Read Son of the Black Stallion Online

Authors: Walter Farley

Son of the Black Stallion (6 page)

BOOK: Son of the Black Stallion
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Alec well remembered the horses Abu Ishak had given Mr. Volence, their friend, who had made possible their trip to Arabia in search of the Black. “They were fine horses,” Alec said quietly, “but they couldn’t run on the same track with the Black. Even Volence knew that.”

“Sure,” grunted Henry, “but by breeding ’em to some of his good stock down in Kentucky, Volence hoped to get something. I suspect the first foals have already come along by this time. But getting back to Boldt, he tried for months to get me to talk about Volence’s Arabians ’n’ even Abu Ishak. I kept my mouth shut and played dumb ’til there came a time when old Boldt would pass me by without noddin’ his head. And that’s the way it went. Later I heard he went and tried to buy the horses from Volence, and when Volence wouldn’t sell, Boldt swore he’d get even.”

“Nice guy,” muttered Alec sarcastically. He thought a minute, then added, “I wonder what Boldt would do if he learned about the Black’s colt being here?”

“That’s what we’ve got to keep from him as long as possible, Alec. With his money and pull he could make things uncomfortable some way. The horses Volence brought back are peanuts compared to what your little baby there in back is worth to Boldt. He told me once’t that it was his supreme ambition to own a wild desert stallion like the Black. But he can’t get to him, an’ he knows it. If he learns the Black’s son is here … well, Alec, we’ve just got to keep it from him as long as we can. Then when the time comes, we’ll figure out what to do.”

“Yes,” Alec said, “no sense worrying about it now.”

They had reached the truck route running parallel to the Parkway leading to Flushing, and in less than half an hour they’d arrive home. Alec wondered if his father had taken Sebastian to Flushing, then decided that it all depended on how seriously Sebastian was hurt. If his father thought the puppy’s injuries were critical, he’d find a veterinary in New York instead of making the trip home.

Henry said, “You thought of a name for the colt, Alec?”

“For months I’ve been thinking about it, Henry.”

“Then you’ve picked one out. What’s it to be?”

“Satan,” Alec replied, turning to his friend.

“Satan,” Henry repeated. “Uh-huh. Satan.” He paused, then continued, “Abu called the Black Shêtân, back in Arabia. Shêtân means devil in Arabic. So his son is to be named Satan. Is that it, Alec?”

Alec’s eyes were bright as he nodded. “It’s a good name, Henry, isn’t it? He’s so full of fire.”

“Yeah, Alec, I guess it is,” Henry replied, his gaze turning back to the road. Those black, sinister eyes of the colt haunted him like the devil himself. He attempted to shrug the feeling off. There might be nothing to it, he told himself. Nothing that couldn’t be whipped in time. But he wanted to be around from the very beginning to keep his hand on this colt, for there was no telling what might happen later if he were allowed to get out of control early in the game. It was important, much more important than Alec realized. Finally Henry turned to Alec and said, “I’m flying back to the West Coast early tomorrow morning to quit my job with Boldt. Then I’ll be back in a few days.”

Alec looked at Henry, studying his wrinkled face with keen eyes. “But your contract, Henry,” he said, “… it’s not up for two months.”

“I can talk Boldt into lettin’ me go,” Henry replied. “I’ve got ways.” Then, grinning, he explained, “Just let me mention that I saw Volence’s youngsters when I was east and they looked mighty good to me … say, even better than his gray colt … that’s all I have to do. He’ll sack me for that, Alec. I know him and his kind. Boldt can act like a jealous kid when it comes to his horses.”

Alec said thoughtfully, “You’ll lose money on the deal, Henry. Two months’ salary, maybe.”

“Mebbe an’ mebbe not,” Henry replied. “If I do, it’s worth it.”

“You’re a good friend, Henry.”

“Naw,” Henry scoffed. “There isn’t a trainer in the
country who wouldn’t give his right arm to get a crack at the son of the Black. An’ don’t you forget it, Alec.”

It wasn’t until they neared Flushing that Henry spoke again. “Besides,” he said, “another reason for my bein’ around is that you’re due to go back to that upstate college mighty soon, ain’tcha? Tomorrow is the first of September … that means I oughta be back just before you leave,” he concluded. When Alec didn’t reply, he turned and noticed the way Alec avoided his eyes. “What were you thinkin’ of doin’, Alec, if I couldn’t have gotten back here for another two months? Were you thinkin’ of lettin’ Tony keep an eye on the colt, or somethin’ like that?”

Alec said quietly, “I was thinking of quitting school, Henry.”

It was several minutes before Henry said anything. “Have you mentioned this to your father?”

“No …”

“But now that I’m goin’ to be around, you won’t have to quit,” Henry said.

“I still want to be around, too, Henry.”

“But you’ll be back during Christmas vacation an’ then there’ll be all of next summer.” Henry’s gaze found Alec’s. “Besides,” he added lightly, “there’s not going to be much to do. Just keepin’ watch on him, that’s all. And Alec”—he paused—“I know how your folks feel about your goin’ to school.”

“I know, Henry,” Alec replied, almost curtly. “I know, but this is important.”

“School’s important, too,” Henry said slowly. “You once’t told me you wanted to know all there was to know about horses … what went on inside ’em as well
as outside. An’ in your letters to me while you were at school y’said the subjects you were takin’ were just what you wanted, like animal anatomy and those other things you mentioned.”

never had them,” Alec said quietly.

“Sure, and mebbe I’d be a better trainer if I’d had,” Henry insisted. Shrugging his shoulders, he added, “It’s your life, Alec. Play it the way you want to. I’m jest sayin’ that it’s goin’ to take months and months for the colt to grow up an’ our real trainin’ won’t begin until then.”

Alec was silent as the van reached Flushing. There was a lot to what Henry said, he knew. But he had waited a long time for the arrival of his colt, and now that Satan was here he wanted to be with him every day. He wanted to feed him, take care of him, watch him playing in the field, just as he’d done with the Black. And then when the time came, he’d ride him around the field until Henry said the colt was ready to be taken to the track for workouts. It would probably be Belmont, since that track was the nearest to Flushing. And they’d have night workouts, too, so no one would get an inkling of Satan’s speed.

Henry said, “You’ll get the registration blanks from the Jockey Club?”

Nodding, Alec answered, “Tomorrow, Henry.”

“Y’know where it is?”

“Two-fifty Park Avenue.”

“Yeah, that’s it.” Then, thoughtfully, “All you’ll need will be the certificate of identification for the veterinary to fill out after he’s examined the colt. Then y’send that back together with the colt’s pedigree which
Abu sent you in his letter. There’s a five-dollar fee, too.”

“Yes, I know, Henry. I’ve already checked up on it.”

“How about the vet?”

“There’s Hancock in Flushing,” Alec replied. “He’s a friend of ours and won’t charge me much.”

“It’s going to cost money, Alec, training and racing Satan.”

“I’ve saved for it. I’ll get more,” Alec said.

“And I’ve got some.”

Alec turned to Henry. “You needn’t …”

“I know I
” Henry grinned, “but we’re partners, ain’t we?”

Smiling, Alec said, “Yes, partners.” He sat back in his seat, relaxed and content. There were problems ahead, of course, but they weren’t insurmountable, and somehow he and Henry would work them out together. “I’ll get an application for an owner’s license, too, Henry,” he said. “Just think … 
colors, and me up there on his back, Henry!” Excitedly, Alec half-turned in his seat; then, as he saw Henry’s face, he stopped short.

horse,” the old man was muttering in a voice so low Alec could barely make out his words, “… and
riding him.” Turning to Alec, he said, “I’m a fool. A blasted old fool. You can’t do it, Alec … it’s no go.”

“Can’t do what, Henry? What can’t I do?”

The old man said sorrowfully, “I should have thought of it. Shoulda thought of it before this.” He paused, then said slowly, “Y’can’t own and ride
Satan both. It’s in the rules … a jockey can’t own a race horse.”

“You mean … You’re sure, Henry? It’s in the rules of racing?” Alec’s voice was emotionless, dead.

“Yes, Alec, I’m certain.” And then as the moments swept by without Alec’s saying a word, Henry asked, “You want to ride, don’tcha?” Henry knew what Alec’s answer would be even before the boy nodded. “Okay, then, it ain’t so bad, Alec, really. There’s your dad … have him register the horse in his name. There’s nothin’ in the rules which says a jock can’t ride his father’s horse. Then it’ll still be
name on the owner’s sheet, and
colors, too. I’m sure your father will understand.”

Alec smiled grimly. “My dad … a race horse owner? Do you think he’d have any part of the colt after today? Are you serious, Henry?”

“Sure, I’m serious. Your father oughta know that what happened today was partly Sebastian’s fault. He oughta know that.”

“But, Henry, Dad doesn’t even like horses. He wouldn’t have any part of it, I know.”

“I’m not tellin’ you you don’t know your own father,” Henry said, “but I’ve seen his eyes light up at times when he used to watch the Black. An’ I saw it again today with the colt. Just once’t and only for a second,” he admitted, “but that’s all that was necessary. He’s not against horses, Alec. Don’t you think that.”

“But if he won’t do it, Henry,” Alec’s words came slowly, “will you? Can a trainer own a race horse?”

“Yes,” Henry replied quietly, “a trainer can own a
race horse, Alec. And I’ll do it, if your dad won’t. I guess there isn’t anything I’d like more in the world than to see the son of the Black runnin’ in my name. But that’s not the way it should be. He’s
horse, Alec, and
name belongs on him … with you up on his back, riding in
silks. The two of you are goin’ places. I’ve had my day, Alec, and now I just wanta sit back an’ watch. Another reason I shouldn’t own the colt,” he added, his brow furrowing, “is that the names of all new horses and owners registered with the Jockey Club are published in the Racing Calendar … that’s the official racing magazine. Boldt reads it religiously. He’d see my name and might get to thinkin’ I had something up my sleeve. But I don’t think the name William Ramsay would register with him. It’s better that you speak to your father, Alec.”

“Okay, Henry.…”

It was almost dark when the van turned down their block, and behind him Alec heard the colt’s hoofs impatiently strike the wooden floor. There was no alternative now, he thought, but to tell his father of the plans to race Satan. He couldn’t put it off for months as he’d intended to do. And now his father’s reaction would be all the more important, because he was to play a part in the racing of the colt. Alec felt the tight, hard ball in his stomach again. Would his father understand how much this meant to him? Would he agree to race Satan in his name … 
name? Was Henry right? … Did his father really have a feeling for horses? A feeling that might make him understand? Then Alec remembered his dad’s words as they were driving to the pier: “
You’ve had enough excitement to last a
lifetime … take it easy … go for nice slow rides through the park … just make a pal of him.
” Alec wondered, and swallowed hard. Then there was school. He had to tell his father that he didn’t want to go back. And there was Sebastian, too. If the dog was critically hurt, he’d never forgive himself for letting the colt get away, even if it had been partly Sebastian’s fault. “It’s the beginning, all right,” he muttered to himself. “In fact, it’s begun.…”

“What’s that, Alec?” Henry asked.

“Nothing, Henry.”

They passed the brown house, and Alec saw a light in the living room. Maybe his father was already there, or maybe it was just his mother, awaiting their return.

The van pulled up in front of the iron gate and stopped while Henry and Alec got out to open it. Then the truck rolled through slowly, and they walked behind it, up the graveled driveway toward the barn. “Napoleon still here?” Henry asked. And after Alec nodded, the old man said, “Good. He’ll help quiet down the colt, just like he did the Black.” Henry’s gaze shifted to the large house on the corner, a few hundred yards from the barn. “You think the missis will be glad to see me, Alec?” he asked, and there was a skeptical look on his wrinkled face.

Alec smiled. “Sure, Henry. You’re her husband, aren’t you?”

“Makes no difference after you’ve been married as long as we have, m’boy,” Henry replied seriously. “Besides, she never wanted me to get mixed up in big-time trainin’ again … and I went and done it, over her head.”

“Then tell her you’re through with it, Henry,”
Alec suggested. “Tell her you’re quitting Boldt and coming back.”

“Good idea, Alec,” Henry said, nodding his head. “I’ll tell her first thing.”

The van backed up to the barn, and the driver sat behind the wheel, waiting for Alec and Henry to rid him of his cargo. They opened the back, put the ramp down and walked inside.

The black colt stood there in the darkness of the van, his nostrils tingling with a scent that set his blood on fire. And the fire swept through him until his black body was quivering with eagerness and his eyes glowed with hate. His ears lay back, flat against his small head, which moved from side to side defiantly. He pulled at the rope which held him tight, and as the scent grew stronger in his nostrils and the sound of footsteps reached him, he snorted and kicked out his hind legs.

“Careful, Alec,” Henry cautioned as the boy moved ahead of him. “He could do some damage if he caught you in the head.”

The colt couldn’t turn, couldn’t see behind him. Alec moved quietly to one side of the van; then, with quickness and agility, he ran forward, closing in upon the fierce head. “No you don’t, Satan,” he said, as the colt bared his teeth and attempted to bite him. Snorting, the colt tried to pull away from this person who held his head. He heaved upward, frantic for his freedom. But the pressure on his head was still there when he came down.

BOOK: Son of the Black Stallion
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