Split - Coffin Nails MC (Contemporary New Adult Erotic Dark Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 7) (17 page)

BOOK: Split - Coffin Nails MC (Contemporary New Adult Erotic Dark Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 7)
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“So ... how can I host you now that I
finally invited you over?” Asty turned in his lap and put her knees on either
side of his hips, facing him.

His still chilly fingers explored under her
T-shirt and traveled all the way to her breasts, cupping them very gently, as
Hunter groaned. “I have been thinking about something where I can be first …”
He leaned back, taking her with him, but then turned them both around and ended
up on top.

Asty yelped all giddy when Hunter’s long
hair fell against her cheek. She pulled back his hood and tightened her thighs
around his hips. Warmth was coursing through her body even though his clothes
were still cool against her. Her pulse quickened, and she could even feel it in
her lips. “I have an idea ...”

“Oh, do you now?” Hunter raised his
eyebrows and delved in for a sloppy kiss that didn’t let her speak.

Asty nodded and locked her ankles over his
hips, both excited and slightly anxious. She didn’t expect him to propose that
so soon, but she’d been curious. She swirled both tips of her tongue over his,
eliciting a groan that spoke of hunger.

“You want to fuck my ass,” she whispered,
sliding her hands down his sides. It felt excitingly naughty to just say that
out loud, and she knew she hit the jackpot by the cocky grin on his face.

“I said it before, and I’ll say it again.

Asty chuckled and nuzzled his cheek,
pulling him closer with her legs. She wasn’t sure what to expect, but Hunter
always made her so comfortable she had no doubts she wanted to give it a try.
Tonight. “So ... will you?” she teased and lapped at the front of his lips.

“I will.” He looked into her eyes. “I will
fuck your hot, tight ass.”

Asty whimpered as her pussy twitched in
excitement. Just listening to him speaking in that tone made her horny. “That’s
so hot.”

“Oh, babe. You haven’t seen hot yet.”
Hunter gave her one more kiss before pulling up and unzipping his jacket. “Just

Asty grinned and touched his thigh,
spreading her legs wider to see him better. “What is this? A private strip

“Are you paying?” Hunter threw his jacket
and scarf to the floor, quickly pulling off the hoodie as well as the gloves.

Asty wiggled her brows at him. “I think we
already came up with the barter.”

“That’s not fair. You’re gonna love it.
It’s not like you’ll lay down and think of Mount Rushmore.” Hunter went slower
with pulling off his T-shirt. It really was a view to behold, not only for the
sturdy muscle, but for all the tattoos as well. She looked at the big lettering
under his collarbones, and she was sure that now she knew why he had inked the
word “JUDAS.” She didn’t need to ask.

“You want to get me in the mood, don’t you?
Drop those clothes,” she said, slowly sitting up. His body hypnotized her as it
made those tiny movements necessary for undressing. She could hardly think of
anything else other than having all that hard muscle over her and his cock
inside her. Her cheeks felt even hotter than usual now that she knew they’d
explore something new.

“Bossy? Might need a spanking,” he teased
as he got off the bed and pushed his boots off. His jeans hung low on his hips,
and she now wished he were closer so she could trail her fingers along his muscular

Asty gave him a long look and slowly rolled
on her belly. With her T-shirt gathered at her hips, her ass was only covered
by a tiny piece of lace underwear that showed off most of her buttocks.

“Fuck. You tease. Are you wet for me yet?”
Hunter took the two steps to the bed and gave her ass a slap.

Asty yelped and cradled her pillow as the
shock of the hit spread over her buttock. “I don’t know. Maybe I should check
before we start?” she asked and laid her cheek on the pillow to look at him,
slowly rolling the panties down, just beneath her ass.

Hunter inhaled loudly. “No. Let me.” He
pulled her underwear even lower and slid his fingers between her slippery pussy
lips. “Nice and slick.” He teased the tip of his finger into her opening.

Asty moaned and closed her thighs around
his hand as her lower abdomen melted with excitement at the touch. “Yes ...”

“You’re such a sex kitten.” Hunter sighed
and pulled away to suck on the fingers that had just touched her.

Asty mewled her disappointment and rolled
to her back, stretching on the mattress, both relaxed and incredibly excited.
She needed to lure him into bed, no matter how much she liked his naked body on

Hunter stilled with his fingers in his
mouth. He popped them out. “What is that?” He pulled her T-shirt up, almost
exposing her breasts, but he wasn’t even looking at them, instead focusing on
the scars of the Astaroth seal on Asty’s belly.

She turned into stone, and her brain
couldn’t work out an answer. How could she have forgotten? She had gotten too
careless with them always fucking with their clothes on, quickly, where she
never had to expose this part of her body. “It—it’s the seal of my protector,”
she whispered in the end, hoping he wouldn’t hate it. He loved piercings and
tattoos, why not scars?

“Did you cut yourself?” Hunter frowned and
kneeled on the bed, running his fingers over her belly so gently, as if he were
trying to touch a butterfly without hurting its wings.

Asty hesitated for a moment and finally nodded.
It wasn’t the prettiest of scarifications out there, but it wasn’t that bad
either. She tried not to make it ugly.

“Christ. Why?” Hunter searched her face.

“For protection ... so that the baby is
healthy,” she uttered, suddenly unsure of what she was saying and wondering if
the look of horror reflected on his face could strip away the truth behind her
mother’s notes.

“Asty … I’m sure the baby will be fine. How
could you do this to your beautiful skin? What will you do next? You suck off
Ray for the ritual, you cut your body … Fuck.” He touched her belly more firmly
as he grew confident that it wasn’t hurting her. It did tickle though.

“I thought you liked body art,” offered
Asty somewhat weakly and pushed down the T-shirt, covering both the scars and
his hand. Lightheaded, she looked away from him and bit her thumb.

Hunter held his hand over the scars. “I do.
Don’t get me wrong. You’re just as beautiful with it as you are without it, but
you’re doing this for the wrong reasons. I mean … do you actually believe this?
Would you have done it if it wasn’t for the baby?”

Asty pressed her lips together. “Of course,
I believe this. Why is this so hard to understand? I wasn’t bringing it to the
world in the best circumstances ... that’s the least I could do.”

Hunter pulled his hand away with a scowl.
“Does it still hurt?”

Asty shook her head. “No. It’s very
shallow, and I’ve done it over a month ago.” Slowly, she brushed her fingers
over his warm hand. “You won’t hurt me.”

Hunter pushed his hair back and got up.
“Off with the T-shirt,” he said and unzipped his jeans.

Asty hesitated but eventually removed the
T-shirt and pulled her underwear down the rest of the way. She sat up and
watched Hunter’s boxer shorts emerge from underneath the denim. She learned to
crave the sound of that zipper, and even now, it made ants crawl up her spine.

Hunter watched her, and she could feel his
gaze lick her up and down. “Promise me you won’t cut yourself again.”

Asty nodded, relieved, and leaned back to
switch on the little lamp over the bed, which turned the space under the
makeshift canopy cozy with web-like patterns and warm light. “I won’t.”

Her words worked like a charm, and Hunter
pulled down his boxers, finally in all his naked glory, getting hard already.
His eyes went back to her belly, and he kneeled on the bed. The position only
made the muscles of his thighs more pronounced.

Asty reached out to him and pulled him
deeper into the pile of pillows she slept on. The shadows of the fabric above
moved over his skin, caressing it like thin fingers, and she followed them down
his stomach, teasing the trail of hair between his navel and cock. This was the
first time she’d seen him completely naked, and the sight he presented made her
wish she could have all the time to touch and kiss every single inch of him.

Hunter’s long dark hair swayed and created
shadows when he leaned closer. “Get on your hands and knees,” he whispered, and
the low tone of his voice sent a spark of arousal down to her pussy.

She took a deep breath, holding his gaze
for several moments, but no clever comeback came to mind, so she rolled to her
stomach and raised her body, pushing her front into the pillows for a more
comfortable position. Now that she couldn’t see him, she wasn’t sure whether
she was more nervous or excited. She knew Hunter wouldn’t hurt her, but here in
her own bed, she felt more naked and vulnerable than she had back in that
church. The man with her wasn’t anonymous, but a person of flesh and bone, who
knew her secrets and shared his own.

But as she was expecting fingers and lube,
his hot tongue trailed between her pussy lips and made her groan. When the tip
slid into her opening, she had to hug the pillow under her. She rolled her hips
back and spread her thighs a bit wider as her sensitive lower lips reacted to
every little movement of Hunter’s mouth. The way he touched her made Asty’s
brain turn into a sponge that soaked up his every word, each groan, and all the
rustling of the sheets. She curled her toes and brushed them over his hairy calf,
rocking back and forth against his careful ministrations. When he’d done this
for the first time, she wondered where he had learned such skill, but there was
no denying her endless lust for him also played a part in how easily she got
off whenever they had sex.

She moaned when he suckled on her clit and
flicked it with his tongue, but when his lips were finally gone, she was left
wanton and on edge. There was a popping sound, and cool lube drizzled down her
ass crack, making Asty all the more aroused. There was something illicit yet
extremely intimate about what they were about to do.

She curled her shoulders and looked back at
that gorgeous man who wanted her despite not fully understanding her reasons.
Her breath caught when he massaged her naked ass and looked at her in a way
that reminded her of a dark demon that was ready to devour her soul. There was
something wild about him in that moment, and it made her heart tremble in the
sweetest way.

His slick fingers moved between her
buttocks, teasing her every now and then, swiveling around her hole as he
watched her from above, with his long hair falling in waves down his chest. “If
anything hurts, tell me.” Even those reassuring words made her tremble with

“Okay,” she uttered and teased one of her
oversensitive nipples as she looked back at him, overcome by heat. “But you’re
definitely popping my cherry today.”

“Hell yes, I am.” He gave her a devilish
grin that looked slightly mad with some of the hair over his face. The slippery
finger finally pushed in, and Hunter groaned. “You will be so tight for me,

Asty rolled her hips, surprised by the
sensation. Her body clenched so hard around the digit that it almost made her
worry, but Hunter knew what he was doing, so all that was left for her to do
was follow his lead. The presence inside her felt alien but not painful, and as
Hunter moved his thick finger back and forth, the friction created a heat that
seemed to catch on in her pussy as well. “I bet you can’t wait,” she whispered,
playing with her nipple.

“I’m so hard already.” Hunter leaned down
and kissed up her spine, all the way to her nape, while he slowly drilled in a
second finger, pushing both back and forth, fucking her with them already.
“First, I’ll fuck your ass, but when I’m almost done, I’ll flip you, and come
on your pretty perky tits.”

Asty blinked. “Nasty,” she said and reached
back, stroking the side of his body. She loved the way his face fit between her
shoulder blades and the smooth hair tumbling across her back. “Let’s do that,”
she added, slowly pushing back when her hole relaxed slightly. It was such a
strange and yet delicious sensation.

“What would your daddy think?” Hunter
teased and forced her to moan when he pushed his fingers in up to the knuckle.

Asty bit back a grin and arched under him
as her pussy fluttered with excitement. And yet, the stimulation brought on a
new sensation to the mix. From somewhere in her stomach, heat was spreading all
over her body and filling her with arousal. “He’d think you’re a very bad man ...”

“Am I though?” Hunter gave her ass a little
slap and licked down her spine, as his fingers kept working their magic.

Asty looked back and wiggled her butt as
much as she could. “No. I’m happy with your services so far.”

“I live to please.” Hunter’s breath was hot
on her back, and his hair tickled her sides. Tension grew in her body when he
slowly pulled out his fingers, and she heard the crinkling of a wrapper.

Asty exhaled and gathered more pillows
against her as she pushed her hips back. Now that they were coming to the main
act, worries were flooding back to her and making her stomach twist a little.
Lots of people did this and liked it. She enjoyed watching it in porn. There
was no reason for her to absolutely hate it, especially since it was Hunter’s
cock about to enter her.

BOOK: Split - Coffin Nails MC (Contemporary New Adult Erotic Dark Romance) (Sex & Mayhem Book 7)
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