Soul Avenged (Sons of Wrath, #1) (44 page)

Read Soul Avenged (Sons of Wrath, #1) Online

Authors: Keri Lake

Tags: #paranormal romance, #revenge, #werewolves, #demons, #vengeance, #adult fiction, #brotherhood, #steamy, #lycans

BOOK: Soul Avenged (Sons of Wrath, #1)
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Gaze on his,
her muscles tensed, poised to escape his grip.

His fingers
curled tighter around her arm.

He doesn’t
plan to let me go.

His lips
formed a hard line, eyes turned downward, as he tucked the cell
phone into his pocket. “I’m sorry, baby. I won’t let you do this.”
He yanked her away from the fence.

Ayden dropped,
sagging to the snowy ground, her arm still clasped in his vise
grip. “Let me go, Gavin, or I will tear my arm out and you’ll be
left holding a bloody limb!”

“Think of how
foolish this is. You want me to let you waltz back into the arms of
a man, who would violate you a thousand different ways just to make
an example out of you. Not going to happen.”

She summoned
tears to her eyes and lifted a shaky palm to her forehead as she
began to sob. “I’m going to lose him tonight.”

He huffed and
crouched beside her, still holding her captive. If she’d been
human, there’d have likely been a bruise already. “I’m sorry for
this. But I’m not willing to lose

She tipped her
head into her palms and sniveled.

A sigh sounded
his remorse. “Please forgive me.” He dragged her across the snow to
him and rose to a stand, embracing her in his strong arms.

She snaked her
free arm up his back and buried her face into his shoulder for a
moment. She took a deep breath. “Forgive me, too.”

His confused
expression came into view when he held her away from him. “For

“This.” The
Beretta was pressed against his shoulder before he could so much as
blink a reaction. She pulled the trigger.

His curse rang
in her ear, as she spun away and scaled the fence—its proximity an
indication of how closely he tried to follow her. Barbs raking her
thighs, she swung over the top, and dropped down the other

Gavin paced as
close as he could get without touching the fence. A red blossom on
his gray shirt located the bullet wound that would have already

With one final
nod of apology, she went to spin away.

“Ayden, listen
to me. Please. Just for a moment.” His voice carried an edge of

Though time
was against her, she paused. “I’ll be fine.”

“A summon can
break the hex. But remember, I can only be summoned if someone
hurts you. Please, I’m begging you. Don’t be a hero, tonight. You
have incredible strength and I know you can take care of yourself.
But don’t fuck around with this. Promise me, you will summon me for

Her gaze fell
toward the snow with her muttered, “I promise you,” before lifting
to him again.

“And I promise
you, I will stay right here. I won’t leave you, no matter what.”
Saddened eyes stared back at her from the other side.

In all the
years she’d known Gavin, he’d never looked so helpless. She hated
herself for placing him in such a vulnerable state.

Though, if she
didn’t move now, Kane would be dead by nightfall. A quick nod, and
she sprinted across the yard toward the compound.




Kane walked the
halls, the lights overhead flickering like some eerie horror film.
He’d lost the biker, and wandered the compound, staying in the
shadows. No doubt the place had cameras at every angle. Each step
brought him to another corner, deeper into the maze of what must’ve
been the basement.

The sound of
distant screams echoed through the halls.

Christ, what
is this place?

As if he’d
found the secret portal into hell. He kept his eyes peeled,
checking all directions.

A smell hit
his nose.


He pivoted to
scan behind.


seemed off, though, as his hairs bristled, like his entire body
desperately tried to warn him of danger. As he backed down the
corridor, he grasped at doorknobs on either side of him, searching
for a place to duck into.

Claws came
into view at the end of the hallway, clicking against the shiny

The wolf’s
body followed into the meager light.

As it pushed
up to its haunches, it’s crown brushed the ceiling.


Eyes, silver
and wild glowed down at Kane, and his heart pounded.


The last time
he’d seen one of those things, it’d left him for dead. Something
told him the one before him would be more thorough.

The wolf
turned its nose up and sniffed the air. “Halfling,” it said in a
graveled voice.

No. The other wolf that attacked him at the hospital had been a
reddish color. That much he remembered.

Kane’s heart
beat faster as if it would pound right out of his chest. A zing of
electricity shot through his body, a lick of flames burning his

He cried out
and fell to his knees.

Stabbing pain
shot through his skull, the piercing sensation like someone had
taken daggers to the bone. Gaze locked on his predator, he exhaled
forced breaths.

The lycan at
the end of the hall tipped its head, as though curious.

The sound of
bones cracking shot through Kane’s spine. His stomach turned as
nausea swelled. A tingly, needling sensation swarmed his skin, and
in his periphery, Kane could see course black hairs peeking through
until thick, dark fur coated his body.


His back
arched, and he hunched forward on all fours, as an ache ripped
through his face, scalding and peeling as if something had torn
skin from the bone.

His body
trembled and seized with the trauma, stiffening his joints. Still,
his mind struggled to keep focus on the lycan as it had reared back
on its haunches as though preparing to pounce.

intensified in Kane’s muscles, building, like a teakettle ready to
explode, the pressure escaping on his short, panting breaths.
Searing fissures of pain zapped across his flesh. A roar burst from
Kane’s chest and echoed in his ears.

All at once,
the agony subsided. Loose skin oscillated about his face as he
shook his head.

The gray wolf
at the end of the hall shot forward like a bullet, charging toward

Kane scrambled
to feet that had changed, matching the haunches pounding toward
him. Kane growled and leapt into the air, impacting with the
oncoming wolf.

Hitting the
floor, they fought, like two wild dogs, a swarming ball that rolled
down the hallway. One over the other. Jaws snapping. Bodies
slapping the concrete with each landing.

Though much
smaller than Kane appeared to be, the gray wolf swiped and bit,
finally kicking with his back paws until it fell backward against
the wall and scuttered to its feet.

Kane smashed
into it, teeth lodged deep in the wolf’s neck.

It yelped and
thrashed loose.

A growl rolled
in Kane’s chest and he lunged again. His powerful jaws caught the
gray wolf’s neck. His brain urged him to clamp down and tear the
throat out.

Its body
squirmed and kicked against Kane.

Holding tight,
Kane jerked his head to the side.

The gray
wolf’s claws sliced through his flesh.

another deep growl, Kane slammed the lycan to the floor, and with a
swipe of his claw, snagged and tore its head from body with the
ease of a butcher knife through a vat of butter. One final yelp
echoed before the head rolled down the hallway, and blood seeped
onto the shiny white tiled floor.


Sounds hit his

Claws tapping
against tiles.

Kane allowed
one final glance for his kill and darted through the halls.




Ayden padded
quietly up the darkened staircase. She held her Beretta in one
hand, her dagger at the ready on her hip, and finally reached the
fourth floor.

Voices erupted
above her.

She froze,
only her gaze shifting upward toward the disturbance.

Alexi in the
hallway one level up. Not many, judging by the different tones.
Those that weren’t out hunting lycans, would probably be hunting

Peeking into
the small square window of the staircase door, she had a straight
shot view of the large steel entrance across the hall that led to
Wade’s office. No movement came from that direction. No lights
shone through the frame.

She opened the
door, slipping through and along the wall, her eyes scanning
everything, ears listening for approach. When she reached Wade’s
doorway, her fingertips hovered over the keypad for a moment.

The same
Her fingers tapped the keys on instinct. The green light
blinked on.

Wade wouldn’t have expected her to return, and she was
the only one to whom he’d ever carelessly given the code. The rest
of the Alexi had always had to rely on Ms. Price for entry. Perhaps
wishful thinking on Wade’s part. As if she’d be suddenly consumed
with a need to take advantage of his advancements.

Her heart
thrummed as memories lingered like lucid ghosts drifting in the
darkness, yet she stepped inside the anteroom and punched in the
next code.

The first door
closed and the second green light glowed.

For a moment,
claustrophobia settled over her.

Blowing out a
breath, she gave a shove against the oversized door and stepped

Ayden tiptoed
down the hallway until she reached Wade’s door. Silence made her
breathe a little easier when she pressed her ear against it. Using
the tip of her dagger, she picked the lock, slipped beyond and
closed herself inside.

Nothing had
changed. A familiar tug in her gut gave warning to hustle as she
looked around. Even with Wade’s absence, his malevolence hung in
the air.

She already
knew she’d find the antibody behind the door off to the right—the
same door everyone feared to pass through.

She took two
long strides.

A click in her
ears alerted her of a presence in the anteroom.

She froze
mid-step for a second, before she hastened toward Wade’s chambers
and tucked herself inside. Her eyes quickly adjusted to the pitch
black of the space. Empty.

With the door
opened just a crack, she pressed to the gap and watched as two
figures entered Wade’s office.

One of them
was Wade.

The sight of
him turned her stomach inside out.

“They’ve all
arrived, sir.” A younger soldier that she didn’t recognize spoke as
he chased his commander.

Wade sucked in
a deep breath. “You smell that?”

“Um. Smell

kinda sweet.” Wade licked his lips, his eyes narrowed as he glanced
about the room. “Like honey.”

The boy
sniffed the air. “No, sir.”

A seriousness
claimed Wade’s face again. “You have ‘em wait down in the morgue. I
want a report on what happened with that little shit, Draven.”


escaped the manor?
Did the team he’d sent out find him? Without

Ayden frowned.
Unlike him to forego an opportunity to hunt a deserter.
asshole thrived off of punishment.

Wade poured
himself a drink at the bar and tipped his head back, gulping it
quickly. Another followed. He handed the younger boy a glass.

“No, thank
you,” the boy said quietly.

“Oh, don’t be
a fuckin’ pussy, Daniel, just take the drink. Or is another
exercise training in order?” Wade chuckled. From the sound of it,
so wicked, Ayden knew Daniel had endured something awful.

“No, sir.”
Daniel’s quiet voice died when he tipped the glass back as Wade had
done. He coughed and used the back of his hand to wipe his mouth
before passing the glass, still holding a shot’s worth of liquor,
back to Wade.

The back of
Wade’s hand came smashing against the boy’s face. “Don’t cough on
my shit, boy. You and your goddamn germs. Waste of good liquor,” he
said, pouring the rest down the drain.

Daniel swiped
his hand against his cheek where he’d been slapped, his eyes
challenging and resentful for a moment. “Should I prepare the

Ayden’s heart
damn near stopped. She held her breath when Wade turned in the
direction of the bedroom.

Wade puffed
his cheeks then blew out a breath. “Nah. Think we’ll have a little
fun with them. No interrogations, just good ole fashioned fun.”

“Will you
destroy all of them?”

Alexi soldiers?
Surely he wasn’t talking about his master

Wade sipped
his drink and flinched as he swallowed it. “Not all of them. Only
the few that keep fucking it up for everyone. Once they report off,
we’ll have a bit of a session with them. Then I think we’ll just
kill them with our bare hands. One at a time, so the rest can
watch. That or let the Beserkers have a go at them. Unruly bunch of

It would make
sense. Draven went AWOL so naturally Wade would take his anger out
on his least favorites. He always did. What did the antibody have
to do with anything, though? Alexi already had the antibody in
their systems.

Ayden squeezed
her eyes shut.

Any Alexi he
planned to kill off would be better for it. If hell existed
anywhere on earth, it was in the very compound in which she

Ayden closed
her eyes, willing away the hero shit that had begun to consume her
Kane, remember?

“Let’s get
down there and let them know their services are no longer
required,” Wade barked.”And hurry up before they tear up the
goddamn place.”

With Daniel in
his shadow, Wade strode out of sight, and the office door clicked

Ayden sank
against the wall.

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