Sookie 06 Definitely Dead (32 page)

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Authors: Charlaine Harris

BOOK: Sookie 06 Definitely Dead
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“No, right there,” she said. She was pointing at a garden gnome.

“Tell me you’re joking,” I said.

“I’m joking,” she said. “This is Bob.” She picked up a big black cat with a white chest that had been curled up in an empty planter. I hadn’t even noticed him. “Isn’t he cute?”

“Sure, bring him along,” I said. “I’ve always been fond of cats.”

“Babe,” said Quinn, “I’m glad to hear you say that. I was too tired to completely change.”

For the first time, I really looked at Quinn.

Now he had a tail.

“You’re definitely sleeping on the floor,” I said.

“Ah, babe.”

“I mean it. Tomorrow you’ll be able to be all human, right?”

“Sure. I’ve changed too many times lately. I just need some rest.”

Amelia was looking at the tail with wide eyes. “See you tomorrow, Sookie,” she said. “We’ll have us a little road trip. And then I’ll get to stay with you for a while!”

“We’ll have such fun,” I said wearily, trudging up the rest of the stairs and feeling profoundly glad I’d stuck my door key in my underwear. Quinn was too tired to watch me retrieve it. I let the remnants of the dress fall back into place while I unlocked the door. “Such fun.”

Later, after I’d showered and while Quinn was in the bathroom himself, I heard a tentative knock on the door. I was decent enough in my sleep pants and tank top. Though I wanted to ignore it more than anything, I opened the door.

Bill was looking pretty good for someone who’d fought in a war. The tuxedo would never be functional again, but he wasn’t bleeding, and whatever cuts he might have sustained had already healed over.

“I have to talk to you,” he said, and his voice was so quiet and limp that I took a step out of the apartment. I sat down on the gallery floor, and he sat with me.

“You have to let me say this, just once,” he said. “I loved you. I love you.”

I raised a hand to protest, and he said, “No, let me finish. She sent me there, true. But when I met you-after I came to know you-I really … loved you.”

How long after he’d taken me to bed had this supposed love come about? How could I possibly believe him, since he’d lied so convincingly from the very moment I’d met him-playing disinterested because he could read my fascination with the first vampire I’d ever met?

“I risked my life for you,” I said, the words coming out in a halting sequence. “I gave Eric power over me forever, for your sake, when I took his blood. I killed someone for you. This is not something I take for granted, even if you do … even if that’s everyday existence for you. It’s not, for me. I don’t know if I can ever not hate you.”

I got up, slowly and painfully, and to my relief he didn’t make the mistake of trying to help me. “You probably saved my life tonight,” I said, looking down at him. “And I thank you for that. But don’t come into Merlotte’s any more, don’t hang around in my woods, and don’t do anything else for me. I don’t want to see you again.”

“I love you,” he said stubbornly, as if that fact were so amazing and such an undeniable truth that I should believe him. Well, I had, and look at where it had gotten me.

“Those words are not a magical formula,” I said. “They’re not going to open my heart to you.”

Bill was over a hundred and thirty years old, but at that moment I felt I could match him. I dragged myself inside, shut the door behind me and locked it, and made myself go down the hall to the bedroom.

Quinn was drying himself off, and he turned around to show me his muscular derriere. “Fur-free,” he said. “Can I share the bed?”

“Yes,” I said, and crawled in. He got in the other side, and he was asleep in thirty seconds. After a minute or two, I slid over in the bed and put my head on his chest.

I listened to his heartbeat.


“WHAT WAS THEdeal with Jade Flower?” Amelia asked the next day. Everett was driving the U-Haul, and Amelia and I were following in her little car. Quinn had left the next morning by the time I’d gotten up, leaving me a note telling me he was going to call me after he’d hired someone to take Jake Purifoy’s place and after his next job, which was in Huntsville, Alabama-a Rite of Ascension, he said, though I had no idea what that was. He ended the note with a very personal comment about the lime-green dress, which I won’t repeat here.

Amelia had her bags packed by the time I’d dressed, and Everett was directing two husky men in loading up the boxes I wanted to take back to Bon Temps. When he returned, he would take the furniture I didn’t want to Goodwill. I’d offered it to him, but he’d looked at the fake antiques and politely said they weren’t his style. I’d tossed my own stuff in Amelia’s trunk, and off we’d driven. Bob the cat was in his own cage on the backseat. It was lined with towels and also held a food and water bowl, which was kind of messy. Bob’s litter box was on the floorboard.

“My mentor found out what I’d done,” Amelia said gloomily. “She’s very, very unhappy with me.”

I wasn’t surprised, but it didn’t seem tactful to say so, when Amelia had been such a help to me.

“He is missing his life now,” I pointed out, as mildly as I could manage.

“Well, true, but he’s having a hell of an experience,” Amelia said, in the voice of someone determined to look on the bright side. “I’ll make it up to him. Somehow.”

I wasn’t sure this was something you could “make up” to someone. “I’ll bet you can get him back to himself soon,” I said, trying to sound confident. “There are some really nice witches in Shreveport who might help.” If Amelia could conquer her prejudice against Wiccans.

“Great,” the witch said, looking more cheerful. “In the meantime, what the hell happened last night? Tell me in detail.”

I figured it was all over the supernatural community today, so I might as well spill the beans. I told Amelia the whole story.

“So how did Cataliades know Jade Flower had killed Gladiola?” Amelia asked.

“Um, I told him,” I said, my voice small.

“How’d you know?”

“When the Pelts told me they hadn’t hired anyone to watch the house, I figured the murderer was someone sent by Peter Threadgill to delay my getting the message from Cataliades. Peter Threadgill knew all along that the queen had lost the bracelet to Hadley. Maybe he had spies among the queen’s own people, or maybe one of her dumber followers, like Wybert, let it slip. It wouldn’t be hard to watch the movements of the two goblin girls the queen used as messengers. When one of them came to deliver the queen’s message to me, Jade Flower followed her and killed her. The wound was pretty drastic, and after I saw Jade Flower’s sword and watched her whip it out so fast I couldn’t see it move, I figured she was a likely candidate for the designated killer. Plus, the queen had said if Andre was in New Orleans, everyone had to assume she was, too … so the reverse had to be true, right? If the king was in New Orleans, everyone would assume Jade Flower was, too. But she was outside my house, in the woods.” I shuddered all over at the memory. “I found out for sure after calling a lot of gas stations. I talked to a guy who definitely remembered Jade Flower.”

“So why did Hadley steal the bracelet?”

“Jealousy, I guess, and the desire to put the queen in a bad spot. I don’t think Hadley understood the implications of what she’d done, and by the time she did, it was too late. The king had laid his plans. Jade Flower watched Hadley for a while, snatched the opportunity to take Jake Purifoy and kill him. They hoped it would be blamed on Hadley. Anything that would discredit Hadley would discredit the queen. They had no way of knowing she would turn him.”

“What will happen to Jake now?” Amelia looked troubled. “I liked him. He was a nice guy.”

“He still may be. He’s just a vampire nice guy.”

“I’m not sure there’s such a thing,” my companion said quietly.

“Some days, I’m not sure either.” We rode for a while in silence.

“Well, tell me about Bon Temps,” Amelia said, to get us out of our conversational doldrums.

I began to tell her about the town, and the bar where I worked, and the wedding shower I’d been invited to attend, and all the upcoming weddings.

“Sounds pretty good,” Amelia said. “Hey, I know I kind of asked myself along. Do you mind, I mean, really?”

“No,” I said, with a speed that surprised even me. “No, it’ll be nice to have company … for a while,” I added cautiously. “What will you do about your house in New Orleans while you’re gone?”

“Everett said he wouldn’t mind living in the upper apartment, because his mom was getting kind of hard to take. Since he’s got such a good job with Cataliades, he can afford it. He’ll watch my plants and stuff until I get back. He can always e-mail me.” Amelia had a laptop in her trunk, so for the first time there’d be a computer in the Stackhouse home. There was a pause, and then she said, her voice tentative, “How are you feeling now? I mean, with the ex and all?”

I considered. “I have a big hole in my heart,” I said. “But it’ll close over.”

“I don’t want to sound all Dr. Phil,” she said. “But don’t let the scab seal the pain in, okay?”

“That’s good advice,” I said. “I hope I can manage it.”

I’d been gone a few days, and they’d been eventful ones. As we drew closer to Bon Temps, I wondered if Tanya had succeeded in getting Sam to ask her out. I wondered if I’d have to tell Sam about Tanya’s role as spy. Eric didn’t have to be confused about me any more, since our big secret was out. He didn’t have a hold on me. Would the Pelts stick to their word? Maybe Bill would go on a long trip. Maybe a stake would accidentally fall on his chest while he was gone.

I hadn’t heard from Jason while I was in New Orleans. I wondered if he was still planning on getting married. I hoped Crystal had recovered. I wondered if Dr. Ludwig accepted insurance payments. And the Bellefleur double wedding should be an interesting event, even if I was working while I was there.

I took a deep breath. My life was not so bad, I told myself, and I began to believe that was true. I had a new boyfriend, maybe; I had a new friend, surely; and I had events to look forward to. This was all good, and I should be grateful.

So what if I was obliged to attend a vampire conference as part of the queen’s entourage? Wed stay in a fancy hotel, dress up a lot, attend long boring meetings, if everything other people had told me about conferences was true.

Gosh, how bad could that be?

Better not to think about it.

Dear Readers,

If you’ve enjoyed Sookie’s adventures, you might be interested in reading other works of mine. In 2005, Berkley publishedGrave Sight , the first book in a series about a young woman named Harper Connelly. Harper was struck by lightning when she was fifteen years old, and since then she’s been able to find dead people. Now in her twenties, Harper and her stepbrother, Tolliver, conduct their unique business on the road.

As the two travel from job to job, they encounter all kinds of clients along the way. Sometimes, the body Harper finds has met a foul death … and sometimes, the people who pay her think Harper knows more than she does about who committed the murder.

If you think you might like reading about Harper and Tolliver,Grave Surprise , the second book about their investigations, will be on the shelves in hardcover in November of 2006. The same month,Grave Sight will be released in paperback.

I hope you enjoy the change of pace.

Charlaine Harris

This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events or locales is entirely coincidental.

Definitely Dead

AnAce Book / published by arrangement with the author

All rights reserved.

Copyright (c)2006 byCharlaine Harris Schulz

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Electronic edition: May, 2006


























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