Read Spring Training Online

Authors: Parker Kincade

Spring Training (4 page)

BOOK: Spring Training
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Chapter Six

The lobby was packed with people. Jessa only recognized a few as being from the ball club. She’d be surprised if the majority of the men weren’t locals, here to get in on the action. There had to be at least three women to every man. Add a little music and the hotel could charge a cover to get into the lobby. Good lord. There was more skin showing than in all the strip clubs in Vegas.

Jessa dared a glance at Garrett, wondering if he’d react. It was more than obvious that most of these women were here for one purpose. To land — or lay — a baseball player. And she’d thought
were bad. Jeez.

It didn’t take long for the horde to notice them. Conversations halted and heated glances were tossed their way as Garrett lead them into the hotel. Jessa’s cheeks grew warm as she realized men were watching her as much as women were leering at Garrett. Her heart fluttered when he entwined their fingers, his expression fierce, possessive, and he tugged her closer to his side. She flexed her hand, his hold cutting off the blood supply to her fingers. He growled a warning, but at least he eased his grip.

He was making her crazy.

He’d dragged her from the dance floor, insisting he had an early day tomorrow, saying it was his job to get her back safely. She hadn’t missed his not-so-subtle dig about their relationship being about a job. He’d waited, not so patiently, while she said her goodbyes to everyone before he hauled her out of there, only to remain silent the entire way back to the hotel.

The tension between them was palpable. She couldn’t read him. Had no idea what had his jaw clenched and his shoulders tight. But if he kept dragging her around like an errant child, she was going to scream.

They passed the front desk and a woman stepped in front of him, impeding their progress. Tall and slender, the woman tossed her long auburn hair over her shoulder, revealing the top curve of her breast. The woman leaned in, boldly sliding her hand down Garrett’s chest. “Aren’t you Garrett Donovan?” she asked, her fingers gliding down to toy with the buckle on his belt.

Jessa fumed at the blatant display, irrational jealousy biting at her heart. The woman ignored her, choosing instead to wrap herself around Garrett’s other arm and making the most ridiculous giggle sound Jessa had ever heard. “You’re so much bigger up close.” The brazen hussy actually licked her lips, not even trying to hide the fact that she was peeking around to stare at Garrett’s crotch.

Jessa rolled her eyes. For chrissake, did the woman have no shame?

To make matters worse, Garrett transformed, the angry lines of his face gliding into a charming smile. “I’ll take that as a compliment, darlin’. Thank you.”

Ever the fucking gentleman.

“You want company tonight?” The woman’s voice was low, seductive. She squeezed his arm between her breasts. “I’ll put a smile on that handsome face of yours.”

He passed a hot, angry glance at Jessa. “Oh, I definitely want company tonight,” he murmured.

Jessa sucked in a breath. She had no claim on him, but that didn’t stop her heart from seizing at the thought of him in this woman’s arms. Well, if Garrett wanted to stand here and flirt, that was his choice, but she damn sure didn’t have to stay here and watch. Her stomach jumped, her dinner threatening to make a reappearance.

“I can get back on my own.” Her voice shook, her nerves on edge. She didn’t want him to stay here, but she really didn’t get a say in that, now did she? Goddamn it, she wouldn’t cry.

Would. Not.

He didn’t belong to her, couldn’t belong to her. She yanked her hand from his. “Have fun.”

Garrett snagged her wrist in a painful grip. Jessa cried out in protest, turning as he eased out of the other woman’s grip. “Thank you for the kind offer, ma’am.” His gaze never strayed from Jessa. “But, as you can see, my hands are full.”

The woman’s eyes narrowed on Jessa as if sizing up the competition. “If you change your mind, I’m Cindy.” She purred. “I’ll be around.” With one last glare to Jessa, the woman sauntered away, no doubt in search of her next victim.

Garrett jerked Jessa back to his side. His jaw was rigid as if he were grinding his teeth. Something he did a lot around her, she’d noticed. His hand pressed against the skin of her lower back, and his warmth startled her. Made her want to arch like a cat, begging him to stroke her. He kept the pressure firm as he directed her toward the bank of elevators. He was so confident, so sure she’d follow. And she would. She couldn’t seem to resist him, but that didn’t mean she had to make it easy.

“Garrett, let go. You’re hurting me.” He wasn’t, but she twisted her arm until he was forced to release her anyway. “What is your problem?”

“Not here.” He ushered her along, weaving around the crowd until they stood in front of the elevators.

The elevator doors opened and Garrett steered her inside. He maneuvered them to the corner, placing her back against his front. People continued to fill the space and Jessa found herself pressed against his warm, hard body. She shifted her feet, trying to make more room for him, to escape the sensation of his body against hers.

“Be still!” he hissed in her ear. He jerked her back, his fingers digging into her hips until she knew she’d bare his mark.

Her heart hammered, her chest constricting, making it difficult to breathe in the crowded space. His impressive erection seared her lower back. He released her hips, his hands slipping through the opening of her dress and settling on her waist. Her breath caught as his fingers traced feather light circles on her abdomen.

Her body ignited. Flames licked at her skin, her breasts growing heavy and uncomfortable in the confines of her dress. Desire exploded, bolts of electricity racing through her veins. Nerve endings came alive, jumping to the surface and preening beneath his wicked fingers.

She fidgeted, twisting her hands around the strap of her bag until it cut off her circulation. She wanted to get to her room, crawl into bed, and forget this night ever happened. In the morning, she’d call her dad and tell him she was coming home. He’d have to rely on someone else. If she stayed, she’d lose more than a night on the dance floor. The powerful man standing behind her would steal her heart. She would ruin them both.

His fingers danced across her skin, stealing her breath, stealing her will to resist. Garrett mastered her. Standing in an elevator full of people, his touch had reduced her to a puddle of need. For him. Anything he wanted, however he wanted. Consequences be damned.

Her pussy throbbed, flooded with arousal as she fought to remain still. He teased along the edge of her garter belt and her stomach rolled, clenched under his touch.

Oh God, there was no way he hadn’t felt that. He knew. He had to know what he was doing to her.

Garrett didn’t seem to care that they weren’t alone. Moving upward, his finger tickled the underside of her breast. Jesus, of all nights to forgo undergarments. She held her breath, wondering if he dared to touch her sensitive nipples. She was dying for him to touch her. The effort it took to breathe normally was exhausting. Jessa glared at the glowing numbers, willing the elevator to go faster. Arousal bordered on pain as she counted the floors and tried desperately to hold on to her dignity.

The elevator doors opened and Garrett jerked his hands away. He pressed against her back again, urging her forward. “Move out, Jessa.”

The command in his voice took her by surprise. Aggression and anger poured from his expression, giving her pause. She had no idea what his problem was. More importantly, she didn’t know if she should be worried or not.

Garrett took her hand and all but dragged her behind him. She tried to dig her heels in. “Garrett, wait. Where are we going? My room isn’t on this floor.”

He rounded on her. “No,
room is on this floor. Now, you can either walk or I’ll throw you over my shoulder. Either way, you’re coming with me.”

“Garrett, I —”

He growled, bent and pushed his shoulder into her stomach, scooping her up.

“Garrett!” Jessa raised her head enough to see if anyone had followed them into the hallway, relieved to find it empty.

“I warned you.”

Jessa braced her hands against his lower back, shifting her hips to lessen the bite of his shoulder.

“Hold still.” His palm came down on her backside.

“Hey! Who do you think you are? You know, you’re being really fucking annoying tonight. Put me down.” She slapped his ass hard while struggling to keep her breasts from falling out of her dress. As much as his Neanderthal tactics pissed her off, she was shaken from his touch in the elevator. Turned on.

He stopped. His hand skimmed the back of her thigh, up over her hip. She bit back a moan as he knelt to put her back on her feet. She straightened her dress and tried to get a hold of herself.

With a look of warning, he made quick work of the keycard and all but shoved her inside.

She hadn’t even gotten all the way into the room before he went off. “What the hell did you think you were doing?”

“Could you be more specific?” Arrogant jerk, thinking he could toss her around like a sack of potatoes. Who did he think he was?

He paced the floor in front of her. “Tonight. Dancing. Flirting with Tyler. That … that dress.” He waved a hand over her. “And I use the term loosely, of course. I’m not sure that scrap of material you’re wearing qualifies as an actual dress.”

“Where do you get off judging anything I do? I happen to like this dress.” She smoothed her hands down her body, his eyes tracking every move.

He snorted. “You and every man in the vicinity of you.”

“Need I remind you that going to dinner was
idea? And as for the dancing …” She shrugged a shoulder. “When in Rome.”

“And Tyler?” He ground out.

“He’s cute, and a good dancer. Why wouldn’t I have fun with him? I’m single. Free to dance with whoever the hell I want. Jesus! You were the one who said I didn’t know how to have fun, then the minute I do … what is your issue, Garrett?”

“You let him touch you.” His voice was harsh, fierce.

“Is that what this is about? Because you think —” She threw her hands up, glaring at him. “We were
Garrett. Kind of hard to do without touching.”

He took a step toward her. “I don’t
anything. His hands were all over you tonight, touching the skin that I … damn it. Tell me, Jess. Do you prefer Tyler’s touch to mine?”

Jessa stared at him, his eyes filled with a mixture of anger and lust. A look that told her if she wanted, she could be in his bed tonight. And oh, she wanted.

For once in her life, she would take what she wanted. No holding back, no allowing fear of judgment to get in her way. She was going for it.

“Tyler’s touch.” She kept her voice low, seductive. “His hands on me.” She ran her hands over her breasts, down her stomach, her movement slow, methodical. “His body against mine as we danced.” She rolled her hips as she smoothed the dress over her curves. She closed her eyes for a second, as if reliving the moment, before dropping her hands to her sides and giving him a dry stare.

“I didn’t feel anything special. Tyler doesn’t do it for me, Garrett. I could simply relax and enjoy myself. But you,” she jabbed his chest. “You turn me inside out. One look and I’m ready for you. My nipples get hard thinking about you, so when you put your hands on me tonight, yeah. It was too much. All I could think about was your kiss, what it would feel like to have your hands all over my skin. How you would taste if I took you into my mouth. One touch, Garrett, and I needed you so badly that I didn’t think I could take another minute.”

“You make me insane, you know that?” He stepped closer, his hands gripping her arms and lifting her against him. “I’m going to kiss you, Jessa. Tell me no.” He closed his eyes, resting his forehead against hers. “Goddamn it, tell me no.”

Yeah, no way that was happening. She hadn’t stopped thinking about the last time they’d kissed. She wanted more, and she wasn’t going to wait another minute. She tipped her head and pressed her mouth to his.

* * *

Garrett was losing his fucking mind. The feel of her soft mouth on his s
ent a bolt of lightning straight to his dick. He’d been hard since the moment she’d opened the door tonight, that damn dress taunting him with her every movement. Making him crazy to know if she wore anything underneath.

“Damn it, Jessa.” He ripped his lips from hers. “I can’t. You’re … fuck. We can’t do this.” He needed to get away from her. He needed to get inside her.

Either way, he was fucked.

Jessa stood there, her expression stunned. Her chest rose and fell in rapid succession to his. “Are you serious?”

“You should go.” His voice was hard, determined, a last ditch effort to do the right thing before he destroyed everything. It took every bit of his restraint not to throw her over the arm of the couch and sink into her from behind. And he wouldn’t stop there. Not even close. The way he felt right now, he’d take her every way imaginable and a few ways he might make up as they go along. If she didn’t go now.

“I don’t want to go. It’s just you and me here, Garrett. Just you and me.” Her eyes filled with tears. “Don’t deny us this night. Please, Garrett.”

Need filled her teary eyes. Her mumbled words were his downfall. There’d be no more tears tonight. Only pleasure. He’d make her forget all about her tears because now, there’d be no walking away.

He yanked her to his chest, lifting her feet from the floor as he ground his hips against her. Even fully clothed, the heat from her pussy burned him, set his blood on fire. He took her mouth, forcing his way in until her taste flowed over his tongue.

She went limp in his arms, his body molding to her every curve. He couldn’t wait. Mindless of anything except getting inside her, Garrett reached between them and loosened his belt.

Her hands, soft and tentative, threaded around his neck. A shudder racked his body as she toyed with the ends of his hair. She scraped her nails along his neck. The little vixen dug into his shoulders, her tongue more insistent in his mouth.

He cupped the back of her neck, holding her in place while he dined on the most delicious mouth he’d ever tasted.

“You taste so sweet, so warm and inviting. I could spend all night kissing you, Jess.” He teased his tongue across her mouth. “Your lips are so full and pretty. Red and swollen from my kisses. Do you have any idea what that does to me? Damn, I can’t wait to see those lips wrapped around my cock.” He looked into her eyes, glazed over with desire. “You’re so beautiful, Jessa. Can I see the rest of you? Will you show me what I want to see, baby?”

“God, Garrett.” She was breathless, straining in his arms.

“Relax, baby,” he murmured against her lips. “I’ve got you. We’re going to take the edge off, and then we’ll play.” He reached behind her neck, releasing the catch of her dress. He stepped back, his heart hammering in his chest as the material fluttered down her body and landed in a shimmering pool at her feet.

Sweet Mary, Mother of God.

Jessa stood before him, black thigh-highs secured by garters that hung from a tiny scrap of black lace around her hips. The rest of her glorious body was bare to his gaze, exactly as he’d imagined. Her breasts were beautiful, a perfect fit for his hands. Darkened nipples tipped the tanned mounds. All he could think about was drawing each one in his mouth until she writhed beneath him. The bare lips of her pussy glistened, beckoning him to touch her, taste her. He cleared his throat. “Where are your panties?”

Her lips quirked. “Didn’t wear any.”

He groaned. She was going to kill him. “It’s a damn good thing I didn’t know that earlier, or we’d have never made it out of the restaurant. Hell, we may have never made it
the restaurant. Jesus, it was hard enough knowing you weren’t wearing a bra. Come here, Jessa, I need to touch you.” He spun her in a slow circle, taking in every inch of her. He ran his palm over the satiny skin of her ass. “Did you wear this get up for me, princess?”


He pulled her to him, holding her arms behind her back. Her breath hitched, her eyes darkened. She liked it rough. He saw it in her gaze, in the way she clawed at him. And God help him, he’d give it to her. “You did, didn’t you?” He bent his head and flicked the tip of his tongue over her nipple. “Mmm. So sweet. Tell me you want me. God, Jessa,” he said and sucked the tight bud deep into his mouth and felt the last of his restraint go.

BOOK: Spring Training
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