Read Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined) Online

Authors: Nichelle Gregory

Tags: #Erotic Romance Fiction

Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined) (19 page)

BOOK: Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined)
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“Goodnight, Serene.” He was gone before she could say goodbye.


* * * *


Oliver entered the trendy restaurant his father had picked for their working lunch meeting and was quickly taken over to his table by the open windows looking out over Rush Street.

“You’re late,” Stephen said not even bothering to look up from his cell.

“Hello, Dad.” Oliver took his seat and picked up the menu. “Shall we skip the small talk and get right down to the business?”

Stephen snorted. “Don’t we always? I already ordered the steak lunch for us.”

“Good.” Oliver put the menu down. “I’m starving.”

His father looked at him. “Oliver, I should have said this weeks ago, but you know I’m a stubborn old goat. I looked over the financials for the Vegas project and I like the changes you implemented to get us back on track. You’re a damn fine EVP.”

Holy hell. The sky must be falling.
Oliver briefly glanced out of the window. Nothing but clear skies. “I appreciate that. I’ve worked hard to make sure we open on time and within our budget.”

“I know you have.”

The men paused as their lunch was served. Oliver dug into his mashed potatoes, pleased beyond measure by what his father had said.

“Your mother is planning to invite Cameron, Misha and her parents over for dinner next weekend. She would like for you to attend.”

“I’ll be there.” Oliver cut into his steak, took a bite and savored the bold flavors on his tongue.

“Good. Are you still messing around with Misha’s sister?”

Oliver put his knife down. “Damn. Just when I thought I’d enjoy lunch with you today.”

“I guess you answered my question.”

“I told you in Tahiti my personal life is
business.” Oliver jabbed his fork into the fluffy mashed potatoes, eyed their server and considered ordering a Scotch.

“Except when it interferes with
business. Imagine the scandal to our name if a story broke about you sleeping with your sister-in-law? Oliver, we don’t need negative publicity right now.” His father put chives on top of his steak. “You know I’ve never said anything to you about the way you handle your personal life. I didn’t want to now. I’d hoped you’d have moved on to a new conquest. I’m telling you what you’re doing could affect business and sure as hell could fuck things up for you personally. Break it off.”

Oliver finished his bite then pushed his plate back, appetite gone. “Dad, I respect you and I love you, but you can’t issue orders to me. I’m your son, not just your employee. Our company is very important to me. I wouldn’t dream of tarnishing our name in the business world by creating a scandal.”

“I’m glad to hear it.”

“But you should know Serene is more than a conquest.”

His father frowned. “How so? Are you planning on doing more than just taking her to bed?”

“I’d like to date her.”

Stephen Banner slammed his fork down. “You can’t be serious?”

“I am.” Oliver motioned the server over to the table and ordered his drink.

“Oliver, you’ve never been serious about any of the women you’ve dated. Except for that one in college… What was her name?”


“Right, except for her. What makes Serene different?”

Oliver’s lips quirked as he thought of a hundred different ways to answer his father. “She’s smart, fun, warm, down to earth and sexy.”

“You forgot older. Is that what this is about?”

“My attraction to her has nothing to do with her age.” Oliver thanked the server as she placed his drink on the table. He took a sip and welcomed the smooth burn down his throat. “She’s seven years older. No big deal.”

“Despite your dedication to the family business, I know you admire Cameron’s determination to do his own thing, go his own way with his restaurants and even with choosing Misha to be his wife. She’s a beautiful, lovely lady, but hardly the woman I’d have liked for him to marry.” Stephen pushed his empty plate away. “I put a lot of pressure on you. I know you’ve thought of walking away from your job as EVP of Banner Hotels, but you love what you do as much as I do. Maybe this
with Serene is your way of stepping out of the box you subconsciously resent and blame me for.”

Oliver tipped the snifter in his grasp and swallowed the rest of his Scotch. He placed it gently on the table and met his father’s cocky gaze. “I admire Cameron for never getting sucked into changing who he is to please you. Thank goodness he married a woman who not only compliments him, but lifts him higher each day with her love. That box you imagined affects me? Doesn’t exist.” Oliver pushed back his chair and stood. “And my involvement with Serene has absolutely
to do with you.” He gestured to his half-eaten meal. “Thanks for lunch, Dad.” Oliver pivoted, feeling lighter than he had in years.

“Olie, wait.”

He glanced back at his father. “Tell Mom I’ll be coming to that dinner plus one.”


* * * *


Serene pushed send on her last email of the day with a weary sigh. She picked up her cell and saw that there was a new message. Her heart leaped then fell when she learned it was from Shawn and not Oliver. He’d said he’d give her some time to figure things out and he’d been true to his word.

Damn him.

Serene sat the device down and leaned back in her chair. She’d missed him, had considered calling him more than once, and had stopped herself every time because her answer to his question hadn’t changed. Agreeing to date Oliver meant publicly risking her heart, which she was already in danger of breaking.

It had been an exhausting week. A good night’s rest had been out of the question when every time she drifted to sleep Oliver had invaded her subconscious. Hot, erotic dreams had awakened her just about every night, rousing her, leaving her wet and wanting, twisting fitfully beneath her sheets. She couldn’t stop replaying their last conversation in her head.

‘Will you date me?’

Soft knocking drew her attention to the door. “Going home?”

Sylvia sat up in her chair as she approached Serene’s desk. “In five minutes. I wanted you to see the final mock-up for the mailers we’re sending out.”

Serene took Sylvia’s tablet from her and studied the digital flyer. “It’s perfect. I love the palm trees. This pitch should help generate interest in our new package. Great job!”

“I just took your ideas and put them together.” Sylvia took her tablet back. “I’m going to send this off to the printer and go. Do you have hot Friday night plans?”

“If you’re counting takeout and time alone with my DVR.”

“You’re silly.” Sylvia giggled as the doorbell chimed. The spunky masseuse groaned. “Tempting Beauty Spa is closed. Can’t they see the sign?”

“It’s probably Joan Vetters. You know how she likes to swing by without an appointment at the end of the day.”

Sylvia rolled her eyes as she pivoted and walked toward the door. “Not tonight.”

Serene snickered as she powered down her laptop. She stood and grabbed her messenger bag. After placing her personal computer inside, she set it on the chair by the window. She was ready to go home too.

I’ll open a bottle of wine and check out that action flick with—


Serene looked up. “Is it Joan?”

“No.” Sylvia came over to her desk with a mischievous glint in her eyes. “It’s Oliver Banner.”

Serene’s stomach jerked up to her ears.

Oh, my God.

Oliver here, in her spa?

“Should I send him in?”

“Y-yes, that’s fine.”

Sylvia nodded. “Okay. I’ll do that and then I’m out of here. FYI— I give him the title of Mr Hot Friday Night.”

Serene managed a stilted laugh as Sylvia turned and left. She smoothed a hand over her navy dress, silently willing the butterflies fluttering within her to be still as Oliver entered her office. Gorgeous in a dark suit, he looked every bit the high paid exec he was, seemingly shrinking the space around Serene with his commanding presence.

“Hello, Oliver,” Serene said as Oliver approached her, pleased that her calm voice didn’t reflect her flurry of emotions whirling inside. All that changed when he didn’t answer, but proceeded to round her desk and take her into his arms. Expecting his kiss, needing it, Serene lifted her face to his, but he simply held her gaze.

“Hello, Serene.”

Serene wetted her bottom lip, placed her hands on his arms and struggled not to squeeze the muscles she knew so well beneath the fine fabric of his suit jacket. His familiar scent and the feel of his hard body against hers overloaded her senses, centered her body’s uninhibited response regardless of her will. Her craving for him went beyond anything she’d ever experienced. “This is a surprise.”

“I decided not to wait for you to invite me to your spa, which is spectacular by the way.”

Serene’s gaze dropped to Oliver’s lips. She would’ve sworn he’d moved closer. “Thanks.”

“You’re welcome.” Oliver held her tighter, driving her internal temperature up another notch.

“Did Sylvia leave?”

Oliver nodded. “I locked the door behind her. Good week?”

“I’ve had better.”

“Me too.”

Serene trembled when he moved his hands lower on her back. Why didn’t he kiss her? His proximity and touch was torturous. Serene didn’t know how much more of it she could take before begging for his lips on hers. “You didn’t call.”

Hazel eyes held hers. “I wanted to give you time. Have you changed your mind?”

“Oliver, I still have reservations about officially dating you.”

“The idea of everyone knowing you want your brother-in-law is too problematic, right?”

“You understand?” Serene shivered as Oliver skimmed his fingers over the curve of her ass.

“I respect your decision.” Oliver abruptly gripped her hips and Serene gasped when he yanked her against his evident hard-on then grabbed her ass. “I don’t like it”—he moved her back until her bottom touched her desk, leaned in so close that all Serene needed to do was lift her chin to kiss him—“but I respect it.”

“Thank you.” Serene unconsciously inched her face closer to Oliver’s. A darker glint swirled in the depths of his eyes as he gazed down at her.

“Don’t thank me.” Oliver lifted her onto the desk, moved between her legs, driving her hemline up and exposing her bare thighs.

“I want to.” Serene slipped her hands beneath his suit jacket and ran her fingers down his tapered back.

“Is that all you want?”

I want your kiss.
Serene opened her mouth to tell him and gasped instead when he pushed her back on the desk, sending a few papers and one pen falling to the floor. Serene raised up on her forearms. “Oliver, wa—”

“Shh.” Oliver slipped his hands beneath her knees, pulled her ass to the edge, shoved her skirt up to her waist and bared her thong. “You don’t have to answer.”

Serene’s eyes widened when he reached between them with one hand and ripped her lingerie from her body. Desire and excitement twined with his rough tone and actions, making her wetter.

“I know what you want.”

Serene moaned when he thrust one finger into her slick warmth then two, stretching her as he stroked the walls of her pussy. He kept his eyes on her face, continuing to finger-fuck her while he unzipped his pants and took out his cock. She let out a breath when his fingers slipped from her body. He reached up, lowered the scooped neckline of her dress exposing her bra then pushed the soft cups down to reveal her erect nipples.

“We can’t do this here.” Serene tried to sit up and gasped when Oliver pushed her back down, his gaze unwavering.

“We already are.”

Serene cried out when he tugged on her nipples, extending the sensitive tips between his fingers until she couldn’t help but whimper in a bit of pain and dark pleasure.

Oliver released his hold on her, making her wince as the blood rushed back to her breasts. “No one should know how badly you need this cock. Is that how you feel?” His anger pierced through the passion fogging her brain, his words sparking her own irritation. Oliver rubbed her clit and the proper retort failed to come to her mind.

The torridness of what they were doing in her office turned her on, almost as much as the sight of Oliver fully dressed with his thick dick protruding from his pants. Serene moaned when he stopped touching her to take a condom out of his pocket. Oliver kept his eyes on her as he opened it and sheathed himself. He brought the head of his cock to her entrance, took her, and Serene squealed with the force of his possession. She writhed on her desk with a sharp cry as he quickly filled her and began thrusting in and out of her at a frenzied pace. Serene whimpered with delight when he pushed her knees up, changing the angle and penetration of his cock within her. Her breasts jiggled and the desk squeaked in protest as he rocked her body, eliciting noise from Serene with every down stroke.

“Too much?” Oliver asked and Serene yelped when he went deeper. “Nah. I know you like it rough.”

Her eyelids fluttered closed when he began toying with her clit. She arched her back off her desk when he flicked her clit in rhythm to his thrusts, mewling as she came. Overcome by the strength of her orgasm, Serene lay limply, whimpering as Oliver continued to fuck her. Still ultra-sensitive from her orgasm, Oliver’s relentless strokes threatened to push her over the edge again as he climaxed. She watched him through hooded eyes as his grip tightened on her legs then he let go. Serene closed her eyes as he withdrew his cock, too spent to move. Her pussy throbbed as her eyelids fluttered open in time to see him toss the condom and zip up his pants.

Still trying to catch her breath, Serene gazed up at Oliver when he returned. He stood over her, his gaze cool, looking as if nothing had transpired between them. She shuddered when he reached out and tweaked her tender nipple.

“I’m glad I could give you what you wanted.” He pulled her bra cups into place. “Have a great weekend, Serene.”

Serene struggled to get up as he pivoted and walked away. “Wait, Oliver.” She slipped off her desk and onto wobbly legs.

Oliver turned to face her again, his handsome face an unreadable mask. “Yes?” He raised an eyebrow and Serene resented his composure when everything in her world was a jumbled mass of confusion.

BOOK: Soul Temptation (Souls Entwined)
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