Read Somewhere Montana Online

Authors: MJ Platt

Somewhere Montana (17 page)

BOOK: Somewhere Montana
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After tucking him in, Sage added more wood to the fire and moved more logs within easy reach. Then she proceeded to shed her clothes wet in areas from assisting Mac back to the cave. He turned on his side, facing the fire, as he watched her strip.

“What are you doing?” he asked, his voice low and husky.

“You taught us the quickest way to warm someone in these conditions was body heat. Skin to skin,” she answered, slipping into the bag behind him to snuggle against his back. “Wow! You weren’t kidding when you said you were an ice cube.”

He couldn’t think. He felt her shiver as her bare breasts nestled into his scarred back and her arms came around him, the rest of her curled along the length of him. He definitely was getting warmer, and not from the fire. Knowing what it was doing to him, his body tensed.

“Relax,” she murmured drowsily. “As soon as you’re warm enough we can head back to the house.”

At this rate he figured he would be plenty warm enough in short order. He felt her body slacken in sleep, her slow breaths drifting across the back of his neck. That allowed his body to loosen up and his mind to wander.

When his leave was up, he only had six months left in his hitch. He wanted to remain stateside. They had offered him a position to teach sniper training at Quantico. There was also a sniper school at Camp Pendleton. At least he and Sage would be on the same coast and in the same state. No, he didn’t want even that amount of distance between them. He wanted her with him. To see her every day. Be with him every night. Now that he had found her, he couldn’t let her go. They would be married before he had to go back.

Mac turned over to face her, his heated body coming into contact with her chilled skin.

Damn it! She didn’t have the body mass to sustain the heat needed to warm him. He wrapped her tightly in his arms as he rained kisses across her temple, her cheek, and down her neck, gently nuzzling her awake.


His lips came down to claim hers in an all-consuming kiss. His tongue teasing her to open for him, then diving inside to taste her. He wanted to take this all the way to its ultimate culmination. But he couldn’t yet.

He eased away with kisses that sipped instead of drinking fully of her sweetness. Inching away until he could look into her passion filled eyes that also showed her love. Yet he needed her to say it, to admit she loved him as deeply as he did her. Maybe he needed to say it first to prove to her she could be loved.

“Sage,” he whispered, caressing her cheek, her neck, across her shoulder and down her arm to entwine his fingers with hers. “I love you. I want you to be my wife, the mother of our children, to be together forever. Will you marry me?”

“What did you say?” Her astonished look coupled with the wariness in her eyes made his heart stutter.

“I love you.” He sensed this truth showed in the whiskey brown depths.

“I love you, too,” she answered. She cupped his cheek in her palm. “I have for a long time. But I didn’t believe you could love me.”

“Believe it,” he stated, turning his head to place a kiss in her palm. “Now will you answer my question? Will you do me the honor of being my wife?”

“Yes,” she breathed, eyes shining with threatening tears. “I promise to love you always, whatever the future holds.”

“And I promise to love and cherish you, whatever may come our way, forever and beyond.” They sealed their vows with a kiss that brewed the heat level to intense. She arched against him while his thigh slid between hers to press against her feminine parts. He managed to pull back enough to gaze down at her, his fogged brain not rational.

“Since we already said our vows before God,” said Mac, staring at her passionate expression, “for all intents and purposes, this is our wedding night.”

“Yes. Oh, yes,” whispered Sage.

He moved in to devour her kiss-swollen lips, his hand sliding up to cradle a breast, his thumb caressing the nipple into a hard nub. Her low moan encouraged him to kiss his way over her neck and chest until he took the nipple in his mouth. He bit gently on it, then soothed it with his tongue before tenderly sucking on it.

His hand stroked lightly over her abdomen and lower, his fingers threading their way through the soft curls at her mound until they found the little bundle of nerves at the top of that private place. She gasped and jumped as he touched her there, clamping her thighs together.

“Easy, Sage. Don’t think. Just feel. This is part of my loving you.” He eased her thighs apart, inserting his while he continued to massage with his fingers. Slowly he slid them lower to her entrance. She was so wet. But as he slipped one finger inside he knew she wasn’t ready. He withdrew then entered two fingers while his thumb kept stroking the small knot above.

He moved back up to take her lips in a hungry kiss. Her hands clamped on his shoulders, her hips rising to press against his hand. He returned to her breasts, his hand gently kneading one while his mouth paid homage to the other.

Sensing her close to completion, he raised his head. “Open your eyes, Sage. Look at me. What you’re feeling is natural. Let yourself go.”

A few more faster strokes and she shattered in his arms, her inner muscles squeezing his fingers in short bursts. Her quick gasp and flinch showed him he had completed the task intended.

“That will make it easier for you when we completely consummate our marriage, since I am better endowed than some men I don’t want to hurt you.” He withdrew his hand and reached for the towel he had dropped above his head, removing the trace of blood from his fingers. “Now you touch me,” he invited, guiding her hand to his engorged member, not looking away from her.


* * * *


Sage tentatively slid her fingertips down his erection to cup the sac and examine the two large shapes it contained. As she followed the path back up, she wrapped her hand around him. When she ran her thumb over the head, encountering the drop of moisture, he groaned and tensed beside her. She immediately let go, thinking she had hurt him. His smile, the passion and love in his eyes as he replaced her hand on him, reassured her. With each stroke he grew larger. It felt like steel covered in silk. How could that fit inside her?

She thought back to what he had done with her. His kisses had lit a fire in her. When he moved down to kiss her breasts, she had been embarrassed until he took her nipple into his mouth and sucked on it. Then a jolt had zinged through her body to lodge at the juncture of her thighs and she could feel the wetness it produced.

She moved experimentally to kiss him with the same passion he showed her. Advancing down his chest with butterfly kisses, the hair tickling her nose and lips, she licked his flat, male nipples. At his gasp her head jerked up. His satisfied smile and the love showing in his bourbon colored eyes encouraged her to continue.

His fingers on her had built the feelings in her body until she felt like she would snap. With his soft encouragement she disintegrated into a thousand pieces, like she would never be whole again. Yet it was a pleasant feeling, floating out of her body and returning into his loving hold.

Would her actions now do the same for him? She stroked firmer and faster until, with a moan, he removed her hand. She frowned, her eyes questioning.

“Darlin’, you continue and it will be over before we want it to be. I want to be inside you. To reach that height of ecstasy together,” Mac whispered in her ear. His passionate kiss and his fingers finding the spot that had built the fires within her soon caused her to writhe beneath him and moan, her breaths coming in short gasps. As he eased her thighs apart and guided himself to her entrance, she was uncertain about her ability to give him the same pleasure he had given her. Slowly he pushed forward, lifting her legs to wrap around him. She was so tight and still partially intact. What should she do? She could see the love in the dark whiskey eyes and he was holding himself in control, waiting for her direction. She reached out, her hands on his firm buttocks, urging him forward.

Covering her mouth in a mind-bending kiss, he pushed through, absorbing her cry and momentary fright. When he stopped, she could feel her body adjusting to his. She knew he didn’t want to hurt her, only pleasure her. He pushed deeper with each thrust until he was fully sheathed.

She took a moment to enjoy the glorious feeling of the flesh-to-flesh connection. She was his and he was hers. Then he began to move. Out, in, out, in. She instinctively matched his rhythm in the age-old dance of love. She could feel herself getting closer, but she wanted them to finish together. Faster. Deeper. Reaching between them, he found her nub with his thumb. She cried out his name as she went over the edge.

Two more deep thrusts and he also went over, spilling his essence into her, her muscles milking him to the last moment.

When her mind and body returned from wherever it had flown, he rolled to his back taking her with him to drape across his chest. She felt like she had given him a part of her and received a part of him in return. He reached out to toss more wood on the fire, then tucked the covering close around them.

“Are you all right? I’m sorry I hurt you,” he said, his hand gently stroking her back.

“Only a little. Then it was wonderful.” she declared. She raised her head to look at him, her eyes shining with love and happiness. He lifted her to kiss her deeply, showing his love.

“You know,” he intoned, when they were able to breathe again, “we could have dressed in the extra clothes in our backpacks and enjoyed this in a more comfortable setting.”

“Mmmm,” she mumbled. “But this was where we were meant to be.” She wriggled against him.

“Stop, Sage,” he ordered. “You’ll be sore and we don’t have any protection. We’ve already tempted fate once. Yes, I want you again. I want you in my life and in my bed. As my wife. I love you.”

“I love you, too,” she replied. “Together forever doesn’t seem long enough.”

“Forever and beyond,” whispered Mac, kissing the top of her head and tucking her in closely as they drifted off to sleep.








“Sit still!” admonished Vanessa as she tried to pin Sage’s veil on straight. They were in the living room, a few minutes away from Sage walking out to the gazebo in the back gardens where the marriage ceremony would take place. Mac and Sage had chosen the outdoor setting even though late April weather in Montana could be iffy.

But they had been blessed with a sparkling sun in a clear, bright blue sky. It was warm enough for only suits and spring dresses. Family and a few friends were milling about outside, starting to take their seats.

Sage stood and paced to the door and back, the fluttering in her stomach not the butterflies of pre-wedding nerves. It was something bigger—and not the bluebird of happiness either. Something was wrong, or about to go wrong. She had been too happy the past two months planning their wedding.

When she and Mac had called his parents, Boyd and Marla were overjoyed and ready to fly home immediately. Mac convinced them to stay, as the weather in Arizona was better for Boyd’s arthritis than the biting cold of Montana. The call to Vanessa was met with an ear-splitting squeal of joy, like Vanessa wanted to climb through the phone line to hug her.

The nagging sense of an impending malicious event still roiled in Sage’s stomach when Vanessa’s gasp brought Sage to her side by the window. An older couple were marching up the walk to the front door, dressed like they were going to tea with the queen.

“Oh…My…God!” exclaimed Vanessa, looking dismayed. Shaking her head, she pinned Sage with a wide-eyed stare.

“The sperm donor and the incubator,” snapped Sage, turning away from the window, her arms wrapped around her middle and a burning feeling in her throat. “Maybe we won’t open the door.”

Marla opened the door at the commanding knock.

“Mr. and Mrs. Burnett,” she heard the man announce in an imperious tone. “I will see Sage right now. We’re here to stop this farce.” He pushed past Marla, his wife trailing in his wake. Advancing to the living room, he grabbed Sage by the arm and spun her to face him.

Marla sped through the kitchen to the back porch where Mac, Boyd, and Two Feathers were talking. She yelled for them to come in.

“Mac, you might want to be in there,” she ordered. “Sage’s parents just showed up and it sounds like a war is about to start.” All four rushed for the living room.

Mac crossed the threshold and one glance had him moving to Sage’s side. He removed Sheldon’s hand from Sage’s arm, none too gently, and wrapped his arm around her waist. She could see the fight in his eyes and the protective gesture warmed her. No one would touch her. Not even her father. She recognized the older man’s bullying tactics. They were the same as they had been whenever she had displeased him in the past. The tension was so thick in the room one would need a chainsaw to cut through it. Mac’s quick squeeze showed her he would stand with her in this, she could believe in his love. She started to straighten from her defeated stance.

“So this is the cowboy soldier wannabe you think you want to marry. I did a background check on him. He isn’t what you need for a husband,” sneered Sheldon. “He couldn’t keep himself safe. How do you expect him to protect you?”

Tank and Coyote had just arrived and they stepped up beside Mac.

“He’s one of the finest Marines in the Corps,” stated Tank. “Through two tours in Iraq and four tours in Afghanistan, we thanked the Lord Mac was our leader.”

Sage saw Sheldon wave his hand as if batting the words away as of no consequence.

“If you insist on marrying this—whatever,” snarled Sheldon, “I’ll have it annulled before the day is out. You’re coming home with us. I’ll choose the right man for you.”

Sage’s head snapped up, her chin jutted out, her shoulders squared, and her muscles tensed as she glared at her father.

“No, you will not,” ordered Sage. “I know what this is about. Next month I turn twenty-five and receive the trust fund Grandmother Burnett set up for me before she died. She invested it wisely and it is now a substantial sum. You think if you can keep me under your thumb you’ll have access to it to use however you like. Well, think again. You won’t see a penny of it.”

“You can’t squander it on this…this…” Sheldon flicked his fingers in Mac’s direction.

“It will not be used unwisely,” snapped Sage in return. “That three and a half million will be used for whatever Callum and I see fit.”

At the mention of the amount, everybody’s jaw dropped, including her father’s.

“And,” Sage continued, “if you try to follow through with your threat of an annulment, my lawyer will take you apart so fast you’ll be lucky if you’re left with the clothes on your back.”

Her mother gasped and started to cry. Her father’s blustering stance wilted like a leaky party balloon. His shoulders sagged and his head drooped down.

“If you are determined to marry this man,” said Sheldon, standing straight again, resolving to save face, “as father of the bride I will walk you down the aisle and give you away.”

“No, you won’t!” declared Sage, her anger still in control. “There is only one man I would allow that honor. Only one man who treated me as I thought a father should. Boyd MacLain. Since he is already serving as his son’s best man, I will walk down the aisle as I have had to do everything else in my life—alone.” She wouldn’t let this man destroy the happiness she had found with the one man she would ever love.

“Everybody out!” ordered Mac, pulling her close and tucking her face into his shoulder. “This is Sage’s day—our joyous day. No one will ruin it. Go. Take your seats so the ceremony can begin.”

As they all filed out, Mac lifted her chin to deliver a light, tender kiss that caused the torment to ease from her heart.

As Tank passed, he squeezed Mac’s shoulder and said, “You’re supposed to wait till the minister tells you to do that.”

Coyote grinned and clapped him on the back.

“You are so beautiful,” said Mac, his hands clasped at Sage’s waist. “The most beautiful bride in the world and all mine. I will always love you, forever and beyond.”

“I love you, too,” said Sage.

“What’s that?” he asked, touching something white tucked into her cleavage.

“My wedding gift to you,” she answered, pulling it out and handing it to him. “I was going to give it to you tonight.”

He scowled at the piece of plastic with the pink plus sign in the window. 

Then it dawned on him. “You’re…”

“Yes. We’ll be a trio at the altar as we say our vows.”

He wrapped her tenderly in his arms and kissed her with all the love in him. She returned the kiss in the same degree.

“You’re happy?” she asked.

“Ecstatic!” he cried, his smile wide. He slipped the piece of plastic into his inside breast pocket. “Mom and Dad will be too. But we won’t tell them yet. How far?”

“Two months.”

“Aah. Our wedding night behind the falls. This,” he said, patting his pocket, “will be the first item in his or her baby book.” Her smile lit up her eyes and he vowed he would always make her smile like that.

Forever and beyond.


BOOK: Somewhere Montana
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