Splendor (Inevitable #2) (45 page)

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Authors: Janet Nissenson

BOOK: Splendor (Inevitable #2)
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Last night had been a revelation. Given free rein to take her any way he chose, Ian had twisted and contorted her body into sexual positions she hadn’t dreamed existed. Tessa fidgeted in her chair and felt her panties grow damp when she remembered how he’d dragged her to the edge of the bed – her back on the mattress, her long legs locked at the ankles around his neck, as he’d fucked her while standing on the side of the bed. He’d been so deep that way, had been able to thrust into her so hard, that she’d very nearly blacked out for a few moments.

Gina waved a hand in dismissal at this bit of news. “Probably just a quick fling. I doubt he’d be serious about a much younger woman.”

Alicia made a little sound of displeasure. “Not according to what my mother said. Apparently the Boss Man was completely enraptured by this woman, and totally ignored everyone else in the place. My father wanted to go over and say hello, but when he saw the pair of them were – how did my mother so charmingly phrase it – ah, yes, “canoodling” – he decided he’d better stay put.”

Shelby giggled in her high, chirpy manner. “What does that even mean – canoodling? Were they eating noodles or something?”

Kevin rolled his eyes and gave Shelby an indulgent pat on the head. “Can you really be that dumb?” he muttered, half under his breath. “No, sweetie pie, they weren’t eating noodles. More like eating face. You know – kissing, cuddling, that sort of thing.”

“Oh.” Shelby nodded in understanding. “I get it now. But – really? Somehow I can’t picture Mr. Gregson actually, uh, engaging in PDA.”

Tessa, too, had been in something resembling disbelief when Ian had seemed to be touching her constantly during their meal – caressing her cheek, holding her hand, giving her a series of sweet, soft kisses. He’d acted very much like a man in love, and one who didn’t give a damn if the entire world was watching. His affectionate, attentive behavior had made Tessa almost swoon with desire, and made her fall even deeper under his spell.

Kevin grinned wickedly. “She must be some real hot piece of booty to get him to loosen up a little. Lucky bitch.”

Alicia grimaced. “You said it, I didn’t. And to top it off, my mother said Blondie was dressed to kill. Louboutins – that lavender Moschino dress I was coveting at Barneys – a triple strand pearl choker. Whoever she is, the girl’s got great fashion sense.”

‘Or a rich boyfriend with great fashion sense’ added Tessa to herself. But it gave her a great feeling of satisfaction to realize that the beautiful dress she’d worn to dinner last night had been on Alicia’s own wish list. Almost maliciously, Tessa wished she had the nerve to wear the dress to the office one day and flaunt it in her co-worker’s face.

She heard her cell phone ping, signaling an incoming text, and gave it a discreet peek, knowing it had to be from Ian.

Hello, luv. Sorry I’ve been so busy today. Just wanted to say I love u and that last night was amazing. I’m still recovering

Tessa bit down hard on the inside of her cheek to stifle a knowing smile. If Ian was still in recovery mode, she couldn’t even imagine what to call her own condition. Upon waking this morning after a night of true rapture in his arms, she’d been a little dismayed to discover not only the whisker burns all over her breasts and belly, but her reddened nipples, a dark purple hickey on her right hip, and a soreness between her thighs that went way beyond tenderness.

She tapped back
Ur not the only one. Might B a day or 2 b4 I can walk straight

His reply came quickly.
Poor baby. I know I was too rough with u. That’s what u get when u unleash a wild beast

Tessa was glad to see her co-workers were all distracted by Alicia’s news and were nosily trying to figure out who Ian’s mystery blonde was. Their preoccupation allowed her to focus on sexting back and forth with her very lusty lover.

It was worth it. Tho a hot bath might help. And we might have 2 stick to oral only for a day or 2

She slapped a hand over her mouth to suppress a giggle at his response.
Well that would be just terrible wouldn’t it. But u can always use more practice

She stole a glance at the group, satisfied that they were still yakking away.
FYI, the cats out of the bag. Alicia’s mom told her all about u and your mystery blonde

Ah, no surprise there. Is Alicia in super bitch mode?

Tessa’s shoulders shook with barely suppressed mirth.
More than ever especially since she wanted the dress I had on last night

She couldn’t begin to do it justice. Lavender is one of your best colors. Especially that very fetching bra

Glad u liked it. Oh, apparently we were spotted canoodling over dinner

Good thing no one noticed how I was canoodling u under the table

She stifled a groan as she recalled
how he’d done just that – his long fingers slipping up under the dress and then beneath the crotch of her panties. She’d had to dig her nails into her palm to keep from moaning right there in the restaurant.

Maybe I’m not 2 sore 4 a repeat performance 2night after all

There was a longer than usual delay before his reply.
But I might need a transfusion first. U wiped me out, luv. Especially that last time

Tessa bit down on her lip and tried very hard not to squirm as his text called forth the very pleasurable memory of the third and final time he’d taken her last night, or – in actuality, about three a.m. this morning. He’d flipped her onto her belly, keeping her torso pressed into the mattress with a hand against her lower back, before urging her onto her knees with her ass in the air. Kneeling behind her, he’d slid so deep inside her body that she’d cried out in half pleasure, half pain. He’d been relentless, commanding, the dominant lover she’d enticed him into being, and she had shattered into a thousand pieces from the orgasm he’d wrung from her body.

A smile played about her features as she slowly tapped out her reply.
U can do that again anytime. Carte blanche whenever u like

But it was his response a moment or two later than brought forth a burst of laughter, one that caused her co-workers to look over at her in surprise. Red-faced, Tessa tried valiantly to shrug it off. “Uh, just a friend of mine trying to cheer me up by sending me a dirty joke. But don’t even ask – I’d be way too embarrassed to share.”

When she was certain they weren’t paying attention to her, she snuck another peek at Ian’s most recent reply and grinned.

Calling the doctor’s office now to schedule that transfusion. Maybe a Viagra prescription 2. U r going to kill me u know

She couldn’t resist tapping out one final retort.
At least we’ll have fun trying

Chapter Nineteen

Late April

“Nathan and I are really looking forward to seeing the two of you tonight. And we’re so flattered to be celebrating Ian’s fortieth birthday with you. I have to say, honey, that he is
hottest forty year old I’ve ever seen. Whatever he’s doing to stay in shape, tell him to just keep it up.”

At Julia’s comment, Tessa could hear Nathan in the background, sounding very indignant at the way his fiancée was complimenting another man. Julia called out to him, “But you know I love you best, baby. Besides, the birthday boy is only interested in one girl and it’s not me.”

“Sorry.” Julia offered an apology as she resumed their phone conversation. “Some men just get so bent out of shape at the littlest thing, you know? Just because I can admire another man’s goods doesn’t mean I want to sample them.”

“Good,” retorted Tessa teasingly, “because my man isn’t giving out samples to anyone but me.”

Julia laughed. “That’s the attitude, girl. You guard that man like a tigress. Not that you’ll ever have to worry about Ian noticing other women. He’s head over heels about you, it’s very obvious.”

“I’d better let you go,” offered Tessa. “I know how busy things are for you these days with the wedding only two months away. I’m just glad you can make it to dinner tonight.”

“Wouldn’t miss it. You and Ian are two of our very favorite people. Before I go, tell me – what dress did you finally decide on?”

Julia had stopped by the house last weekend and helped Tessa set aside two different dresses. She’d assured her that either one would be equally suitable – and equally stunning – for the very elegant restaurant where they would be celebrating Ian’s birthday.

“The black one,” replied Tessa. “He, um, likes me in black.”

“Yeah, I’ll just bet he does,” teased Julia. “Especially that very sexy set of undies you bought to go with it. That’s the nice thing about buying lingerie – it’s really a present for both of you. Nathan calls it the gift that keeps on giving.”

Tessa couldn’t help giggling in delight before bidding her friend good-by. As she ended the call, she was still laughing, even as Ian strolled leisurely into the kitchen.

He smiled at her inquiringly. “Someone is in a very good mood this afternoon. Any particular reason?”

She set her phone down before flinging herself into his arms. “I’m always in a good mood these days. And especially today, when I have a very special birthday surprise planned for you.”

Ian grinned, his strong arms banding about her waist. “It’s not one of those singing telegrams, is it? Because I do tend to embarrass easily.”

Tessa ran a finger over his lips and shook her head. “That’s definitely not it. This surprise is more – um, private. And I doubt anything can really embarrass you, especially what I have planned.”

He raised a brow. “Well, if it’s anything like the surprise you gave me earlier today, I’m very, very sure that I’m going to like it. A lot.”

She cupped his cheek in her hand. “That wasn’t a
surprise. I just couldn’t help myself after seeing you at the gym this morning. God, I’m getting hot all over again just thinking about it.”

Today was Saturday, and they had just returned to San Francisco late Thursday night after Tessa’s first official business trip as Ian’s PA. The trip had been a short but hectic one, cramming in visits to hotels in New Orleans, Atlanta, Palm Beach, and Naples, Florida. With such a packed schedule, neither of them had had much free time to fit in a decent workout on the trip, so they’d spent more than two hours at the gym this morning making up for lost time

After swimming laps – Ian of course had managed nearly twice as many as she could do – and some weight training, he’d strapped on his boxing gloves and sparred a few rounds with one of the trainers. Tessa had watched him in action for the very first time and hadn’t been able to tear her eyes off of him. His sleeveless T-shirt had bared his powerful, beautifully defined shoulders and biceps, and it was evident even to her – who knew next to nothing about boxing – that he was extremely skilled at his chosen sport. He’d made the trainer – a fit, well-built man at least a decade younger that he was – work hard, and Ian had seemed in complete control the entire time

Seeing him that way – all hard muscle, barely leashed power, completely dominating – had aroused her to the point where she’d barely been able to keep her hands off of him. In the closed, somewhat limited confines of his classic Jaguar during the drive home, she hadn’t been able to resist touching him – running her hands over his arms, his thigh, leaning over at a stop sign to press a kiss to his cheek. He’d teased her that he was liable to crash his beloved car into the side of a building if she kept it up, but he’d also been breathing heavily, his cheeks darkly flushed, and a very impressive erection had tented his athletic shorts as they arrived home

Once inside the house, she’d sunk to her knees right there in the foyer, pulling his shorts down past his hips and freeing his magnificent cock. Despite his half-hearted protests that he really ought to shower first, she’d taken him deep into her mouth, sucking him off with a hungry enthusiasm that had him groaning her name and coming hard down her throat

He’d barely stopped shuddering in release before he stripped her naked and spread her out on the priceless entryway rug, his head disappearing between her thighs. She had been so aroused, so in need, that it had taken the merest flick of his tongue against her clit to catapult her into orgasm

Ian dropped a kiss on her forehead. “And I haven’t been able to
thinking about it. You know, I honestly believed that finally having you live with me, sleeping by my side every night, that it would somehow lessen my obsession with you. But it’s just the opposite. I want you all the time, think about you constantly, hate being apart from you for only a few hours. You are the only thing in my life that really matters to me, Tessa, the one thing I cherish above everything else.”

“It’s the same for me,” she whispered. “Sometimes I wonder if it’s too much, if we love each other too much. I worry that the way we feel – our mutual obsession – that it’s not – well, healthy.”

“Never that, my love, never,” he uttered fiercely, taking her mouth in a deep, searing kiss. “What we feel for each other – it’s a rare and precious thing, something that very few people are ever lucky enough to find. So don’t ever feel that it’s too much because in my opinion it can never be enough.”

They held each other quietly for a long time, simply content to embrace and enjoy the unspoken bond they always felt with the other. It was Tessa who finally, reluctantly, broke away.

“I’d better go upstairs and start getting ready for dinner,” she told him. “I want to look my absolute best for you tonight, after all.”

He shook his head. “You already look stunning to me, Tessa. I have no idea how you can improve on perfection.”

She rolled her eyes, knowing full well she looked anything but stunning with no makeup, her hair half-escaping its untidy braid, her feet bare, and wearing one of Ian’s old sweatshirts and a loose fitting pair of yoga pants.

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