Spy Games: Lethal Limits (3 page)

Read Spy Games: Lethal Limits Online

Authors: Mia Downing

Tags: #erotic romance

BOOK: Spy Games: Lethal Limits
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“Hey.” Jake knew better than to call her by name. You never knew when an agent was under an alias. He looked at her with surprise and interest, his hands in his pockets, his gaze drinking in her silver evening gown. Meeting him half way down the hall, Tia knew she looked good, but seeing the appreciation reflected in his hungry blue eyes gave her a shiver of pleasure.

He pulled a hand from his pocket and gestured to her. “What brings you to Paris—business or pleasure?”

“Business, but I’ve completed that.”

“Same here.” His smile was slow, sensual. “Can I buy you a drink, since business isn’t pressing?”

“Maybe.” In four-inch heels she was almost his six feet, and it was nice to be just shy of looking him in the eye. “I’m a little pissed at you. You didn’t leave me very satisfied with our last encounter.”

His smile was sheepish. “I realize that. I apologize. I’ve thought of nothing but you in the last month, but I’ve been travelling a lot, on business. I haven’t had more than a night home here or there.”

Tia knew his office was busy. That’s why Chase was trying to recruit a new agent. But she didn’t know if Jake was playing her or if he really felt bad for leaving. Needing to be on a plane in an hour for an assignment was excusable, especially if your boss was as much of a hard-ass as Chase Sanders. “Apology accepted.”

“I could go back to your room with you. Give you the orgasm you didn’t get before.” He glanced at the door to his room, and an odd expression crossed his face. She wondered if he was growing a conscience about Blondie as he offered to entertain her, and decided then and there to abort her mission.

“I think you owe me more than one orgasm.” Oh, yes, Jake did owe her more than one. Tia inhaled his scent—masculine, clean, intoxicating, but void of the note of leather that usually surrounded him. She frowned, missing that. “But not tonight. Sorry, Tex.”

“Two?” His smile was devilish, and his blue eyes darkened.

“Not tonight, thanks.” He owed her more than two, but she didn’t want to be the other woman. Oh, her body wanted to be the other woman. Her skin tingled with the anticipation of what he offered. But she couldn’t, not when he had looked at Blondie like that. “You don’t have something more pressing to do?”

“Don’t be so eager to leave, darlin’.” Jake put a hand on the small of her back, and the heat of his palm ignited a flame in her belly. “Where’s your room?”

“Back that way.” She pointed down the hall. “But I don’t think it’s a good idea.”

Jake turned her slightly, her back to the wall. He drew closer, one arm leaning on the wall over her head, close but not touching her with any part of his lean form except the hot palm on her bare back. His eyes were intense, deep blue, and he gave her another slow smile that promised whatever he did would definitely be a good idea.

She drew in a breath, afraid to exhale. He smelled so good. Would he taste as delicious tonight? No, she couldn’t go there. If he touched her, she’d ignite. If he kissed her…she’d be second best again.

“Just go,” she whispered. “I can’t do this with you. Not anymore.”

“I know I screwed this up. I promise work won’t call this time. Let me love you.”

Let me love you…
She opened her mouth to ask about Blondie, and he closed the distance. He kissed her, his lips gentle, persuasive. His tongue touched her lips, and against her better judgment she parted, allowing him in. The fire that had threatened to ignite flared, deep within her belly. Her panties grew damp, the moisture gathering, preparing her for a torrid night of sex she couldn’t accept.

She didn’t want to need him, wanted to resist him. It took every ounce of her control not to slide her hands up his chest, to his broad shoulders, to his nape. She grabbed the material of her evening gown and held it tight, her knuckles hurting.

“Don’t you want to come for me?” he whispered, his mouth against her ear. His right hand pressed to the small of her back until her hips met his, his hard cock brushing her belly. He rocked once against her and her pussy pulsed, echoing his need. He’d never seduced her like this before. There’d never been any reason. But now he pulled out all the stops, and the charm oozed out. She’d never wanted a man more.

“Please?” he whispered against the corner of her mouth. “I need this. I need you.”

“What about the blonde I saw you with earlier?”

He stiffened ever so slightly, but then his lips continued on their path, along her jaw, down to her throat. “That’s the work wife. She wants nothing to do with me, so I’m all yours.”

Oh, Jake. Bad, bad move to fall for your partner.
“I’ll warn you right now, you’re going to regret this.”

He pulled away, his hand still on her back as he frowned. “She’s married. She doesn’t care.”

Even worse to fall for a married work wife
. Tia touched his cheek, feeling sorry for him. “No, you’re going to regret what I have planned for you.” What the hell. She might as well go through with it. But what she had planned he’d never agree to. He was too much Dom to submit to her.

His smile echoed of something—sadness maybe? “If it makes me forget the evening I’ve had, then bring your most twisted.”

“Is that your consent?”

“Like I said, bring it.”

Desperation mingled with need and banded together, making it impossible to resist him any longer. He wanted her most twisted? He was about to experience it. She just hoped he didn’t hate her too badly when it was over.

She took his hand and squared her shoulders with resolve. They walked the few steps to her room, and she gained access with her key card. The room was the exact clone of hers, two floors up. Except there was nothing personal here. Just a few things she’d brought down to make the evening…special.

He turned to her, hands in his pockets, his eyes still dark with lust. “Do you want me to order anything from room service? Chase’s treat.”

“That would be very nice. What does Chase want to buy us?”

“He’s a lightweight. You’d get bottled water from him.” Jake grinned, the smug set to his lips giving her a chill of desire. “But from me, champagne.”

“Sure.” Tia waited until he turned to the phone, and then she hit him, just so on the back of the neck. He crumpled, all six feet of him slumping onto the bed.

She removed the black bondage tape from her bag and stared at him longingly. “Sorry, Jake. You said to bring my most twisted. It’s game time.”

Chapter Two

Jake woke, disoriented, his neck and head hurting like hell. He shook his head to clear it and looked up at the ceiling, then lifted his head, his spy senses on full alert. Tia stood before him, leaning against the wall, her black hair cascading over her shoulders in loose curls. Her long fingers paged through a magazine, which was a strange contrast to how she was dressed.

She had stripped down to a bra, panties, and black thigh-high stockings. So beautiful, those long legs, that creamy few inches of bare skin between her stockings and panties calling to him like a siren’s song. The bra and panties were black, gauzy things that revealed as much as they hid. Her firm breasts thrust forward as she drew in a deep sigh, the nipples pert, ready for his mouth or clamps.

He went to say something and realized he couldn’t. His mouth wouldn’t open. What the hell? He then tried to move his arm to see to whatever was wrong with his mouth and realized she had him bound to her bed and gagged—probably tape. He hated tape. He wished she’d thought ahead and used a ball gag instead. Not that he’d ever tried one. He usually did the gagging. The binding.

He wiggled his wrists—more tape. No way was he escaping this easily. But did he want to?

He glanced down. A cool breeze over his thighs told him he was naked, and a test of one foot revealed she’d bound his legs, too. He broke out into a cold sweat. The idea of being made to submit scared the hell out of him but also excited his wildest dark side. His cock went from flaccid to semi-hard in a nanosecond, and it would just be moments before she had him fully aroused. She had said he would regret what she had planned. He’d soon find out if he did or if he wanted more. Right now, he wanted every twisted thing she had to give him.

“Ah, you’re awake.” Tia tossed the magazine on the desk next to her. “We have unfinished business.” She ran her finger up the bottom of his foot. It tickled and he jumped. “I didn’t realize you were ticklish, Jake.”

Neither did he. She strutted like a cat, slow, ready to pounce, stopping at his hip. Her smile was slow, calculating. Then she wet her bottom lip with her tongue, so subconsciously seductive. His cock jumped. “I see this excites you. I know it’s not your style, the Dom that you are. I told you that you’d regret what I had planned. And there’s a reason for it.”

He didn’t want a reason. He wanted her to fuck him. Now. He was more than ready. She ran her finger along the length of his thigh, and his leg trembled. She stopped at the edge of his groin, her fingers just shy of his dick. He willed that hand closer. To grab him. Stroke him.

“Offering me two orgasms isn’t enough, not when you failed to give me an orgasm most times we played. You did give me more than most men, though.”

He shook his head. That wasn’t right—she’d come several times. He didn’t leave his women begging, unless work called, and she was the only one who had suffered that fate. But then he thought back and remembered that he had questioned her response—it hadn’t seemed right. But she said she had come, so he believed her. Obviously, she was a hell of a liar. A plus in this career.

“Yes, I came for you occasionally, but never a proper orgasm. One with you inside me, not just your hands or your tongue. I want to come around your cock. I’ve never been able to do that, and I was so close when you left me last month. I want it badly, as you can see.”

Well, that wasn’t right. Jake struggled a bit, trying to get her attention. He was more than game to give her a proper orgasm. She needed to set him free. Let him use his hands, his tongue to heighten the sensation. Then he’d fuck her until America could hear her shout with ecstasy. But she had lied…did she fake them? If so, she was getting a paddling. He expected honesty in bed. It was the only place he could somewhat afford it and not fear dying.

“I know what you’re thinking. You see, I fake an orgasm very convincingly. If I know it’s going nowhere, why bother making the man feel less than he is? And you are one of the hottest catches in D.C. I had to fake it.” Her hand ran up his abs, over the defined muscles, her fingers like fire that branded him, making her mark along every dip in his body. Then she leaned in and kissed his stomach, right above his navel. He closed his eyes against the shock of her lips on quivering muscles.

“I know you want to help. But you see, I don’t think you can. I think I need to push the boundaries a bit for it to happen. I’m a switch, you know. I prefer to be submissive, but I’ll go Domme if I have to.” She ran her finger along his jaw and then traced them over his lips, her touch electrifying through the tape. Her brown eyes glittered in the dim candlelight. “You are the first who’s brought me close. So, so close. That last time, when you bound me, I would have come, if you had taken the time to finish.”

He moaned against his tape in protest. Damn it, he had wanted to finish. But he hadn’t wanted to work courier duties for the rest of his life as punishment. More importantly, the situation was dire. Chase didn’t nine-one-one him to the airport unless he was desperate to get Jake in the air.

Tia trailed a blood red fingernail down his chest. She leaned in, smelling of flowers and woman, and her hot tongue lapped his nipple. The touch was electrifying. He moaned again as she drew in his small, tight peak and sucked, the pleasure growing to a fire that spread to his loins. His dick bobbed, thickening, beckoning to her lips.

“Oh, someone likes that. I don’t have any clamps, or I’d give it a try, to see if you like the sweet pain I enjoy under your touch.” She ran two fingers over his abs, stopping short a breath away from the base of his throbbing shaft. “Your cock is magnificent, Jake. Long, thick. But it’s the man behind the cock that makes a woman come. I know you have the skills. You’re a legend at the club.”

He didn’t agree with the legend part, but skills he definitely had. Right now, he would gladly die trying to make her come.

She planted more kisses, each one hotter, wetter than the last as she worked her way down until he arched off the bed, needing her mouth on his dick. But Tia didn’t do that. Giving head was the one thing she negotiated out of every time they played. He’d been fine with it, but today he needed her sweet, red mouth to suck him. He deserved it.

She laughed softly at his eagerness and stood, her hand still only a breath from girthing his shaft, pumping him. He could almost feel her touch, how her soft hand would hold him, stroke the hard length. “I couldn’t let word get out that I was a frigid bitch for not coming properly. I don’t think I could survive that.”

Jake would never tell.

“Ah, you’re so hard now. What a naughty boy you are. You must be thinking of all the delicious things I want to do to you.” She kicked off her shoes, climbed on the bed, and straddled him so her ass was inches from his face.

The panties she wore were sheer and defined her ass perfectly, the smooth globes firm, inviting, perfect for spanking. She deserved a good spanking after doing this to him. One that would make her cry and beg for forgiveness, just the way she liked. He moaned. He longed to taste her. Anywhere.

And then she inched backward, her pussy hovering above his face, the scent of her arousal heady, like the sweetest perfume France had to offer. “We’ll have to use sixty-eight this time, Jake. I’ll suck you, and you can owe me.” She chuckled at her joke. His cock jerked at the thought of a good sucking, especially when her mouth had been denied to him from day one.

“I’m sorry, but I can’t take a chance of you screaming. Or hollering. And the thought of you not speaking turns me on.”

He could see that. Her panties were soaked through, her inner thighs damp with her juices. She shifted, and he realized the panties were crotchless. He moaned in frustration, his fingers aching to slide into that gap. Her pussy peeked out of the slit, the lips bare of hair, moisture glistening. He could almost taste her, and his tongue tapped the back of his teeth, eager to burst out.

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