Read Spirit Journey: Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 3) Online

Authors: Linda Bridey

Tags: #Romance, #Historical, #20th Century, #Western, #Inspirational, #Westerns

Spirit Journey: Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 3) (14 page)

BOOK: Spirit Journey: Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 3)
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              “Get in here!” Peanut said forcefully.  “Just try being naked with me and we’ll go from there!”

              It always struck Skip as funny when Peanut became irritable.  He laughed and stood up.  “Ok, ok.  Just don’t look until I get in.”

              Again Peanut had to bite her lip.  He really had no idea how good-looking he was and it endeared him to her more.  “Ok.  I’m not looking.”

              Skip took his clothes off and hurried into the pond.  “Ok.”

              Peanut turned around and smiled at him.  “There you are.”

              She swam over to him and put her arms around his neck, kissing him immediately.  Skip closed his arms around her, kissing her back.  Peanut loved the way he felt, but she didn’t want to move too fast or pressure him.

              Ending the kiss, she asked, “Is that all right?  Are you ok?”

              Skip nodded.  “Mmm hmm.  Are you all right?”

              Her moonlit smile mesmerized him.  “I sure am and I think we’re both about to get even better.”

              He let out a self-conscious laugh.  “I’ll do my best.”

              Peanut held him closer.  “Skip, I really do want to make love with you before I get farther along, but that’s not the biggest reason.  I love you and I want to show you.  I’m not gonna see you for a couple of weeks, maybe three, and I want to—”

              Skip needed no further convincing.  He wrapped his arms around her again, pulled her hard against him, and kissed her for all he was worth.  One way or another, he was going to make Peanut’s toes curl.  And he did.




              A while later, they bobbed side-by-side in the water near the far bank together.  They hadn’t spoken afterwards yet, both of them in shock.

              Skip finally said, “I had no idea it would be so intense.  Was it like that for you?  It seemed like it.  I mean, you sounded—and me, too.  Did your toes curl?  I think mine did.  I don’t really know.  I was too busy.”

              Peanut laughed and looped her arms around his neck, meeting his gaze.  “I think my everything curled.  I never felt like that before.”  She kissed him briefly. 

              “I don’t know what I was so afraid of,” Skip said, holding her close.  After a couple of minutes, he said, “I don’t want to, but we better get back.  It’s starting to get late and we all have to leave early in the morning.”

              Peanut nodded and let him go.  “Annie will be hungry by now, too.”

              They waded ashore and Skip watched while Peanut started dressing.  Since they’d been in the water, he hadn’t been able to fully see her and he found her incredibly exciting.  Stepping over to her, he put a hand on her bare stomach.

              “You’re not fat, Peanut.  You’re gorgeous,” he said.

              She put her hand over his and smiled.  “I’m so glad you think so.”

              “I do.”  He kissed her quickly and stepped away before he dragged her back into the water again.

              They walked along the path for a little while until Peanut’s hair had mostly dried out.  Then Skip finger-combed it until the silky strands were completely dry.  As they strolled back to camp, they kissed and talked, trying to steal as much time together as possible.

              Dash met them as they neared the tipis, nudging them to be petted.  After scratching his ears a little, they joined everyone at the campfire.

              Skip said, “Everyone, can we have your attention?”

              The various conversations stopped and everyone looked at him expectantly. 

              He put an arm around Peanut and said, “Peanut and I have good news.  She has graciously agreed to become my wife.”

              Jaylyn gasped.  “Peanut!”

              Joey grinned and jumped up from where he sat by the fire.  “That’s fantastic!  Congratulations!”

              He clapped his best friend on the shoulder and the others joined in, offering their congratulations to the young couple.  Raven watched Jaylyn’s face as she hugged her sister and he knew that she had misgivings about the match.  He hoped that she wouldn’t say anything to upset Peanut and Skip.  This was their special night and they wouldn’t see each other for a little while.  He didn’t want the moment to be tainted.  Catching Eric’s eye, he smiled at him a little and winked.  Eric scowled and turned away, making Raven chuckle.


Chapter Sixteen


              As dawn came, spreading pink and orange light across the sky, a lone rider approached the farm.  Squirrel and Striking Snake were already up and had put coffee on.

              Huge smiles lit their faces as they recognized the rider, who had just dismounted.

              “What are you doing here?” Squirrel said, rising from the large log on which she’d been sitting.  “How did you find us?”

              Marcus hugged his sister, laughing.  “You didn’t think I was gonna let you guys have all of the fun, did you?  I took the train into Rapid City and then bought a horse.  I asked about the Parkers’ farm at the one store and they gave me the directions here.”

              Striking Snake grasped arms with him.  “It is good to see you, brother.”

              “Same here,” Marcus said, looking at their tipis.  “That’s creative.”

              Striking Snake chuckled.  “There was no time to hunt and tan hides.”

              Marcus’ gray eyes danced with devilment.  “Are you guys the only ones up?”

              Squirrel nodded.  Before they could stop him, he hurried over to one of the tipi flaps and let out a huge bobcat scream.  Pandemonium erupted as people cried out in fright and jumped from their blankets.  A baby also screamed.

              “Oh, God!” Marcus said, moving away from the tipi.  “I didn’t know there was a baby!  Why didn’t you warn me?”

              Striking Snake laughed at his irritable expression.  “You moved too fast.  You have always been too impulsive.”

              People poured forth from the tipis, coming to stand in a group in front of the structures.

              Marcus gave them a sheepish little wave.  “Hi, everyone.  Sorry.  I didn’t know you had a baby with you.”

              Reckless said, “Were you trying to give me another heart attack?”

              Marcus’ eyes rounded.  “I thought you were still in the hospital!  I didn’t know you were out here with these guys.  Are you all right?”  Immediately he began examining Reckless.

              Reckless brushed his hands away while laughing.  “I am fine.  It was a good joke, though.”

              Marcus smiled.  “Boy, I really know how to make an entrance.  Sorry, again.”

              Black Fox shook his head.  “You have been trouble from the first day I met you, and you will never change.”

              Laughter followed his statement.

              Marcus asked, “So who are these pretty ladies?”

              Annie held out her arms to Skip, who took her and rubbed her back comfortingly. 

              Raven said, “This is Jaylyn Lennox and her sister, Peanut.  Annie is Peanut’s daughter.  This is my Uncle Marcus.”

              “It’s a pleasure to meet you,” Marcus said, shaking their hands.

              Skip said, “Peanut and I just became engaged last night.”

              Marcus laughed and shook a finger at him.  “Nice try, Skip.  You almost had me.”

              Peanut smiled and held out her left hand.  “He’s not playing a joke.”

              Marcus glanced at the ring and then looked at Skip, who grinned.

              “Son of a gun,” Marcus said.  “How’d you get engaged?  You can’t even talk around girls.”

              The group laughed as Marcus congratulated the young couple.

              “Do your folks know?” he asked.

              Skip shook his head.  “Nope.  But they will.  Peanut and Annie are going back to Dawson with Joe and everyone.”

              Joe said, “That’s right.”

              Peanut said, “It’s better for us than being out on the trail.”

              Marcus nodded.  “It can be hard if you’re not used to it.”

              Annie whimpered and reached for Peanut.

              “She’s hungry,” Peanut said, kissing her.  “I’ll be back.”

              Skip watched her duck into the tipi in which they’d been sleeping and wished that they weren’t going to be separated.  Marcus gave Black Fox a questioning look. 

Shielding his hands from most people’s view with his body, Black Fox signed, “There is much to tell you once the others have left.”

Marcus gave him an understanding smile and began visiting with everyone as breakfast was prepared.

Skip asked, “How’s Renee doing?  How did it go with her trial?”

Marcus said, “Your sister is one of the strongest people I know, Skippy.  She put the screws to those fellas good.  The jury gave them twenty years each.”

Skip’s eyes filled with anger.  “Jail is too good for them, but I’m glad the sentence was so high.”

“I agree,” Marcus said.  “Renee is doing fine, especially with Timmy by her side.”

“He’s a great husband,” Skip said.

Marcus leaned towards him.  “Speaking of that, I noticed that you’re real comfortable with Annie.”

Skip beamed.  “I love her.  She’s the sweetest baby and, I know this’ll shock you, but Peanut’s expecting again.”

Skip laughed at Marcus’ stunned expression and told him the Lennox sisters’ story.  By the time he was done, Marcus’ eyes held anger.

Skip noticed.  “If I ever run across the guy, he’ll be lucky to live.”

Marcus squeezed his shoulder.  “Well, I’m glad that you were there for her and I’m really happy for you.”

“Thanks.  So we’re trading one Dr. Samuels for another, huh?” Skip commented.

“That’s right,” Marcus said.  “I missed
Wa-shun Wakan
, but I want to see the other places.”

Reckless said, “Uncle, I have something for you.  Come with me.”

Marcus helped him up and they walked a little ways from the tipis.

“The others will tell you more about our vision, but Grandfather Brown Stag wanted you to have these,” Reckless said.

Marcus held out his hand and Reckless put the wolf-tooth-and-feather earrings in his palm.  “He said that he hopes that these make up for not being there for the vision.”

Marcus’ eyes misted over as he gazed at the beautiful jewelry.  He remembered admiring them the first time he’d ever met Brown Stag.  “He gave them to you in the vision and you brought them back?”


Marcus didn’t doubt it since Reckless had done this quite a few times over the years.  The things he brought back from the spirit world always held special meaning for their intended recipient.  Fighting back his emotions, Marcus put them on and swore that his earlobes warmed as though he was being told that Brown Stag approved.

“Thank you, Reckless,” Marcus said.  “I would have loved to have been along, but I’m glad in a way I wasn’t since it would have just been one more person to lug with you into that vision.”

Reckless said, “I do not think it would have made a difference.  I do not regret doing it and will do so again if called upon.”

Marcus hugged him.  “Just not until you’re strong again, ok?”

Reckless heard him sniff.  “Yes, Uncle.”

Trying to lighten the mood, Marcus released him and motioned at Reckless’ hair, “I think we’re gonna have to change your name to Skunk now.”

Reckless narrowed his eyes at him.  “Not if you wish to live.  I have two big sons who will do my bidding.”

Marcus chuckled.  “I surrender.  C’mon.  Let’s get you some breakfast.”




Skip watched Joe’s three-car group drive off, a big piece of his heart going with them.  While he was still looking forward to the rest of the trip, he would count the minutes until he was reunited with his ladies.  Saying goodbye had been painful, especially because Annie kept crying for him.

Joey said, “I know how you feel, buddy.  I’ve never been away from Snow Song this long.”

Skip walked over to Dash and double checked his saddle and paniers just to have something else to focus on.  Joey followed him.

Skip said, “Thanks again for loaning me the money to buy that ring.  I couldn’t let her go without proposing.  Now I understand how much you love Snow Song.”

“No problem, Skip.  You know you can always count on me,” Joey said.

“I’ll give you the money back when we get home.  I just didn’t have enough with me to buy it,” Skip said.

Joey’s hazel eyes gleamed.  “I ain’t worried about the money, buddy.  I’m glad I could help you out.  I know all about needing to propose suddenly.”  He sobered then.  “I guess this means you won’t be going to college this fall with me and Snow Song, huh?”

Skip said, “I hadn’t quite made up my mind about going anyhow, but I’m not gonna have any regrets about not going.”

“I can’t believe you’re getting married.  And look at all those muscles.  You’ve gotten bigger,” Joey said.  “No wonder Peanut couldn’t resist you.  What’s her right name?”

Skip grinned.  “Pollyanna Pearl.  She absolutely detests her name, so don’t ever call her it.  Her pa used to call her Peanut when she was little and it stuck.”

“Hmm.  Sounds like someone else I know,” Joey teased him.

Raven called out, “We’re ready to leave!”

Joey said, “I better get in the saddle or else I’ll be in hot water if I hold us up.”

Skip said, “I don’t think it matters as much now since we found Runner.”

“I suppose not,” Joey said, mounting Reckless’ pony.  He’d been honored that the brave had let him ride it.

As they moved out, Joey fell in beside Skip and Dash.  He was excited about being along on the rest of the adventure with his friends. 




Dear Ma and Pa,


              I hope this letter finds you all well.  I’m doing just fine.  Fantastic, in fact.  I hope you’re sitting down because what I have to tell you next is going to be shocking.  We rescued two sisters who had been pushed into a deep ravine and trapped there.  Dash heard them and told us they were down there.

              Their names are Jaylyn and Peanut Lennox, and Peanut has a baby named Annie.  It’s a long story and Mr. Dwyer will fill you in more, but Peanut and I fell in love.  I love Annie, too.  I proposed to Peanut and she accepted.  She came back with Mr. Dwyer and company and I’d like her to stay with you until we get back. 

              Please be the kind, good people who raised me and make them welcome.  Peanut is really scared that you’ll hate her, so please show her that she doesn’t have anything to be worried about.  I have something else to say that will be shocking.  Peanut is expecting.  Close your mouth, guys.  I thought about this a lot, so I didn’t jump into this blind, and Peanut didn’t coerce me at all, so don’t think that’s the case.

              I’m begging you to reserve judgment until I get back.  Get to know Peanut and Annie and you’ll see why I fell in love with them.  I love you all and miss you so much! xoxoxo




              Joe sat in one of the chairs in the Keller’s parlor, watching them read Skip’s short letter.  They’d arrived back in Dawson late that night and Peanut and Annie had been settled in down at the camp.  Skip had set it up that way so that Joe could break the news to Switch and Hope in private.  That way, Peanut wouldn’t be suddenly sprang on them, which would give his family time to get used to the idea that Skip was engaged to a pregnant woman who already had one baby.

              The Kellers finished reading it at the same time and stared at Joe.

              “Is this a joke?” Hope asked.  “Is he pulling our leg?”

              Joe shook his head.  “Nope.  It’s no joke.  I’m real proud of your boy.”

              “You are?” Switch asked.  “I don’t understand.”

              “That’s why I’m here,” Joe said, launching into the story.  He finished, saying, “I was just as surprised as you at first, but I gotta tell you, after watching them together, I’m convinced that it’s the real thing.  You’ll see for yourselves when they get back.”

              Hope said, “So she’s not desperate for a husband and just latched onto Skip for security?  I know that sounds awful, but you can understand why we would think that.”

              Joe grinned.  “I know.  I wondered that myself until I heard them arguing about her finding a job.  Peanut keeps insisting that she’s gonna find work of some sort and Skip doesn’t want her to.  They almost got into an argument about it this morning, but then agreed to talk about it once Skip got home.  She’s not after his money.  She and Jaylyn are good women who were dealt some severe blows, but they’re independent women who wanna stand on their own two feet.”

              Switch shook his head.  “I can’t believe it.  I mean, I believe you, but I can’t believe it.  Skip fell in love and asked a girl to marry him.  When they left, he could hardly talk to girls.  Is she pretty?”

              “Oh, yeah,” Joe said.  “Big blue eyes, beautiful red hair, about the color of Edie’s, I guess.  About five-three or thereabouts.  Your boy picked a real looker.  And it’s no wonder he fell in love with that baby.  Annie’s as cute as a speckled pup.  Skip’s the only man she’ll let hold her.  She won’t even go to Black Fox.  She likes other fellas well enough if they talk to her and play with her while one of the women or Skip is holding her, but she screamed if one of us other fellas tried to hold her.”

BOOK: Spirit Journey: Historical Western Cowboy Romance Novel (Dawson Chronicles Book 3)
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