Spankable Susan

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Authors: Raelynn Blue

Tags: #Erotica

BOOK: Spankable Susan
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Spankable Susan


RaeLynn Blue




































“Jumpoff” by Jeanie Johnson and Jayha Leigh


All Rights Reserved.
The following characters are copyrighted and used with permission: Shara Azod by Shara Azod.
RaeLynn Blue by RaeLynn Blue.
Laura Guevara by Laura Guevara.
Jeanie Johnson by Jeanie Johnson.
Jayha Leigh by Jayha Leigh.
Reana Malori by Reana Malori.
Reid Randolph by Reid Randolph. Dréa Riley by Dréa Riley.
Yazmin Taylor by Yazmin Taylor.


Copyright © 2009 by RaeLynn Blue


All Rights Reserved. No part of this book may be produced or shared in any form, including but not limited to: printing, photocopying, faxing, or electronic transmission, without prior written permission from the authors.


This book is a work of fiction. References may be made to locations and historical events; however, names, characters, places and incidents are the products of the authors’ imaginations and/or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual persons (living or dead), businesses, events or locales is either used fictitiously or coincidental.













For all those who love without bonds.


















Smack It, Flip It, Rub It Down


Author’s/Authors’ Note:


Originally, this book was part of the
Smack It, Flip It, Rub It Down
Each story has the same jump-off (a few pages that set the scene), but all are stand-alone tales.



What the heck is the point of traveling all the way across oceans if you can’t kick off some ish? While Denmark might not seem like a place where you’d find the Posse, no country, territory or hole in the ground is safe from these women.
Down for a little adventure, they head to Billund—home of the
Legoland. They’re not even there half an hour before the whole group is called on the carpet for daring to critique some of the exhibits. The authorities deliver a long-winded lecture on the history of the toy blocks, which is overshadowed by Jayha’s eight-word response in much the same way as Everett’s 13,607 word speech at Gettysburg was overshadowed by Lincoln’s three-minute speech. Jayha’s polite, “Respectfully speaking, you can kiss my whole ass,” leads to the entire Posse’s banishment from the park.
While Jayha leaves, you know the rest of the Posse can’t simply leave it at that.
They want pictures to put in the scrapbook of Posse Misadventures. They get a long-distance hookup from Yazmin, who is still in Italy enjoying shopping and Italian hotties along with Reid. Leaving Laura, Shara and Raelynn to use their wiles to distract the guards, Jeanie and Dréa sneak in and get pictures…


And get caught.
Blissfully unaware of how close her homies are to visiting Danish prison, Jayha’s still at the small café where they left her enjoying hot chocolate. Only when she receives a call from the authorities does she realize what’s going on. Rushing to the amusement park, she groans at the sight before her. Besides blue jeans and leather jackets, the chicks are all sporting Viking horns. Taking a deep breath, she exhales and marches in, knowing this will not end well.


…And so the adventure begins.


This story is linked to the following stories:


Getting Dom’d
by Shara Azod

Spankable Susan
by Raelynn:

Whip Appeal
by Reana Malori

Fit to be Tied
by Dréa Riley and Laura Guevara:

You can Lead a Norse to Water but You Can’t Make Him Kink
by Jeanie Johnson and Jayha Leigh










The Jumpoff

This is what could really happen should various members of the Posse converge on one place at the same time.

Outside of
Billund, Denmark, October



“Jayha, are you mad with us?” Dréa finally asked in the silence of the SUV they’d rented.


“I’m not mad. I’m fucking amazed y’all are allowed out without a bevy of armed guards,” Jayha said.


“We were just trying to help,” Jeanie said.


“I get that. What I don’t get is how y’all thought wearing Viking helmets and talking like pirates with Swedish accents was a good look and sound for ‘sneaking.’”


“We got caught up in the whole Scandinavian experience,” Shara said.


“The fact that we’re now banned from the entire city is a bit more than getting ‘caught up.’ You do realize that this is the second time in three trips that we’ve been kicked out of a place,” Jayha said.


“You can’t bring up Vegas every single time,” Dréa pouted.


“You almost burned down the Strip. Yeah, we
bring that up every time,” Jayha said.


“At least Vegas was warm,” Laura said. “Is it just me, or is anyone else getting cold?”


“It’s not just you, chica. I’ve got the heat set on ‘Inferno’ and I’m still chilly,” Jayha admitted.


“I’ve never seen a snowstorm so sudden or snow so thick,” Jeanie said as she pulled the hood up on her hoodie before settling her Viking horns back atop her head.


“It’s a good thing Reana found us alternate digs or I’d be more than a tad pissed,” Jayha said. “I certainly don’t relish spending the night in the truck.”


“Yay! Reana,” Raelynn led the other chicks in a cheer. The truck fairly rocked with the sound of the chicks clapping and stomping as they chanted Reana’s name. “Reana! Reana! Reana!”

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