St Piran's: Italian Surgeon, Forbidden Bride (13 page)

BOOK: St Piran's: Italian Surgeon, Forbidden Bride
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Nervous about attending the party, Jess would never have come alone. Having Gio there made her feel better.
When they’d arrived at the barn, anxiety had gripped her as she’d faced the prospect of socialising with so many people. Unconsciously she’d moved closer to Gio. A moment later her right hand had been enveloped in his left one. Far from flinching away, or reminding him of the no-touching rule, her fingers had linked with his and held on tight.

Now, several hours later, after endless chat and laughter, an informal buffet, complete with hog roast and lashings of champagne, the dancing was soon to begin. Having enjoyed things more than she’d expected to—although she’d lost count of the number of times she’d explained she and Gio were just friends?the prospect of the live band and dancing into the evening was making her tense.

Jess’s gaze strayed to Gio, who was deep in conversation with Polly’s husband, Luca. Both Italian and with similar tragedies in their pasts, the two men had much in common. Luca was also Jess’s GP.

‘Gio’s very handsome,’ Polly commented, following the direction of her gaze.

‘Mmm.’ Jess hoped her murmur of agreement sounded noncommittal, even though her heart did somersaults every time she looked at him. He was always stunning but in his suit and tie he looked like a matinée idol. ‘We’re just friends.’

Polly’s blue eyes were filled with understanding. ‘That’s a shame.’

‘It’s for the best.’ Jess’s words emerged as a whisper and, however much she wanted to deny it, even she could hear the regret in her voice.

‘Is it?’ Polly’s smile was kind. As a fellow GP at Penhally surgery, Jess knew the other woman was
speaking both as a doctor and a woman. ‘Are you sure, Jess?’

She nodded, glancing at Polly before her gaze was drawn inexorably back to Gio. ‘Yes.’ Although it was getting harder and harder to believe it.

Before Polly could say any more, Nick and Kate passed on their way indoors to prepare for the first dance. Nick looked on with an indulgent and contented smile as Kate hugged Polly, whom, Jess had discovered, was Kate’s god-daughter.

‘We’re so glad you and Gio came, Jess, and thank you so much for your lovely gift and the beautiful words in your card,’ Kate told her, linking her arm through Nick’s. ‘You’re looking gorgeous today.’

‘Thank you,’ Jess murmured, taken by surprise.

She was wearing the dress Gio had insisted on buying at the boutique in St Piran. Sleeveless and deceptively simple, it fell to her knees, highlighting her curves, the shades of teal and peacock green bringing out the colour of her eyes and highlighting the rich reds in her hair, now drawn back in a ponytail. She felt guilty for giving in to temptation?and Gio’s persuasion?but the instant she had put the expensive dress on, she’d fallen in love with it. The desire and appreciation in Gio’s eyes when he’d seen her in it had set her blood zinging in her veins.

‘Enjoy yourselves,’ Nick instructed with a benevolent smile before leading Kate away.

Gio and Luca returned, bringing non-alcoholic fruit punch with them, which both she and Polly accepted gratefully. She met Gio’s gaze, her stomach muscles tightening at the expression in his intense blue eyes,
her hand not entirely steady as she sipped the ice-cold drink.

Jess was about to tell Gio that she’d like to leave before the dancing began when Luca’s twin daughters came running towards them. She’d been shocked when she’d heard how their mother had died giving birth to them. Now four and a half, they were adorable, so alike in looks but so different in character. It was the bolder, more outgoing Toni who arrived first.

‘Mummy Polly?’ she asked breathlessly.

‘Yes, darling?’

‘Rosie wants to know if she can have more cake.’

‘Does she?’ Jess saw Polly’s lips twitch as she saw through the ruse. ‘You can tell Rosie she can have a piece if she wants one.’

Toni’s eyes widened and her mouth formed a silent O as she realised what had happened and tried to work out what to do about it. Gio and Luca both chuckled. Toni glanced round at her sister and then looked pleadingly up at her father, who hid his grin by taking a drink. The little girl’s anxious gaze returned to Polly.

like another piece of cake, too, Toni?’ she queried, unable to contain her amusement.

‘Yes, please!’ The relief on the child’s face was so funny they all laughed.

‘All right,’ Polly agreed. ‘You can both have one more
piece each.’

The little girl leaned in and kissed her stepmother soundly on the cheek. ‘Thank you!’

As Toni ran off to join her quieter sister, Jess experienced for the first time the pressing weight of regret that she would never know the joy of motherhood. She hadn’t thought of it much before. She’d never felt a maternal
yearning, neither had she and Duncan ever discussed having a family.

Now, seeing the twins, she couldn’t help but wonder what Gio’s children would look like… although any idea of
ever being with him was pure fantasy. But it hit home that this was one more thing Duncan had taken away from her.

Gio was aware of the change in Jessica but was unsure of its cause. She put on a smiling face, but a light had dimmed in her eyes. He wanted to know what had happened. Unfortunately this was neither the time nor the place to ask. He was proud of her. She’d been nervous and uncomfortable about the party, even before she had clung so tenaciously to his hand when faced with the throng of guests. But she’d gradually relaxed, especially when the d’Azzaro family had taken them under their collective wings.

He’d enjoyed himself, too. Much of that had been simply being with Jessica, but he’d also been pleased to meet Luca. Discovering that Luca’s life had mirrored his own in many ways had given him much to think about, especially seeing how Luca had been able to move on to find love and happiness with Polly.

‘It wasn’t easy,’ Luca had told him. ‘For so long I lived only for my girls. I’d not even looked at anyone else after Elaine died and I never expected to love again. Then I met Polly.’ His smile and tone of voice had revealed his emotion more than words. ‘I’m so lucky. And grateful. Don’t close your heart and mind to possibilities, Gio,’ he’d advised, his dark gaze straying to where Jessica and Polly had been sitting. ‘You have the chance
for something special. Jess deserves the best. She’s not someone to be toyed with.’

The warning had been gently given, but it was a warning nonetheless. Luca and Polly not only viewed Jessica with affection, they were also protective of her. Gio wondered what his compatriot knew but was unable to reveal because of patient confidentiality.

After the live band struck up, Nick and Kate taking the first dance, most of the guests took to the floor. Jessica, however, refused all offers. It was Luca who eventually managed to get her on her feet, and Gio was shocked by the rush of envy and possessiveness that washed over him. Luca was happily married and had no designs on Jessica, but Gio hated to see her in anyone’s arms but his own.

‘Would you mind dancing with me, Gio?’

Polly’s request took him by surprise. ‘I’d be delighted,’ he agreed politely, although the only person he wanted was Jessica.

‘Don’t worry, it won’t be for long.’ Polly, a pretty blonde and tiny, smiled up at him. ‘Luca’s giving Jess a pep talk.’

‘A pep talk?’ Gio frowned. What was Luca saying to her? And why?

Polly glanced across to where her husband and Jessica were dancing. ‘Be ready to take over when Luca gives the signal.’

Puzzled but intrigued, Gio did as he was bidden, eager for the moment they would swap partners and he would have Jessica in his arms at last.

‘It’s good to see you happy.’ Luca smiled, holding Jess lightly and allowing her to determine the personal space she was comfortable with. ‘Gio’s a nice guy.’

‘We’re just friends,’ Jess said for the umpteenth time.

Her protest produced a teasing chuckle. ‘Right!’

Jess sucked in a ragged breath and tried not to keep staring at Gio. Worst of all, she struggled to banish the ridiculous jealousy that swept through her as he danced with Polly. ‘I can’t get involved with anyone, Luca, you know that.’

Luca’s expression sobered and he steered them to a quiet corner where they wouldn’t be overheard. ‘I know nothing of the sort. You can have a normal relationship, Jess. I gather Gio doesn’t know?’

‘No.’ A shiver rippled through her. ‘He’d run a mile—like everyone else—if he did.’ She hated the bitterness in her voice but the lessons of the last four years had been learned the hard way. ‘Gio’s still grieving. Even were he not, no man would want someone like me.’

‘You’re wrong, Jess. And you’re doing Gio a big disservice,’ he cautioned, his words forestalling a further protest from her. ‘Give him a chance. He cares about you and knows what a wonderful woman you are. If he reacts as you fear, then he isn’t worthy of you. But what if he understands? Think of all you then have to gain.’

Jess bit her lip, caught in an agony of indecision. She didn’t want to lose what she already had and she didn’t dare to believe she could have more.

‘Don’t condemn yourself to a lifetime alone. I nearly did. I was so fearful of being hurt again, but my life is so enriched thanks to Polly. Think about it,’ he added, guiding her back onto the dance floor. ‘It might sound like a cliché, but none of us knows what the future holds so live each day to the fullest and allow yourself to love and be loved.’

It sounded simple when Luca put it into words, but Jess knew it was anything
simple in reality. So distracted was she that she didn’t notice Luca steering her towards Gio and Polly, but in the next moment she found herself in Gio’s arms as Luca reclaimed his wife. Oh, hell! She hadn’t intended dancing at all, and certainly not with Gio because of the temptation when she was near him. But she couldn’t make a scene in front of everyone.

She held herself stiffly as he drew her closer, his touch, his scent, the feel of his body brushing against hers having a potent affect on her. One dance wouldn’t hurt, would it? One moment out of time to enjoy being in his arms, forgetting why she had to be strong?

As she relaxed, giving up the fight, Gio drew her closer, making her even more aware of him, her body instinctively responding to his nearness. When the music ended, she sighed and made a half-hearted effort to draw away.

‘Stay. Please.’ The throaty warmth of his voice stripped her of any remaining willpower and common sense.

The tempo slowed and Jess found herself pressed far too intimately against him, her arms winding round him of their own volition. His fingertips brushed the bare skin between her shoulder blades, exposed by the V back of the dress, making her burn with a rush of desire. She was oblivious to everyone else, focused only on Gio, every sense heightened and attuned to him.

He bent his head, the warmth of his breath caressing her neck, the brush of his faintly stubbled jaw against her sensitive skin incredibly erotic. She’d never expected to be held again, let alone dance in public. Emotion
threatened to overwhelm her and, to her horror, tears stung her eyes. She buried her face against his chest to hide them… from him and anyone else.

Revelling in this opportunity to hold Jessica properly for the first time, Gio breathed in her unique womanly scent mixed with the familiar hint of chocolate that clung to her hair and skin. Hair and skin that felt super-soft beneath his fingertips.

He was conscious of her heightened emotions, although he doubted she was aware of the way she was clinging to him. Determined not to rush or scare her, he held her, swaying to the music and waiting for her to relax, welcoming the moment she gave up whatever inner battle she was fighting and melted into him. She felt so right in his arms, her curvy body a perfect fit for his.

‘Ready to go home?’ he asked some considerable time later as they stepped outside to get some fresh air. He wanted her to himself, relishing these moments when he felt closer to her than ever.

She tipped her head back and looked up at the night sky. ‘Yes, please.’

After saying goodbye and gathering up their belongings, they drove home in good spirits and were greeted by two sleepy kittens, who stirred long enough to be cuddled. As Jessica settled them again, he went through to the kitchen.

‘Hot chocolate?’ he asked, smiling at the look on her face.


‘I’ll make it for you the proper Italian way. None of this powdered cocoa with water in a microwave.’ He
gave an exaggerated shudder of disgust, making her laugh.

‘And what is the proper Italian way?’

He took a large bar of
Cioccolato Corezzi’s
finest dark chocolate from his stash in a kitchen drawer. ‘You must begin with real chocolate. Once melted, you add a little sugar and some milk, bring it to the boil and stir. Some people make it so thick it is like a mousse and has to be eaten with a spoon,’ he explained as he broke squares of chocolate and dropped them into a bowl, the satisfying snap a sign of its high quality. ‘I prefer it liquid enough to drink, although I keep the teaspoon to reach the last drops!’

‘It sounds sinfully delicious.’ It was Jessica who was sinfully delicious. Looking at her fired his blood and stirred his body. Waiting for the water to heat, he leaned his hip against the worktop and watched as she sat at the counter, trying to undo the barrette clasp that held her ponytail in place. Something was stuck and as she muttered to herself, making him smile, he stepped in to help.

‘May I?’

Before she had the chance to refuse, he moved behind her, feeling her tense as his fingers set to work. Within moments the clip was free. Unable to resist temptation, his fingers burrowed into the fiery mass of curls that tumbled around her shoulders.

‘You have beautiful hair,’ he told her, hearing the roughness in his voice.

She gave a shaky laugh. ‘I used to hate it.’

‘No! It’s amazing. Silky soft.’ He leaned closer and caught the scent of her chocolatey shampoo. ‘And you smell so good.’

‘Gio…’ Her voice sounded husky and sensual.

The sexual tension increased, electricity crackling between them. Jessica slowly slid round on the stool until she was facing him, olive-green eyes dark with awareness and unmistakeable desire.

BOOK: St Piran's: Italian Surgeon, Forbidden Bride
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