the situation.

“Is it? So, you’re going to kill me, and, what, leave Nicole alone again?” Trevor asked, taking a step toward Ayden.

“No, she’s mine. She’s coming with me. I trusted you, and you’re trying to take her away from me!”

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“You can’t take something away that’s been given free and clear.”

Ayden began to shake with rage. Nicole ran to him. She needed to explain and calm him before this plan exploded in all their faces.

“Ayden,” she said soothingly. His glowing eyes didn’t break from Trevor. “Ayden!” she yelled, finally drawing his attention. “We only did this to bring you back. Trevor and I don’t want to lose you. We want you here with us, as a couple. Just the three of us. Do you know how lost we are without you? He’s your best friend. I’m both of your mates. Trevor and I can’t do this alone.”

Confused, Ayden shook his head. The glow in his eyes dimmed from a golden color to a darker brown.

“No, I felt what he felt. He thinks of you as his.”

Trevor took another step forward.

“No shit. Think about it, Ayden. If we were all three together, wouldn’t I think like that? You gave her to me and I’m her mate.

She’s part mine, too, so of course I’m going to feel like that.”

Nicole pushed her body against his.

“Stay with us, Ayden. Let us all three together be the perfect couple. Where one of us leaves off, the other can pick up. No one’s perfect, but all of us together, we could be close. Think about it.”

Nicole ran her hand down his hard chest.

The quivering beneath her finger told her he still felt affected by her touch.

“Me, you, and Trevor.” Nicole stepped closer, wrapping her arms around him. He moaned at her hard nipples pushing through the silk against his stomach.

“I was on my way here before all this happened to tell you both I’m sorry. Without either of you I’m just as lost. I’ve been stupid. A complete ass. Are you sure this is what you both want? I know I don’t deserve it, but will you both take back? I promise I’ll never leave again.”

“Yes,” both she and Trevor said at the same precise moment.

After a long pause, Ayden nodded.


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“All right,” he said, pulling Nicole into a searing kiss.

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Chapter 18

The heat infested Nicole from head to toe as Ayden pulled her up to straddle his hips. They fell to the bed in a tangle of greedily clutching limbs. Running her fingers over him frantically, she tried touching every part of him imaginable.

“Trevor, hold her arms over her head,” Ayden said, easing them from around his neck. “Baby, slow down. Fucking is good, but there’s so much more you need to see. You need to be shown how a woman should really be treated. I’ve wasted too much time rushing things, but not anymore. Let Trevor and I make love to you the way you were meant to be made love to.”

Nicole felt her arms lifted, but that didn’t stop her from connecting with Ayden’s mouth again. She needed to taste him, couldn’t get enough of the addicting flavor she thought she would never taste again. He was back and this time for good. A part of her almost couldn’t believe it. Sure, he needed help getting over what happened with Michael, but between her and Trevor, they could make sure he accomplished that. Together they’d try to erase every pain he ever felt.

Hot breath traveled down her throat while Ayden made his way to her breasts. The leisurely pace he’d settled upon while he ran his tongue across the surface of her skin caused the tip of her nails to embed in Trevor’s hand. The mischievous smile he flashed down at her told her one thing. They’d only just begun.

* * * *


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Trevor looked into Nicole’s heavy-lidded eyes while Ayden took his time at her breasts. The pink settling on her cheeks made her face glow with beauty. She was meant to look this way. If he could, he’d keep her in the moment for all time. Lowering himself, he pressed his lips against hers, teasing her tongue in slow, soft stokes.

Holding her hands firmly, he could feel her starting to push slightly against his restraint.

“Don’t worry, honey. We’re going to take real good care of you.

There’s no need to rush things. Close your eyes and feel us. The need to hurry will be there, but know you don’t have to submit. If you wait, I promise, the pleasure we’ll give you will not even be comparable to the other times.”

Barely brushing her skin, he placed kisses along her face and over her eyes, causing them to close. He slowed the contact enough to see whether she’d listened to him about feeling. With her eyes still shut, he went back to kissing her face and neck. The scent of her skin made his mouth water. Running his tongue up her throat, he let her taste wash over him.

The swell of emotion Trevor felt settling into his chest could have been a combination of all three of them, but the feeling of love couldn‘t be denied. They all seemed to be experiencing it, and, for the first time, the legends and hype on the reasons for finding a mate became clear.

The last thing he would have ever bet on would have been a relationship involving his best friend and his best friend’s mate. But somehow, something looked down upon him and offered a gift he’d never be able to repay. The only way he could think to show gratitude would be to treasure it always. And he would.

Nicole and Ayden would always come first, never do without, and forever hold his heart.

* * * *

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Nicole’s scent engulfed Ayden. He couldn’t help but feel in heaven while he began to ease her thighs apart. Running the tip of his tongue against her wet slit, he collected all the wetness he’d made while taking his time on her breasts. The rewards were well worth the suffering his body continued to go through. But for Nicole, to show her how much she truly was worth, he’d suffer endlessly. But she never would. Not another day would he let her feel the pain he’d put her through, and he planned on spending the rest of his life making it up to her.

He felt drunk with her flavor as he continued to take her in. She was his and Trevor’s forever. There wasn’t any turning back now.

He’d been stupid to leave. What he planned to accomplish still wouldn’t come to him, but the more he thought about it, he knew Trevor and Nicole would have never bonded as they did if he hadn’t left. Fate, destiny, coincidence, or something altogether more powerful than he could understand, he wasn’t sure. All he knew was that everything worked out perfectly.

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