Soul Magic (33 page)

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Authors: Karen Whiddon

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Soul Magic
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She swallowed, pinching her nose together to try and breathe without gagging.  “He has amassed more power than we realized.” 

Grim, Geoffrey nodded.  “I don’t claim to understand all about Fae and magic, but I recognize strength when I see it.” 

He peered up and over into the gloom.  “But where is Gorsedd?  I do not see him, nor Caradoc for that matter.”

Even as he spoke the words, the cloud lifted.  Again the wintry sun shone pale yellow on the horizon.  Birds began to sing again, and he heard the soft lapping of the low tide.  The awful silence was gone. 

“Gorsedd has left.”  Standing, Sarina dusted her hands on the front of her gown.  “He has taken Caradoc.” 

“Where?  The boy mentioned Tynwald Hill.”

“He should know. Tynwald Hill is a place of magic.  For Gorsedd to have grown so in power, he has to have harnessed more than Caradoc.  He has raped the earth of her strength somehow.”

“Or other Fae?  Can such a thing be done?”

Sarina recoiled.  Then, considering, she gave a slow nod.  “`Tis possible.  I had not thought of that.  If he has done such a thing…”


“He will be more difficult to defeat than even we had feared.  But defeat him we must.”

Geoffrey held out his hand.  “Then we will do as Caradoc asked.  We will get his dragon to help us.”


“We have no choice, remember.”  Repeating her own words back to her, he pulled her to him, planting a quick kiss on her upturned lips.  “Have no fear.  Ladde will carry us without protest, for Caradoc has asked it of him.”

“But I cannot go.  I am Fae and he will know it.”

“Not if you don’t use magic.  Like a moth to a flame, I think Gorsedd is attracted to power.  Now we must hurry, for the darkness will not last forever.”

Sarina went willingly with him after his brave words.  Brave words.  Jesu save him.  Despite his bravado for Sarina’s sake, Geoffrey did not know if they were true or false.  For all he knew, this dragon could have a mind of its own.  It might not care, or understand, that Caradoc had wanted it to carry them.  To approach it without his sword drawn would be dangerous.  After all, with a single sweep of its massive claws, it could kill them both.

                            *    *    *    *

“Wait.”  Alanna touched Darrick’s arm.  “Listen.”

Set apart from the main throng, she jerked her head towards a non-descript tent.  In front of a small fire, three heavily armed men clanked tankards of mead and laughed. 

“She is not much of a lady,” said one.  “Though I daresay that’s why Gorsedd uses her.”

“Gorsedd?”  Another laughed.  “Morfran is the one who has the most sport of her.  And `tis rumored she is his own sister.”

Darrick growled low in his throat.  Only Alanna’s soft touch on his arm kept him from rushing forward.

“Wait,” she whispered.  “See what else we might learn.”

“Have they tired of her?”  The third man, swaying unsteadily on his feet, jerked his head towards the tent. 

“`Tis not your place to ask.”

“Oh yeah?”  His grin became a leer.  “They sent her out here, among the rest of us.  Mayhap they intend her to be our reward.”

Having heard enough, Darrick started forward, hand on his sword.

“Darrick, no.”  With both hands, Alanna grabbed his arm.

“That’s my
they speak of,” he hissed.  “I will not stand for it.”

“Listen to me.”  She leaned in close, her face tilted up to his.  “If you start a fight, we will be captured.  We are surrounded by Morfran’s men.  There is no way we can win against so many.”

His blood simmering, Darrick did not want to listen.  His first instinct, though he knew it to be wrong, was to take the men out for their insult. 

“You do want to rescue her, don’t you?”

The red haze that filled him faded.  Jerking his head in a slow nod, he turned away from the men, one of whom had begun to notice the altercation.

“Kiss me.”

“Not now.”  How could she think of kissing at a time like this?

“Hurry, or those men will never believe we have a lover’s quarrel.”  She pulled his face down to her, planting a kiss that tasted of desperation on his mouth.

Now that he realized her logic, he played along.  “I’ll let it go this time, wench.”  Speaking loudly, he slapped her along her rounded bottom. 

She gasped.

With a wolfish smile, he jerked her up against him.  “Come with me.  I have not yet gotten what I paid for.”

The three men by the fire laughed, losing interest as Darrick made a great show of dragging Alanna away.

Once they’d rounded another throng of people and were no longer in view, Darrick released her. 

“Was that necessary?”  Glaring up at him, Alanna rubbed her bottom. 

“`Tis what they expected.”  He glanced back towards the tent, able to see only the top of it.  “If they guard my mother, we must plan how to rescue her.”

“That will be easy.”  She gave him a confident smile.  “I’ll take care of it myself.  Meet me in an hour near the path that leads back towards Wynne and the others.”  She turned to go.

“Wait.”  This time he grabbed her arm.  “What are you going to do?”

“Mayhap I will use a spell to make their sleep deeper than usual and--”

“No magic.”  His voice harsh with worry, Darrick glanced towards Tynwald Hill.  The four fires still burned high above them.  “Remember what Wynne said.  As long as you don’t use magic, Gorsedd cannot find you.”

“Very well.”  She sighed, following his gaze.  “I will find another way.  Now let me go.”

“I don’t know about this.” 

With a pointed look at his hand still clutching her arm, she grimaced.  “Do you have a better idea?”

Longingly he fingered his sword.  “I’d much rather cut them down.”

“And get us all killed in the process.”

He released her arm.  She was right.  “The path.  In one hour.”

With a quick kiss on his cheek, she grinned.  ““Aye.”  And walked off without a backwards glance.

                                          *    *    *    *

The dragon watched them approach, huge claws tucked under its massive bulk. 

“Call it by name,” Sarina whispered.  “Such a thing gives you an aura of power.”

With a quick glance at her, now softly glowing, Geoffrey nodded.  “Don your cloak,” he whispered.  Then, swallowing, he took a step forward. 


The beast raised its head, silver orbs blinking.

“We have need of you.  Caradoc has asked that you carry us.  We must find our companions.”  Geoffrey felt compelled to explain, though in truth he knew not how much Ladde actually understood.

To his amazement, the dragon lowered his head, stretching the long, scaly neck out in front of them.  Such a position rendered the beast vulnerable, should Geoffrey attack with his sword.

“He shows his trust, placing himself in such a way to make it easy for us to mount up on him.” Sarina whispered, awe making her voice tremble. 

Geoffrey smiled, though he himself knew wonder at the ease with which this fierce monster trusted.

“Come on.”  He held out his hand.  Sarina slipped her fingers into his and he gave them a light squeeze. 

“Now we will ride the dragon.”

Ladde held absolutely motionless while they climbed the scaly hide.  They settled between his shoulders, directly above the huge wings.  Once they were comfortable, the dragon rose, lumbering to the edge of the beach.  With a shuddering motion, the beast leapt up.  Then, as though clawing at the sky itself, they climbed into the air.

After the first initial shock, Geoffrey relaxed.  Sarina too looked around with interest, her lively expression full of excitement.

Below them, their small rocky island looked tiny.  The sea, smaller still.  They flew into a sky dappled with sparkling stars.  The moon, still a sliver, hid behind a dark cloud. 

“Moonlight comes.”  As he spoke, the cloud cleared away, bathing them in silver. 

Sarina stifled a cry.  “Moon glow begets power.”

“The timing is good.”  Geoffrey grinned.  “We can see enough to fly, but the light is still so dim no one will see our approach.  They have no reason to look to the sky, and if we cast a shadow, `twill be faint.”

The dragon circled, gliding upon the wind and rising.  They crested a hill.  Spread out in the valley below they saw hundreds of small campfires.

“An army.”  He made a quick count.  “A large army.”



“How will we find Alanna and Darrick?”  Sarina sounded worried. 

Geoffrey fingered his rosary.  “I don’t know, but we will.” He heard himself say.  “Have faith.”

                                          *     *     *     *

Half-way to the path, Darrick stopped in his tracks.  What they hell was he doing?  Simply walking away and leaving Alanna to face possible danger wasn’t in his nature, no matter how reasonable she made it all sound.

Furious at himself and at her, he quickly retraced his steps, this time slipping around to the back of the tent.  He saw no sign of Alanna, so she must have made it inside.

The three guards still clustered around their fire, now singing ribald songs, obviously well into their cups.

Creeping closer, he glanced carefully around.  Though surrounded by tents and fires and men, no one paid him any mind. 

Now to wait. 

Picking up a misshapen piece of wood from a haphazardly stacked pile, he lowered himself to the ground.  Then he pulled out his knife as though preparing to carve the wood.  Many men had similar hobbies and were he so occupied, no one would find it odd that he sat by himself, with the light of a nearby fire to guide him.

Turning the wood this way and that, Darrick began to shave it.  A little at a time, as though he had some plan for the shape of the thing.

Finally, the bottom of the tent puckered, then lifted.  Alanna’s slender hand appeared, tugging at the heavy material. 

was how she planned to escape?  Hoping no one would notice two women leaving from the wrong side of the tent?  Since she could stroll out the front, past the waiting guards, nor use her magic, `twas not a bad plan.

Darrick went to help her.  Together they pushed aside a panel enough for Alanna to slip through. 

“What are you doing here?” she hissed, glaring at him.

“You need my help.”  Not a question, he stated the facts.  “How did you gain entrance?”

“The same way I plan to leave.  I crawled in the back.  No one noticed.  They are enjoying their drink too much.”

He tried to see past her.  “Where is my lady mother?”

“In there.”  She grimaced.  “And I’m glad you came back.  She cannot walk, and I am not strong enough to carry her.  I’ve tried.”

“Cannot walk?”  Darrick pushed aside the tent piece and strode inside.  Inside, the tent was empty save a bundle of rags in one corner.  The only occupant huddled in these, peering up at him with faded blue eyes through matted gray hair, a bony hand up as though to ward him off.

He froze.  “Mother?”

“Darrick?”  The word came out a croak.  “Is that really you?”

Moving carefully, he went to her and with as gentle a movement as he was capable, lifted her in his arms.  Frail, she seemed only skin and bones.  She weighed next to nothing.

“I’m going to get you out of here now, mother.”  He wrapped his cloak around her, shielding her from view.

Sorrow in her eyes, Alanna held the way open as he strode from the tent. 

Rage and pity warred within him.  His proud mother had been reduced to this broken woman.  Someone would pay, this he swore.  Someone would pay mightily.

Moving as fast as they dared, they retraced their steps.  By this hour many of the men lay snoring, though a goodly few still swiveled down mead. 

Once again they escaped detection and made it to the edge of the valley. 

“Which way?”  Alanna seemed puzzled.  Without the fires to light their way, the darkness was absolute.  Even the silver sliver of moonlight provided little help.  The soft glow of Alanna’s skin was their only source of illumination.

“We must climb up there.”  He pointed in the general direction.  With his mother so still and fragile in his arms, Darrick worried she might not survive the coming ordeal. 

Alanna must have had similar thoughts.  Tenderly she peeled back the cloak from Lady’s Rowena’s face. 

“How do you fare?”

No answer.  His mother’s eyes were closed, though the rise and fall of her chest showed she still breathed. 

“I would try to heal her.”

“Heal her?”  Darrick stared hard at Alanna.  “Do you have enough power?”

“Whether I do or don’t matters not.  I must try to help her.  I fear she will die if I do not.”  She placed her hand on Rowena’s forehead and began to move her lips soundlessly.

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