Read Sophie's Seduction Online

Authors: Keira Kendrik

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #Romance, #Fantasy & Futuristic, #Fantasy, #Paranormal

Sophie's Seduction (12 page)

BOOK: Sophie's Seduction
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"We need to stop, honey
.  We have to pack everything up and go to the airport soon," Jackson said with regret.

"Speaking of packing," Cade got up from the table and went around to the living room
.  He lifted up a wrapped package and said, "This came for you.  It was delivered to the front desk."

Sophie squealed
, jumped out of Jackson's lap, dancing over to Cade and taking the package from him.  She peeled off the paper wrapping, dying to see how the painting turned out.  What she saw stunned her.  The artist had added a cougar standing on the opposite side of the wolf.  He sat on a rock outcropping looking out as the wolf did on all that they surveyed.  It was breathtaking. 

Are you going to let us see what you bought?" Jackson asked as he came to stand beside Cade, facing her.

She smiled at them and turned the painting so they could see it
.  She loved the looks of shock that went over her men's faces.  Then they each looked at her and then back at the painting.

"What do you think?"
she asked.

Cade was the first to snap out of his shock and walk over to her
.  "I think it is beautiful, baby, perfect." He carefully took the painting and sat it on the couch.  He straightened, he took her in his arms and kissed her deeply.  When he released her lips, he turned her into Jackson's arms.

Jackson looked deeply into her eyes and said, "It is stunning
, just as you are, mate." He grabbed her up into his arms and kissed her soundly.  They were both wanting when they broke apart. 

.  I'm glad you both like it," she said with a laugh.

"Come on now, let's get packed
.  I can't wait to get back to the ranch, into our own house," Jackson said as he waggled his eyebrows at her. 

Everyone laughed, but agreed and began to gather everything together to prepare for the trip home.




Their luggage had been loaded and the women were on board
.  The men were on the tarmac, keeping an eye out for any issues.  Sophie had even asked the pilots to show her their hands before they entered the plane.  Sophie and Rochelle were sitting on the plane, sipping on sodas, waiting for the men to board. 

"It's getting so dark out there, how can they see anything?" Rochelle asked

Sophie gave her a pointed look
.  "Rochelle, they are all Otherkin.  Their eyesight is phenomenal."

Rochelle blushed
.  "Of course it is, I don't know what I was thinking.  Sorry.  I'm a bit nervous.  I have never flown before."

"You haven't?" Sophie asked, surprised

Rochelle shook her head
.  "No, I haven't.  I actually haven't ever been out of Louisiana."

"Then you are in for some fun
.  Luckily, where we are going is a small town.  It is filled with Otherkin," Sophie told her.

Rochelle's hand automatically covered her tattoo
.  Sophie saw the move and covered Rochelle's hands with her own.  "Don't worry, I got your back.  Jas will too," Sophie said and winked. 

Rochelle smiled a grateful smile at her
.  "Thanks, Sophie.  I appreciate it."

The men began to board the plane, Jackson and Cade came first
.  Jackson walked over and scooped Sophie up from where she was sitting beside Rochelle on one of the sofas to sit her on the other one between the men.  Dominik and Marco entered next and went over to sit on either side of Rochelle.  Trent and Christian boarded last and closed the outer door behind them.  They sat in the captain chairs beyond the sofas. 

The men buckled the women in first and then themselves as the engines began to rumble louder
.  Sophie looked over at Rochelle and saw her closing her eyes, breathing rapidly.

"Don't hyperventilate, Rochelle
.  It won't do to be passed out for the whole flight, since it's your first," Sophie said over the engines. 

Dominik and Marco immediately turned to Rochelle and grabbed one of her hands
.  Then they leaned in, each whispering in her ears.  Sophie didn't know what they said, but Rochelle blushed a pretty pink whatever it was.  Sophie laughed and when Rochelle looked at her, she winked.

Jackson leaned in and whispered to Sophie, "You are sneaky
, mate, I will have to watch you closely."

Sophie turned
to him, lifting her mouth up for a kiss, which he gave with relish.  Then she turned to Cade to kiss him just as the plane lifted off.  Once the plane leveled off, the men went to the back table to have a meeting.  The women sat on a sofa again together where the men had set up snacks and drinks for them.

"They seem so sweet when they do things like this for us
," Rochelle said as she waved her hand over the food. 

"We are sweet
," Marco said from the back.

The women laughed, Rochelle had forgotten how good their hearing was
.  "Sorry, of course you are," she said, this time intending him to hear her.

Sophie rolled her eyes
.  "You have to watch everything you say and where.  They do hear it all."

"Don't you forget that
," Jackson said firmly from the back.

Sophie turned and stuck her tongue out at him
.  Then she turned back to Rochelle, opening her mouth to say something when she heard Jackson's voice in her head. 
'I will find a better use for that tongue soon, mate.'
Sophie turned back to look at him and he winked as Cade burst into laughter.  Sophie's face was a pretty pink when she turned back to Rochelle. 

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you some questions but
now I think we should wait until we get to the ranch where Jas can hear it firsthand," Sophie said.

.  It would be better if I had to only tell it once," Rochelle told her.  "I also have some things that I think you and Jasmine will want to see, but they are in my luggage."

"I will schedule a pow-wow once we arrive and get you settled
," Sophie informed her.

"Sounds good
.  So then, since we have time, tell me about Promise," Rochelle inquired.

Sophie laughed
.  "I don't know how much I can tell you, I wasn't off the ranch but a couple of times, but I will try."

They talked of the town and the ranch
.  Sophie filled Rochelle in on all of the people who worked and lived on the ranch, including Lucy.  Sophie tried to describe the main house as well as all the other buildings so Rochelle wouldn't get lost.  Then the men joined them and brought out a movie that played on a screen on the back wall.  Sophie leaned back against Cade's chest while they watched
Wild Hogs
, a comedy.

It was nearing midnight when they landed and disembarked from the plane
.  They all piled into SUVs and headed for the ranch.  When they arrived, Phoenix and Gabe met them at the main house.  Introductions were made all around and when Sophie asked where Jasmine was, they were informed that she had gone to bed early as she wasn’t feeling well.  Sophie was immediately concerned for Jasmine, but Phoenix assured her that Jasmine would be fine.

Trent and Christian had their own cabin and left to get some sleep
.  Dominik, Marco, and Rochelle were staying in the main house and said goodnight as Gabe showed them to their rooms.  Jackson and Cade took Sophie to their cabin, not far from the main house.  They were eager to get her alone and it showed in the way they hustled her out the door.

When they arrived at their cabin, Cade swept her up into his arms
.  "What are you doing?" Sophie gasped.

"I won the toss to carry you over the threshold
," Cade said, grinning at her as he carried her into the cabin.

Jackson walked up while Cade still had her in his arms and kissed her
.  "I got to do that part."

Cade set her down on her feet and she got her first look inside their home
.  It was a spacious, open floor plan with the living room, dining room, and kitchen all flowing around the bottom floor.  There was a set of stairs going up to a second floor that she assumed held the bedrooms.  Their living room held what looked to be big comfortable couches and of course two large recliners.  Everything throughout the downstairs was decorated in earth tones, making it warm and welcoming.  She liked it a lot. 

Cade took her hand and led her up the stairs as Jackson followed them with their luggage
.  When they topped the stairs, Cade said, "This first door here is our office." Sophie peeked in and saw the room was large enough to hold two desks and some bookshelves.  Then he led her to the door across the hall and showed her a guest bedroom.  There was another guest bedroom beside of it, they explained that sometimes they had to house visitors.  She understood that considering where the ranch was located. 

Jackson took her hand and showed her a third room that had boxes in it
.  "We have never decorated this room and want you to do with it what you want," he told her as he continued to pull her to the end of the hall where she guessed the master bedroom was located. 

When he opened the door of the master bedroom, Sophie gasped at the sheer size of it
.  It had a massive bed in the center with three dressers set around the room.  Both men showed her there were two large walk-in closets, one was a little larger than the other and the men said it was theirs as they would share.  Then they took her into the master bathroom.  Sophie thought she had died and gone to heaven.  It had a large Jacuzzi garden tub, a separate large walk-in shower and a large counter with three sinks.

Sophie looked at the men in awe and said, "This is absolutely amazing
.  Your house is very beautiful."

Jackson and Cade stood on either side of her and hugged her
.  "It's our house, baby," Cade said as he kissed her cheek.

"All ours
.  To christen every room.  We can't wait," Jackson said as he too leaned down and kissed her cheek.  "However tonight you need to rest.  We all need some sleep."

Sophie agreed with Jackson
.  They were all tired and needed the sleep badly.  She knew her men hadn't slept much while she was in the hospital and when they had gotten back to the room, they had only napped for a bit.  The men grabbed their bags and they unpacked, the men showing her one of the dressers was empty because it was hers.  She got tears in her eyes and thanked them as she unpacked.  She also saw that Jasmine had been busy as her things from the main house had been moved to the men's cabin. 

Once unpacked and ready for bed, they all piled in the large bed together
.  The men snuggled her down in between them and Sophie fell asleep to the men whispering to her, "Welcome home, mate."

Chapter Seventeen



Sophie woke to a hand traveling down her stomach, slowly inching downward
, and smiled.  She slowly opened her eyes and was captured by Cade's warm gaze.  He smiled lazily at her as he reached out a hand to lightly trace a fingertip around her nipple.  Then he slowly began to use the rest of his fingers to caress her breast.  She arched her back, thrusting her breast into his hand as her hips connected with Jackson's behind her.  He appeared to be ready for action.

took her breasts in his hands. He leaned forward and began to lick them as she moaned then moved to lay on her back between her men as they began to wake her sleeping body, making her burn with desire.

Cade moved up and
began kissing her. She was lost in the sensation but sighed when she felt Jackson move over her. He kissed his way down her body, nudging her legs apart, as Cade moved again to tease her nipples. 

n lifted her legs over his shoulders and smiled against her naked mound.  She had shaved before she got in the bed the night before and was pleased with his reaction. 

n licked her folds and she almost came off the bed, she was so sensitive now. She could feel his breath on her skin as he licked and teased her clit.  He put a finger inside her and began pumping it in and out, as he flicked his tongue over her sensitive nub. 

latched on to one of her nipples and sucked it in his mouth hard. He rolled the nipple around and she couldn’t decide what felt better. They had amazing mouths. Sophie reached between her and Cade and grasped his thick cock in her hand. She could not get her hand fully around it. She pumped him a little and smiled when she felt his body respond and he stopped what he was doing for a minute. 

Baby, you are playing with fire,” he muttered against her breast as she moved her hand up and down. 

n looked up, smiled, and then began sucking her clit at the same rhythm that she set. 
Holy shit
, she thought and almost lost her grip. She continued and then Cade came back to life, licking and sucking at her breast. They all worked in concert together, playing with each other.

n kissed her mound one more time and then kissed his way back up her body and captured her lips. She tasted herself in his mouth and moaned. It was exciting. 

pulled back and then watched as Jackson settled on the bed and pulled her on his lap until she straddled him. He smiled and then moved around so he was behind them. Cade spanked Sophie lightly and then pulled and pushed her hips until he had her in the right place. 

He used his hands to guide her down on
Jackson’s cock as he watched from behind her, and once she was fully seated, he smiled over her shoulder at Jackson. He grabbed the tube of lube and began to prepare her. She felt the sting of one finger, then two, all the while Jackson held her hips not allowing her to move at all. She was crying in frustration by the time Cade had prepared her and both of them laughed.

lined himself up and slowly slid in her. She was so full. Throwing her head back, she rested it on Cade’s shoulder as they finally allowed her to move. She set the pace.  First, she was slow, wanting to feel every inch of them as they moved in and out of her. Then she began to move faster. Jackson circled her clit with his finger and Cade plucked at her breasts while she rode both of them. It did not take long for her to scream her release, but they weren’t done yet. 

n grabbed her hips and began pumping faster and Cade held her up as she tried to slump. Sophie felt the passion rise again and then they all cried out when they came together.

sighed when they collapsed in a heap and she was snuggled between them.  This was home.
No matter where she was, as long as she had her men, she would be safe
, she thought as she fell into a light sleep.


It wasn't long before Cade swatted her again on her ass and said, "Time to get up, sleepyhead, we need to head to the main house."

Sophie groaned as she rolled over on the bed
.  She saw Cade's sexy ass encased in tight jeans walking to the master bath and she frowned.  She wanted him walking to her not away from her.  She sighed and got out or bed, wandering into the bath. 

Cade turned and grinned at her
.  "I started the shower for you.  I'm going to go down and help Jackson finish breakfast.  We need to meet up with everyone at the main house."

Sophie grunted in acknowledgement that she heard Cade and then stepped into the shower
.  Cade laughed and headed downstairs.  She finished her shower, then dressed in casual clothes since they were back on the ranch, and went downstairs to join her men.  When she stepped into the kitchen, she saw them sitting at the table, sipping coffee, waiting on her.  She walked straight over to the coffee machine where someone had set out a cup for her and poured her coffee.  Her days would never get started unless she had her coffee. 

Jackson stood as she approached the table and kissed her good morning
.  "How are you? Did you sleep well?"

"Mmm..." Sophie answered as she sat down between them
.  She leaned over and kissed Cade on the cheek.

Both men put food on the plate in front of her and she began to nibble on some bacon when Cade leaned over and said, "You need to eat more than that, baby, because you are in for a workout when we get back from this meeting."

Sophie felt flutters in her stomach at his statement then smiled at him as she took a bite of her eggs.  Cade smiled back at her and then sat back to finish his own breakfast while Jackson chuckled on her other side. 

Once they were finished, they headed over to the main house
.  Each of them hoping that this coming meeting wouldn't take too long as they had other plans for the day.


Phoenix hung up the phone in his office and frowned.  Trouble was coming their way and fast.  He knew they needed to find out everything they could about the Hunters.  The time had come.  He knew Gabe was upstairs still with Jasmine, trying once again to convince her they needed to solidify their mating by saying the ritual words.

'Any progress?'
he sent just to Gabe.  They could all three speak to each other and hear each other in their minds, sadly the connection between them was fading as they hadn't had the ceremony yet.

'No and now it seems she is not speaking to me either
Gabe said frustrated.

'Both of you need to come down now
.  Everyone is going to be here soon and Jas needs to eat first,'
Phoenix said commandingly through both their links.

Phoenix got the response of a tongue sticking out from Jas and smiled

'I will use that later, after the meeting.'

He heard Gabe laugh as he walked into the office
.  "Hopefully she will let us use it after the meeting." Jasmine had begun to withdraw almost immediately from them when she had found out she was somehow tied to the Hunters.  They hadn't let her get far and had continued to woo her and love her.  As of late, she had begun to pull away again.  They couldn't let that happen, she was their mate, forever.

Phoenix sighed and ran a frustrated hand through his hair as he turned back to the computer to see the information his contact was sending him
.  As he was reading it, he thought about the meeting and knew they would figure out what to do next, then he and Gabe would go upstairs and show their mate that she was theirs.  He frowned, pointing at the screen to show Gabe what had been sent.  It seemed another private plane was gearing up back in Louisiana, this one loaded with Hunters.


Rochelle woke up nervous about this meeting.  She knew the things she would reveal today would change all of their lives.  She also didn't know what Dominik and Marco would think about her afterward.  When she looked at them, she got a funny feeling in her stomach and knew they were important to her in her life.  Mother Eileen had told her so, but she was worried.  She had the mark of the Hunter and it couldn't be removed.  Would the people here be able to accept her with that mark? She hoped so because she had nowhere else to go.

A knock on her door made her jump as she stepped from the shower
.  She wrapped a large, fluffy towel around her body and went to the door.  She opened it to find both Dominik and Marco standing there, smiling at her.  When their eyes traveled down her body, they got darker and Marco groaned out loud.

, are you trying to kill me this early in the morning,
mi strella
?" Marco asked. 

"I think she is
," Dominik growled as he pushed his way into her room.

Marco shut the door behind them and said to her, "We will wait for you to get ready
.  We want to eat breakfast with you before the meeting."

Rochelle tried to control her breathing as she took in their casual, yet sexy appearance
.  "Okay.  It won't take me a minute.  Be right back." She grabbed the clothes she planned to wear and headed into the bathroom.

When she emerged, fully dressed, the men were sitting on her bed looking very sexy and she wanted nothing more than to join them, skipping the meeting altogether
.  She opened her mouth to say as much but then quickly snapped it shut as she caught Dominik's gaze.  She knew he was thinking the same thing and when she looked at Marco, his eyes were still dark with desire.  She shivered thinking of what they would do to her. 

Marco's eyes narrowed as he stood and said, "Come
.  We need to get out of this room before we decide to skip the meeting and ravish you."

He reached out a hand to her and she took it
.  Dominik moved to her other side and placed his hand on the small of her back as they escorted her downstairs to breakfast.


Sophie entered the main house with Cade and Jackson behind her.  She saw Jasmine coming down the stairs at the same time Jasmine saw her.  Both women squealed and ran to each other, hugging the other tight.  Phoenix and Gabe came out of the office and watched the reunion, nodding to Cade and Jackson.  The women began to chat as they headed into the dining room.  As they entered, they both stopped when they saw Rochelle, Marco, and Dominik having breakfast.

Sophie pulled Jasmine over to Rochelle's side and said, "Jasmine, this is Rochelle, our cousin
.  Rochelle, this is Jasmine."

Rochelle looked between the two women and then held out her hand to Jasmine
.  "It's nice to meet you."

Jasmine reached out and hugged her, saying, "We are family, we hug family
.  Welcome, Rochelle, I'm glad you came."

The women sat down with coffee in hand while Marco and Dominik got up to join the other men in the hallway
.  Phoenix motioned for them to follow him and they went into the office.  Phoenix and Gabe had already decided to brief the men on the coming visitors without the women present so as not to worry them.  The women didn't even notice the men's departure as they were having their own chat.

"Rochelle, Sophie tells me you know about our parents
," Jasmine said as she sipped her coffee. 

Rochelle nodded
.  "Not a lot but some.  I also brought a suitcase with me that your mother left with mine.  It's upstairs."

Jasmine took another sip and said, "First
, I want to hear what you know and then we can all go look at the case.  Thank you for bringing it."

Sophie leaned forward and said to Jasmine, "We met when I was taken by the Hunters
.  I'm still not sure what happened exactly.  I just remember following a guy with the mark around to an alley and then I woke up in a farmhouse.  Then I escaped and ran to what I now know is Rochelle's family farm.  She helped me hide and then escape from the bad guys.  She is one tough cookie," Sophie finished with a smile at Rochelle.

Jasmine looked over at Rochelle and smiled
.  "Thank you so much for saving my sister.  I just found her and it would have killed me to lose her."

Rochelle smiled at both women
.  "Glad to have helped." She looked between the two women and said, "Wow.  It's amazing how much you two look alike but yet, I can tell you apart.  I have to say, you both look like your mom."

"Really?" Sophie asked, looking at Jasmine and grinning.

Rochelle nodded.  "Yep.  A lot like her.  She was a very beautiful woman from what I remember."

Just when Sophie opened her mouth to say something, Jackson cleared his throat in the doorway
.  The women turned to look at him and he said, "We are ready to meet now, ladies.  Care to follow me?" He indicated down the hall.

All three women stood and followed him to Phoenix and Gabe's office
.  Sophie took Rochelle's hand when she began to wring them.  Sophie smiled at her in support as they entered the office.  Rochelle looked around and saw the men sitting at a large meeting table.  Dominik stood and walked to her, taking her hand and pulling her to sit between himself and Marco.  Once she sat down, Marco reached over and took her other hand, squeezing it in support.

BOOK: Sophie's Seduction
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