Splintered Oak (Winsor Series Book 3) (31 page)

BOOK: Splintered Oak (Winsor Series Book 3)
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Four months later…




Frigid air blew over me as I strolled across campus, holding my new schedule in hand. With the job I took at Grant’s firm, I’d have the resources and flexibility I needed to not only follow my dream, but also have the security I desperately wanted to offer Naomi.

My decision to switch from finance to counseling was a hard one, but I knew it was the path the Lord wanted me to take. Bruce had shown me exactly what I needed to do if I wanted to specialize in grief counseling. The journey involved two degrees and an obscene amount of clinical hours, but i
n the end I knew the sacrifice would be worth it.

I checked my watch and head
ed towards Naomi’s class. She’d be getting out soon and I wanted to confirm she was coming over to my new place tonight.

David’s fiancé found me an amazing two-bedroom condo with a rooftop patio. I picked u
p the keys today, knowing this was more than just my first real estate purchase. It would also be Naomi’s and my first home.

My heart quickened as I thought of the small black box sitting in my top dresser drawer. I spoke to her father a week ago and after more promises got the blessing I had hoped for.

Tonight is the night, and I had every intention of making it the fairytale Naomi has dreamed of. Issy promised she’d have the roof ready for dinner and that it would be spectacular.

had no doubt. We’d eat, dance, and then I would get on one knee and ask the woman I loved more than my own life to be my bride.

The smile on my face was almost goofy as I passed through the quad.

Please, Lord, let her say yes.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw wavy blond hair lifted by the breeze and stopped. Avery was bundled up and intently reading a book as she sat in the grassy area by the library. Seeing her didn’t bring me to my knees like it used to, but it did fill me with guilt and remorse for how I treated her.

As if they had a mind of their own, my legs moved toward her and stopped just a foot away.

She looked up and her eyes widened when she saw me. “Jake?”

“Hey. Do you have a second? There’s something I need to say to you.” I hadn’t planned to do this, but now it seemed as if I couldn’t move forward until I did.

She shot me the pensive look as she always did when we saw each other. “Okay. Um, just let me text Parker and tell him.”

I waited as she sent a message and then watched as she stood. We moved just a few feet away from the crowd and I immediately felt my palms begin to sweat. Why is apologizing so hard?

“I heard Issy is all moved in,” Avery began, trying to end the awkward silence between us.

“Yeah, she loves her little house. I’ve been to more furniture stores than I ever care to visit.”

“She sounds happy.”

“She is.”

The awkward silence descended again. Clearing my throat, I finally forced myself to begin. “Avery, I just wanted to tell you I’m sorry for how I treated you, and I want you to know nothing that happened between us was your fault. I abused our relationship, took only what I needed, and took advantage of you in a terrible way. I truly am sorry and am so glad you’ve found the happiness you deserve.” There. I’d said it, but couldn’t seem to look her in the eye.

“I forgave you a long time ago, Jake, but it’s still nice to hear it. Thank you.”

Feeling my stomach settle at her words, I glanced up. Her face was soft and compassionate, and surprisingly held none of the fear I was used to seeing from her. Warmth pushed through my veins as I realized that we finally had the closure we both needed.

I saw Parker standing by her stuff, watching us. He was staying back, which I had to admit was admirable. I couldn’t say I’d be as understanding if we were Jonathan and Naomi.

“Anyway, I don’t want to keep you. I just needed to say that to you. I know it may take some time, considering our history, but I really do hope one day we can all be friends.”

Avery’s eyes filled with tears, but they weren’t sad ones. “I hope so too, Jake.”

I would have hugged her, but out of respect for Parker, I kept my distance and just nodded before saying goodbye. She sent me a wave and walked back to Parker, to where she belongs.

I turned, walking towards Naomi’s building with a new spring in my step. That conversation was long overdue, and it felt really good to have had it.

Naomi was walking down the steps when I approached her. “Hey beautiful. Anyway I could talk you into a cup of coffee before your next class?”

Naomi’s face lit up when she saw me, which sent my pulse racing. How had I gotten so lucky?

“I don’t know. My boyfriend gets pretty jealous about these things,” she teased, wrapping both arms around my waist. I leaned down and kissed her, feeling all the heat and love I always do when she is around.

We walked toward the student union, hand in hand. “So I ran into Avery a minute a go. I apologized to her, and it felt good, you know, to finally have that closure.”

Naomi was silent and appeared lost in thought. I stopped, turning her toward me. “Hey, if that makes you uncomfortable, I won’t talk to her again. I don’t feel that way for her anymore. Not at all.” It never crossed my mind that Naomi would have a problem with it.

“No, no,” she assured me smiling. “It’s not that. Avery’s great. I was thinking about the scarlet thread.”

“The what?”

“The scarlet thread of Jesus. Parker’s family brought Avery to Christ, and Avery showed Issy the way. Now because of Issy, you believe as well. It’s just ironic, isn’t it, how the hand of God moves through each of us?”

I pulled her in, kissing her again. “And that, my love, is why you amaze me every day.” I paused, looking into her beautiful brown eyes. “Do you think I’ll do the same one day for someone else?”

Naomi’s mouth curved as she leaned up to brush her lips against mine. “I have no doubt you will, Jake. God has an amazing journey for you.”

I kne
w He did and that she would be there every step of the way. There was a time when I believed I was doomed to a life of bitterness and regret. Now I knew, with complete certainty, that my life, no matter how short or how long, would be full of joy and promise. And I couldn’t wait for the journey to begin.




I hope you enjoyed Jake and Naomi’s story. Please take a moment to leave a review on Amazon. They are critical to us self-published authors.


To see how it all began, check out the first two books in the Winsor Series:


Book 1:  Shattered Rose (Jake/Parker and Avery)

Book 2: 
Shackled Lily (Issy and Grant)


Both are available now on Amazon.


My new series, Set Apart, is also available!


Book 1:  Mercy’s Fight (Matt and Grace)


I’d love to hear from all of you. Connect with me on Facebook to hear all about my upcoming projects:




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T.L. Gray serves as a pastor’s wife in Ennis, Texas. It was her desire to see young girls know and experience Christ’s unconditional love that led her to write her debut novel,
Shattered Rose
. She loves to write stories of redemption with real characters who struggle in this world. T.L. Gray is currently working on Parker’s Novella (a companion book to Shattered Rose) and a new spinoff series, Set Apart. Connect with her on Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/tlgraybooks



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