Soul Of The Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 1)

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Authors: Harmony Raines

Tags: #General Fiction

BOOK: Soul Of The Dragon (Her Dragon's Bane 1)
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Table of Contents


Chapter One - Serena

Chapter Two - Connor

Chapter Three - Serena

Chapter Four - Connor

Chapter Five - Serena

Chapter Six - Connor

Chapter Seven - Serena

Chapter Eight - Connor

Chapter Nine - Serena

Chapter Ten - Connor

Chapter Eleven - Serena

Chapter Twelve - Connor

Chapter Thirteen - Serena

Chapter Fourteen - Connor

Chapter Fifteen - Serena

Chapter Sixteen - Connor

Chapter Seventeen - Serena

Other Books By Harmony Raines

Soul of the Dragon
Her Dragon's Bane
Book One


Note from the author:
My books are written, produced and edited in the UK where spellings and word usage can vary from U.S. English. The use of quotes in dialogue and other punctuation can also differ.


All rights reserved. This book, or any portion thereof may not be reproduced or used in any manner without the express written consent of the author or publisher.

This is a work of fiction and is intended for mature audiences only. All characters within are eighteen years of age or older. Names, places, businesses, characters and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used in a fictitious manner. Any resemblance to real persons, living or dead, actual events or places is purely coincidental.  

© 2014 Harmony Raines

Silver Moon Erotica

Kindle Edition




Chapter One - Serena

“So you’ve come to offer yourself to me?” He circled her like a vulture, his eyes assessing her body.

Serena swallowed her growing panic, and nodded once, not daring to move more than a fraction. The dragon was more intimidating than she could ever have imagined, even in this, his human form.

“And you know what will be expected of you?”

A small incline again, showing her knowledge of exactly what he would do to her. For the last four years it had been made clear she was to remain pure for the sole purpose of being given to the dragon. It had also been made clear what would happen if she did not.

Refusing to do this would have terrible consequences, and not just for her, she had to think of Charlotte too. Charlotte who she had not seen for over two months, and who would suffer a terrible fate if Serena did not lie in this beast’s bed.

“You will come here the night of the full moon and remain here for five days, and five nights, subject to whatever I desire of you.”

She nodded.

“Do you not have a tongue?”

“Yes.” It came out at less than a whisper. She tried again, “Yes.” The last thing she needed was to offend the dragon, if he sent her away, all would be lost. She had to do whatever he asked of her, both now and when she returned. That had been made clear to her; get him to breed with her at all cost.

A shudder passed through her, men had hurt her all her life. Hurt and controlled her, now she was to be traded to the worst of men, a beast that could change into a dragon. She had been told that they ate the flesh of virgins that weren’t suitable as mates, or did not conceive after the moon rites were complete. She had five days to endure the touch of this creature, and then carry it’s offspring inside her womb. It repelled her.

So why did her body feel alive every time he drew close to her?

Her body, subjugated for most of her life, did not know what freedom was. Born to a loser mother she had been traded into the hands of men who wanted her for their own gains. Only now did she know the full extent of her worth to them. Her body for the dragon’s soul.

That was her secret. She could allow herself no sympathy for this creature, who now moved so close to her she could feel his warm breath on her face. The heat from his very flesh penetrated through her clothes, and her pulse beat in a new rhythm, in time to his heart. The air grew warm, and time ceased to matter, only the two of them were present in this world.

Satisfied, he moved away, the bond at once broken, and she wondered if this intimidating creature of fire also contained magic. Magic that could enthral her, and entrap her. She could not let that happen, there was too much at stake.



He spoke slower now, his voice tinged with sarcasm. “Take off your clothes.”


“I wish to see you before I make my decision.”

Tears pricked her eyes, he had control of her, he knew it. He was the same as every other man in her life, wicked and cruel. He didn’t deserve her sympathy. That knowledge would at least make her deceit easier on her conscience.

Serena slipped the strap of her simple dress off her shoulder, and then the other one, letting it slip to the floor. She wanted to cover herself with her hands, being naked in front of anyone had never been natural. Even as a child she had been too round, her face carrying puppy fat that she never grew out of. Instead her whole body had grown curves, leaving her with too generous breasts, and a bottom and hips lush and round.

“I said naked.” His voice cut through her thoughts.

“Sorry,” she mumbled, afraid he would send her away for disobeying him. She had to concentrate, and find a way of making him want her, too much depended on her, she couldn’t mess this up.

Unclasping her bra, she allowed her breasts to fall free, making sure when she bent down to push her panties off her hips he got a good look at them. Men liked breasts, her mother had told her they were her only redeeming feature in her otherwise unattractive body.

She winced subconsciously at the thought of her mother. The woman had given birth to her and Charlotte, that was about as far as her mothering duties had gone. If she had been a better mother, a better human being even, then Serena would not be stood here now naked before one of the great beasts.

Stepping out of her panties, she straightened, shocked to see the hunger on his face. He had watched her every move, and the tightness of his pants told her he was aroused. And he was big, very big.

Was he going to take her now? That was not what she had been told to expect. The deal was, she would come here today to strike a bargain with him. Then she must return in two days time to take part in the mating cycle, a time when dragon spawn were conceived by human women. That was the whole point, and she had to be a virgin. But if he forced himself on her now she would be lost, and so would Charlotte.

Trying not to panic she averted her eyes from his groin, trying not to think how big he was and how much it was going to hurt when he did break her. It would all be worth it if she fulfilled the bargain and she got Charlotte back, then they would leave, go far away. Never to be under the control of man or beast again.

He came closer, now she could smell him, a mixture of iron and musk, the man and the beast. Peculiarly, it lulled her senses, perhaps that too was part of the dragon magic, they incapacitated their prey with their very presence.

She shook her head, needing to stay focused. Yet now she could feel the heat of his body, it warmed her skin, and she closed her eyes to try to block out the way he made her feel. She expected him to terrify her, but this was something different, perhaps she should be much more afraid than she was.

“I want proof.”

“Proof of what?” she asked, her voice trembling. He was so much more powerful than she could ever be. Even without touching her she could feel him, the very air alive with his presence.

“That you are a maiden.”

The word was old, archaic in it’s meaning, but she knew exactly what he meant. “I'll bring proof. A doctors letter.” She cringed at the thought of a doctor examining her intimately, but what would follow would be so much worse.

“You expect me to trust a man I have never met?” He spat the words at her, his contempt obvious.

“Then you choose a doctor and I will visit him.”

“No. I only trust myself.”

“Yourself?” she asked the question, but surely she already knew the answer.

“Yes,” spoken as a low hiss, seductive, insinuating, sensual. His breath on her skin warm and arousing.

What did she hate most, that he would touch her so intimately, or that he would know how turned on she was by him. That she could lower herself to the level a beast aroused her.

“Very well. When I return, then you will know.”

He chuckled. “You misunderstand. I have no intention of making the necessary arrangements for you to stay here without first examining you.”

It took a few moments for his words to sink in. “You mean now?”

All the time he had circled her, and now he stopped directly in front of her, watching the expression on her face. She was nothing to him, a thing to tease and mock, a bug whose legs he would happily take off one by one to see how it would react. He didn’t even answer, he simply watched.

“How?” she asked, closing her eyes to blink away tears and shut him out.

“Spread your feet a little wider.”

“Here?” She looked around the large hall they stood in, draughty with many doors leading from it, anyone could walk in on them. To be naked was one thing, but to be touched by him here, it was wrong.

“If you have changed your mind.” He took a step away, and she knew she was losing him. Or was he toying with her? She couldn’t take the chance, and he knew it.

“No.” She edged her feet apart a few inches.


Shivering now, she spread her feet wider, a little unbalanced, she tipped forward, and he caught her. So fast, so frighteningly fast. And then she gave in to him, as she had given in to men so many times before.

His hand touched her breasts, stroking them lightly, so much more gentler than she had expected. Screwing her eyes shut she tried to block out who he was, instead trying to conjure up the face of a nice kind man, because surely one existed somewhere in this cruel world. Over her nipple he placed the palm of his hand, rubbing the tip of the taut bud, and she swayed against him, feeling his strength, his power underneath her hands.

Then he moved his hand lower, over her stomach, and between her thighs. his thumb brushing her clit, making it throb while her sex ached for him. She hated it. Hated him for making her want him to do this to her. But she longed to feel him inside her.

One finger slipped inside, and she gripped him tighter, her legs trembling. He pushed past her outer walls, probing her slick heat, going further until his fingers brushed her hymen. Still intact, he would be satisfied.

Yet he didn’t pull away. Instead he stroked her inner walls, making her whimper against him like the pitiful creature she was.

His thumb stroked her clit, and she eased her thighs apart for him. Slowly he brought her towards the edge, stroking, rubbing. Different kinds of friction, with one purpose, to make her come.

And then he stopped.

She slumped against him, so close to the edge she couldn’t breathe.

“Do you want me to continue?”

She tried to straighten up, to let go of the support he gave her, but her body yearned to be allowed to float above this world for a moment. It knew that her miserable life would crash down around her when her orgasm had past, but these moments of release were so few.

“Yes.” She would hate herself later.

He pushed a little harder into her, his finger stroking her hymen, and she held her breath, hoping she hadn’t given herself, and Charlotte away in her selfish need for pleasure.

Then his thumb connected with her clit, and nothing else mattered, her body rose to new heights, his fingers brushing her inner walls, his thumb finding a rhythm to match his fingers. And then his mouth.

Oh, his mouth.

It kissed her nipples, sucking first one and then the other into it’s moist heat. She wrapped her arms around his neck, urging him on, and then she came. His hands and mouth forcing her over the edge into those precious seconds of oblivion.

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