Springer, Jan - The Pleasure Girl [The Desperadoes 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour) (18 page)

BOOK: Springer, Jan - The Pleasure Girl [The Desperadoes 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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Right, she firmly told herself.

Besides, she was just doing her job. Being a pleasure girl. No one could judge her for doing her job, and who was
to judge them?

Wear something pretty
, Logan had said. Exactly what did he mean by that? Pretty like in a dress she’d wear to a cocktail party? Obviously that wasn’t happening, since she didn’t attend parties. Or did he want her to dress sexy like she wanted to get fucked by three men again? Oh, God, she had to be too stupid to live to actually be entertaining thoughts of more sex with potential outlaws. Teyla rolled her eyes and headed back into her bedroom.

Yep, obviously she was too stupid to live because that’s exactly what she wanted.

* * * *

“You two were what?” Logan exploded. He couldn’t believe his ears.

“Fixing the door to her greenhouse out behind the barn. We tended to the horses and then took a walk out back, saw some work needed doing, and did it,” Spencer said, eying Logan as if he had two heads for even asking him to repeat what he’d just said.

Holy crap! They hadn’t been here more than a few hours, and they were already domesticated.

“Why? What’s wrong?” Cassidy asked as he came up behind Spencer, a frown of concern ripping across his face.

“Cop was here.”

Well, that certainly took the air out of both men’s sails, didn’t it? He took immense satisfaction in their sudden sobering looks as both men went for their guns. Their relaxed gazes snapped to the look of the hunted and Logan instantly felt better.

This was the way they were supposed to be. All three of them. On guard, ready to protect each other and cover each other’s backs, not fixing up a rundown farm. But wasn’t that exactly what he’d wanted to do when he’d sat up on that hillside gazing down at Teyla’s rundown farm nestled snugly in the valley? Yeah, he had felt exactly that way. Damned domesticated.

Hanging out with Teyla made them forget the fact they were fugitives. Wanted men. And he knew they’d die shooting to prevent themselves from getting hanged by the neck, compliments of a vigilante law.

“What the hell happened?” they both asked at the same time and crowded in around Logan. Their guns were now drawn, their backs against each other as if expecting shots to be fired at any second.

Good, he’d spooked them. This was the way they needed to be. Alert. Ready for trouble.

Not working a freaking farm and fucking the cutest woman he’d come across in one hell of a long time.

“He’s gone. Teyla got rid of him. She says he won’t be back, but as we know, any type of law is unpredictable.”

Both men seemed to relax, but the familiar tension remained. It sparkled between the three of them, reminding them of the close call.

“You sure she handled it okay?”
As in can we stay longer
That was pretty much the message Logan was reading from Cassidy’s question and the eager look on both men’s faces as they awaited his answer.

“It needs to be all three of us together or just me.” Which, if he really thought about it, was what she’d originally agreed to. “She’s never done this before. I don’t want us scaring her off.”

Cassidy frowned. “I thought—” His words were cut off by a sharp jab to his ribs, compliments of Spencer, who of course wanted some one on one with Teyla.

“Logan set it up this time. If that’s what the lady says, that’s the way it will be. You know the rules. Always listen to the lady’s wishes. Now, let’s get washed up and get started on supper.” Spencer muttered his disappointment beneath his breath, turned, and strode toward the red water pump fifty yards away. Cassidy stayed, his intense gaze fixed on Logan. The guy was studying Logan as if he was some curious insect or something.

“What gives with the chick? Last night you said she was in agreement with us three doing her. That also meant some one on one, right? Who changed their mind? Her? Or you? Are you sweet on her?”

Who wouldn’t be

“She’s tired. I don’t want to push her.” Damned if he was going to admit he wanted the woman within his sight all the time. Hell, who was he kidding? He wanted her first. Then he would share her.

“It’s what ladies do. They change their minds.”

“Uh-huh, if you say so, Logan. We’ll keep our hands off. Just don’t get too involved. You know the rules,” he warned.

Too late, my man
. He wanted to tell Cassidy exactly that, but he kept his big mouth shut. They’d leave sometime tomorrow as planned, and once he was out of here and away from her, he’d forget her and they would rejoin the Durango Gang and could continue on with their crusade.

“Just keep your eyes open for anything suspicious,” he told Cassidy and headed back to the farm. He could hardly wait to see her again.

Oh, man, he was so fucked.

Chapter Nine

Teyla tensed when she heard Logan’s heavy footsteps come up the stairs and across the wooden veranda. She’d put on the sexiest dress she owned. She’d worn it only once, to a fundraiser local farmers were throwing to raise cash for a couple who was about to lose their farm due to foreclosure. Max, bless his soul, had volunteered her services in the kissing booth the farmers had set up at the fair. Her husband insisted she looked sexy and had brought the dress home for her.

She had to admit she’d thinned since last wearing it several years ago, but the black, clingy halter top really enhanced her breasts, and the bottom half of the dress was a billowy, ankle-length ball gown.

That she stood in her kitchen wearing the dress, in her bare feet, peeling carrots for the men’s supper, was odd. But, hey, she was being paid big bucks to follow his orders, so if he wanted her wearing something pretty, then that’s what she would do. She just hoped Logan liked the dress.

Her heart fluttered as the screen door creaked open. She swallowed as his footsteps halted abruptly. When he didn’t come inside, she dared a look over her shoulder and her insides went all wobbly at the primal way he gazed at her. Like he was the predator and she was his for the taking. He let out a low whistle and nodded his head, “Nice. Very nice,” he said softly, his voice drenched with approval.

She swallowed and returned her attention to peeling the carrots, her heart pounding with wicked abandon as he let the screen door shut behind him. He sauntered behind her, and she inhaled softly as his hot palms nestled on her hips, his face nuzzling her neck, the sharp bristles of his shadow rubbing erotically against her skin.

“You look so delicious I could just eat you up,” he muttered. “Keep peeling those carrots. I want to watch.”

“First a foot fetish and now a peeling fetish?” she teased.

“Not a peeling fetish. A certain woman fetish.”

Her? Oh, my

“A man of many tastes.” She grinned and kept peeling while he nuzzled her neck. She could definitely feel the hard bulge of his cock as he ground against her backside. It was an erotic rhythm. Sultry, full of promise that she would receive a hot evening of sex with him.

“How are the guys?”

Just mentioning them made her quiver as she remembered the wild sex in the living room. Oh, dear, her cheeks were warming up again. Not good.

She refocused her thoughts to what she’d noticed earlier when she’d watched from the window as Logan had joined the other two in the yard. As Logan had talked with them, she’d noticed the two men’s easygoing stances become instantly tense and alert. Obviously they hadn’t known about the sheriff until they’d been told he’d been here.

“They’ll be in after washing up, I’m sure.” He leaned his lower half against her, pressing his cock against her ass much in the same way he’d done yesterday evening. She trembled as he sucked her left earlobe into his mouth.

“Whoa, there, big boy,” she breathed.

Gosh, the intoxicating way his tongue licked her flesh had her dropping the paring knife again. It clattered to the counter. She moaned, giving up control and melting into the erotic sensations sweeping through her. Leaning back against him, she thoroughly enjoying the way his hands tangled with hers and the seductive way he nibbled and sucked her lobe. Who knew a man’s mouth could feel so erotic.

Suddenly he let go and drew away, his breathing harsh and raspy, and that’s when she heard the other men stomping up the stairs.


“To be continued later,” he promised in a low voice, and stepped away from her, quickly taking a seat at the table.

Spencer and Cassidy were joking amiably as they entered. But when they saw her, Teyla read the fire flaring in their eyes. Saw their need for more sex. Her pussy creamed. She swallowed, forced herself to look away and return to her carrots.

“Good evening, gentlemen, are you hungry?” she called out, trying really hard to act normal and ignore the insistent flare of heat hugging her cheeks and body as she dropped the carrots into the boiling water.

“Ravenous,” Spencer chuckled.

“Starving,” Cassidy growled.

By the low tone of their voices, she knew they weren’t speaking about dinner but about her. Logan obviously picked up on it, too.

“Since you boys are in such a domestic mood, why don’t you both set the table?” he advised from his perch, obviously a bit irritated at the two of them being disturbed.

“Now that’s an idea,” Cassidy replied, and before she knew it, the two men were fighting over gathering the dinner plates from the nearby cupboard. Cassidy won and he moved with a grace she’d not seen in a man before. He reminded her of a cougar quietly stalking his prey. As if sensing her watching him, he glanced at her and winked before taking the plates and glasses back to the table.

Spencer asked where he could find the utensils and his gaze snapped like wildfire as he also gave her a longing look before reaching into the drawer she’d indicated. As he moved away, she blew out a tense and totally hot breath and remembered yet again how the three men had taken her earlier.

And now she was preparing dinner for them. She should be more embarrassed than this, shouldn’t she? Having sex with three guys wasn’t normal for her, so why was she so…well, calm wouldn’t be the right word. Excited. Aroused. Needy. Wanting more ménages sounded about right.

“They fixed the greenhouse door for you,” Logan said. She heard amusement as well as pride in his voice at his announcement.

“Ah, come on, Log. We wanted it to be a surprise for her. We were going to show her after dinner,” Spencer complained as he reached for an oil lamp on a nearby shelf and brought it down, readying it for later.

Teyla hadn’t even realized it was already getting dark outside again.
My, oh, my.
The day had gone by fast.

As she watched the two strangers setting the table, she once again warmed to the memories of what had transpired earlier with the four of them. Her on the bed, naked, strange men touching her, massaging her breasts, her clit. Kissing her. Moving her into the living room. Her ass impaled by Logan. Being triple-penetrated and all that naughty sex.

Oh my gosh.
Three men fucking her. She couldn’t get over it! And now all of them acting like one big happy family, setting the table. Except the entire time she watched the family scene unfolding, she became very aware of Logan’s gaze on her. Very aware, indeed.

Even from here at the counter, she could smell him as she cut up more vegetables that she’d harvested from her greenhouse a couple of days ago. She tossed the carrots into the pot.

Logan smelled like sex and desperation and bubble bath. Gosh, she couldn’t believe she’d had foot sex in her bathtub, with bubbles and a man. Every time she looked at the tub she’d think of their afternoon together. Gosh, it
getting so hot in here. With the back of her hand, she brushed away the whisper of perspiration blossoming across her forehead and looked up to find Logan still watching her.

BOOK: Springer, Jan - The Pleasure Girl [The Desperadoes 1] (Siren Publishing Ménage Amour)
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