SS Brotherhood of the Bell: The Nazis’ Incredible Secret Technology (33 page)

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Ibid, p. 257.

Tom Agoston,
Blunder! How the US Gave Away Nazi Supersecrets to the
Soviet Union

Joseph P Farrell,
Reich of the Black Sun,
pp. 95-116.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 259, emphasis added.

See Nick Cook,
The Hunt for Zero Point,
pp. 182-192.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 239


Igor Witkowski, personal correspondence to the author, July 23, 2005.

, The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 234.

Ibid., p. 235.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
pp. 235-236.

Ibid., p. 242.

Ibid., p. 260.


Ibid., p. 280.


Geoffrey Brooks,
Hitler’s Terror Weapons,
p. 2, emphasis added.

Hitler’s Terror Weapons,
p. 3, emphasis added. SS-E-IV is the designation of “SS
Entwicklungsstelle IV
” the super-secret SS unit investigating the properties of vacuum flux or Zero Point Energy, one aspect of which would have been the investigation into the control of gravity.

Ibid., p. 9.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 231

Ibid., pp. 231-232.

Ibid., p. 232, emphasis Witkowski’s.


Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
pp. 232-233, boldface emphasis Witkowski’s, italicized emphasis mine.

Geoffrey Brooks notes that “By 1944 Germany had cornered all available European stocks of thorium, but, on enquiring the reason, the US
mission was unable to establish a satisfactory answer.” (
Hitler’s Terror Weapons,
p. 138)

In this regard, I
initially speculate in my
Reich of the Black Sun
, without having had access to Witkowski’s work, that the Bell’s mysterious Xerum-525 was a radioactive isotope of mercury or of some other elements or compounds. Q.v.
Reich of the Black Sun
, pp. 335.

: concentration camp.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
pp. 233-234, emphasis added.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 234.

Ibid., p. 234, emphasis added. The metallic taste is a signature of some close encounters with UFOs. UFOlogist Timothy Good produces the following account of such an encounter by a German UFOlogist, Dr. Peter Hattwig, and his wife: “Suddenly, we heard a clear humming sound coming from the sky. After three or four seconds this noise, which seemed ‘metallic’, as though produced by a centrifugal force, grew louder….our bedroom and terrace outside was lit by something even more powerful than the moonlight – a bluish-white colour like neon lighting. At the saem time we both felt a strange metallic sort of taste on our tongues.” (Timothy Goode,
Unearthly Disclosure: Conflicting Interests in the Control of Extraterrestrial Intelligence
[London: Arrow Books, 2000], 48).


Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 234.


Ibid., pp. 234-235.

Ibid., p. 263.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 235.


Ibid., p. 245.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 245, emphasis added.

Ibid., p. 257.

Ibid., p. 247.


Ibid., p. 249.

Ibid., emphasis added.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe
, p. 250.


The Truth About the Wunderwaffe
, p. 251.

Wikowski cites Japanese experiments in this regard, but one might also point to the various experiments of physicist Di Palma.

The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 253. Burkhardt Heim was a well-known and respected physicist and peace advocate in Germany before his death. Almost nothing is said about him in this country, but it is significant that his work was mentioned by Leonard G. Cramp in his well-known UFO classic
UFOs and AntiGravity: Piece for a Jig-Saw
(Kempton: Adventures Unlimted Press, 1966), pp. 94, 110.

Gravitational research is, in one respect, obviously the motivation and purpose of the Bell. In his recent July 23, 2005 correspondence with the author, Witkowski also makes another connection that is well worth pondering. Connecting the idea of “magnetic fields separation” with atomic spin polarization, Witkowski then goes on to state:

“We know from contemporary references that the ‘separation’ may be achieved in various ways, like by a superconductor or through a so called pinch in plasma. As I interpreted this, it may refer to a relativistic isolation of a “reference frame”. It’s an idea that has been derived from Einstein’s theory, before the Second World War. NASA has launched the Gravity Probe B spacecraft last year (which has fast spinning balls surrounded by a material superconducting in this temperature, in order to isolate the magnetic field, therefore to basically verify the same effect only that without plasma.) They quoted a different reference however: the theory developed in Germany and Austria before the war mostly by Hans Thirring, a theory of spacetime and gravity which takes into account such a “separation” – if not for NASA, the work would be largely forgotten.”

Witkowski also mentions in his letter that Thirring was a close associate of Dr Walther Gerlach.

Friedrich Mattern,
UFO’s: Nazi Secret Weapon?
(Toronto, Ontario: Samisdat Publishers, Ltd. No Date. P. 110

Friedrich Mattern,
UFO’s” Nazi Secret Weapon?
pp. 110-113.

Witkowski, personal correspondence to the author, July 23, 2005.

Witkowski makes it clear that this slave labor came from the nearby Gross-Rosen concentration camp.

Igor Witkowski,
The Truth About the Wunderwaffe,
p. 284, emphasis Witkowski’s.


“Working in Fields of Physics that were Monstrous on a Daily Basis”

“(Scalar) weapons are the most powerful and flexible weapons on earth. Nothing else can stand against them. Any nation not possessing (scalar) weapons is already a second-rate power, regardless of how many nuclear
missiles, bombers, and submarines it possesses, or how many high-energy lasers and high power microwave weapons it possesses”

Tom Bearden,
Fer De Lance: Briefing on Soviet Scalar Electromagnetic


A. Strange Claims and Quotations:
Indicators of Wartime German Research in “Scalar” Weapons

When approaching the more extreme claims advanced in some exotic literature for Nazi secret weapons developments, one has the impression of some dark mediaeval alchemists’ laboratory, with the alchemists dressed in the black uniforms of the SS, cracking whips on the backs of emaciated concentration camp slaves to perfect their dreadful machines of power and annihilation. It has all the elements – were the scope of human suffering involved not so real and so enormous – of a bad Hollywood “B” movie, with a gaunt Boris Karloff orchestrating an oddball cast that includes Bela Lugosi, Peter Lorre, Vincent Price and Sydney Greenstreet, all playing larger-than-life villains conspiring to conquer the world.

But the situation is not helped by the strange quotations from
sources which, if one
pays attention to them, should give one pause. Consider two examples from the Farm Hall Transcripts, the transcripts of the conversations of the German atom-bomb scientists interred at Farm Hall, secretly recorded by the British and declassified by them only in 1992. The two examples, which I cited without extensive commentary in my previous book on Nazi secret weapons,
Reich of the Black Sun
, concern artificial rubies, and an unknown “photochemical process” of isotope enrichment. I will cite both sets of quotations and my remarks concerning them from that book directly.

1. The “Artificial Rubies” Passage from The Farm Hall Transcipts
(Reich of the Black Sun, pp. 142-132)

On pages 142 and 143 of
Reich of the Black Sun
I observed that one of the interred Farm Hall scientists made a rather astonishing statement, a statement made astonishing not only for its “matter-of-fact” passing nature and brevity, but also because it called forth almost no comment from the editor of the transcripts:

Then, on July 21, 1945, the handsome and cynical Horst Korsching, discussing the prospects for making a living with Diebner and Bagge, offers a curious observation:

“BAGGE: For the sake of the money, I should like to work on the uranium engine; on the other hand, I should like to work on cosmic rays. I feel like Diebner about this.

“KORSCHING: Would you both like to construct an uranium engine? “DIEBNER: This is
chance to earn a living.

“KORSCHING: Every layman can see that these ideas are exceedingly important. Hence there won’t be any money in it. You only make money on ideas which have escaped the general public. If you invent something like
artificial rubies
for the watch making industry, you will make more money than with the uranium engine.”

I then commented as follows:

Artificial rubies? Of course, such things were used in watchmaking before the invention of quartz movement. But in 1945, the idea was fantastic. Of course, by the time of the declassification of these transcripts, the world’s first laser, which did in fact use an artificial ruby as the main component of the lasing optical cavity, was history, having been invented in 1961. But in July 1945 the idea was more than a little ahead of its time. Is this another possible, though slight, indication that something else was going on inside Nazi Germany? Later in the conversation, Korsching expresses his desire to return Hechingen to collect his telescope, lenses and prisms, an indication that he was perhaps involved in optical as well as nuclear research.

The mention there of the connection between lasers and artificial rubies was not accidental, for on page 104 of
Reich of the Black Sun
, I cited the following quotation from former British intelligence officer-cum-journalist Tom Agoston, who first broke the story of the
, the SS’s secret weapons think tank, to the West in the 1980s:

Its purpose was to pave the way for building nuclear-powered aircraft, working on the application of nuclear energy for propelling missiles and aircraft;
laser beams
, then still referred to as “death rays”: a variety of homing rockets, and to seek other potential areas for high-technology breakthrough. In modern high-tech jargon, the operation would probably be referred to as an “SS research think tank.” Some work on second-generation secret weapons, including the application of nuclear propulsion for aircraft and missiles, was already well advanced.

What is interesting is the juxtaposition of these two quotations, for while Agoston offers no
for his assertion that the SS was working on the development of lasers during the war, he nonetheless clearly states that this was an avenue of research being pursued.

Thus, the
appearance of the Farm Hall Transcripts in the early 1990s oddly corroborates Agoston’s assertions with Korsching’s very curious reference to artificial rubies, a then costly and time-consuming process that surely would have merited more than merely making rubies for watches. Since the transcripts had not yet been declassified by the British government when Agoston wrote his book, we can only assume that Agoston did
know the contents of the still secret Transcripts and was basing his assertions on his confidential talks with Dr. Wilhelm Voss, who first disclosed the story of Kammler’s black projects secret weapons think tank.

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