Song of Spider-Man: The Inside Story of the Most Controversial Musical in Broadway History (42 page)

BOOK: Song of Spider-Man: The Inside Story of the Most Controversial Musical in Broadway History
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Forgiveness was how Prospera finally was able to leave her island. And forgiveness was how, in
Turn Off the Dark
1.0, Peter Parker freed the long-suffering Arachne, and allowed her to ascend into the stars. And it’s what will release all the players from this drama once and for all. That, and a couple of court settlements.

In February 2012, the producers announced they had reached a settlement with the SDC, agreeing to pay Julie Taymor “full royalties for her director services,” which translated to $9,750 a week for the remainder of the Broadway run. Her suit for
royalties was still very much in play. But finally, after countersuits and a raft of postponements, on—yes—April Fool’s Day, 2013, my lawyer informed me that the settlement had been finalized. It was over.

There was a time—a year after the show opened—when you could go on to the
Turn Off the Dark
website and not find Julie’s name
. Her history with the show had been erased in the best Stalinist style. There was only a picture of Phil, labeled
. But with the settlement in place, the program now and forever shall read: “Direction by Julie Taymor, Additional Direction by Phil McKinley.”

Bono had a new credit too:
Aptostichus bonoi
. In late 2012, a newly discovered species of tarantula-style arachnid was found at the Joshua Tree National Park. U2’s
The Joshua Tree
inspired the entomologist to name the new species after U2’s lead singer. Julie’s story for
Turn Off the Dark
ended with a spider becoming a human. And now I shall end my story with Bono becoming a spider.

This was a story about storytelling, and I’ve told it with a sincere effort to stay faithful to the facts. However, I
the Russian hairdresser, so all bets are off.

There’s a three-panel comic strip, which in three panels says everything I’ve ever wanted to express as an artist, and this comic-strip
artist did it with a narrative and stylistic economy I could never hope to match. The title of the strip is
40,000 Years Between Panels
. The first panel depicts, in a simple pen drawing, a desolate landscape. In the second panel, two wide-eyed, middle-aged, crudely drawn men are standing in a living room. One asks the other, “But why did you bring an extra pair of pants?” In the third panel, we see . . . a desolate landscape.

For this brief moment, we’re here, humans, flawed and earnest. Flawed, yes. But what if this ultimately wasn’t a tale of hubris? What if this wasn’t a story of egos run amok, or money-managing ineptitude, or blind ambition or blinkered artistry? What if this story, in the end, was about the earnest effort to heave a vision into reality. The story of starry-eyed, hard-nosed, thin-skinned, charming, flawed but undeniably earnest people enduring any amount of rigmarole—forging and destroying friendships—and all for the sake of—what?—
? For money too, sure, but what were we all trying to make money off of?
What other animal does this? What kind of species

A month after landing this job in 2005, I saw a U2 concert. A month after
ran out of money in 2009, I saw another U2 concert. And a month after the show opened in 2011, I saw a third U2 concert. And over all that time, watching those four lads together onstage—as they’ve been together on stages for more than thirty years—it was clear the foursome’s spiritual ambitions hadn’t dimmed a lumen. Their earnestness could make you cry. Bono reaches out a hand and reminds you that the same hand that can flip the bird can also reach out in yearning toward the Infinite. Toward Love.

is the ideograph, the essence, the single image for Julie’s
Turn Off the Dark
. The gesture Chris Tierney made at the edge of the bridge. The web-shooter that didn’t work, and then
the frozen leap. The gesture of a powerless superhero leaping for love and toward death with nothing to catch his fall.
A boy falling from the sky.

Edge and Bono took the title of that song from a line in a poem by Auden (“Musée des Beaux Arts”). Which, in turn, was inspired by a seventeenth-century painting by Bruegel:
Landscape with the Fall of Icarus
. The painting is one of those typical merchant-ships-in-a-Dutch-bay-on-a-sunny-day paintings. In the foreground, a man plows his field. A little farther off, a shepherd tends his flock. And, barely noticeable at first glance, there in the bay—a splash, and a pair of upturned legs. Auden mused how the Old Masters were never wrong about suffering. How, after a disaster, life for the living always resumes, as it will. How the ship that witnessed “a boy falling out of the sky, had somewhere to get to and sailed calmly on.”

All that mad hubbub
generated has already subsided and will soon be forgotten. Like a magician’s flash paper, those delirious, baffling, inexcusably operatic days were a blinding but momentary blaze, and as my eyes readjust, I see Danny Ezralow and me in a Ninth Avenue Thai joint back in 2010 after a full day of auditions. Danny picked up the tab, but before he did, he broke out his video camera.

“Okay, Glen—let’s get it down on film.”

“Get what?”

“What do we want this show to be? What are we aspiring to?”


“We’ll watch it later on—when we’re in rehearsal—so we can stay on track.”

“Well, okay look . . . what’s the most important thing?”

There are shows that turn a theatre into a dark and suffocating coffin. And there are others that turn you on and resuscitate your soul.
. That’s the most important thing.

We wanted to remind people that they’re alive. Now. Here.

“Danny, this project—it’s a huge chance we’ve been given.”

“I know.”

Danny’s eyes met mine. We were both as naïve and naked as any inhabitant of Eden. As any artist. As any human.


“So . . .” Danny laughed.
“Let’s not screw it up

We never did re-watch that video.

’Nuff said.


This book was once twelve thousand pages. Practically. If you had read the first draft at an average clip, you’d have experienced the eight-year gestation of
Turn Off the Dark
in real time. Nicholas Greene—discerning, compassionate, incisive editor Nicholas Greene—showed me how to cut this mother down, and always with humor, graciousness, and patience. I owe him an enormous debt. Jonathan Karp, on the strength of a scanty and scattered pitch, mustered up enough faith to offer me a chance to turn my pitch into a Simon & Schuster book. And then he kept that faith, even after I made a cruel mockery of his original deadline. For his wise and unwavering mentorship, this first-time book writer is deeply grateful. My book agent, Joe Veltre, and longtime agent, Joyce Ketay, are owed many thanks for their guidance and gentle prodding, as well as Jonathan Evans, the book’s production editor. For slogging through early drafts and still managing to find the energy to be encouraging and insightful, I want to thank Alex Aron, Jeanne and Myron Berger, Roy and Shannon Almquist, Ingrid Almquist, and Jules Cazedessus, who was also an inspiration for this book in uncountable ways. There are also those who assisted me simply by giving me the space to write this story without interference. No small sacrifice, it required serious acts of kindness and trust. Edge, Bono, Michael Cohl, and Jere Har
ris top this list, and they have my gratitude. Special thanks also go to Erin Oestreich and Rob Bissinger for being such reflective and obliging resources. Solomon, Sylvie, and Theodore Bergquist were my muses, though they endured more deprivations than any other thanks to all the hours I spent writing this ridiculous tale. The Mountain Laurel Waldorf School and its community of parents and students were a deeper source of strength than they could possibly know. And then there’s a list—pages long—of everyone who has donated a portion of their limited mortal life to making
Turn Off the Dark
a reality. The stage crew, all the performers, and the stage managers, the Tech staff, the people whose official job titles I never learned even though they are ten times more vital to the smooth running of the show than I ever was, the people who assist with the costume changes, and those who apply the make up, and mend the costumes, and design the web ads, and—well the list is truly pages long, and I reverently thank them all.

And then there’s Karin Almquist, who isn’t crazy about hyperbole or public confessions of love, but I’m here on bended knee in front of her, with a bouquet of a thousand flowers, in a stadium full of a million people, with skywriters writing “I Love You” and “Thank You” over and over again. Because I’d be singing early bongelese versions of the
songs while drooling and wearing a straightjacket if it weren’t for her. I’ll never be able to pay her back, unless she leaves me alone for nine months with our three children and a dying dog (I hope she doesn’t), but it’s always an option.

Lastly: Just as this book was going to print, I received a call from Julie Taymor. I didn’t answer it. I figured she had simply sat on her phone. After all, she hadn’t called me for more than two and a half years, though I never erased her phone number because . . . well, just in case. And then my phone chimed. Because Julie had left
a message. Hearing that voice again, inflected with warmth and familiarity . . . boy, that staggered me. What followed over the next two days was a handful of e-mails and three hours of conversation. The conversations weren’t just civil, they were genial—strange and psychedelic for being so almost-normal. Which is all to say, I wrote in my book that she and I never talked again. That’s now incorrect. Though her call came too late in the production process for me to incorporate additional changes, I hope she’ll see that I endeavored to make this at least an honest account, though my memory and my word count were limited, and she of course had her own perspective on the experience. With all my heart I wish her peace; I wish her a life of love and creation. Like no one else, she leaves me with nothing to do but to humbly repeat Dag Hammarskjöld’s morning prayer: “For everything that has been—thank you. For all that will be—

About the Author


Glen Berger cut his teeth at Seattle’s Annex Theatre back in the ’90s. His plays since then include
Underneath the Lintel
, which has been staged more than two hundred times worldwide, been translated into eight languages, and won several Best Play awards; and
O Lovely Glowworm
, a 2005 Portland Drammy Award winner for Best Script. He is a New Dramatists alumnus.

In television, Glen has won two Emmys (out of twelve nominations) and has written more than 150 episodes for children’s television series including
(Discovery/The Learning Channel),
Big and Small
(BBC), and
(PBS), for which he was the head writer for all five years of its run.

Glen spent six years cowriting the script of
Spider-Man: Turn Off the Dark



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