Soul Enslaved (Sons of Wrath Book 3) (45 page)

BOOK: Soul Enslaved (Sons of Wrath Book 3)
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No way he’d put Sabelle at risk, either. He had to be smart. Only problem was his brain happened to be fixated on that dress and the fact that some undeserving bastard might catch a glimpse of what she hid underneath.

He looked to the right. Two males leaned against the wall, just like in his vision. To the left, two more watched. The two on the other side of the cage, blocking the tunnel, watched the crowd, as if they looked for something. Or someone.

Gavin pulled his hoodie up over his face and checked his watch. Six minutes ‘til midnight. He glanced up in time to see Sabelle approach a male decked out in black. A kiss to the top of her hand spiked Gavin’s blood, as the male rose up out of his chair.

He tugged his phone from his pocket and checked the waiting text. ‘

An upward glance showed Sabelle walking toward the mouth of the tunnel, head cocked to the side, as her eyes met his.

To the left, the men closed in. To the right, the two against the wall stalked through the crowd.

Gavin texted back.

He stepped forward at the same time that Xander, Zayne and Maddox dispersed toward the approaching wolves.

Gavin ducked inside the tunnel, as lights went out, blanketing the room he’d left in blackness. A brief moment of silence was pierced by screams, and when the lights flicked back on, large Pureblood wolves poured in from the only other entrance aside from the tunnels.

Marrick’s pack had arrived.

The silver eyes of a large black wolf found his, and Gavin gave a knowing smile from inside the tunnel. He spun around and jogged deeper into the passageway, leaving behind the intensifying screams and echoing growls.


The scent of mold and stagnant water hit Sabelle’s nose, as Lachlan ushered her down the hall. Coming to a halt at the last door, he opened it, and a blast of cold air penetrated her bones. As she gave one quick glance down the hallway from where she’d come, Gavin’s words resonated inside her head.

You want to know what gruesome plans are in store for you?

She screwed her eyes shut, but her thoughts battled back.

The same gruesome plans my sister will face, if I don’t get that book.

A nudge from behind kicked her a step forward, and she jerked her head to the side, glaring at the amused grin on Lachlan’s face. No wonder the bastard had to rape succubi—his deformed nose, yellowing teeth, abundance of scars, and long, greasy hair made him hard on the eyes.

Once inside, the door slammed behind her.

She spun around to keep the male in her sights while checking the space out.

A filthy mattress, browning and covered in an equally dirty sheet, sat on the floor beside her. Aside from her offer back at the church to blow him, there hadn’t been a lick of conversation in between. She hadn’t expected him to take her through the tunnels, and the farther she wandered from Gavin, the more the plan seemed capable of failing. Lachlan had led her up a flight of stairs to a hallway of what appeared to be an abandoned school—the room she stood in possibly a place where lessons were taught. Moans and outcries filling the hallway gave her the impression she’d stumbled upon
Fuck Rooms
, where the lycans took their unwitting victims.

“On your knees, Red.” Lachlan stalked closer, while Sabelle backed up a step.

She’d kept a pretty cool head about the assignment, up until Gavin started talking about his vision. A slight tilt of the room told her dizziness had kicked, in and it occurred to Sabelle how quickly her breaths had hastened.

Stay calm. In control.

“How ‘bout if you show me the goods first?” Her muscles strained against her smile. She licked her lips, choking back the urge to gag, and trailed her gaze to the crotch of his worn out blue jeans.

Reaching into the pocket of his pants, he tipped his head to the side, then withdrew a hand and slapped it to his mouth, like he’d popped a pill.
. Lycans were notorious for abusing the drug. “You wanna see my dick?” He rubbed the front of his jeans and squeezed a less-than-impressive bulge.

“You show me yours, I’ll show you mine.”

“You got a dick, too, Red?” His gaze zeroed in on her groin. “Because I wouldn’t fucking doubt that.”

Not even a second’s pause, and Lachlan struck her throat. Her back slammed into the wall behind her, knocking wind from her lungs, while she clawed at his hands.

“You whores are somethin’ else.” His gravelly voice hit her ear. “Easy prey. Every time.”


She stared into his eyes. Concentrating. Not easy while her breaths waned by the second.

In an act of absolute lunacy, she pushed against the pressure at her throat and kissed him.

Kiss of death, motherfucker.

Gripping the back of his skull, she drove his mouth into hers, deepening the kiss, sweetening the poison that, at any second, would have him going limp in her arms.

Why hadn’t it, yet?

She’d reached renoshza. Carried the full potency of her power. He should’ve been stumbling with weakness.

A foul taste, like the scent of sulfur, flooded her mouth, just seconds before Lachlan lifted her up, swung around, and body slammed her to the floor.

The air in her throat pinched to nothing more than a thread keeping her connected to life.

Stupid. Fucking, so stupid, she could cry.

How many times had Griff warned her about the news reports? The succubi missing, swiped up from the streets?

The lycans had grown crafty—otherwise most succubi could’ve put up a good fight against them.

“Bitches love to toy with us, don’t you? Think you’re so fucking
behind your Orcosian laws.” Lachlan’s lip curled back. “Bet you thought you’d come in here and seduce me. Trick me into handing over my soul to you. Didn’t you?”

He slapped her face, and Sabelle let out a growl beneath him. “You touch me again—” The pinch at her throat grew tighter until stars formed in her eyes. She opened her mouth, gasping for breath, and dug her fingers into his flesh.

Aside from a quiet grunt, he didn’t move, didn’t lessen his vice at her throat. “And what? You’ll alert your Wrath boyfriend?” He licked along her cheek. “Good luck with that sweetheart. Wraths scare me about as much as an actual dick must scare the shit out of you. Right about now, your boyfriend is being ripped to shreds by every one of my pack.” His laughter turned Sabelle’s stomach as much as his words clutched her heart with dread. “We were expecting you.”


“A snitch. Redhead. Just like you.”

Redhead? Snitch?

He sniffed her hair. “Only difference? I fucked
for pleasure. You, on the other hand, are all business.” His teeth grazed her jaw line, leaving a sticky trail of slime that turned her stomach. “Your power is useless, Red. That pretty lady cast a spell on me. I can’t be seduced by your rotten cunt.” He laughed. “I’m one of them e-munes.”

Immune, you stupid fuck.

Sabelle lodged her left hand beneath his body, praying she wouldn’t pass out in the next few seconds. Eyes squinted, she gripped his balls with such maddening ferocity her teeth clenched. “You might be … immune to … pleasure. But how about … pain?” The words burned in her throat.

His howl in her ear echoed and rattled against her skull, the fury in it raising the hairs on her arms. She had two choices—let go and risk that he’d beat the shit out of her, or squeeze harder and quite possibly risk the same. His grip of her throat disappeared, and she seized the opportunity to suck in a breath.

“Fucking whore!”

Hands covered hers, and Sabelle rolled to the side, away from him, but her wrist caught in his grasp. Shins against the floor, her body stretched over the edge of the mattress, she fought the tug of her limb, as he yanked her toward him.

“I’d planned to put you in a cage. Looks like I’ll be putting you in a casket.”

Sabelle lurched toward him and bit down on his hand still enveloping hers, flinching at the crunch between her teeth.

A sharp burn flared across her cheek from a smack, followed by a bone-jarring punch that brought hot tears to her eyes. Her jaw slackened, and she kicked her feet, desperate for purchase against the grimy floor, to pull against his tug.

Her body flew back onto the mattress, and within seconds, he was on top of her. She let out a scream, loud and ear-piercing to her own skull. A dirty hand clamped over her mouth. With his free hand and his knee, he pushed her arms beneath her body, tightening his knees at her side, and pressed his weight on top of her.

“I’ll send those fucks a message. The next time they decide to trick me by sending one of you whoring bitches, I won’t be so kind as to kill her first before I skin her.” He lifted his dagger into view. “Ever been fucked by a blade?”

Sabelle’s eyes widened. Thomas and Janie’s faces popped in her head, springing more tears. What would they do without her? Where would they go?

Arms pinned behind her back, she flexed every muscle in her body and trembled with the force of trying to push him off.

“Fight all you want, pussy cat. I’ve killed so many of your kind by now, I should be up for Sainthood.”

“Fu …king. Go. To. He—” The scene shrank into a small window, while stars floated in front of her eyes.
No. Thomas. Jane.
Gods, how could she fail them? By being so stupid. Selfish.

The asshole on top of her wouldn’t be the reason her children were left motherless.

Sabelle tipped her head back and murmured against his filthy, stinking fingers. A quiet prayer. For strength to do what she couldn’t fathom.

Be confident.

Gavin’s words from earlier in the night.


“Mmmm. Sexy,” she mumbled behind his hand, as she replaced her reality with thoughts of Gavin—the only way she could possibly pull off any level of seduction right then.

“What’s that?” He leaned into her, his dry, fleshy lips scratching against her cheek, before his slimy tongue slid along her jaw. “You talkin’ dirty now?”

“Yeah.” She faked a moan. Red flickered in her eyes, as she tongued and bit his jaw. Her hips nudged him from beneath, and she undulated against his cock. Wrapping her leg around his brought him to her entrance.

He removed his hand from her mouth.

With every ounce of strength, she spoke in a husky voice, “I said I’m going to fuck your face … up.”

The dazed smile on his face morphed into surprise, as, breath held, Sabelle gritted her teeth and bashed his nose with the top of her skull.

Blood sprayed up out of his nostrils, and Sabelle smiled at the crack of cartilage.

Lip peeled back and brows slanting in rage, he reared back a fist, and pain exploded across her face as it connected with her cheekbone.

Random splotches of light drifted in front of her eyes. Sabelle squinted and flexed her mouth. He lifted up on to his knees, straddling her body. Arms set free, she clutched the vice grip at her throat.

“Cunt!” The tip of his dagger poked the corner of her eye. “How ‘bout I blind ya, bitch? Then you can
to your skin peeling away, as I flay you alive.”

A sharp twist of her head knocked the dagger to the floor. The slice burned the bridge of her nose, but Sabelle ignored the pain, dug her nails beneath his fingers and gripped his thumb, bending it back as hard as she could. Biting down on his thumb, she ground her teeth into his flesh, until she felt bone, followed by a stinging smack across her open cut.

When his finger dislodged from her mouth, the tip clung only by a fiber of meat. He sat cradling it a moment—but only a moment, before a look of crazed fury stared back at her.


Gavin stood from his crouch and widened the crack to the bedroom, slinking quietly along so as not to startle the bastard, despite the flames of fury scorching his blood at the thought of Sabelle lying beneath him.

The vision.

Red coated his eyes in a bloody haze, and Gavin’s nostrils flared with each step closer. With his black tie stretched between his fingers, he stalked alongside the bed and, gritting his teeth, slid the tie beneath the fuck’s neck. As Gavin yanked, though, the alarmed lycan spun around, elbowing Gavin in the face, but a stab of Gavin’s dagger into the bastard’s gut kept him from changing.

With a twist of his wrist, Gavin tightened the noose on the lycan’s neck, while Lachlan kicked, clawing for the tie.

Gavin’s grip remained steadfast, and sins flared like a movie reel before his eyes. Young girls. Captured. Raped. Beaten. Caged. Blood coated Gavin’s tongue, as he bent forward, whispering in the male’s ear, “Where is the chip?”

“Fuck … you.”

Gavin flexed his arm, and the grip tightened.

“Gone. Sold,” the lycan gasped out.


“A … woman.” Redness consumed his skin, as the lycan struggled in Gavin’s grasp.

“What woman?”


“Who is she?” Gavin asked.

“Go to hell.”

is she?”

Laughter wheezed out of his chest. “Wish you’da let me … fuck … her first. Her tits tasted … divine. I’da … split her … open.”

Insanity beat through Gavin’s body. Heat flared across his skin. A flash of red in his periphery accompanied the raspy snarl of his beast.

Beneath him, the lycan male’s eyes popped wide, his mouth flopped open.

“Every breath that escapes you is a soul restored. May the flames of Stygius sear your ass eternally.” Still gripping the tie with one hand, Gavin tugged out his dagger and sliced through the lycan’s neck.

The male’s body tipped to the side, falling to the floor, and Gavin tossed the head beside him, before scrambling to Sabelle’s side, where she lay unmoving on the mattress.

Breath held, he closed his eyes and rested his head against her chest, listening for a heartbeat. A steady
had him crumpling beside her in relief, while her faint puffs of breath feathered against his cheek.

BOOK: Soul Enslaved (Sons of Wrath Book 3)
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