Spencer Cohen Series, Book Three (The Spencer Cohen Series 3) (16 page)

BOOK: Spencer Cohen Series, Book Three (The Spencer Cohen Series 3)
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I tried to speak. I tried not to cry. I failed miserably at both.
He wanted to marry me?
All I could do was nod.

Andrew stood and threw his arms around me. He buried his face in my neck, and we were quickly surrounded by a sea of hugging people. We were pulled apart and hugged and congratulated individually, which was nice and all, but they were not the arms I wanted to be in. I unpeeled Lola from around me and found Andrew being embraced by his father. I tapped Allan on the shoulder, cutting in on this dance of hugs, and waited for him to step aside.

Andrew stared at me and let out a nervous breath. My voice was thick with unshed tears. “You played ‘Hallelujah.’”

it. Which was quite possibly the worst thing I’ve ever done. I broke my leg when I was eight. That was reasonably unpleasant, but singing wins. I thought playing the piano would be bad enough, but singing? I can’t believe… I don’t even know what I was thinking when I planned this.”

It certainly explained the shots of tequila. I laughed and pulled him in for a soul-soothing hug. Having Andrew pressed against me was a medicinal thing. He mended me in ways he could never understand. “You were thinking it would be the most perfect proposal ever. And you put Jeff Buckley to shame.”

He smiled into my neck. “You liked it?”

“Loved it.” I pulled back and held his face in my hands and softly pressed my lips to his. My head was still spinning. “I can’t believe you did that. Do you really want to marry me?”

“There is nothing in this world I want more,” he whispered, “than to call you my husband.”

His sincerity, his honesty, and overwhelming love brought tears to my eyes. “I love you Andrew, and if there was a magazine called
The Only Man I Want to Spend My Life With
, I wouldn’t be on
cover. You’d be on the limited edition one. You know, just for me.”

He smiled so beautifully. “I was going to get a magazine made up with you on the cover called
Who I Want To Marry
, but thought you might think it silly.”

I burst out laughing. “It would have been great. But you and what you did here”—I waved at the stage and at our friends—“was so perfect.”

“Maybe we could do magazine covers for our wedding invitations,” he said. I wasn’t sure if he was joking or not, but his mother squealed beside us.

“Oh, that is a fabulous idea!”

And so it began. Helen, Sarah, and Lola were already planning our entire wedding and the rest of our lives, by the sound of it. I didn’t care. Because in that moment, the background music started to play. Etta James began to sing “At Last” and I slow, slow danced with Andrew in the middle of our friends and family. I buried my face into Andrew’s neck and he held me even tighter.

Etta James’ soulful voice filled my chest with words of loneliness being over, and how life was now a song. She sang about finding dreams and heaven. And she was right, because I held him in my arms.

At last. At last, indeed.





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About the Author


N.R. Walker is an Australian author, who loves her genre of gay romance.

She loves writing and spends far too much time doing it, but wouldn’t have it any other way.


She is many things: a mother, a wife, a sister, a writer. She has pretty, pretty boys who live in her head, who don’t let her sleep at night unless she gives them life with words.


She likes it when they do dirty, dirty things… but likes it even more when they fall in love.


She used to think having people in her head talking to her was weird, until one day she happened across other writers who told her it was normal.


She’s been writing ever since…

Also by N.R. Walker

Blind Faith

Through These Eyes (Blind Faith #2)

Blindside: Mark’s Story (Blind Faith #3)

Ten in the Bin

Point of No Return – Turning Point #1

Breaking Point – Turning Point #2

Starting Point – Turning Point #3

Element of Retrofit – Thomas Elkin Series #1

Clarity of Lines – Thomas Elkin Series #2

Sense of Place – Thomas Elkin Series #3

Taxes and TARDIS

Three’s Company

Red Dirt Heart

Red Dirt Heart 2

Red Dirt Heart 3

Red Dirt Heart 4

Red Dirt Christmas

Cronin’s Key

Cronin’s Key II

Cronin’s Key III

Exchange of Hearts

The Spencer Cohen Series, Book One

The Spencer Cohen Series, Book Two


Free Reads

Sixty Five Hours

Learning to Feel

His Grandfather’s Watch (And The Story of Billy and Hale)


Translated Titles

Fiducia Cieca (Italian translation of Blind Faith)

Attraverso Questi Occhi (Italian translation of Through These Eyes)

Preso alla sprovvista (Italian translation of Blindside)

Il giorno del mai (Italian translation of Blind Faith 3.5)

Confiance Aveugle (French translation of Blind Faith)

A travers ces yeux: Confiance Aveugle 2 (French translation of Through These Eyes)

Aveugle: Confiance Aveugle 3 (French translation of Blindside)

À Jamais (French translation of Blind Faith 3.5)


Coming Soon

Blood & Milk


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