Southern Comfort (9781622863747) (7 page)

BOOK: Southern Comfort (9781622863747)
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Chapter 9
“You have everything?”
The couple stood at the United Airlines check-in at Heathrow Airport. Katrina held Willow's hand while they waited for a kiosk to open up.
“Yeah, I do. Hey I locked Devon's number in your phone in case you need it. I will call you when I get home.”
An open kiosk opened and Katrina punched in her info and scanned her passport. Willow watched as Katrina grabbed her boarding pass.
“I guess this is it then.” Willow smiled. She didn't know how she was able to smile but she managed one.
“Yeah, I guess so. No tears, my weeping Willow.” Katrina caressed Willow's cheek.
“No tears,” Willow said as she felt the tears forming in her eyes.
Katrina pulled Willow close planting a long kiss against her forehead. “Talk to you later,” Katrina said as she walked off. She didn't want to turn around. She knew if she turned around she might not leave.
Willow watched the woman she was crazy about disappear into the crowd. It was over as quickly as it started. She didn't feel like taking the Tube home so she grabbed a black cab. Suddenly everything reminded her of Katrina. She smiled as she passed different things that they went to, remembering the fun they had.
Willow arrived back at her home to find Piper trying on a dress that she was in the process of making.
“Okay, first off this dress has to belong to me. And second off, how you holding up, honey?”
Willow sat on her couch, Piper joined her.
“I can't believe it's over. Hell I can't believe it happened to begin with.” Willow sighed.
Piper put her hand on Willow's thigh. “The good thing is that now you know.” Piper smiled.
“I know what? That life isn't fair?”
“No, that the real thing is out there; you just have be open to it.”
Willow turned her face toward her friend. “But what if I just let the one get on a plane to America?”
The two sat in silence pondering the question. Piper suddenly jumped up. “Okay, I have one question: why didn't you go to America with her?”
Willow shrugged her shoulders. She had thought about that question a million times. Katrina never asked her to come to the States even though they had joked about her coming and visiting Graceland. In the end a wild European vacation was one thing, but Willow packing up and heading to America just seemed farfetched for some reason.
“Well I do have a career to think about, and she has a restaurant about to open.”
“Um, I'm sorry but is your sewing machine attached to the floor?”
“What?” Willow looked at her friend who was looking at herself in the full-length mirror.
“I'm just saying, you work from home, you can sketch and create clothes anywhere.”
Willow knew Piper was right. “She didn't ask me to come. If she wanted me in America she would have asked just like she asked me to travel with her.”
“I guess.” Piper pulled the half-finished dress off and threw her little dress over her head. “Anywho, I gotta get out of here so I can go to work. Let's hang later.”
Willow nodded her head. She got up and locked the door behind her. She thought about Piper's questions. Maybe she should have offered to come. Did she miss the chance to be with the woman she couldn't stop thinking about? Willow shook her head trying to shake the thoughts out as well. She knew wondering would drive her crazy. She picked up the dress that Piper had tried on. At least she could throw herself into her work; that was something that could take her mind off of Katrina, at least for a little bit.
Chapter 10
Katrina slept the majority of her flight. She had the layover from hell in Chicago when her flight was delayed due to late flight attendants. She couldn't jump out of her seat fast enough when the pilot announced they could get up to get off the plane.
The Memphis International Airport left much to be desired after being in Heathrow. There weren't stores all over the place, just a few places to eat and a Hudson newsstand. Katrina never noticed how bare the walls were in the Memphis airport. In the end it didn't matter. She was happy to be home.
Devon pulled into the airport baggage claim and pickup area. She answered her phone as it started to ring.
“Are you there yet?” Teri's voice echoed through the speakers in Devon's car.
“Pulling up now, I'll call you when I see he . . . Ahhhh!”
Devon screamed when two hands hit her driver's side window. Standing there was Katrina with a big, goofy smile on her face.
“This bitch right here!” Devon cursed, something she tried not to do too often.
“What happened?” Teri questioned.
“I'm going to kill Katrina.” Devon opened her door. “I fucking hate you now.”
Devon got out of the car and hugged Katrina who couldn't stop laughing. Devon playfully punched Katrina on her arm. Katrina put her stuff in the back seat and ran to the passenger side as the airport officer blew his whistle alerting them that they needed to move.
“What the hell is happening over there?” Teri's voice echoed through the car again.
“Hey, Teri. I scared the shit out of Devon,” Katrina said still laughing.
“Ha ha ha, so funny.” Devon threw her middle finger at Katrina.
“What's up homie, welcome home,” Teri said.
“Thanks, I'm just ready to get home and get some rest.”
“Not too much rest; we have work to do,” Devon added.
Katrina told them about her final days in London on the drive home. She found herself talking mostly about Willow and the amazing things she showed her in London.
“So, Tree, why didn't you invite her to come to Memphis with you?”
Katrina shrugged her shoulders. She thought about that the majority of the plane ride. “I thought about it, but seriously we just spent time in some of the most amazing places in the world. How can we go from Rome to Memphis?”
“Hey there is nothing wrong with Memphis. People come from all over the world to come here,” Teri said. She was always quick to take up for the city that she loved.
“Yeah, Tree, and just because it's not new to you doesn't mean she wouldn't be interested in it. And the main thing is that she would be here with you.”
“I just . . . I don't know. I guess I found myself falling for this girl I just met. Maybe it was meant to be just an amazing fling, not something long term.”
Everyone was quiet for a moment. Katrina thought about Willow. She wondered what she was doing in that moment. Katrina wanted to call her but she hesitated. Maybe there was something to the way Saura broke up with her. Maybe the best thing is just to let go.
Devon pulled up to Katrina's house. The two walked into the dark house. Katrina turned her lights on. Suddenly she was back into her reality: she was home and there was no Saura and no Willow.
“Take a breather, and get your ass to the restaurant. I can't wait to show you all that I have done.” Devon smiled.
The friends hugged before Devon walked out. Katrina locked the door behind her. She pulled her large suitcase into her bedroom and threw it on the bed. She opened it to find a box sitting on top of her clothes. She sat on the side of the bed and opened the box. Inside was a digital picture frame. She turned it on to see photos of her and Willow's experiences flashing on the screen. She smiled; she didn't know when Willow had time to make it, but it was the best souvenir she had.
Katrina opened her computer and clicked on the Skype application. She pressed talk on Willow's name.
Willow almost jumped out of her skin when she heard her Skype ringing from her phone. She jumped up and down when she saw Katrina's face appearing on the screen. Willow calmed herself down before she pressed talk.
“Hey, you,” Willow casually responded.
“When did you have time to make this frame, sneaky woman?” Katrina smiled. She realized she was super excited to see Willow's face.
“When you were sleeping one night. Do you like it?”
“I love it,” Katrina said as she admired the frame.
All her reason went out the window as she stared at Willow's beautiful face.
“Hey I'm opening my restaurant in two weeks. I want you to come to Memphis and be here when it opens.”
“Are you sure? I know that is a really big night for you,” Willow said trying to keep her cool.
Katrina knew it was crazy but she didn't care. There was something special growing between her and Willow and she wanted to explore it further. If Willow was willing to come to Memphis, why not have her there?
“So do you want to come?”
Willow pressed her lips together tightly. She rubbed her fingers against her chin. “I don't know. Are you willing to take me to Graceland?”
“Good Lord.” Katrina rolled her eyes. She had lived in Memphis her whole life and never had a desire to go to Elvis's home. “Yes, I will take you to Graceland.”
“Well in that case let me look at tickets.” Willow blew Katrina a kiss before they hung up from each other.
Katrina and Willow both couldn't wait until they were in each other's arms again.
Katrina was still floating on cloud nine when she arrived at her restaurant. Her mouth dropped when she saw the new signs on the front of the building. Devon was waiting for her at the door. Katrina pulled in the spot with a sign saying R
“Dee, I am already in love,” Katrina said as she got out of her car.
Katrina walked to the door. She couldn't help but notice how quickly Devon had changed clothes. She traded the yoga pants and tank she picked her up in for a pair of pinstriped pants and a button-down shirt. Both outfits hugged her athletically toned body perfectly. Katrina knew Devon hadn't worked out that day as her hair was freshly flat ironed, something that she didn't do too often anymore since making the transition to being natural.
“Well wait 'til you see the inside.” Devon smiled as she unlocked the front door.
The two walked in the building. Devon turned on the lights and watched as Katrina's mouth dropped open. The last time Katrina was in the building they were still fixing the structure; now the place was completely decked out. Devon began pointing out various design elements.
“So we decided that the concrete floors were rather perfect so we stained them instead of covering it with hardwood. So you have this deep brown texture but wait until the lights hit it at night, gorgeous.”
Katrina didn't know if she was more in awe of the restaurant or Devon's eye for detail. It was much more than she ever expected. The large space was open and spacious but had an intimate feel with the large panel booth seating. The tables were the perfect color of blue giving a bit of color to the mostly earth-toned building. The main focus was the large aquarium filled with blue water and exotic fish. In the front was a stage with all the equipment needed for any band to have a great set.
“Devon, I fucking love it. Everything is more than I ever expected. How did you get all of this in budget?”
“I have my ways.” Devon smiled. “You know, called in a few favors here and there; seems many places were very interested in being involved with the new up-and-coming restaurant.”
Katrina wrapped her arms around Devon. She hugged her friend who had gone over and above for her. Devon excelled at anything she put her mind to.
“You really should do this shit full time; it's amazing.” Katrina continued to admire her building.
“Maybe. I really enjoyed helping. Oh I hired an amazing manager to get the staff together. You are going to love him. So awesomely gay but he really knows his shit. Not to mention he can dress his ass off.”
“Cool. So let me see my kitchen.”
The women walked into the large kitchen. Katrina felt tears forming as she stood in the state-of-the-art kitchen. The most important part to her was the kitchen, and it was more than she ever expected.
“I have one surprise for you.” Devon was smiling from ear to ear. She walked over to a wall that had a large sheet covering it. “I know the one thing you always wanted was a place to make your perfect pizzas. Well this was my special gift to you.”
Devon pulled the sheet down. In the middle of the wall was a custom-made wood burning brick oven. Katrina's eyes swelled with tears. She turned around and wiped her eyes.
“Tree, don't cry.” Devon ran up to her friend who was unable to speak at the moment.
Katrina couldn't control her emotions. Everything was better than she expected. As happy as she was, she couldn't help but feel fearful. Feeling as if she was going to faint, she took a seat on a stool in the kitchen.
“Devon, I am blown away. Everything is just . . . I don't know how to repay you.”
Devon smiled. She loved helping her friends and Katrina was the best friend she had.
Katrina's face dropped. “Dee, what if I can't make this work? All this hard work goes down the drain—”
“No, Tree, you aren't allowed to think like that. Don't worry about any of this stuff. All you worry about is making excellent food. You could have none of the things outside, but if the food is good people will come. And your food is superb.”
The friends hugged. Everything was coming together. After all the years of school and being a chef for other upscale restaurants now Katrina was the head of her own place. Devon showed Katrina how to turn everything off and set the alarm system for the restaurant before leaving.
“So I invited Willow to come here for the opening,” Katrina said as she locked the door to the restaurant.
“That's cool. I probably should try to find a date somewhere.” Devon frowned. The idea of dating was exhausting for her. She openly identified as bisexual, which was her downfall. Lesbians didn't want to date her because they didn't like the idea of coming after a man. Men wanted to date her in hopes of a threesome happening at some point. This caused the breakup with her most recent ex, Thomas, who just couldn't handle her having two lesbians as best friends.
“Willow has this friend named Piper; she is crazy but a super hot white girl. She kind of makes me think of Serena from
Gossip Girl.
” Katrina looked at Devon whose look of disapproval said it all.
“Last thing I need is crazy.”
There was a silence between them. Katrina unlocked her door and turned back around to see Devon staring at her with a worried expression on her face.
“Dee, what is it?”
Devon stared at the ground while she fidgeted with her fingers.
“Shanice called me.” Devon turned her face but could still see the disapproval etched across Katrina's face.
“I haven't done anything. I just said that she called.”
“How many times has she called? And the better question is how many times have you answered?”
Devon didn't want to answer the question. If there was one person she needed to stay away from, it was her ex-girlfriend Shanice. Katrina wanted to strangle her best friend. Shanice was like a drug to Devon. She was the first girl she ever slept with back in high school. She then proceeded to walk in and out of Devon's life whenever something better came along. Time would pass and when she felt like it was time to come back, Shanice would pop back up and Devon would always take her back. They had gone through the same thing from senior year until Devon's final years in grad school. The final breakup was three years ago, when Shanice left Devon completely broken. Since then Devon hadn't seriously dated a single person, only Thomas, which Teri and Katrina both knew never was going to last.
“We talked once, maybe twice. She wanted to apologize for—”
“Whoa, let me guess, she wanted to apologize for breaking your heart again. And now she's in a much better place. What is she doing now? Is she deep into a new church or has she become Buddhist?” Katrina scowled.
“She meditates.”
Katrina threw her hands in the air and let out a loud sigh.
“I am not going back, Tree. I just wanted to let you know.”
“Devon, please, for the love of all things do not go back to that girl. She isn't worth it. Never has been. You know you deserve so much better.” Katrina held her friend's hand.
“I know.” Devon lowered her head.
“Good, now block that ass and let's find you someone else. There is someone perfect out there, I know it.”
“Easy for you to say, you have had an amazing relationship and hell you go overseas and meet another freaking perfect woman. Stop taking all the women, Tree!” Devon pushed her friend.
“Maybe that's the problem, we have exhausted all possibilities in Memphis. Maybe you should do your
Eat, Pray, Love
thang somewhere.”
“I have always wanted me an Australian.” Devon smiled.
Devon and Katrina hugged again before getting in their separate cars. Katrina thought about what Devon said. Her relationship with Saura was amazing but she couldn't help but hold resentment for the way she left her. Then she met Willow, which was blowing her mind all over again. Neither Teri nor Devon had had meaningful relationships in years. Teri was happy living like a bachelor where Devon craved love, but the right one hadn't come along. Katrina never cared if she had love, but somehow she found two. She only could pray her friends experienced the feelings she had sometime soon.

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