Read SORCERER (The Elemental Magic Series Book 1) Online
Authors: Michael Nowotny
"Wow that is a bit different then from how I was raised. If a man wanted to marry a woman they would go on dates with a chaperone. Then if I seemed willing he would send a go between who was someone he trusted, not necessarily a relative. They would negotiate if the man was a suitable mate for the woman. My dowry would be a set value and if all was agreed upon, an engagement party would be thrown by my parents and a convenient date would be set. A child conceived by them between the time of engagement and wedding was considered legitimate, though extremely frowned upon. Normally the wedding would be moved up if I were to become pregnant. And I’m guessing weddings are completely different. I hope you’re aware that we're going to have to explain all this to my parents.” Christi looked him in the eye. “Probably tomorrow."
Alec felt the red leave his face and doubted he had any color to it all. They sat together for a while just thinking till Christi got up and made her way back to her room. What Alec had said stunned her. By his traditions they were practically engaged.
Chapter 27
The next morning Christi came back to his room as he was getting dressed. There was still a good hour or more before breakfast. As he got ready for the day he told her that Jake had asked him to be his best man at his wedding and gave her the letter and note to read. They decided to ask if her mother would like to go with them to the wedding.
Christi asked him how the wedding would most likely go as he finished getting ready. He explained how the groom was thrown in to the pond to break any spell cast over him then put in his best set of clothes.
Before the ceremony the people to witness would gather in the temple and tell one another stories of the couple and be making merry. Shortly before the sun is at its highest the best man escorts the groom to the temple to await the bride. She comes to the temple when the sun is at its highest, escorted by her father, who passes the bride to the best man and goes inside to ask everyone to be seated and takes his own seat. The best man goes before the assembled announcing the couple as single individuals. He takes a seat behind them as they are joined by a priest of the.
Christi told him that she had set up a family meeting and they were all waiting for them in the dining room.
Alec was nervous and had been trying to put it off for as long as possible. He knew he had to make another formal apology and felt as though he had to talk in public.
"You’re sure that this is necessary?" he asked a bit sheepish.
"I think it is. By your traditions we're already engaged, unintentionally at first, but we are. Now we need to do this right and gain the approval of my parents.
They talked on the way to the dining room. She could tell he was nervous and told him they liked him a lot. “So just calm down and take it one step at a time.”
They got to the table and sat next to one another. They were all sipping some fruit juice and the brothers asked him to make it cold for them so Alec complied. He then got up and moved over to sit on his knees next to George’s chair and formally apologized to George and Jessica saying he'd had no intention of deceiving them. With their acceptance of the apology he then sat at the table and explained to them the courting traditions he had been taught.
At one point he was sure George was going to choke on his drink but George assured him he was fine. When Alec finished, he told them he was sorry for thinking he had their full approval to engage their daughter and that he had every intention of sending his go between.
The brothers were all but rolling on the ground with laughter. The only thing keeping them in their seats was the scowl George kept giving them. Jessica got up from the table and pulled him from his chair. This was what he was afraid of. The traditional way to reject his offer to marry their daughter was to slap him and send him from their home.
He turned white and closed his eyes waiting for it. His knees almost gave out when instead of slapping him she gave him a huge hug and told him to send his go between and from now on they would have a chaperone. When Jessica let him go George got his attention by clearing his throat.
"I am a man who takes tradition very seriously. I'll admit that I was irritated for a bit with you, thinking you were all but engaged to Christi. But after thinking for a minute I realize you have followed your own traditions and acted in accordance with them and I can't fault that. When you send your go between they will have to decide as to what traditions they will abide by. On a second note, that was the best damn bean soup I have ever had," laughed George slapping his knee.
The bell rang and Brian brought out plates of eggs, toast, sausage, and large muffins. Bill asked if Christi could cool drinks and she told him she probably could but it would be harder for her seeing as her affinities ran with earth and spirit.
Jessica told them to hurry up; they needed to leave in about an hour. Alec was confused and it showed on his face.
"Mother, you didn't tell Alec?" Christi asked her mother in hurt voice.
"Now that you ask, I believe it slipped my mind. I'm sorry Alec. My sister’s birth date is today and the whole family is invited to their home for lunch and the party this evening. Seeing as you are family, or will be, you should go with us. If you'll be a dear and wear that black and green outfit you had made, I think Christi will be especially thrilled to see you in it and she can dress to match. That will say something to Teresa. She'll be wondering what it means all night long."
Alec went back to his room and changed, putting on some very well made charcoal black pants that felt like soft leather but were made of something else. He followed with a deep, really dark, green shirt that buttoned up the front and had sleeves that came down to just below his elbows. He tucked the shirt into his pants and put his belt on.
Going back to the dining room he saw no one. Checking the sitting room he saw Allen sitting in a chair. He took the one next to him.
"Well you clean up nice don't you," Allen told him. He paused before continuing. "You know I'm going to have to be harder on your training now, right?" He looked at Alec as he took a drink of a golden colored wine.
Alec winced. He felt his training was fairly grueling as it was. For the past few weeks he'd been nothing but one big sore.
"Why's that?" he asked fearing the answer.
"Morning wine?" Allen offered his future brother-in-law and Alec nodded his denial.
"Several reasons really. One, you need to be able to defend both for Christi and against her. Two, the family won't have a member of the family with such a weakness. And three, I don't like seeing my friends get their ass handed to them. You've a good head between your shoulders and you’re quick. Learn the things I'm going to teach you and you'll do fine for this family."
Bill walked in with his father and they took seats. Bill started chuckling at the look on Alec's face. "Bet you didn't realize you'd be marrying an ass as well as Christi did you?" he asked Alec.
"Allen takes it as his duty to make sure every member of the family can defend its honor and I'm happy to let him," George said as he got back up to get himself a glass. "Allen and Bill have been groomed to take over the business when Jess and I decide we've had enough. When Christi was tested and found to have magic, we'd hoped she would bring the magic of our family back to life. That is one of the reasons we think you will be such a good match for her and an asset to the family."
"That and with two sorcerers to ward our ships and other interest it makes good business sense. If you are half as strong as my friend Peter says, we may be able to give some of the pure blood families a run for their money in next year’s competitions.”
The two lady's practically flowed into the sitting room and Alec stood with the rest of the family. His mouth tried to form words his brain couldn't come up with.
Christi entered before her mother, not that he noticed Jessica behind her. He couldn't pull his eyes from Christi. She had on a pale green dress that looked like it shined when the light hit it. The dress had him staring. It had a neckline that plunged between her breasts giving hints without showing them.
The dress stopped a hand width above her ankles showing open-toed slippers with a raised heel.
A hand pushed him from the side breaking the spell she’d cast just by standing there. Alec stumbled a few steps barely catching himself before he fell over with help from Bill who looked around him and smiled at his brother. George stepped forward and let Jessica take his arm, Alec quickly followed suit offering his to Christi. "You're beautiful, Christi. Wow!"
Horses were saddled and waiting out in front. It was very warm and humid as they stepped out on the front walk as Steven pulled a carriage around to the front. He bowed to Jessica and asked if she would rather have the open seat as it was very hot and stuffy in the enclosed carriage. She told him that proper decorum demanded they take this enclosed one.
Allen nudged Alec, saying he was glad he didn't have to ride in the oven, which got Alec thinking. With the women and George secure in the rolling oven, they mounted their horses and followed it down the street.
Alec was really sure it would work so he handed his reins to Bill and asked him to guide his horse, getting a frown from him, but he did it anyway. Alec closed his eyes and pushed his power out into the carriage then visualized a torch outside of it with the heat from inside feeding the torch. He pushed the vision into his power and tied it to him with a thin line to his well.
A few minutes later a chorus of sighs and a few "oh my” could be heard from the carriage. Alec took his reins back and rode a bit closer so as not to strain his link.
The carriage stopped and the door opened and Christi stuck her head out and said something behind her then the carriage took off again.
Alec was beginning to sweat so decided to try his other idea. He asked Bill to guide his horse again because he realized the spell was barely drawing any power from him. He cast a shield spell in a large bubble to encompass Allen and Bill too, blocking the wind. He tied it to him then modified his first spell to pull heat from inside the shield as well. Narrowing the link when it was nice and cool, he took back his reins.
Allen rode closer to him as he settled in the saddle. He was very pleased with himself.
"I take it you did this?"
"Yah, feels great doesn't it?"
"They’re going to be pissed when they find out," he said pointing at the carriage.
"Why? I did the carriage first." Alec replied a little smug.
"OK, if she doesn't marry you, I will." Allen laughed.
Chapter 28
They rode out the gate to the city and down a well-kept road, opposite the way he normally would go, and then turned onto a private lane after about an hour. They pulled up to a large mansion and dismounted while Steven helped his occupants from the carriage. Apparently he could feel the cooler air while he drove because he looked nice and fresh as he smiled toward Alec. Christi ran over to him being the first one out and latched onto his arm possessively.
Feeling the cooler air of the bubble she just entered she led him to the carriage with Allen and Bill right on his heels not wanting to leave the comfort of his shield.
"If you don't want him dear, I do," Jessica said having climbed out.
"I already asked. He kept us cool the entire way here," Allen told his mother as Christi hugged him tighter.
"Well, this will stick it to her. We show up looking nice and fresh thanks to my son-in-law while everyone else is drenched." She looked to a family getting out of their carriage. They looked like they had gone swimming in their clothes.
"Oh and there is my uncle Tomas Morsess. Come, he's a wizard of caliber. He'll want to meet you too," she said leading the family over.
Alec cut his line to the carriage and increased his shield so everyone didn't have to crowd around him like they were and told them as much. They fanned out with Jessica leading the way.
Alec kept Jessica just inside his bubble when she stopped in front of her uncle. He was an average looking man a head taller than Alec. He didn't look hot but he was definitely warm judging by the color of his cheeks. He held his arms out to the sides and Jessica stepped out of the shield and gave him a big hug.
Alec quickly took a few steps closer enveloping them in the coolness of his shield. Tomas's eyes went wide and looked right at him. Alec with Christi still on his arm stepped up to the wizard.
"And who is this young man who is seeing to our comfort?” he asked Jessica. “Obviously a sorcerer, not a Morsess, nor a Parten, too light skinned. A Willis, not enough of an ass as far as I can tell? Stalleen, could be the right coloring, off shoot?" He ran through the Alec's possible ancestry.
"Alec Carter, sir." He held out a hand to Tomas.
"Nope definitely not a Willis." He took Alec's offered hand. "So what family, son?"
"He's not of a family Uncle. And he is to be engaged to Christi. We've only the formalities to sort through." Jessica spoke for him.
"Ah, my sorceress niece marrying a sorcerer of at least fair power could do very well for the family, indeed. I'll expect an invitation to the engagement party in a few weeks?" he asked walking away.
"Absolutely uncle!"