SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (7 page)

BOOK: SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology
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While this cannot be determined with certainty, it is perhaps significant that the Siemens firm seldom reveals the exact nature and extent of its research undertaken during the Nazi era. And it is perhaps also significant that Siemens might be trying to
a patent or device previously filed during the Nazi era and subsequently confiscated as booty by taking out a patent for an X-ray laser in the United States.

Taken together, all these secret weapons projects – and they are only the tip of a very large, very deadly iceberg – indicate that Nazi Germany was aiming for supremacy on the ground, sea, and air. But it would be misleading to assume that this was the limit of their ambitions…


Linda Hunt,
The United States Government, Nazi Scientists, and Project Paperclip: 1945 to 1990
(New York: St. Martin’s Press, 1991), pp. 8-9.

Ibid., p. 219.

Geoffrey Brooks,
Hitler’s Terror Weapons: From V1 to Vimana
(Pen and Sword Books: Barnsley, South Korshire, 2002), p. 103. (ISBN 0850528968)



Hitler’s Terror Weapons,
p. 19.

Cited in Georg,
Star Wars 1947,
pp. 25-26, all emphases in the original.

Star Wars,
p. 15. See also pp. 182-183.

Ibid., p. 199, my translation.

As I note in my
Reich of the Black Sun,
p. 80, Italian eyewitness Luigi Romersa, who described the test in detail, leaves out of his description any observation of the fusing of the soil at the test site into the glassy silicate covering associated with above ground low altitude nuclear tests. This fact weighs strongly
the test having been of a nuclear device though other signatures of the device tested there resemble a nuclear bomb. Background radiation on Rügen appears too small for a nuclear device. Romersa might thus be obfuscating his testimony; perhaps the test was elsewhere in the Baltic, or perhaps the test was of a large fuel-air bomb?

Cited in Friedrich Georg,
Hitlers Siegeswaffen, Band 2: Star Wars 1947: Teliband B: Von der Amerikarakete zur Orbitalstation – Deutschlands Streben nach Interkontinentalwaffen und das erste Weltraumprogramm
(Schleusingen, Germany: Amun Verlag, 2004), pp. 194-195.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe
, trans. from the Polish by Bruce Wenham (Farnborough, England: Books International (European History Press, 2003), p. 224. Witkowski’s research in
The Truth about the Wunderwaffe
, like Carter Hydrick’s in
Critical Mass
, is first class and simply put,
not be ignored by any serious inquirer into the alternative and secret history of World War Two secret weapons and technology. I state this simply to put the record straight, since a number of stupid and utterly silly remarks have been made about Mr. Witkowski in various reviews of Nick Cook’s
The Hunt for Zero Point.
These reviews have tried to impeach Cook’s story by, in some cases, implying that Mr. Witkowski’s work was somehow slip shod or second rate. The persons making such comments have obviously never bothered to
Mr. Witkowski’s work nor considered its profound implications. So, once again, to set the record straight, Mr. Witkowski’s work is
superb and magisterial
. The reviewers implying that Mr. Witkowski is an “unknown” or a second-rate author might possibly be in the covert employment of somebody’s (Hot) Air Force.

Witkowski, op. cit., p. 224.


Project Lusty, Frame 601, cited in Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 226.

Project Lusty, Frame 597, § 9, cited in Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 226, emphasis Witkowski’s.

Q.v. Nick Cook,
The Hunt for Zero Point,

For the escape and role of Bormann in negotiating these high technology transfers, see Carter Plymtom Hydrick,
Critical Mass,
pp. 157-247.

Dulles later became CIA chief, was dismissed by President Kennedy after the Bay of Pigs fiasco, and then later appointed by Lyndon Johnson to head the Warren Commission “investigating” the President’s murder!

Joseph P. Farrell,
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 243-244.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 126.

Q.v. Joseph P. Farrell,
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 242-245.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,

Ibid., p. 127.




The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 204.

Ibid., p. 205, citing W. Kozakiewicz et. al. „Bron rakietowa“ (Głowny Instytut Mechaniki, 1951).

Project Lusty, frame 590, cited in Witkoski,
The Truth About the
p. 225.

Thus, if one is to believe
the reports about Wright Patterson, it is home to a
odd collection of aliens – both extra-and sub-terrestrial – and Nazis!

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
pp. 200-201.

Ibid., p. 226.


“Jäger”: fighter airplane.

Project Lusty, frame 599, cited in Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 226.

Project Lusty, Frame 601, cited, Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 226.

Ibid., pp. 203-24. It seems worth mentioning that some sources indicate that Chuck Yeager was the first
to break the sound barrier, suggesting that someone, somewhere,
something that the general public did not.

Ibid., p. 222.


Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 191-192.

Otto Skorzeny,
La Guerre Inconnue
(Paris, Albin Michel: 1975), cited in Witkowski, p. 95.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 96.

These bombs would not have been of the same colossal size as I reported on pp. 191-192 of
Reich of the Black Sun
, since the range of these rocket launchers was relatively short.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 227.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 92.

Joseph P. Farrell,
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 221-222, 351.

See chapter six for more discussion of X-ray lasers.


“The Peenemünde Problem”

“…Germany’s ‘Amerika-Raket’ was to be armed with a nuclear warhead. The report sounds utterly fantastic. But was the danger real?”

Friedrich Georg,
Hitlers Siegeswaffen

In August 1946, a highly placed department of the English War Office disclosed that “Hitler wanted the Moon.”
In the race of “disclosure” after the war’s end and before the iron vaults of “national security” slammed shut and the Allied Legend of atomic engineering superiority was born, such extraordinary revelations were commonplace. Indeed, one must wonder if there was not a psychological or disinformation operation being run behind these early postwar disclosures, to direct attention, particularly
attention, away from areas of Nazi accomplishments that were not merely paper studies and fantasies. Even here, however, one must pause, for if Nazi Germany was successful, or even perilously close, in obtaining atom bombs prior to the war’s end, as argued in the previous book on this subject,
The Reich of the Black Sun,
then the comment cannot be brushed aside so easily. The War Office comment, and Consolidated Vultee’s two page
magazine advertisement disclosing the possible existence blueprints a 3,000 mile range rocket in an underground factory implies the existence at least of a rocket technology – and hence the delivery systems for a nuclear warhead – considerably more advanced than the puny V-2 with its limited lift and range. As German researcher Friedrich Georg notes, the comment points to the existence of Von Braun’s A-14 moon rocket, a design for a five stage rocket to lift three astronauts to the moon and return them to the earth where they would then land in a version of Eric Sänger’s “rocket plane.”
And additionally, Consolidated Vultee’s disclosure also prompts a question: how did they know there were
for such a rocket? Blueprints imply something either ready to go into production or something already being built. Where did Consolidated Vultee get its information? The answer, as we shall see, is rather surprising.

And if five-staged moon rockets to carry three astronauts to the moon and back, and orbital “space planes” sound uncomfortably familiar, they should, for it would seem that Von Braun’s later Saturn V booster – the actual three stage booster of the three-manned Apollo moon missions – and the space shuttle itself, are but later developments of some prototypical Nazi design concepts for manned space missions.

A. The U.S.A. Gets the Crème de la Crème

Such disconcerting disclosures raise the other components of the Allied Legend, namely:

(1) that in the race to acquire Nazi secret weapons, scientists, and engineers and the associated technologies, the Western Allies in general and America in particular made off with the lion’s share of the loot, the crème da la crème of the Third Reich’s scientists and technology, enabling its successful Apollo moon program and likewise its early ICBM development;

(2) that the German “secret weapons” projects consisted mostly of the V-1 “buzz bomb”, the V-2 rocket, and half-hearted and failed attempts at atom bomb research, and that after 1942, the Peenemünde scientists developed little else of practical value to realize the fantasies of the Nazi leadership.
No progress was made by the Nazis in long-range rocket bombardment beyond the V-2 besides paper projects that never were practically realized;

(3) the Germans were incompetent bunglers when it came to nuclear bomb physics and nowhere
to obtaining the atom bomb, much less enough weapons grade uranium (and plutonium?) to make one work.

As my previous book
The Reich of the Black Sun
demonstrated, the Allied Legend as regards number (3) is in serious trouble given recent declassifications and research based upon them.
Indeed, one may say that the Allied Legend is in need of serious revision, if not of being disposed of completely.

We now turn to examine the first two components of the Allied Legend. However, this step may seem an odd place to begin a book whose principal subjects are not rockets and atom bombs, but (1) even more destructive and fantastic weapons and the technologies and science they imply, (2) their continued and possibly independent development, and (3) the possible implications of that development in the most famous political assassination in modern history, the cold-blooded murder of President John F. Kennedy. Even here, however, the actual state of affairs in German accomplishments in long-range rocketry are completely at variance with the Allied Legend. However, they also afford the best entry into a discussion of the physics and technologies associated with their most highly classified wartime secret weapons project, “The Bell.”

A moment’s reflection demonstrates why components (1) and (2) of the Allied Legend should be questioned, for if the U.S.A. got the crème de la crème of German rocket scientists – Von Braun, General Walter Dornberger, Hermann Oberth, Arthur Rudolph,
et al.
– then how does one account for the very early, and
, Soviet Russian lead in space achievements during the Cold War, right up to the Apollo moon landings? Soviet achievements indicate, as nothing else does, yet another very large hole in the Allied Legend.

B. The U.S.S.R.’s Early Space Achievements

Sergei Korolëv, the brilliant engineering genius and mastermind of Russia’s early ICBM and space exploration development, like his counterpart Wernher Von Braun in the U.S.A., laid a firm and lasting foundation for Russian space achievement. His influence persists to this day, if one considers that Russia’s (and by implication, China’s) Proton boosters are still the largest conventional chemical rockets in service, boosters that rely heavily on the basic concepts Korolëv pioneered. On the basis of his principles and accomplishments, Soviet Russia maintained an early lead over America, racking up the following impressive list of “firsts”:

BOOK: SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology
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