SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (52 page)

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Reich of the Black Sun,
p. 301.

Part Three:

“The Brotherhood”:
NASA’s Nazis, JFK, and MAJIC-12


(He takes care to be extremely precise.)

There was a row of windows. A huge row of windows. Only divided by struts – or structures that prevented it from being one solid window. Or then – it would have been one solid window. And the evil face on the – (He starts to say “leader.”)

He looks like a German Nazi. He’s a Nazi…” (There is a questioning tone in his voice.)


“He’s a Nazi. Did he have a uniform?”




“What kind of uniform?” BARNEY

“He had a black scarf around his neck, dangling over his left shoulder.”
Barney Hill to psychiatrist Benjamin Simon, M.D., under hypnosis, From John G. Fuller’s
The Interrupted Journey
, p. 116.

“The old war lords are going to come back. (South America) is full of these Nazis!...They will know that is only one kind of people that would do such a thing… that would have to be the Nazis and that is who
is in power.

Jack Ruby on the JFK assassins,

In Kenn Thomas and Lincoln Lawrence,
Mind Control Oswald, and JFK: Were we Controlled?,
p. 102.


“The Day After Corso:”

More M
12 Documents in the Light of Nazi Technology

“My boss, General Trudeau, asked me to use the army’s ongoing weapons development and research program as a way to filter the Roswell technology into the mainstream of industrial development through the military defense contracting program.”

“The fact that this craft and other flying saucers… seemed to evidence a technology we’d seen evidenced by the Nazis caused the military to assume these flying saucers had hostile intentions and might have even interfered in human events during the war.”

Col. Philip J. Corso

The old adage has it that a picture is worth a thousand words. So, in this chapter of extensive documentary analysis and comparison of their contents with known Nazi technology, perhaps
pictures will be an adequate backdrop for our discussion. I am not the first to notice this comparison, nor, I imagine, will I be the last. Nonetheless, it is worth mentioning again that fact which most UFOlogists know: that the “modern era” of the UFO began with pilot Kenneth Arnold sighting several silvery metal objects skipping across the skies of Washington state while he was flying his private plane. Arnold’s sighting, just a few days before the celebrated Roswell incident, inaugurated the modern era of the UFO.

Kenneth Arnold and his Sketch of His UFO, 1947

But few are aware of the peculiar resemblance of Arnold’s “UFO” to a piece of very real, and very German, hardware already flying in 1939. the Flying Wing of the Horten Brothers.

The Horten Brothers’ Flying Wing over Göttingen in 1939

And a close comparison of Arnold’s sketch with the Horten brothers’ designs for a jet-powered flying wing will exhibit even stronger parallels.

The Hortens’ Design for a Jet Powered Flying Wing

So, with this pictorial backdrop, let us now review some of the more notorious M
-12 documents.

A. M
-12 Documentary Analysis

Many UFOlogists took their cue from Frank Edwards’ bestselling
Flying Saucers, Serious Business,
maintaining that the early postwar UFO activity was reconnaissance of our military bases, and particularly, of our atomic testing:

To this growing list of such “coincidences” we should by all means add the following cases:

The explosions of the first manmade atomic bombs in 1945 were followed by the appearance of UFO’s in numbers in 1949….

The 1947 mass appearance of UFO’s over the United States included numerous sightings around our atomic installations at Hanford and Oak Ridge, as well as the great scarred area near Alamagordo, New Mexico, where we had fired our first atomic device.

This idea was picked up by Stanton Friedmann and others, who maintained the very plausible scenario that E.T. was monitoring our burgeoning nuclear and soon to be thermonuclear military capabilities, as any prudent intelligent society would monitor the military activities of a potential threat.

So far, so good.

But then Friedmann and others failed to notice the significance of the parenthetical statements Edwards himself makes in the above quotation at the ellipsis, statements I deliberately omitted from the above quotation:

[The two bombs were exploded over Japan: the 1946 UFO’s were over Scandinavia and Russia. If they were looking for the source of those atomic flashes, they had the right latitude but the wrong longitude.]

But, given the speculative history recounted in my previous book on Nazi secret weapons,
Reich of the Black Sun,
and the circumstantial case presented in it for German tests of nuclear devices in 1944 and early 1945 in the Baltic and in Thuringia, then the logic takes on a whole new context and sinister significance. If “E.T.” was indeed monitoring atomic tests and human intentions, then the 1946 “fly-bys” over the Baltic and Scandinavia were indeed at the right place.

And if one presses the logic a bit more, then it would appear that where the Nazis and their advanced technology went, E.T. and his reconnoitering UFOs were not far behind.

Which brings us at last to Roswell, to M
-12, to Col. Philip J. Corso’s well-known version of events and his explanation of the“real origin” of certain technologies, and of course, to the New Mexico Nazis.

While more will be said about Col. Corso’s “Roswell-ET” thesis of the origin of some technologies typical of the mid-to-late 20
century, it is worth citing his own words here, since they bear directly on the alleged M
-12 documents examined below:

My boss, General Trudeau, asked me to use the army’s ongoing weapons development and research program as a way to filter the Roswell technology into the mainstream of industrial development through the military defense contracting program. Today, items such as lasers, integrated circuitry, fiber-optics networks, accelerated particle-beam devices, and even the Kevlar material in bulletproof vests are all commonplace. Yet the seeds for all of them were found in the crash of the alien craft at Roswell and turned up in my files fourteen years later.

The thesis is quite clear, an extraterrestrial craft crashed and was recovered near Roswell, New Mexico, and the recovered extraterrestrial technology was back-engineered, leading directly to the integrated circuit via the transistor, to fiber optics, to the laser, and a host of other devices and technologies. This thesis must be born in mind as the following M
-12 documents are analyzed, for we shall return to it at the end of this chapter.

Drs. Robert and Ryan Wood are well-known for their document authentication efforts concerning the M
-12 “Cooper-Cantwheel” documents. Some of these documents they published in a book, which, according to the statements on their own website, argue conclusively for the existence of “ET” and the exotic “ET” origin of the crashed and recovered craft.

However, some alleged M
-12 documents that are
included in Robert and Ryan Wood’s MAJESTIC-12 book, strongly if not conclusively indicate the continuation of an independent Nazi development of advanced aerodynes and propulsions systems begun during the war. These documents furthermore imply a clear connection between MJ-12 and the assassination of President John F. Kennedy, and the subsequent mysterious death of former CIA Director William Colby.

These documents, analyzed individually in this chapter, are:

1. A Memorandum of the Air Materials Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, classified SECRET and dated in September of 1947, to Brigadier General George Schulgen at the Offices of the Commanding General of the U.S. Army Air Forces;

2. A Memorandum of a “Research and Development Laboratory” Concerning Flying Saucers submitted to the Commanding General, Air Materials Command, Wright Field, Dayton, Ohio, and also to the Attention of Brigadier C. P. Cabell as USAAF Headquarters in Washington, dated 2 September (1947), with no classification indicated;

3. An apparent NSA Intercept between a American agent Codenamed “Joshua” to a Soviet counterpart, mentioning “33 investors” as possible independent sources of funding for Soviet SDI research and development;

4. A Memo from “Thomas Cantwheel” Concerning Recovery, Building, and Test-Flight of so-called “S” Craft based on Recovery of Crashed Vehicle in Louisiana in 1942;

5. A Letter from “Source 1” to Timothy Cooper connecting MJ-12 to the Assassination of President Kennedy, dated June 23, 1999;

6. A Second Letter from “Source 1” to Timothy Cooper outlining significant Details of MJ-12 Operations, including its alleged privatization by President Nixon in 1969, dated July 7, 1999;

7. Dr. Edward Teller’s Pitch to President Reagan for SDI, no date and no classification;

8. Annex C Fragment indicating MJ-12 involvement in assassination of Secretary of War James Forrestal;

9. Double Top Secret Letter from President Franklin D. Roosevelt to General Marshal, concerning recovered Cape Girardeau Craft in 1941, dated February 22/24, 1944;

10. Top Secret Letter from President Franklin D. Roosevelt to General Marshall concerning recovery of crashed vehicle, dated February 27, 1942;

11. The “Bowen UFO Encyclopedia.”

In analyzing these documents, I have retyped them word for word as they appear on the Wood’s website, preserving the various font style changes, and noting page breaks in the original documents as follows: “===END===” or “====END PUBLICLY RECEIVED DOCUMENT====” or some similar notation. All italicized portions are emphases
to the documents by me to highlight those aspects discussed in the analysis sections which immediately follow each document. Such italicized portions do not occur in the documents themselves unless otherwise noted. I have also indicated blacked out text by strings of questions marks -??????? – and attempted to preserve all capitalization.

Finally, for purposes of this chapter, authenticity issues are not discussed, since this would make an already lengthy book grow to enormous proportions. Instead, the documents are presumed to exist in the fuzzy area between “plain straight legitimate” and “cleverly concocted disinformation,” i.e., as even in the latter case containing some legitimate information. I do
believe that the documents are hoaxes outright. That being said, on to the documents themselves.

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