Southern Submission (Southern Submission (A Southern BDSM erotic romance)) (3 page)

BOOK: Southern Submission (Southern Submission (A Southern BDSM erotic romance))
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I heard footsteps
behind me.  “Alex…” he sighed.  “I’m sorry.  I do have a temper,
and I hate all the gossip in this town, and maybe I overreacted.”  A firm
hand on my shoulder directed me to turn around.

I was still blushing,
still staring straight ahead.  When I’d turned, “straight ahead” changed
from a view of the bridge to a view of Tad’s chest.  Then a view of an
arm, as his hand moved from my shoulder to my chin, and for the second time
that night he was lifting my chin.  His thumb brushed against my lower
lip, parting them slightly, as he bent and kissed me again. 

He kissed me like he
wanted to devour me, like a feral animal inhaling a meal.  I wrapped my
arms around his neck, feeling my body spring back to life.  I was dizzy
and aching and my knees were wobbly as he ran his hands down my back to cup my
ass.  Without breaking the kiss, he suddenly grabbed my ass and picked me
up off the ground.  He spun us a quarter turn and then set me down on the
railing of the balcony. 

The ground behind me
was not a sheer rocky cliff, but it was a remarkably steep hill, almost a
hundred feet down to Riverside Drive below.  My stomach fluttered and I
instinctively wrapped my legs around Tad’s waist.  He broke the kiss and
nuzzled my neck, murmuring, “I won’t let you fall, Alex.”  His breath in
my ear sent cold shivers through me, and I groaned and pulled him closer with
my arms and legs.

I could feel his hard
member pulsing between us.  My thin skirt and soaking wet panties were
barely obstacles, not like the bulk of his khaki pants.  I was panting as
I unwrapped an arm from his neck and reached down between us, and I groaned
when one of his hands caught my arm. 

“No, Alex.”  His
other hand came up and caught the back of my head, pressing our foreheads
together.  He groaned and his cock throbbed between us, but his left arm
returned my hand to the back of his neck.  “I need you to do what I say,

I tried to get my
scattered brain back together.  It wasn’t like I was going to have sex
with this guy, on what was essentially our first date, in a park downtown,
right?  “Yes,” I panted.  “Yes.  Ok.  Yes.”  I was
talking more to myself than to Tad, but he took it as an answer to his question.

“Hold on, beautiful,”
he murmured, then his lips closed against mine again.  The hand on my arm
slid down toward me, then over to my throbbing breast.  I gasped and
sucked some of the breath from his lungs as his hand first cupped my breast, then
slowly, relentlessly, started squeezing my nipple. 

I was writhing, moaning
helplessly against his mouth, when his other hand started moving.  The arm
that had been wrapped against my back, keeping me safe from the edge of the
cliff, suddenly trailed down my back and around to the front of my hip. 
He pulled back from me again to say, “Don’t let go of me, Alex, hold on for

Then his fingers found
their way under the bunched-up edge of my skirt.  His hand, so hard and
hot, wrapped around my pubic bone and pressed my panties against me.  The
wet cotton was raspy against my sensitive nub, but it felt exquisite.  I
bucked against his hands, against the mingled pain and pleasure from my nipple
and the so-close feeling of his fingers outside of my panties.  “Oh please,
oh please, oh Tad,” I begged.

“You’re so wet,” he
murmured, nibbling at my ear.

“Tad!” I gasped. 
“We can’t!”

“Why not, Alex?” 
His hand moved against my sex, driving me wild.

“We’re in a park! 

“There’s no one around,
beautiful.”  His hand kept working my nipple, turning up the heat in my

“Oh god,” I
panted.  I squirmed, unable to let go of his neck, unable to escape his
strong hands. 

Tad grinned, rakish and
triumphant, like my whispered words were music to his ears.  He bent and
kissed me again, thrusting his tongue into my mouth, and I sucked it
desperately.  His fingers made an end run around the barrier of my
panties, pushing the crotch material off to the side.  His finger slid
down the entrance to my sex, then thrust inside me. 

When he broke the kiss,
I gasped and stared up at his shadowed face.  “The quicker you come for
me, beautiful,” he said, “the less chance there is that someone will walk down
those stairs.” 

I wanted to sob as his
fingers curled around to find that secret spot inside me.  The base of his
thumb ground into my clit, and as his other hand twisted my nipple
mercilessly.  I couldn’t fight off the wave of sensations any longer, and
I exploded into a mind-bending orgasm.

When I could breathe
again, and my body stopped twitching, Tad pulled his fingers out and smoothed
my panties back in place.  His other arm had gone back around me,
supporting me from falling off the railing to an ironic death.  “Mmmm,” he
murmured.  “Good girl.  That was lovely.”

“I cannot believe I
just did that.  In a park.  On a first date,” I said.  I rested
my head on his chest, panting for breath.

“Oh, I can.”  Tad
was as smug as a cat in the cream.

“Are we still
incompatible?” I asked.

“Oh, Alex.  We
might be very compatible — but we need to talk, beautiful.”


Lisa slid into the seat
beside me.  We were meeting for a late lunch on the patio at Bosco’s, a
stupendous local brewery/restaurant.  I had to open the pizza place in a
few hours, but more importantly, I had to talk to Lisa. 

Our waiter trailed
Lisa, bringing a Flaming Stone Ale for her and another Midtown Brown for me. 
I preferred to think of the prompt arrival of the drinks as “good service”
rather than “predictability” or “incipient alcoholism.” 

“Hi, ladies!” he said
with a grin.  “Salads or burgers today?”

“Burger me, please!” I
replied.  “Well done, cheddar, garlic fries.  Thanks, Tom!”

“Mmmm, I think the
salad with grilled salmon, hon.  It’s too hot for real food,” Lisa
replied, with a mock glare at me.  Tom nodded and left, and Lisa took a
long sip of her beer. 

“I can’t deny beer
tastes better when it’s hot, but Alex, darling, why are we outside?  It’s
seven hundred thousand degrees and I’m melting!”  Lisa said plaintively.

I started
blushing.  Damn my fair skin!  “Because I need some privacy, Lisa. 
We need to talk about Tad.”

Her eyes lit up. 
“Oooh!  Do tell!”

I blushed harder and
took a long drink of my beer.  “Umm…”  I was suddenly hesitant. 

Lisa grinned. 
“Are you blushing?  Must’ve been a good date!”

“Ok, look.  You
said I should go out with him because he likes it rough, and you know I’m sick
of boys who are scared to put a hand down my shirt.  What did you mean by
that?  Who do you know who’s gone out with him, anyway?”

She thought for a
minute.  “Oh, you know, a couple friend-of-a-friend types.  And Stacy,
Mitch’s ex’s sister, do you know her?  They wouldn’t talk, but everybody
blushed!  Stacy said she wasn’t in to what he was in to, but that he was
plenty hot.  I figured that meant he pulled her hair and she freaked out.”

“Um.  Well. 
We had a super hot first date, absolutely blazing, and then he said he wanted
to talk.”  I was very carefully making a set of Olympic rings on the table
with the condensation from my glass.  “And it turns out he’s actually
pretty kinky.”  I finished my masterpiece and glanced up at Lisa. 
She was staring raptly at me. 

“Oooh, like, he wants
to tie you up?  Are you gonna let him?”

“I don’t know! 
That’s why I wanted to talk to you!  Is he going to kill me?  Is he
going to take pictures and put them on Facebook or something?  Do you know
anything about this guy, about whether or not I should trust him?”  I
wiped up the circles with my soggy napkin and knocked back the rest of the
beer.  Time to switch to iced tea; the pizzeria was just a mile away but I
didn’t want to risk a DUI.

“Hmmm.”  Lisa
leaned back in her plastic patio chair and drummed her long nails on the
table.  “I will make some inquiries, but I don’t think he’s a bad
guy.  And he did ask you.  It’s not like you woke up the morning
after and you were tied to the bed!”

I dragged my gaze from
Lisa’s nails to look her in the eye again.  “Well, yeah.  But - am I
a bad person for even thinking about this?  Is this, like, totally wrong?”

“You’re both adults,
right?  And this is just in the bedroom, not some freak show where you’re
wearing a collar and following him around and fetching beers for him, right?”
she asked.

“Ewww, no.  I’d be
terrible at that!” I said.

“Well?  Don’t clam
up on me now, girlfriend!”  Lisa leaned forward and stared me down.

“He.  Um.  He
says he wants to tie me up and torment me, then fuck me hard.”  I bit my
lip, thinking back to the conversation.  He’d actually said,
I want to
tie you up and torment you til you come for me and then fuck you hard til you
come again, for starters.
  I’d asked,
For starters?
, and he’d
Let’s just see how you like that, beautiful girl.
  But I
couldn’t bring myself to repeat that whole conversation, not even for Lisa’s

Lisa squealed with
glee.  “Yes!  Do it, ‘Lex!  I will double-check with my sources,
make sure he’s not blackmailing anybody, but you should so totally try
that.  Go for it!”

I glanced up at her
blue eyes.  “Ok.  Ok, I will.”


That night at work, I
dropped a pizza on the floor, burned my wrist on the oven, and had to count the
drawer four times because I kept getting distracted.  I could not stop
thinking about Tad.  He had a really nice body, and his green eyes were
pretty sexy, but what was really bothering me was his voice.  The way he’d
told me – no,
me to hang on to him when he was fingering
me in the park.  The raspy little hitch in his throat when he’d explained
what he wanted to do to me.  The confident way he’d said goodbye, like he
knew I was going to agree to his crazy scheme.  Damn that man!  And
damn me, if I wasn’t going to do it!

When I finally got the
till reconciled and the bank deposit made out, my patient closing crew had
already finished cleaning.  I shoved the deposit bag in my backpack and
slammed the office door behind me.  “Demetrius, you gonna follow me to the

Demetrius, a boisterous
black guy who was one of the most reliable workers Pizza Perfecto! had,
nodded.  The stop at the bank was on his way home, and not far out of my
way.  I hated walking out into a Midtown night with a backpack full of
cash, but it was all part of the job.  The other closers headed out and
Demetrius waited by the back door as I set the alarm.  As I yanked the
sticky old door shut, I made up my mind.  I was going to let Tad tie me up
and fuck me.

It was well after one
am, but now that I’d come to a decision, I couldn’t wait any longer.  I
hopped in my beloved but ragged ’02 Civic and started her up, then while
Demetrius was coaxing his old station wagon to life, I texted Tad.

Ok mr.  Youre

Much to my surprise,
the phone in the cupholder buzzed as I turned onto Union. 

Goodie.  When?

I pulled in to the bank
parking lot by steering with my knees while I tapped out a reply.  Bad

:o u were up?

The reply came in while
I was unlocking the night depository. 

I was awake. 
Now im up.  When?

I pulled out of the
drive-thru and waved goodbye to Demetrius, then bent over my phone. 

Working lunch
tmw.  After 6?

My heart was pounding.

Meet me @ Sakura in
Gtwn @ 6:30.  Wear a dress.

I groaned out
loud.  Dinner first?  Now that I’d decided to dabble in Tad’s mystery
world, I just wanted to get on with it.  Or get on it, as the case may
be.  But I wasn’t going to admit that!

So bossy.  Do I
get to pick the color?
I typed.

This time yes,
he replied.

I laughed.  He was

Ok.  TTFN!

I wasn’t entirely
expecting a reply, so I’d pulled out of the bank parking lot and was on my way
home when the phone buzzed again.  Well, there was nobody around for me to
crash in to…

:* sleep tight.

I almost did crash when
I saw that one.  “Tight,” indeed!


After the World’s
Longest Lunch Shift, in which yours truly screwed up no fewer than three
separate orders, I finally escaped work.  I rushed home, showered and
shaved, put on makeup, and tried on four different dresses before I settled on
one.  I headed out the door in a daring sundress that played up my best
assets. It was a blue and white floral print, spaghetti straps, cut low in
front with a fitted waist, but only knee-high at the hem.  My strappy
platform sandals were comfortable and cute.  A summer-weight blue blazer
was my insurance against hyperactive air conditioning at the sushi place, and a
white leather clutch held my minimal amount of girl stuff.

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