Read SORCERER (The Elemental Magic Series Book 1) Online
Authors: Michael Nowotny
"Thanks Peter."
Alec went up to his room. He had a lot to think about. He saw two letters on his bed. Picking them up Alec saw one from Aunt Karen the other from his friend Jake. He set Jake's down and lay across the bed to open and read through Karen's. It was as he expected, praising him for getting into the sorcerer’s school and chiding him for not telling her of the test and not writing yet. It brought a smile to his face, thinking of how she would take to him for not writing sooner to her. He rolled over on his back and closed his eyes thinking of her voice and how she would comfort him when he was younger. It brought a smile to his face. He did miss her.
"I hope that smile is for me." He opened his eyes and saw Christi looking down at his face.
"It is now." He smiled and sat up spinning so she could sit next to him.
"I got a letter from my Aunt. Sort of miss her, you know."
"The one that raised you?"
"Yah." He handed the letter to her so she could read it.
"That's sweet Alec. I'm sure she misses you too," she said when she finished.
"I also got one from Jake, my best friend who I told you about," he said as he got up to get the other letter.
"Do I get to read that one too?" she asked with a sly voice.
"We'll see. It might be guys only stuff," he winked at her.
Alec opened the letter and read. It started with Jake saying how good their trip back was. Then went on to say sorry, but that his mother has entered into negotiations with Sarah's for them to get married and that he'd been seeing a lot of her after Alec had been hurt and they didn't try to, but one thing led to another. He said sorry about a dozen times in the letter.
It wasn’t uncommon for people their age to marry although most couldn’t afford to without the help of their families.
Alec closed his eyes and thought for a minute. Did he really harbor a grudge toward Jake and Sarah or was he happy for them? There wasn't really anything between Sarah and him and he wanted his friend to be happy. He opened his eyes and saw a worried look on Christi's face.
"It's good news, real good," he said handing her the letter.
"Are you sure this is good?" she asked after reading it too.
"Of course, my best friend is going to get married. There wasn't ever anything between Sarah and me. She kissed me once. Hell, she slapped me once too. This is great. I wonder if I'll be able to get a leave of absence when they have the wedding."
"You know, you’re supposed to take a date to a wedding," she left it hanging.
"You'd go? With me I mean? It's a farm you know?"
"Of course. I'd love to meet your friends and family. You'll
have to meet mine sometime too."
"Yah, about that. I was talking to Peter and got him to fill me in on how things go for a person of your station. You’re basically a princess, I mean a real princess and he said I should find out where our relationship is and where we want it to go. I really like you and stuff, really. I...."
She answered him first, with a kiss, straddling him on his bed.
"I want to take this as far as I can Alec. We'll go one step at a time, but as far as we can. I know we've only met a several weeks ago but it seems like so much longer. It seems like I’ve known you for years and don’t have to pretend to be someone I’m not around you. I've talked to my father, through letters, and he trusts me. You'll meet him when the time is right, which will be before that wedding. You need to write and find out when it is so I can get a dress and we can ask for leave. Maybe my mother can chaperone. Then she can meet your Aunt!" she said excitedly and kissed him again before going to write her own letter.
Alec sat and wrote two letters. He told Karen about his studies and unlocking his magic. He went on to explain about the budding relationship with Christi. At the end he thanked her for everything she’d ever done for him. To Jake he told him there wasn't anything to be sorry for and that he was happy for them both. He asked that they let him know when the wedding was so he could come and be a part of his best friend’s big moment. He went on to tell him of Christi and finding his magic and learning combat skills.
Setting his letters on the table he did the last few math problems required for Mr. Caller before heading to bed.
Having been assigned the morning shift for guard duty Alec was rising well before everyone else and made his way to the front guard house. He got a warning to stay alert and was told that someone had been apprehended trying to get in to the academy the night before. Alec walked along to the top of the wall to the third guard post and relieved Lenny, one of the enlisted. He didn’t understand why someone would be trying to break into the school.
Alec got on well with most of the enlisted and Tom’s full time students, even being invited to have supper with them in their hall a few times.
Talking with Lenny for a few minutes before he started walking his rounds he was given a hard time about his archery practice. Alec got the aim right most times but seem to have a hard time narrowing down the right distance. The day before had been fairly comical. He could hit the dummy consistently but only in the head or groin, every time he thought he would hit the head he’d readjust and hit the groin and vise versus. He’d been told he was over compensating rather loudly by Allen, hence the joking.
Alec had begun to really enjoy having the early morning duty. He liked how quiet it was and that he was able to watch as the sun came up over the forest.
Alec found Travis's next lesson after guard duty. Every robe, other than the one he’d worn the day before, was cut up still hanging in his closet. Alec grabbed the cut robes and went down to the parlor.
"Apparently someone doesn't like my robes,” he told Peter throwing them in a chair.
“Guess not." Peter looked through the pile. "Stores closed, but you should have time tomorrow to go get new ones."
"I'll be right back," Peter told him.
Alec waited. Christi came down first.
"Going somewhere?"
"Not with those."
She went over and looked, her mouth falling open as she realized all of them were cut to ribbons. Peter came back and handed him a key.
"Don't lose it. It's the only one I have," he said explaining that it was the key to the lock in Alec’s door.
Alec and Christi went up the stairs so he could lock his room and grab his stave. Christi shook her head. She knew why he had to keep it with him but thought it was ridicules. They went over to eat at the hall meeting the second year sorceress already there. She waved them over amidst several new faces.
"Hi, Christi. Sorry I didn't catch your name," she said turning to Alec.
"Alec." He held out his hand.
"I'm Beth," she said taking the offered hand.
"So you're Alec. That Travis guy really has it out for you. He wanted to have a chat with me and some of the others."
"What did he say?" Christi asked. He could tell she was still pretty miffed at what had been done to his robes, even more than he was.
"He was telling everyone that you’re a commoner and we have to keep the noble blood pure, or some bull. He wanted others to try and make things hard for you. Most blew him and his buddies off but a couple people were going along with it."
"How many were there," Alec asked concerned that he’d now have more people ready to beat on him.
"Counting the two they picked up here, five. Hey, not all of us are asses like them. Most likely they won't do anything other than call some names and swipe your socks."
"Alec, they've already done more than that. Do you mind if I tell her?" Christi was asking permission for telling her what they'd already done.
"Fine. I'm going to get more food." He pushed through the crowd that had grown around them to hear his side of the story. One guy stopped him at the edge of the crowd and told him that most of them there weren't nobles and not all the nobles were snobs. Alec said thanks and went to the counter. He came back with a plate full of food to a couple of hands on his back and sympathetic looks. Alec ate in peace and left the hall with Christi and Beth, who decided to go with them.
They found Bill on guard duty as they entered the martial school and he pointed them to Master Stolle's building when asked where Christi’s older brother Allen was.
Alec didn't make the obvious connection till his instructor, Allen, ran up and hugged Christi. Beth ran off on her own, promising to see them at supper, while Allen laughed at Alec and Christi's confusion till they all took turns explaining to each other how they knew the others. Christi leaned over and whispered in his ear that he was lucky she hadn't told her brothers of their little bath together, yet.
Alec went white in the face, thinking she would. Then she told him she was joking all the while getting puzzled looks from Allen. The three ate lunch at the martial school’s food hall with Allen introducing them to people he knew. Alec had a great time hearing of how Christi was when she was younger, as only a sibling can tell it, much to Christi's embarrassment.
It was then that Alec realized two things. First, that he still needed to tell Christi that he was going to go with Allen for the survival training tomorrow and second, that he would be out in the woods alone with her older brother.
Chapter 15
Alec walked next to Christi as they made their way back toward their tower. He was unsure as to how to tell her.
“You’re going aren’t you?” Christi asked.
“The survival training? Yah, Tom said he wanted me to go. He was going talk to Peter, we won’t be back till after the weekend.”
“When do you leave?”
“Right after guard duty, I’ll stop back at the tower to get my pack but won’t have time for much else,” he told her.
“When were you going to tell me? Exactly how long are you going to be gone?”
“Tom said we would back on the second day of the week, so four days.” Alec looked at her from the corner of his eye trying to gauge her reaction.
“So when were you going to tell me about it?”
“This evening, I wanted to wait till we were alone.”
Alec reached for Christi’s hand as they continued walking.
Alec could tell she was somewhat mad at him by the way she didn’t immediately grab his back.
Alec sat on one of the sofas in the parlor attempting to make sense of his math problems when Christi finally spoke to him again.
“I know you see it as a good opportunity and really like the combat stuff with Master Stalle. It just irritates me that you didn’t tell me sooner. I wish you’d let me know these kind of things when you find out about them,” she said.
“I’m sorry, I didn’t think you’d like the idea and I didn’t know how to tell you.”
“I don’t own you Alec. If you want to do something it’s really not up to me.” She flashed a mischievous smile towards him. “That is unless you really make me mad then you’d better run!
“Alright, I’ll remember to talk to you about things, I’m sorry. Are we good?” Alec asked shyly.
“We’re fine. Do you need to pack or anything?”
“Just my regular clothes, Allen said he’d have the rest of the gear I’ll need waiting for me over a Tom’s.”
“I still can’t believe you’ve been training with my brother all these weeks and I never knew it. You’d have thought someone would have told me.” She rolled her eyes as if someone had let her down.
Christi followed him up to his room and helped him gather the few pants and shirts as well as his toiletries. Before leaving his room she gave him a quick kiss.
Alec rose way before the sun, having gotten use to waking so early for guard duty, and headed down stairs with his pack. As he went to pass through the parlor Christi stopped him.
“I’m not mad but I’ll miss you. Have fun and be careful please.” She threw her arms around his neck and gave him a firm kiss before heading to the steps.
Alec watched her go, surprised that she would be up that early and questioning himself as to what she had on under her robe. Shaking his head to clear his thoughts Alec headed to the front gate for guard duty.
Alec checked in at the guard room and left his pack in the corner before heading up to wall using his stave to steady his steps on the rain slick steps. Passing four others on their routes each giving him a disappointed look knowing he wasn’t there to relieve them. He finally caught up with Lenny down by the wizard’s towers.
“Thank the Gods you’re always early Alec! I’m soaked through!” Lenny called out to him.
“I hate when people are late, even me.” Alec replied as he reached out a hand.
“Well the rain finally quit about an hour ago. Looks like it should be nice and dry for you. The only thing you need to know is to watch out for the far end of the run. That old oak has made the walk real slick. I’ve been stopping shy of it myself, little Pete damn near busted his rear and fell off,” Lenny warned.
“Thanks, I’ll watch it down there,” Alec said. He headed in that direction thinking that if Lenny hadn’t been walking past the oak he’d better check it out at least once. During his two hour detail he could normally make the full circuit five times. Each circuit ran from the short wall leading to the magical learning section to past the old oak by fifty feet.
About twenty minutes later Alec made it to the old oak. He could immediately see the problem. The weight of the rain had allowed the thin branches of the tree to droop and partially cover the walkway. On top of that, the walk itself was covered in mossy like slime. Having never been on duty in this area after a rain he realized it would be a problem.