Soul Bound (7 page)

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Authors: Luxie Ryder

BOOK: Soul Bound
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I sank to my knees, dragging my lips
across his skin as I made my way down to his groin.  I didn't give him to
the chance to object and slapped his hands out of the way when he would have
pulled me to my feet.  When my mouth closed over the head of his penis,
Nathan shuddered, groaning long and low in the back of his throat as he
clutched at my hair.  I slid my lips down the warm, pulsing length of him,
loving the weight of his cock on my tongue and the feel of his balls in my

He stood patiently for only a minute
until he reached down to grasp me under the arms and drag me to my feet. 
He backed up towards the bed, twisting me around when we drew level to it and
pushing me down onto the mattress.  But he didn't join me, dropping
instead to his knees at the foot of the bed and pushing my thighs apart.

His tongue slid up my leg, starting at
my ankle and pausing at my knee before inching closer to my thigh.  By the
time his lips made contact with the heat at my center, my insides were coiled
as tightly as my fists and I bucked towards him when he sucked my clit into his
hot, demanding mouth, already on the verge of orgasm.  Just when I thought
I would come, and hard, he pulled away.

I raised my head in confusion,
wondering in the silly part of my brain if immortals still needed to worry
about things like condoms, but Nathan wasn't looking for a condom.  He was
staring at me with the strangest look in his eyes, his gaze crawling over my flesh,
as if committing me to memory.

"Whatcha doin'?" I whispered
up at him, smiling at the expression on his face.

"Wondering what I ever did to
deserve you, Jess."

My eyes misted over, touched by the
sincerity in his words.  "We deserve each other, Nathan.  Fate
doesn't make mistakes."

His lips crushed mine as he laid his
body on top of me, slotting his legs between my thighs.  I tore my mouth
from his and the breath stilled in my throat when his hands clutched at my hips
and he entered me in one swift, devastating thrust.  I pulsed around him,
my eyes watering from the exquisite sensations radiating through my pussy.

"I want you to come..."
Nathan whispered, his teeth nibbling at my earlobe, "come while I'm buried
deep inside you and I can feel you rippling around me."

Nathan grunted in reaction to the hard
spasm that went through my body, caused by his words.  He surged into me
again, his hands lifting my hips from the bed a little, and his pelvis rubbing
against my sensitive bud. 

"," he groaned,
lifting his head to stare into my eyes as he quickened the tempo and thrust his
hot, hard cock into me over and over again.  My inner walls clutched at
him as if responding to his command.  Unlike anything I'd ever experienced
before, my whole body shuddered and convulsed around him, as if each part of me
had conspired to make the orgasm Nathan gave me the most intense of my entire

"I love you, I love you." I
said the words over and over, almost like a mantra.

"Oh God, I love you
much."  Nathan's voice faded and his arms began to shake as his face
contorted in ecstasy.  His chest heaved and his breaths came in short,
shallow gasps until he collapsed on top of me with a husky shout.

We slept entwined in each other's arms,
our bodies two halves of a whole, and our souls forever bound.






"Jorge!  On the roof - two o'clock."  I
pointed, directing my partner's attention away from the alleyway.

The perp, hiding in a doorway mere feet away from us, laughed
quietly in premature celebration of what he might have believed was a lucky
break.  I hadn't developed my powers enough yet to picture the look he had
on his face as I used my mind to wrench the gun from his hand, but I heard his
muffled shout of surprise and took a perverse pleasure in that instead.

"Police!  Come out with your hands up!"

Jorge ran to my side, yanking his piece from its holster and
putting himself between me and the source of the danger.  Being an
honorary Magi had its benefits, and one of the best was that I could protect
the man who would take a bullet for me without hesitation and who I loved like
a big brother.  Jorge surged forward to grab the skinny young kid who was
wearing his pants sagging around his hips and his hat on backwards.  His
angelic face, more suited to choir practice than armed robbery, paled in fear
when he saw the size of the guy charging him down.  Terrified as he was,
he would live to see another day, because I'd used my newly acquired skills to
diffuse the situation before fatal force became necessary - something I took
frequent advantage of and for which I was grateful.

In the month since I'd returned to active duty, my life hadn't
changed as much as I'd thought it would.  The job I loved occupied my
days, and Nathan occupied my nights.  He'd been right when he told me
things would only be as different as I wanted them to be.

I smiled at the thought of the husband I adored and would never
tire of, for as long as I lived. 

You ok?
I heard him say, as usual, never far from me, no
matter what his location.

I'll be better later, when we're together.

I was getting better at talking to him, and more importantly,
learning how to block him out of my mind when I needed some peace and
privacy.  I loved Nathan more than life itself but sharing every waking thought
with him would take some getting used to. 

I couldn't phase yet the way he could, and I envied his
ability.  He'd promised to teach me but kept putting it off.  I think
he was worried I'd go somewhere and he wouldn't be able to find me. 
Remembering something Elias' wife had told me only the other day, which she
guaranteed would cure Nathan's reluctance to show me how to do it, I hung back
and let Jorge put the kid in the cruiser.

A little bird told me that I haven't lived until I've had sex
on the astral plane. It's such a shame we can't try that tonight
know, because I don't know how to phase yet...

I sent him an image of how I pictured we would look, naked and
entwined in each other's arms, celestial winds swirling my hair and starlight
reflected in our eyes.  A wickedly husky laugh caressed my ears moments
before I felt Nathan's breath on my neck.  I turned into his arms, my lips
searching for his.

"Cain, you're so predictable," I said, when he released
my mouth and I could breathe again.

"What can I say?  I'm a sucker for a woman in
uniform."  His finger hooked inside my shirt, teasing at the button
as if wanting to pop it open.  "We've only got ten seconds until that
man mountain you call a partner is gonna decide to come looking for you."

"So no time for a lesson?" I said, sticking my bottom
lip out in mock disappointment.  Nathan nibbled at it while his hands did
their best to drive me insane in the short time we had left.

"Oh, there's always time for a lesson my love," he
whispered as his physical form disappeared, leaving his touch as the only
tangible evidence that he was still with me.  "And the lesson for
today is not to tease your husband when he has the power to drive you crazy
without anybody else knowing what he's doing."

I smiled at Jorge as he came to look for me and walked back
towards him, hoping my face didn't betray my guilt.  Nathan's lips
caressed my neck, his teeth nipping gently at the flesh, his breath warm on my

Stop it!
I thought, the smile on my face confusing my
partner Jorge, who was staring at me as if I'd gone nuts.

Ok, I'll leave you alone... for now
, Nathan replied, a
laugh in his voice as I felt his presence fading.
I don't remember you being
this much of a wuss at school.

"I'm still braver than you, Cain!" I said out loud.

"Huh?" said Jorge

"Nothing," I replied, shrugging my shoulders and
ignoring the look the kid in the back seat was giving me.

Nathan's chuckle echoed inside my head, and a surge of heat raced
through my body that made my toes curl.  I suppressed the need to gasp out
loud and sent him an image of how I would get my very hot, very sweaty revenge
on him later.

He groaned.
Jess…you're killing me.

I guess I could have reminded him that he was dead already, but I
enjoyed having the sexy Magi at my mercy for a change.  And if Nathan
believed I possessed the magic to make him die of pleasure, I had no intention
of shattering his illusions any time soon.



The End






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