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Authors: Rosemary Sullivan

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Film and Television

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, television documentary, dir. Irina Gedrovich. Fabryka Kino (distributor), 2008.

Svetlana About Svetlana
, film, writer, dir. Lana Parshina, 2008. Distributed by Icarus Films, 2009.

Unpublished Interviews

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Meryle Secrest Collection, Audio recordings: Group 1, Tapes 1–21; Group 2, Tapes 1–28, Hoover Institution Archives.

Rosamond Richardson interviews with Svetlana Alliluyeva, Saffron Walden, 1991. Audio recordings, Tapes 1-6. Private Collection of Rosamond Richardson.

Illustration Credits

Page v
: Svetlana Alliluyeva private collection; courtesy of Chrese Evans.
Page xii
: Illustrator.
Page 13
: Svetlana Alliluyeva private collection; courtesy of Chrese Evans.
Page 17
: Svetlana Alliluyeva private collection; courtesy of Chrese Evans.

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