Read Son of a Preacher Man Online

Authors: Arianna Hart

Son of a Preacher Man (11 page)

BOOK: Son of a Preacher Man
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And still, he teased. He kneaded her butt cheeks, squeezing then letting go as his fingers crept nearer to her cleft. She thrust her hips, trying to get closer to his cock, encouraging him to fill her. When she reached for his shaft, he released her butt to grab both her wrists in one hand and hold them over her head.

“I’ve waited twelve years for the chance to get my hands on this luscious body of yours. I’m not going to rush it.”

“You’re killing me,” she gasped as he tormented her nipple, licking it then blowing air across it, but never fully drawing it into his mouth.

“Then you’ll die happy. I’ve had a long time to think about all the ways I want to touch you. All the wicked, wonderful things I want to do to your body.” He whispered a suggestion in her ear before he bit the lobe, and fluid gushed between her thighs.

Her head whipped back and forth as he trailed his free hand down her torso and fluttered over her hip bone. He grazed the curls covering her mound but didn’t linger. With her hands trapped over her head and her legs hanging off the table, she no longer had any leverage to thrust herself closer to his maddeningly wandering fingers.

Lightning flashed, illuminating his face. His eyes were hot with desire, burning over her like a brand. He stroked the soft flesh of her stomach, circling out from her belly button closer and closer to the spot that wept for him. Sweat trickled down his face, and she wanted to lick the salt from his skin. His jaw was clenched and the muscles of his shoulders were rigid with tension. Waiting must be as hard on him as it was on her.

“J.T.” She moaned as the blunt tip of his finger slid into the wetness of her nether lips.

“You’re so wet for me. So ready.”


“Not yet.”

He released her wrists, but before she could grasp him, he knelt between her legs, pulling her to the very edge of the table. Her thighs were dangling so he draped them over his shoulders.

“Nadya, look at me. I want to watch you unravel.” He slipped his finger inside her channel and she moaned with the pleasure of it.

Her eyes rolled back as he drew the long digit out of her and thrust it in again. A second finger joined the first, stretching her. Still, he avoided the tight bud of nerves waiting for his touch.

“Look. At. Me.”

She forced her eyes open and met his blazing green ones as he dipped his head and sucked her clit into his mouth while pumping his fingers inside her.

She didn’t just unravel, she exploded. Her shoulders lifted off the table with the force of her orgasm, and she let out a wordless cry as she rode the wave of pleasure crashing over her. Spasms shook her as he continued to lick the very center of her.

“No more. I can’t take any more.”

“Yes, you can.”

J.T. withdrew his fingers and traced them along the cleft of her behind. She shivered in delight as he teased her, but she didn’t want any more foreplay. She wanted him.

“Now. I want you in me now.”

“So demanding,” he chuckled, and she felt the rumble of it along her chest as he moved over her to torment her ear with his wicked tongue.

With her hands free, she could explore the shape of him and reached to gently caress the sac that dangled heavily beneath his cock. When she ran a fingernail along his length it was his turn to gasp. He dug his fingers into her hips as she swirled the fluid along the satiny head of his shaft. Under the smooth skin, he was rock hard.

She pumped her hand up and down his cock, drawing him closer to her center.

“Protection?” he ground out between clenched teeth.


“Thank you, Jesus,” he groaned before he drove into her waiting warmth.

Nadya saw stars as he filled her. His cock stretched her and rubbed every nerve ending perfectly. Heat built and tension coiled all over again as he slowly withdrew and then hammered home again. She arched her hips and the angle sent off another storm of sensations, causing her to cry out in pleasure.

Looking up at J.T., she saw the muscle in his jaw vibrate as he clenched his teeth. Sweat ran off him, and the muscles of his shoulder and arms bulged. His head was thrown back and he was breathing heavily.

“I have wanted this so damn much, for so damn long.” His eyes blazed into hers.

He gripped her ass, and she wrapped her legs around his waist. “Me too.”

Their bodies slapped together and the table shook as he drove into her over and over again. Nadya clung to his forearms, digging her nails into his skin as the storm within her raged more fiercely than the one outside the cabin.

Her body coiled tighter and tighter until something finally snapped and she exploded in a starburst of pleasure. Wave after wave rolled over her as J.T. continued to plunge into her spasming body. It didn’t take long before he reached his own release.

He collapsed on top of her, pressing her into the table. She could barely breathe and didn’t much care. Every bone in her body had melted. She felt liquid and weightless and more satisfied than she ever recalled being in her entire life.

J.T. eased onto his arms, lifting the weight of his body off her. His thumb caressed her cheek and he just stared at her. She couldn’t read what was going on in his head by the expression on his face. He looked sated and something


“It was worth the wait.”

Nadya laughed, which pushed him out of her body, and she mourned the loss. “I agree.”

He leaned down and kissed her tenderly. Something more than lust stirred in her gut, but she pushed it away. Right now she wanted to live in the moment. “I need to wash up before I ruin your table.”

“I’ll never look at it the same way again.” He effortlessly lifted her and set her on her feet.

Her knees buckled and he let out a low laugh that sounded way too prideful. She was about to make a comment to put him in his place when his cell phone rang. They both looked at his jeans on the floor where the annoying tone continued to trill.

“Damn. I’d better get that.” He retrieved the phone. “McBride.”

Nadya took the opportunity to scurry to the bathroom to regroup. She could hear him answering questions and hoped he didn’t have to go out in the storm.

As she cleaned up, she looked around her old home. Had it always been this stark? And with this much paneling? In her mind, she remembered colorful rugs and wall hangings filling the rooms. Multi-colored pillows had been scattered about, on the floors, beds and the beat-up old couch they’d gotten from the side of the road when they came back from a rare trip to Canton.

Now the wood floors lay bare except for a couple of tiny braided rugs, and the walls were empty of decoration. How did he stand this much knotty pine without any color? The bathroom had the same worn linoleum from her youth. Her heart thudded heavily as she remembered sitting on the floor counting the squares as her mama washed her face before bed.

Thoughts of Hornblower and her father tried to push their way into her consciousness but she thrust them aside with an act of will. She’d just had mind-altering sex. She wanted to enjoy the afterglow without thinking about


“Yup. Okay. Thanks.”

She heard J.T. end his call from the other room. Wrapping a towel around herself, she met him in the hall between the two bedrooms.

“That was Bill. He’s going to come by and pick up your keys, then he and Mary Ellen will bring your car back to their place.”

“That’s nice of him. What did you, ah, tell him?”

“I didn’t tell him that I had just nailed you on the kitchen table, if that’s why you’re blushing.”

“Jerk.” She poked his stomach.

“I told him you’d had a rough day and needed some peace and quiet, and I’d take you back to their place in the morning on my way to work.”

“Lord. What is Mary Ellen going to think?”

“I have no idea. All I know is that Bill told me if I didn’t do right by you he’d have to beat the tar out of me.”

“Do right by me? What’s that supposed to mean? Never mind, I don’t want to know.”

“I think we can leave it up to our own interpretation.” He tugged at the towel until it fell to the floor. “And my interpretation involves a steamy shower and lots of slippery skin.” His mouth grazed her lips and then trailed to her ear where he whispered in great detail what he planned to do with said slippery skin.

“I like how you think.”

Chapter Eight

Nadya didn’t exactly tiptoe into Mary Ellen’s house, but she didn’t announce her presence either. J.T. had to be at the police station by seven, so there weren’t a lot of people out and about to witness her slipping out of his truck in tailored pants, ruined heels and his gray police academy T-shirt.

Any hope of sneaking into her room and changing into something more presentable died as Mary Ellen met her in the stairway.

“Well, don’t you look satisfied,” she said with a smug smile. “I have coffee made and cinnamon buns in the oven. I’ll give you five minutes to change before I haul you back down and beat every last detail out of you.”

Nadya stifled a laugh, trying not to wake the boys. “I’ll fill you in—just let me clean up.”

“Five minutes. I’m not kidding,” she warned as she headed to the kitchen.

Nadya felt as satisfied as Mary Ellen had accused her of being. She was a little sore, but it was well worth it. Her muscles felt loose and liquid and every time she thought about last night, her stomach did a funny little flip.

She threw on shorts and a halter top and bound her hair up in a sloppy bun on top of her head. It was a frizzy mess of curls from drying naturally after her shower with J.T. She couldn’t regret it though. That shower had been epic. He’d done things with soap and water that would make her look at Ivory in a different light for the rest of her life.

When she joined Mary Ellen in the kitchen, the smells of coffee and cinnamon made her stomach growl. She’d had a piece of toast and a cup of ridiculously strong coffee at the cabin, but this smelled heavenly.

“We’ve got about ten minutes before the boys wake up. Give me the highlights now, and you can fill in the details when they go down for a nap.”

“Do you want to hear the father part or the J.T. part first?”

“Hmm. What a dilemma, old sex or new sex? Tell me about your father. I don’t want to rush the good sex part.”

“My sperm donor was a man named Haywood Masterson. He owned a horse farm outside of Canton. My mama’s family went to work there and he ’fell in love’ with her.” She made air quotes with her fingers.

“I’ve heard of Woody Masterson. He doesn’t just own a horse farm—he owns
horse farm. There was talk of him even running for the senate at one point in time. His wife is old Southern—you know, mint juleps and white gloves and all that. He hired my daddy way back before I was born to lead hunting trips, but then he stopped coming to his cabin—” She stopped dead.

“Because he gave the use of his hunting cabin to my mama in exchange for not putting his name on my birth certificate.”

“Holy cow.” Mary Ellen went silent for longer than Nadya had ever believed her capable of being.

“My mama was sixteen. Her family shunned her because she lost her virginity to an Outsider and ruined the marriage her father had arranged for her. But you know, he’s sorry.”


“No, that would be me.”

“Oh, shut up. You know what I mean. So what else did he have to say in his letter?” Mary Ellen handed her a cinnamon bun the size of a softball with icing melting off the sides.

“Only that he never regretted falling in love with my mama, and that he was proud of me and he hoped someday I could forgive him.”

“Like hell.”

“Exactly. Oh, and in his will he left me the cabin and forty acres surrounding it. Apparently, it’s been in a trust since I was born.”

“Get out! Damn, that’s got to be worth a big chunk of change.”

“Maybe. Fat lot of good it did me when we were growing up and shopping at the Goodwill.”

“What are you going to do with it?”

“I don’t know.” Nadya bit into the cinnamon bun and moaned as the flavors rolled over her taste buds. “My mama told him she didn’t want it, only the use of it until I no longer needed it. I kind of feel the same way. Like if I accept it he bought me off or something.”

“Screw that. He wasn’t there for your entire life. He owes you a hell of a lot more than a cabin in the woods. He was loaded. He should have left you part of the farm as well.”

“I don’t want anything from him.”

“Don’t make any decisions yet. Give yourself some time to think about this rationally.” Mary Ellen got up to pour more coffee. Before she could sit back down, Little Billy wandered into the room, rubbing the sleep from his eyes.

“Can I have a cimonim bun too? With extra icing?”

“Sure, sweetheart.” Mary Ellen shot Nadya a look that silently said their discussion wasn’t over by a long shot.

“Miss Nadya, do you want to come to the playground with us today? Mama said we can get ice cream after. I can swing really high and go on the big slide without getting scared.”

BOOK: Son of a Preacher Man
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