Stacy's Dad Has Got It Going On (8 page)

BOOK: Stacy's Dad Has Got It Going On
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She tried to watch for passersby, but
the night was dark and any other couple walking along this stretch was probably
there for the same damn reason. Besides, who could be offended by such
beautiful passion? God, how they must look together—gorgeous blond Eric
squeezing supple young Savannah’s firm breast while he played with her clit
under a layer of denim. She could see them together in her mind. That vision of
enthusiasm encouraged her to rub her mound against his fingers as he stroked

What would happen if she touched him
too? How would he respond to his daughter’s roommate, a college student,
unbuckling his belt and reaching inside his pants? Would he realize this had
gone too far? Or would he give in to her once and for all?

People were walking by—she could sense
the presence of others. Savannah opened her eyes to look over Eric’s shoulder,
but he only swept her around so she was now pinned between his body and the
wrought iron river barrier. She met the gaze of a couple goth girls walking
hand-in-hand. One laughed, and then the other did too. “Breeders.”

“Ignore them,” Eric growled. His
breath was so hot and humid it baked her ear and wet her hair. “Touch me,
Savannah. Please, just touch me.”

The invitation brought a surge of
electricity racing to her clit. Her legs nearly gave out as he pronounced her
name, and she could only thank heaven she was pinned between a man and a wall.
She was brave. She was bold. When she plunged her hand inside Eric’s pants and
took hold of him, she was never so happy to be a “breeder.” His cock was firm
and fat. It felt good in her hand and it would feel even better, she knew, in
her pussy.

Savannah’s head seemed to spin. As
Eric played with her engorged clit, she formed a fist around his erection and
pumped. He made all sorts of sounds as she worked him—sighs and wheezes,
screeches and moans—and every one amused her and drove her to produce more.
Every noise he made said to her, “Savannah, you’re gorgeous. I love what you do
to me. You work my cock like a vixen. Nobody’s ever touched me like you have.”

Eric wrapped his palm around her mound
and pressed the meat of it against her clit. His hold on her was so firm he
nearly lifted her off her feet. Every slight motion up or down brought a
tremble straight to her core. Her juice was everywhere as he snuck a finger up
inside her slit. And another.

And then he ceased all motion. She
looked into his eyes to see what was wrong, but met only a masterly tease. Her
heart pounded in her chest as a vicious smile crept across his lips. He was
playing her, and he was in charge. He wasn’t going to move an inch, and if she
wanted to get off on his firm fingers and the flesh of his palm, she’d have to
damn well do it herself.

Fine, Eric
. Savannah could play that way. If he
wanted to get off on her fist, he wouldn’t get any more help from her. She’d
hold his cock tight, sure. She’d let that big boy drool precum all over her
fingers, fine. But would she jerk him off? Would she even move a muscle? Hell

When Eric read the look of childish
petulance in her eyes, he bit his lip with a pointed canine. “You want to get
off?” he asked. “What are you going to do about that?”

“Easy,” Savannah replied. Writhing
against his palm, she jerked her hips in slow circles. With every thrust, his
fingers fucked her and his hand stoked her clit.

He was close to her, locked against
her body by the hand inside her jeans. She could feel his breath all over as
she held her fist steady around his cock. As she moved her hips, he moved his.
Eric’s erection attempted escape—she felt his smooth flesh curl up around his
drooling cockhead—but escape was not allowed. When she closed her fingers tight
as she could around his tip, Eric moaned and thrust his cock back through her

As he thrust, she writhed. Though his
cock and her pussy were separated by four layers of clothing, their hands
brought them together. She could hardly ignore the impact on her faculties as
she forced his fingers inside her pussy. Grinding against his palm, she worked
her hips hard. His fingers filled her slit. The wave was coming to knock her
over. The climax was inevitable.

Her sighs became grunts. She had to
kiss him to keep from releasing a scream that would have brought the entire
police force to her rescue. As she kissed him and writhed against his hand, he
thrust his cock through her fist. She could taste his desire on his tongue. He
grabbed her ass and squeezed it hard as he kissed her, and his lust brought
hers to a fever pitch. She could feel her pussy clenching, clinging to his
fingers, begging them to stay inside her forever. They were perfectly placed,
hitting just the right spot. When she rubbed her clit on his palm, her whole
body exploded, cell by cell, centralized in her tingling bud and flowing out to
her fingertips.

Savannah’s knees went weak. As she
gave her weight over to Eric, she felt his muscles tighten. His body shuddered.
When he yelped, Savannah felt a hot stream of cum against her forearm. It met
her bare flesh in warm spurts, one after another. Her breath followed suit,
tumbling from her lungs in currents of pure fulfillment.

For a moment, Savannah didn’t move and
neither did Eric. The air between them was thick with excised lust. His sweet
breath met her lips as he backed away, gazing at her in disbelief all the
while. “Did that really happen?” he chuckled, extracting his hand from
Savannah’s jeans.

Leaving Eric’s spent cock inside his
pants, she looked down at her arm and giggled with nerves. “If it didn’t really
happen, god only knows where this came from.”

“Sorry,” Eric said.

They both stared at the drizzle of cum
down her arm. When the awkwardness of the situation started to set in, Savannah
giggled again and looked out across the water. “Guess I’d better wash this off,

“Where? In the river?”

She didn’t wait for him to finish
before tossing one leg and then the other over the wrought iron fence. “Might
as well.”

The look on his face was positively
paternal. “Well…be careful, okay?”

She very nearly said, “Yes, father,”
just as a joke, but the more she thought about it, the less amusing it became.
Instead, she said, “Don’t worry. I’ve done this a hundred times,” and left it
at that.

Setting one hand on the crumbling
ground underfoot, Savannah attempted her way down the steep incline.

“Careful,” Eric said once again.

As she looked up at him, she pressed
her foot down against a sapling, but it didn’t have the strength to support her
weight. It bent. She slipped. Though she grasped the dirt with both hands, she
began to slide down the hill. Savannah tried to get herself upright, but that
was exactly the wrong thing to do. Her ankle twisted, and after that she
couldn’t do jack to help herself. The pain shot up through her leg, and she
hollered in agony as she tumbled down toward the river.


Chapter Nine


“Savannah!” Eric cried. “Christ, what
did I tell you? Are you all right?”

She turned her head just in time to
catch Eric hopping the fence and side-stepping his way down loose dirt. “It’s
just my ankle,” she said. “I’ll walk it off. I’m fine.” 

Fortunately, falling flat on her butt
stopped her from plummeting into the river, but even at a standstill, her ankle
hurt like hell. “What a stupid thing to do,” Eric went on. Savannah didn’t
mind—in fact, she would have been offended if his concern wasn’t so obvious.
His hand trembled as he reached for her cheek.

“It’s okay,” she assured him, kissing
the palm that had so recently been nestled against her clit. Her arm was now
covered in dirt. She tried to be subtle about it as she wiped his
mud-splattered cum off against her jeans. “Just help me up and I’ll be fine,”
she said, offering a fake smile. “Don’t worry.”

He seemed to believe her about as much
as she believed herself. Digging his feet into the dirt, he grabbed her by the
naked underarms and heaved her up. The minute she put pressure on her left
foot, an electric shock shot up her leg. She shrieked again and tumbled down,
very nearly dragging Eric with her. But no. He had her and he held her tight. 

“See?” he said. “You’re not fine. You
can’t even stand up.”

“It’s okay,” she repeated. How could
she possibly convince him he didn’t have to worry? “Let’s just get back up to
the walkway.”

He looked down at her, then up toward
the railing, and then back down at her. “Do you have a cell phone? We’re going
to have to put you in an ambulance.”

Panic erupted in her chest. As if she
wasn’t embarrassed enough already! How humiliating would it be to spend her
night with Eric in the emergency room? “No,” she said in the flat sort of tone
no man could argue with. “I told you I’m fine. All we have to do is get back up
that hill.”

He took a deep breath and then asked
again, “Do you have a phone with you?”

She didn’t want to lie to him, so she
didn’t answer the question. “Please,” she begged. “Don’t make a big deal out of
this. Just…please, let’s go home.”

For a moment, Eric stood very still
beside her. When that moment had passed, he descended to his hands and knees in
the dirt. “Let’s try this: can you climb on to my back?”

“Yeah,” Savannah said before thinking
it through. She’d have to throw her left leg over his backside, and she wasn’t
sure she had that much control over its functions at the moment. So, instead,
she propped herself up on her right hand and her right knee before grabbing his
far shoulder with her left hand. Wrapping her arms around his neck, she slid
her front against his back until she was so close she could nearly taste him.
“Okay,” she said. “I’m on board.”

Reaching into the dirt, Eric propelled
them both forward. It was slow-going, but he managed to crawl up the incline
with Savannah clinging to his back. “Hardly heroic,” he laughed, gripping the
very sapling that had betrayed Savannah earlier.

“Sure it is.” Savannah felt guilty
that she’d roped him into saving her and also managed to make him feel like he
wasn’t doing a good job of it. “You found a way to get me out of this mess when
nothing else would work. Of course that’s heroic.”

Tugging on the sapling, Eric propelled
them further up the hill. “Crawling on my hands and knees like a dog hardly
qualifies as heroic.”

“I don’t know.” Savannah chuckled
despite the pain. “Some of my best memories involve being on my hands and knees
like a dog.” 

He didn’t seem to hear her as he
reached out for the wrought iron fence. They were nearly at the top! Savannah
breathed a sigh of relief into Eric’s ear as he went on, “Heroic is throwing
the girl over your shoulder and carrying her from a burning building.”

“Well, how about you carry me over
your shoulder on the way home?” she teased. The pain in her ankle decreased
every time she laughed, and the idea of Eric carrying her down the street
certainly had that effect. “I think we really need to be on solid ground before
you get all heroic on my ass.”

“Hold on tight,” Eric said as he clung
to the fence and pulled them both upright. Savannah struggled to plant her
right foot firmly on the ground without letting the left one set down. She
hopped in place as Eric slid his arm around her waist. “How’s that? Are you

“Yeah,” she said, meaning the word
more than she had the last few times she’d said it. “I’m just not sure how I’m
going to hop back over this fence.”

Overlapping voices echoed along the path.
The same two hand-holding goth girls they’d encountered earlier sauntered back
along the walkway.

“Oh, thank god,” Eric said. His tone
struck Savannah as truly grateful. “Girls, I’m sorry to intrude, but would you
mind giving us a hand over here? My friend here slipped and hurt her ankle. Do
you think I could pass her over the fence to you both?”

“If you dip her in chocolate first,”
one whispered to the other. They both chuckled like the stuck-up front-row
girls in her classes, who laughed like hyenas at every little joke the
professors cracked. But Savannah shouldn’t be so harsh. After all, they were
coming over to help.

“Ready for this?” Eric asked, wedging
one of his feet through the fence.

Without waiting for an answer, he
slipped one hand around Savannah’s shoulder, with the other nestled just below
her hip. Picking her up, he heaved her into the waiting hands of the goth girls
across the fence. The taller girl with shorter hair grabbed hold of Savannah’s
underarms while the shorter girl with longer hair held on to her butt and her
thigh. She’d never felt so many random hands all over her body! The sheer
thrill of that mosh-pit sensation made her forget about the pain in her ankle.

That moment of ebullience didn’t last
too long. When the girls set her down on the walkway, the pain came surging
back. She held on to the fence and hopped on her right foot, thanking the goth
girls effusively. From now on, she planned on being nicer to freaky chicks.

The girl with long dark hair and a
sparkling red necklace brought a cell phone from her purse. “Are you okay? I
can call you an ambulance, if you want.”

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