Spurs & Stilettos (10 page)

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Authors: Ashley Johnson

BOOK: Spurs & Stilettos
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All my thoughts are interrupted when I hear a voice, “Happy birthday Hope.”


My eyes pop open to see Brad standing right there on my parent’s front lawn. What pisses me off even more is his truck is parked in Karlee’s spot.


“What are you doing here?” That’s the question on my mind. This is not what I had planned.


“I wanted to come tell you happy birthday.”


“No Brad, you need to leave. Now. That’s what technology is for. Send me a text, call me or something.”


“What? You have someone here with you, Hope?” He glares at me before whispering, “This is a joke.” Right before my eyes stands the person Brad has become. He’s not the person I fell for years ago, the one who held my heart. He’s the one tearing it apart without a care in the world. Finally I see him for who he is.


“What did you just say to her?” Wesley interjects before I can even process what’s going on. I never heard him come outside, but I’m glad he’s here.


“Look, why don’t you mind your own business, buddy. This is between me and my fiancée.” Brad stands there with his face beet red pointing his finger at Wesley.


“I’m not your fucking fiancée Brad, this is my boyfriend and you need to respect that and leave.” I’m surprised by what comes out my mouth, but Wesley doesn’t even flinch or act like I said something wrong.


“Boyfriend huh? He knows about all your bullshit baggage?”


“Shut the hell up Brad! I swear to God….” Tears sting at the back of my eyes begging to come forward but I refuse to shed a tear in front of him.


He cut me off quickly pissing me off more than I already am. He’s got a lot of fucking nerve, but I expect nothing less from him. “What? You going to take some more sleeping pills and try to put yourself out of your misery?” He’s smug, that little shit. I want to punch him in the face but I’m mortified over the fact that he’s spilling everything out right now in front of Wesley and I just don’t know what to say or do.


“Brad, you need to get the hell out of our yard.” I hear my Dad’s voice boom. Shit, how much of that did he hear? Brad isn’t stupid enough to argue with my dad and gets the point after a minute or two. He mumbles something and then climbs in his truck basically peeling out as he leaves. Good riddance asshole. Dad hugs me before stalking back inside giving Wesley and me a moment.


“You ok, sweetheart?” Wesley whispers into my neck as he pulls me in for an embrace. I feel so vulnerable right now. I want to crawl in a corner and pretend Brad didn’t just say all that out loud.


“I’m sorry I called you my boyfriend, I know it’s entirely too soon. I just didn’t know what to say to get him to back off.” Well there went my happiness and on my birthday too. No way is Wesley going to want to stick around now with me jumping to conclusions and especially since he knows all my issues.


“Look at me, Hope,” he turns me to face him. I stare at the ground before bringing my eyes to meet his. His emerald green eyes are burning and me, I’m melting.


“I don’t care about anything he said. Do you hear me?” I want to avoid this entire conversation but it’s happening on my parent’s front lawn. This isn’t how I pictured this scenario at all.


“I don’t deserve you Wesley. Things were just tough, I made some mistakes. I grieved my own way. I was all alone.” I took a deep breath. “Brad didn’t understand at all. He really made me feel like shit for feeling guilty. He was an asshole that night. I blocked most of it out because I wanted to forget him. I wanted to go be with Karlee so bad. I felt like I couldn’t go on without her here with me. I took the sleeping pills and prayed I wouldn’t wake up but I did in the hospital. He played the role of supportive fiancé when others were in the room but the minute it was just the two of us, he would tell me how stupid and crazy I was. He never understood that my heart was ripped in two when she died. He didn’t know what it felt like to see my sister lying lifeless next to me in her car.”


My issues are out and he knows everything. I wipe the tears that lingered away from my eyes. This is the deal breaker. He’ll either run for the hills or he’ll stay. My money is on him running since he’s only known me for a week.


“Hope, it kills me to know you went through that. I don’t think any less of you at all. You were dealt shitty cards and to me, you are a beautiful, strong, and brave woman.”


“You don’t have to be nice to me Wesley, I understand,” I stammer out, holding my tears at bay.


“Stop it Hope, I said I don’t care. I am crazy about the girl I met at the rodeo, that’s who you are to me. And I won’t run away like he did. If I say I’m here then you can count on me. And I’d be crazy not to want to be your boyfriend. I’d be crazy to let you go like he did; when we leave here I’m going to make sure you remember to forget him. I mean that, you’re mine and I’m yours.”


“I’m not crazy Wesley,” I whisper, trying to tell myself more than I really am him.


“I know Hope, I know and he’s a chicken shit for doing that to you.”


“I was going to tell you, I swear.”


“I know. It’s ok I promise.” His eyes are intense and I find every ounce of truth I need in his words.


I pull him to me kissing him as if my life depends on it. He moans deepening the kiss before pulling away, “Happy birthday, sweetheart.”


We make our way back inside, Amber is watching me carefully. I have no doubt she saw Brad outside. “It’s taken care of Amb, I promise. I can’t believe he showed up.”


“He’ll learn eventually, he’s stupid. Nothing but a big dickwad.” She pulls me to the side briefly whispering, “Your Dad told us everything he said outside, are you sure you’re ok?”


“I’m fine Amber. I promise.”


“I’m just worried about you. So, Wesley knows huh? Is everything ok?”


I let out a breath of relief thankful that conversation with him didn’t go horribly. Every piece of me expected him to leave and never come back. “He’s fine, Brad told him everything and I just elaborated for him. It’s going to be ok, I know it.”


“Well isn’t he Mr. Suave,” she giggles pulling me in for a hug.


Mom and Dad take the time to lay everything out on the table. My mouth is watering as I fix myself a large helping of roast and potatoes. Wesley says grace before we all eat and then the table is quiet as everyone enjoys the meal. Amber and Wesley help remove some of the dishes so Mom can bring out the cake. I smile as they light the 25 candles. I laugh even more when they begin singing. It sounds like a group of
club rejects in here. I close my eyes making my wish, I’m confident as I blow the candles out. Even though Brad came here, he was sent packing and nothing he did could possibly ruin my birthday. He shouldn’t have shown up without letting me know, better yet he shouldn’t have shown up at all. Here’s to dreams coming true.


Chapter 12


My birthday dinner is coming to an end. Despite the crazy events of earlier, it’s been a wonderful day. I love all my presents especially the ring from Karlee. I smile just looking at it. I’ll never take it off. Ever. Mom pulls me to the side before we leave making sure I’m fine after the Brad incident. I assure her I’m fine but I can see in her eyes she’s unsure of my answer. Seeing him and hearing everything he said hurt but I will be fine.


I hug my parent’s and thank them for a wonderful dinner. I don’t think I’d trade this birthday for anything. Amber leans in to where only I can hear her, “I’m going out tonight so you have the apartment for a while if you want some alone time with Wesley.”


She’s raising her eyebrows seductively; I roll my eyes trying not to laugh. My Dad tells Wesley he is welcome here anytime. I suppose any man good enough to stand up for his daughter is more than good enough to grace them with his presence. I stare at Karlee’s parking spot before backing out. My mind is cursing Brad for parking there and tainting her spot. I hope he gets a damn flat tire on the way home.


Wesley grabs my hand like it’s something we do all the time.  I let my fingers intertwine with his. I relax my head against the headrest as I begin the quick drive home. I park the car and there’s a small space of awkward silence before he smiles.


“Thank you for letting me meet your parents today.”


“They really seem to like you. I’m so sorry about earlier.”


“Hey, what did I tell you Hope, don’t apologize. You have nothing to apologize for ok?” His hand lightly brushes against my cheek. I close my eyes almost holding my breath as I memorize the movements of his hand. With one swift stroke, his lips are lightly on mine, completely consuming me. I eagerly kiss him back running my fingers through his messy hair.


He pulls away leaving me breathless, and I decide to invite him in. “Would you like to come inside with me for a little bit?”


“I thought you’d never ask.” His grin is tempting and wicked; he’s definitely got me where he wants me.


My hands are shaking as if I’ve never had him touch me before. I can’t figure out why I’m so nervous. I unlock the door and before I can throw the keys onto the counter, Wesley scoops me into his arms, my legs wrapping instantly around his waist. One of his hands cups my butt while the other is around my back. His mouth is on mine like fire, I’m full of desire for him as I kiss him ravenously. Between kisses, he walks in the direction of my room. He lays me gently on the bed, studying my eyes as he smiles at me. So many things are running through my head. From that very first night, I knew I’d be in trouble.


“What’s going on in that pretty little head of yours, sweetheart?” he asks as he plants a kiss on my forehead. I sigh out of complete happiness. I’m smitten.


“Please don’t hurt me,” I whisper staring straight into his eyes.


“I will never hurt you sweetheart, not in a million years. May be way too soon to tell, but you may be just what I’ve been waiting for.”


There are no words anymore, just kissing. Lots and lots of kissing. And damn, he can definitely use that mouth. There’s a tingling from my head to my toes and it intensifies between my legs begging to feel him. His mouth goes from my lips to my neck then nips at my breast sending me into a world of bliss. I arch my back, bringing my hand down to his jeans fumbling to unbutton and unzip them all at the same time. With a little assistance, they are gone and I hold his cock in my hand stroking him up and down. He pants and I notice the vein in his neck throbbing as he gets close but he controls it as he removes my hand and pins both of them above my head.


“Don’t move them sweetheart.” Oh, my. I could like this, but I want to touch him so bad.


His fingers lightly trace the curves of my breast through my bra. With every touch, I’m whimpering begging him for more but he has barely touched me. I try to move my hands because he’s downright teasing me, but he gives me a firm shake of the head. I’m not allowed to move, this is torture and he proves that when he pulls my breast into his mouth, teasing and sucking my nipple. I whimper, I’m desperate to move but any time I try, he stops which just aggravates me.


His hand slides into my panties and I moan lifting my hips beckoning him to touch me. My hands stay in place; despite the urge to move them. He slides two fingers inside me; it doesn’t take much before I want to come undone as he thrusts them in and out.


“Please let me touch you,” I beg.


“Not yet,” he replies, completely removing my panties.


He continues to thrust his fingers in me. He’s relentlessly teasing me, satisfying me to my core. I have to blink my eyes to keep from going crazy when he sends me over the edge. I try to stay composed but it’s hard as hell when he does things like that with his hands. I unravel trying to catch my breath and he slowly moves up to where he can kiss me. He leans over to grab a condom out of his wallet. My breathing increases as I watch him slide the condom on and as he grabs my hands he thrusts into me beginning the spiral all over again. My hands immediately wrap around his back pulling him closer. This isn’t just sex, this is beautiful. This is everything I’ve longed for. I match him thrust for thrust wanting more of him. And he delivers. When I come, my body convulses around him.


“God, I’m going to miss you when I leave.”


Reality hits me hard. He’s leaving again probably tomorrow. He has to go back and get Bandit before he goes wherever he’s going next.


“I’m going to miss you too. When will I get to see you again?”


He sighs, looking a little pained. He doesn’t know. I can read it on his face and I hate it. “Soon baby, soon. I promise.”


I feel like pouting like a kid. This isn’t fair. But when I found out what he did for a living, I knew exactly what it entailed. He’s barely home.


I lay my head on his chest savoring the rest of the best birthday of my life. I don’t want to walk away from him but he said he’d keep his word and if he says soon, it’ll be soon. Trust seems to be an easy thing with Wesley. I see the way he looks at me. I know he can’t possibly have eyes for other women at these rodeos and I don’t want to think about that either.


“I mean everything that I told you Hope. You know that right?” he asks softly.


My eyes meet his and I try my best to smile. “I know Wes. I’m just, well this is tough.”


“You could always come with me. Be my good luck charm?” He winks easing the mood. I’m smiling as I imagine going everywhere with him and Bandit, not leaving his side.


“If only it were that easy.” I would never leave my job. Hell, I wouldn’t even leave Amber or my parents. San Antonio was my home, it’s all I know. Rodeo is his life, not mine and I won’t intrude.


He plants a kiss on my forehead as I begin to relax a little more. “You’re all mine, Hope.”


“Easy there, cowboy” I laugh teasing him. The expression on his face has me almost doubled over and I have to catch my breath before I can add, “Of course I’m yours.”


I try like hell to stay awake but eventually I succumb to my sleep and I hate that because when morning comes, Wesley has to go.






Wesley gets to witness the disaster that is me getting ready for work on a Monday morning. My alarm was set, that wasn’t the issue. The issue was finding the black slacks I wanted. He laughed as I tossed about five different pairs that were identical to the exact pair on the bed. I let out a sigh of relief as I finally find the pair I want. I slip them on quickly before he could get any more ideas. We’ve already had sex this morning and it was mind blowing. The first blouse I find, I throw on. It’s a cream color that actually looks really good on me. I slide into my heels as he whistles at me. I shoot him some eyes before sauntering over to him and straddling his lap.


“Hey there, cowboy,” I whisper in his ear.


“Hey, beautiful. You look gorgeous today.”


I turn a shade of crimson as I plant a kiss on his lips before getting off him and walking up to my mirror. Once I’m satisfied with my hair and makeup, we make our way outside. I’m sick to my stomach at the thought of him leaving. I hate that it’s affecting me like this.


“I’ll text you as soon as I get back to Austin.” He states.


“Be safe please.”


“Always sweetheart. Thank you for an amazing weekend.” He whips his phone out and catches me off guard when he stands next to me holding it out to take a picture of us. It’s actually the cutest picture. I ask him to send it to me and when I receive it, I smile. I immediately make it the wallpaper on my phone.


“God, I didn’t think it was going to be this hard,” I confess.


“Me either, I’ll countdown the days until I can see you again.”


He cups my face pulling me in for a kiss. His lips lightly brush mine before slowly taking me. He’s savoring this kiss, but then so am I. Who knows when we’ll be able to kiss again? I’m going to miss these lips on me so much. He pulls away; the sadness in his eyes is killing me. I hate this so much.


“I better get going sweetheart. I don’t want you to be late for work.”


I sigh feeling the sadness overcome me, but I refuse to let him see me at this point. And I’m strong. I’m very strong until I see he’s turned off our road and as I sit in my car, I let out the breath I’ve been holding onto.

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