Spheres of Influence-eARC (31 page)

Read Spheres of Influence-eARC Online

Authors: Ryk E. Spoor

Tags: #Science Fiction, #Fiction, #Space Opera, #Action & Adventure, #General

BOOK: Spheres of Influence-eARC
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Chapter 39.

Everything froze for Simon. He could see the sights steady, the hand tightening on the weapon, and knew that he had no chance to dodge, even the preternatural quickness that his strange Arena-born knowledge and perceptions only giving him enough time to know clearly that he was going to die.

There was a blaze of light and thunder that hammered him and Simon wondered that things still
after death. Then he opened his eyes, scrambling to his feet, feeling the tight, insistent pain of burns across one side of his face, smelling burned hair, and understanding that he now had a single, momentary chance.

DuQuesne had fired. Whether because he’d simply acquired a target, or because he’d somehow guessed that Simon could use a sledgehammer of distraction, Simon didn’t know, but it had knocked Vantak almost out of the room and made the Blessed warrior drop his pistol. Simon leapt to the other side of the turret supports, felt the warm but not quite burning hilt of his sword and yanked it free.

Vantak had begun a charge, but came up short when he saw the long, sharp blade in Simon’s hand. “Fortune seems to spare you,” he said finally, backing away.

Oh, no you don’t
! He knew it was risky, but he could
that nigh-omniscience in his head,
exactly the course Vantak would take, and he dove forward, rolled—
God, that
my shoulders and neck must be terribly burned—

He came to his feet, Vantak’s pistol now dangling from the tip of his rapier; as the Blessed hesitated, Simon flicked the pistol up and out, to land with a clatter among the expended assemblies.
They’re still terribly hot; I don’t think even a Blessed wants to go anywhere in that collection of half-melted scrap.

“How did you get on
?” he asked, shifting his position, trying to get an angle—and to work his way back to the gun emplacement.
If I can hit the maintenance lever

Vantak buzzed. “After I was thrown out by that…pet monster of yours, I was able to use my wings to shift my course; when
took the high approach it came close enough to land on.”

Simon could hear his pulse hammering in his ears.
Vantak must be close to Orphan in skill. Even with this sword I think I’m terribly outmatched. He’s watching, trying to judge when I make myself vulnerable—

A green and black blur streaked towards him, ducking down and under. Somehow, Simon turned, shifted his weight, following that strange instinct, lessening the impact but still sending him skidding over the deck. He barely kept his grip on the sword.

To his surprise, Vantak hit the maintenance lever and leapt aside to avoid the falling, burned out assembly.
What is he up to?

” he heard DuQuesne’s voice. “Dammit, what’s going on?”

“I have a problem called Vantak, Marc.”

“By the
” Orphan said. “Vantak,

Marc swore. “I’d come down there, but I can’t afford to stop shooting now, Simon. I—”

Vantak reached up, still watching Simon, and touched other controls.
Shimatta. He’s put the turret into local control. But what…

As Vantak glanced over at the next assembly, it was suddenly clear. On manual control, Vantak could deliberately fire the gun with the assembly misaligned—quite possibly taking
with it, and even if not, dealing a
of damage to the Liberated warship.
He doesn’t expect to live. He just wants to make sure
go with him!

Simon took advantage of Vantak’s flickered gaze to the side and lunged. The point of his rapier scraped along the Blessed’s abdomen, leaving a narrow cut and forcing Vantak to jump back.

But the damage was only superficial, and Vantak was now advancing on him with all-too calm precision.
He is armored and I have a single slender blade. It is obvious what the outcome will be.
“I know, Marc. I’ll keep him as busy as I can, and reload if I get the chance.”

DuQuesne was silent, and Simon knew why. Vantak was, quite simply, far out of Simon’s league.

But maybe…

For the first time, Simon
on that feeling of knowledge and certainty, and looked at Vantak.

In that moment, he saw the Blessed as though from all angles, impossibly envisioning him in every direction, and projecting possible actions. He could
the possibilities, as he had sometimes been able to envision time-space distortions when building the Sandrisson coils. But in those transcendent moments of design and theory, he had been deaf, blind, unaware of anything else around him, focused only on the understanding of the coils and their effects; now, his perceptions were heightened. He could feel the blistered tightness of his upper neck and shoulder that had been exposed to the flare of the last shot, perceive the tilt and vibration of the deck, register Vantak’s tensing of muscles and preparation for movement. Possibilities narrowed, focused, and Simon

He threw himself aside and cut outwards and down, and the ring-carbon edged blade cut a deep gash in Vantak’s right wingcase. Simon backpedaled, watching in what seemed slow-motion as Vantak sprang about, pivoting around his center of mass with literally inhuman speed.

He also remembered his prior actions, thought back, saw
probabilities rising, the vectors, chances, and understood the only possible way out of this.
I cannot dodge him forever. He
faster than me, he is vastly more skilled, and knowing what he is going to do a few tens of milliseconds before he does it will only go so far.

This will all depend on timing. So very
on timing

He dodged another lunge, seeing and parrying the tail strike that followed, dodging.
Must go farther towards that side.
Another attack, this one nearly going home, sending him staggering back.
But closer.

jolted as though struck with a club, and both combatants staggered. There was rattling behind him, and Simon could feel the radiating heat.

This time a wing-strike took him square in the chest, too fast to dodge; all he could do was curl and roll. But the roll took him into something as hot as an iron poker from a fire and he half-screamed, half cursed, slashing out with his sword to keep Vantak at bay as he moved away from the expended assemblies. Vantak circled, obviously uncomfortable with the heat but somewhat more armored and resistant. Simon was trying not to limp or favor his side, but he could see that Vantak recognized his weakness, was preparing to risk taking the sword through him on a last charge—

And Simon saw probabilities spiking as he had hoped, and dropped flat to the deck.

There was a slamming, shattering detonation as though a lightning bolt had struck, and Vantak flew by him, tumbling like a puppet with cut strings until coming to a halt, while flaming debris showered all around Simon, some of it burning like pins of flame into his face.

The Blessed twitched, tried to rise, but there was a metal support embedded more than halfway through his back. “Wh…what…?”

“Your pistol,” Simon said, painfully getting to his feet and retrieving his sword. “I…had thrown it into the wreckage. I remembered that it must be powered with superconductor batteries…”

Vantak buzzed weakly. “Minds…curse you.”

He shoved himself upward, and for an instant Simon froze.
I can’t fight him any more. I just don’t have anything

But something broke inside of Vantak; he gave a buzzing cough, and collapsed. Another buzz, and a last, faint hum like a fly against a screen on a summer’s day…and then he was still.

A sledgehammer blow rammed
sideways and Simon could hear alarms screaming throughout the ship. Marc was cursing, and so was Orphan in his own way.

Simon Sandrisson lunged painfully for the remaining assemblies.
I can’t be too late! I can’t!

Chapter 40.

Wu Kung’s parting words made all too much sense to Ariane. “Sethrik—”

“Yes, there are such accesses.”

“Can we lock them down physically?”

Sethrik went to a panel off to one side of the control center. “I…believe so. They are meant to be opened from either side, but using the same mechanism.”

“Is there another one on this side?”

“Yes. Look for a small circular area—it will probably appear to be slightly lighter in color to you—on the lefthand side of the third panel.”

“Found it.”

Sethrik tapped the circle with three fingers simultaneously and it opened out into a half-moon shaped handle; after a few tries she duplicated the action. “Now what? Is there a lock?”

“Yes. I have to hope that they have not gone through the entire ship and removed my authorization; after all, they intended to imprison me temporarily and then return me to duty, it would be an annoyance to do that to all ship systems.” He humm-buzzed something and placed his hand beneath the handle.

With a whirr and click, the handles rotated one hundred and eighty degrees and locked.

“They’ll be able to cut through or blow up the panels eventually, of course.”

“Naturally,” said Sethrik, striding to the command perch. “But I believe this battle will be over one way or the other by then. Can you pilot

Ariane went to the pilot’s station, pushing the unfortunate Kandret’s body out of the way and sitting down; the perch was something like sitting in a chair backwards, but she could handle that, and the safety harness automatically slid across her back. “Umm…maybe. This doesn’t look much different from the layout of the controls on
. Hmm. No tail controls?”

Sethrik chuckled. “The Survivor uses those, I have no doubt, because he needs to be as many people as possible. But in general, no, because our tails are not nearly so dextrous and are more used for combat and support than for controlling things.”

I dunno, they seemed awfully dextrous when they were trying to sting me. But I’m not looking a gift equine in the dentition, so to speak.
“What about armament?”

“I can control much of that from here. No telling how long that control will
, of course, so let us cross as many trees with this leap as we can.”

“Make the most of it, as we say. Yep. Hold on!”

turned quickly, a little raggedly as she came to understand how the turn mechanisms worked, but quickly, and she saw Blessed ships coming around in front of them, trying to regroup after the attack by Arenaspace lifeforms and press the attack on

Even as the Liberated battleship swam into view, a spear of intolerable brilliance erupted from its upper turret, a bolt of energy so intense that it seemed to make the entire Arena around them dimmer; the beam ripped straight through one of the Blessed ships as though its armor were nonexistent and the ship immediately and vehemently exploded.

” Sethrik muttered. “What sort of a weapon is
, and why wasn’t the Survivor using it earlier?”

“I dunno,” she said cheerfully, feeling her confidence rising, “but let’s focus on our own problems. Like our own

Sethrik’s overlay displays came up, showing armament targeting displays; she couldn’t quite
some of the symbols but could tell he was disabling something—
safety interlocks, I’ll bet, to keep you from accidentally shooting your friends by mistake

The targeting symbols locked on a nearby vessel.

She waited, but nothing happened. She looked over her shoulder. “Sethrik?”

The Leader of the Blessed was sitting with his hand over a control; the hand trembled.


“I…do not wish to do this,” Sethrik said sadly. “Ariane Austin, can you understand how hard this is? I am of the
. We are near to one, in many ways, and now I will turn our own weapons upon them. I am meant to
them, not destroy.”

“I know, Sethrik. Dammit, I know exactly what you mean. But if you

“Yes. I know. They will kill us. Or worse, far worse, for both you and I, even though I will not think it so when they have finished with me.”

He inhaled deeply and buzzed something that sounded like a prayer. “Minds forgive me, but I do what I believe. I do what I think is right. I do what I must.”

His hand came down.

Instantly the forward batteries of
cut loose, firing energy and explosive shells into her sister ship barely twenty kilometers distant. The ship shuddered and then detonated in a flare that blanked the screens for a moment.

“Thank you, Sethrik. And I’m sorry, but…”

“But there is more work to be done. Let us finish it, then.”

The other Blessed ships were thrown into disarray a second time now, as they tried to respond to an attack by their own flagship.
The hesitation will work in our favor too; attacking one of their own ships will be

Another eye-searing bolt of energy impaled a Blessed ship and it, too, disappeared in vapor before the power of
She cheered, came about even as the first tentative counterfire began. “Pick your target, Sethrik!”

“Hmm,” Sethrik said. His hands were still shaking, and the involuntary occasional buzz showed how badly the stress was affecting him, even as he spoke in an artificially light and casual tone. “That’s
. I admit to never liking its commander much at all.”

On the edge of a breakdown or not, Sethrik’s aim was deadly.
’s assault shattered the aft section of his target, and while it did not explode, the ship immediately began drifting aimlessly, out of control.

For a third time that impossible beam of light turned the atmosphere of the Arena to plasma, and another Blessed vessel vanished.
That’s…ten! More than half! We just might
this one!

They came about, fired again, missed; the other Blessed vessels had now accepted that their flagship had become their enemy, and they were divided now into two-ship groups. At the same time she realized that
was severely battered. The screen showed multiple gaping wounds on the ship. Though it was still clearly functioning—and functioning quite well—it was clear that there was not much left for Orphan’s vessel to give.

And the mysterious weapon atop
had stopped.

She could hear hammering on the access panels now, but tried to ignore it.
Have to do as much damage as we can!

Sethrik found another target, tried to fire—but the forward turret failed to respond. “Roll hard to port!” he shouted.

And the Arena translates that as “port” rather than left. I don’t think we’ll EVER know how it makes its decisions.
Even as she thought that she was rolling the ship, turning—

And the topside port cannon fired, crippling the target. “They shut down the forward batteries,” Sethrik said. “I have no doubt they are doing the same to the others. We do not have much time left.”

rang like a bell, the impact so hard that Sethrik would have been thrown from the command perch if he had not been strapped in; Ariane felt her own harness creak. The lights flickered and then shifted to a dimmer light in a slightly different shade.

“Ah. No more time at all,” said Sethrik. “A perfect shot, straight through the main power distribution core. I suspect the crew has deliberately sabotaged the backups.” A faint glow showed on one of the panels now.
Cutting torches

“Don’t suppose you have a self-destruct or scuttling command?”

Sethrik flicked his hands out. “Except for very experimental ships such would be…unheard of.”

She grabbed up one of the pistols from the unconscious guards, and Sethrik took up a rifle. “Then I guess we just have to go for suicide by military.”

“Indeed.” Sethrik gave her a deep pushup-bow. “It has been a true honor fighting alongside you, Ariane Austin of Humanity.”

“And you, Sethrik of the—”

Light came that turned the clouds dark, paled the mighty lightning within them to insignificance, and another Blessed warship was gone.
plowed through a wavering mist of smoke and wreckage, turning, seeking, and that intolerable, irresistable spear of energy impaled another, flaring up, gone.
That’s five left against us

The other ships banked about, desperately aiming, trying to mass their fire upon Orphan’s flagship,
boring onwards, directly towards them, as though utterly uncaring of any hazard. The forward batteries of the Liberated battleship fired again, hammering into the armor of the Blessed to Serve, and another ship was done, gone, drifting and powerless. Again that coruscating, dazzling sword tore through Arenaspace, and one more was finished, a drifting memory in smoke and flame.

Sethrik stared at something on the command chair, reached up and activated it.

, this is Doctor Marc C. DuQuesne of Humanity, calling from
,” came a deep, savagely triumphant voice. “You are drifting crippled, and if you’ll look your last three ships are trying to flee. Surrender and prepare to be boarded.”

Sethrik buzzed with amusement, and clicked the control again. “This is Sethrik, Leader of the Faction of the Blessed—for now, and only temporarily, I am afraid. But I am glad to hear this. Do not allow them to escape. No mercy. No quarter. Is this understood?”

Orphan’s voice replied, and held an odd mixture of satisfaction and regret. “Completely, Sethrik. Is Ariane Austin—”

“I’m here!” she called. “But do we have to…”

She stopped herself and thought.
If any of them escape, the Minds will know
what happened here. Maybe they’ll even figure out what’s going on with Wu Kung. They can’t know. They cannot
know exactly how close they came to success, or how much luck played a part in this.
“…sorry. Do what you have to.”

She turned to where the panel lock was now glowing near white. “We’re about to have company anyway.”

She and Sethrik checked to make sure there wasn’t anything coming through the other panel—it was cool and dark—and took shelter behind the command perch. On the screen they could see
in pursuit of the final three Blessed vessels.
Good luck,
she thought. Then she steadied her arm and took careful aim.

The panel dropped with a heavy
, and she saw two Blessed, rifles dropping into line just behind the panel. Her first shot struck, but the Blessed were wearing armor and it did no damage. Sethrik’s shot was more effective—
not surprising; I should have taken a rifle, but I’m better with handguns. Wish I could’ve gotten to my own weapons.

The two leapt into the command center; the one wounded by Sethrik ducked behind one of the control perches, while the other laid down a barrage of fire which ensured both Ariane and Sethrik kept their heads down. More movement told her that there were reinforcements coming.

She popped up, snapped off a shot, dropped back down.
Got to get in the right mindframe. Outnumbered, but they still have to come in through a choke point. Shame there weren’t any grenades.

Sethrik fired twice, scoring a hit that took down the wounded one for good, then dropping back with a curse; there was a nasty-looking burn along his left arm.

She stuck her head around on the other side and fired; this time she caught the unwounded one just as he stuck
head out.
If that didn’t kill him, he’s sure hurt.

More shapes were coming up…but then they stopped.

What’s happening?

She heard some kind of commotion, shouts, buzzing cries, gunshots, and the sound of impacts so fast they seemed almost like machine-gun fire.

Without warning, two bodies
from the opening, tumbling limply to a halt. A single shadowy figure moved forward. She sighted, daring to hope that she wouldn’t
to fire…

The Monkey King stepped into the command center and waved. “I see you kept busy until I came back!”

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