Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2) (10 page)

BOOK: Spin (Boosted Hearts Book 2)
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Heat prickled the back of Darcey’s neck.

Okay, that was sexy, especially when he made a kind of growling sound as he slid them into his pocket.

A bit of foreplay before they got home? She could imagine how hot it would be sitting in the car on the drive, worked up and ready to go at it as soon as you got in the door.

. Now her breasts felt swollen and tight, and a restless ache built between her thighs.

For once, Joe was painfully silent.

But she was fully aware of him. God. His breath was ghosting against the back of her neck with every exhale. She shivered.

And dammit, she and Joe had nowhere to go. If they moved from their spot, they’d be seen. They were stuck.

The couple made it to their car, and Darcey was in the process of releasing a relieved breath when Mr. Suit looked around, scanning the lot, and said something in a rough voice.

Oh no.

They wouldn’t, would they?

His wife nodded and, even from here, Darcey could see a shiver move through her.

Joe went ridged when the other man led his wife to the front of the car and bent her forward. Darcey’s own breath went ragged when Mr. Suit dragged up the woman’s skirt, freed his dick, and pushed in a second later. He didn’t fuck around. He was pounding into her from behind in the next second, expression fierce.

Holy shit.

This wasn’t embarrassing at all. Nope. God, her face was on fire.

“So, ah, looks like Mrs. Suit totally lucked out,” Darcey whispered over her shoulder, her heart pounding, trying to break the excruciating awkwardness, the unbearable tension surrounding them. The air seemed to snap. An arch of electricity trying to draw them closer, and it was taking everything she had not to reach back and touch Joe.

“You think so?” he growled against her hair, putting Mr. Suit’s growl of a moment ago completely to shame.

Goose bumps lifted on her arms, and the relentless pulse between her thighs intensified. She tried to sound casual when she answered him, but she didn’t think she’d pulled it off. “Well, yeah, who knew marriage could be that hot?”

“You like the idea of being fucked out in the open? Where anyone could see?”

Something tickled the back of her arm, and for a second, she thought he’d touched her, but then it was gone. Before she had a chance to answer, Mr. Suit grunted, followed by Mrs. Suit’s cry of pleasure. Darcey never really thought voyeurism was something she’d be into, but right then, she’d never been more turned on in her life. It wasn’t just from watching a hot couple fuck, though, and she damn well knew it. It was watching a hot couple fuck
with Joe
that had her squeezing her thighs together.

Mr. Suit straightened his wife’s skirt, then kissed the side of her neck in a way that made Darcey’s chest ache. Then he led her to the passenger side, opened her door, and—once they were both in—drove off.

Darcey practically ran away from Joe, who was still standing motionless, his breath choppy.

“Okay. Let’s do this thing.”

Yeah, she doubted she was fooling him, but if he saw how much that display had affected her, and he decided to act on it, she didn’t stand a chance. She’d fall on her face at the first hurdle, ass in the air, Joe’s for the taking. Her face got hotter.
. Not a visual she needed right now.

His boots scraped behind her, before he followed her across the parking lot. His gait sounded off.

She turned and watched him approach. “Why are you limping?”

He scowled, reached down, and cupped himself, groaning when he did a kind of hip swivel, adjusting himself. “It’s not because my leg hurts, that’s for damn sure.”

Okay. Fuck.

“Might be better if you play lookout then.” She didn’t give him a chance to argue and pulled out her lock pick. She had the door open in eighteen seconds. Not as fast as Joe, but she wasn’t exactly at her best right then. She slid into the front seat. The alarm was already deactivated or broken. The owner was asking for trouble. Not that an alarm could stop her.

The passenger side opened, and Joe climbed in right as she finished hot-wiring it. He checked the broken alarm and grunted. The engine roared to life, she buckled up, and they took off.

The usual rush of adrenaline fired through her veins as they tore out onto the street, and she couldn’t contain it. She whooped and laughed. “Yeah, bitch, you see that? That’s how I do it.” She glanced over to Joe, crazy-assed grin on her face.

His big frame was twisted in his seat, eyes locked on her. “Did you just call me ‘bitch’?”

“Heh, maybe.”

“Your bitch?”

“No, that’s not what…”

“Yours to use and perform lewd, filthy, unspeakable sexual acts on whenever the mood strikes you?”

“Now hang on one…”

“I accept.”

“Christ, you’re nuts.”

“That might be taking it a bit far. Though, women have reported a full-blown religious experience when they’re in close proximity. And yes, sweetness, you can fondle them as much as you like.”


“An idiot who has irresistible nuts, apparently.”

She snorted—she couldn’t help it—then broke into uncontrollable giggles. It was good to release some of the tension flowing through her, because the aftereffects of what they’d just done had her limbs trembling. No, this wasn’t the first time she’d stolen a car. Not the second. Or the tenth, for that matter. But it never affected her any less. This rush pounding through her…she liked it, and it messed with her head. When the high wore off, she’d feel sick to her stomach about it.

Now, however, her body was trying to process the surge of endorphins hammering her. The best way she’d found to work through it was to get a little rowdy, go dancing, or go for a run afterward. Though, with Joe at her side, her body was crying out for another way to burn of the adrenaline. A much more pleasurable way.

She glanced back over at him, and a zing shot through her lower belly when his eyes met hers. He was feeling it, as well. She could see it written all over his handsome face.

She forced a grin. “Well, they won’t be irresistible when my boot’s finished with them.”

His eyes went round with fake horror. “Hush your mouth, woman.” He cupped himself. “I think my balls just tried to climb back up.”

She rolled her eyes. “Didn’t anyone ever tell you it’s not polite to grab your crotch in front of people all the time?”

“I was basically raised by my brother, so to answer your question? No. And I don’t do it
the time.”

“Twice in the last thirty minutes.”

“Well, look who’s keeping score. Maybe you should stop staring down there so much. Then you won’t get offended.” He gave his crotch another squeeze. Yes, she looked! “Sometimes the boys need soothing. Who am I to argue?”

“The boys?”

He shrugged.

“Shit, you just get weirder and weirder, don’t you?” She’d never imagined he could have this fun side. He always seemed so damn surly. But then, they hadn’t exactly met in the best of circumstances.


“It wasn’t a compliment.”

“Sure it was.”

“Oh my God.” She looked over at him again. “What the hell’s happened to you? Where’s grumpy Joe? Who the hell are you?”

“This is me, baby. This is just the first time you’ve seen me at my best.”

“If this is your best, I’ll stick with the other Joe.” She sounded breathless when she spoke. Dammit. For all the shit she was giving him, she…liked this side of him. A side she’d glimpsed that night at the bar when she’d kissed him. He’d made her laugh so much her sides had hurt. So yeah, she knew firsthand he could be fun when he wanted to.

Though, the serious side was pretty damn hot, as well.

Joe smirked at her. “You sound like my sister.”

“You have a sister?”
Of course he does, he just said so.

“I do. Me, Hugh, and Lucy.”

“Let me guess. You’re the middle child?”

His brows shot up. “How the hell did you guess that?”

She laughed at his disgruntled tone. “I didn’t see it before, but with this new, um”—she motioned at him—“Joe you just unleashed on me, well, I can see all the signs.”

“And what signs are those?”

“You’re obviously a clown under the gruff exterior. An attention seeker. Classic middle child behavior.” She flicked on the turn signal, pulling over a block from her apartment. He glanced out the window. His expression told her he’d only now noticed where they were.

All humor had fled his gaze when he turned back to her.

“I don’t think it’s a good idea, me being with you when you drop this off.”

He dipped his chin. “No.”

They stared at each other, the tension in the car getting thicker. God, she wanted him. Ached for him. “Right…”

A car horn blared.

“I ah…better go.”

He rubbed a hand over his cropped hair, a shuddery breath rattling past his lips. “Yeah. I guess I better get this car under cover, get to work.”


The horn blared again.

She shoved the door open, but Joe reached out and grabbed her hand before she could take off. “Thanks, Darcey.”

Goofy Joe was gone. Just like that, he was back to intense and serious. Sexy as hell.

She quickly pulled free. “Bye, Joe.” Then she ran down the street and didn’t look back.

No matter how much she wanted to.

Chapter Eight

oe headed up the steps to Darcey’s place, anticipation a tight fist low in his gut. Letting her get out of the car last night had been a lot harder than it should have been.

Yeah, he wanted her. Badly. But that didn’t explain the pressure behind his ribs, the fucking throb at the base of his skull. The way his thighs had bunched in anticipation of following her when he’d watched her walk away.

He always got jacked up when he boosted a car. The thrill of it got him hard every time. He hated that he was doing it, but his body didn’t give a shit about his guilt. It wanted release. And shit, Darcey had felt it, too. He was fucking sure of it. Face flushed, eyes bright, pulse pounding under the delicate skin at her throat…

He’d fed off it until his cock was a goddamn iron rod in his jeans. One touch from her and he would have exploded. He’d forced himself to drive away, to focus, to finish the job. But after he’d switched the VIN plates, he’d been so damn tempted to go to her, to take these same stairs back to her and beg her to do it. To touch him.

To put him out of his misery.

The woman was fast becoming an obsession. His mind wouldn’t shut the hell up. All he could think about was what her nipples would have looked like when they’d been interrupted the other morning.

When he closed his eyes, he could almost feel her there, between his lips, warm beneath his tongue. He was losing it, had been distracted all day, and Adam and Hugh had both noticed.

He reached her apartment door and cursed himself a fool. Why was he doing this to himself? He didn’t really need her to come on the jobs with him. Yeah, and extra pair of eyes was awesome, but was it worth putting himself through this kind of torture?

Apparently so, because he was knocking on the scarred wood before he fully finished the thought.

They were going to be scouting tonight, since he somehow had to come up with a fucking Ferrari. Finding and stealing cars like that were higher risk, more difficult to locate. Well, one that was easily accessible. The others on the list wouldn’t be much trouble to pick up, but this one required more planning. Which meant he was back in his suit, since they needed to mix with the rich and irritating to get what he needed.

The door opened, and Joe froze—shit, he nearly swallowed his goddamn tongue. His lips parted in anticipation of…yeah, words. But the words weren’t coming, not while his gaze was still traveling over Darcey. His mouth sort of stayed open, jaw hanging loose, giving her an excellent view of his tonsils, no doubt.

He’d texted her earlier, filled her in on what they were doing tonight and asking her to dress the part.

She had.

A blush lit up her cheeks. “Joe…”

“Wha…” Nope, still couldn’t talk.

Her lips compressed briefly, then she rolled her eyes. “Stop acting like a jackhole and get in here while I finish getting ready.”

“A jackhole?” He couldn’t look away from her, from the shimmery, little black number she wore. It was
sexy as fuck
, yet classy—and short. And hugged every one of her outstanding curves.

The smooth, creamy expanse of her legs made his belly ache and his mouth dry. He wanted to kiss his way up those shapely legs and uncover all her secrets. Smell her, lick her, taste her…

She turned away from him, and he bit his lip to hold in a groan. It was backless. He could see the way her waist went in then flared. Her hips, round and soft. The fabric dipping low enough he could see the curve at the top of her ass. Not low enough to see the crease, but enough that he knew if he tugged it down, just a bit…

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