Somewhere in His Arms (63 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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Giggling, her hands flew to assist his and quickly freed him from the tight fabric. Her husband’s cock sprang out at her, hard and erect. “A-Alec,” she panted as he pushed up her skirts, “Is the…door…locked?”

“I can’t remember….” he muttered hotly against her throat, groaning as he buried himself snugly in her tight heat. He stared down into her sable eyes and began to move, thrusting impatiently, famished for her sweetness. She moaned softly and arched her back, clinging to him desperately. Alec’s head swooped down and took hers, groaning when she sucked on his tongue. Lucy pressed feverish kisses against his mouth and throat, cradling him between her thighs, and sobbed with delight as her husband rode her with wild abandon. He took everything and she gave willingly. His mouth seared and bruised her own and she reveled in it, bucking beneath his body, urging him on, the unbearable ache deep inside growing until her mouth opened on a scream and he caught it with his own, absorbing it on his tongue, and giving it back to her with his own cry of release.              

They lay hugging each other tightly, panting while their breathing slowed. He kissed her neck and raised his head. “All right, love?”

She nodded shyly and kissed his cheek. “And you?”

“Never better,” he grinned wickedly and moved his hips. She gasped and tightened her thighs around him.

“Was that a quickie?” she asked timidly, smiling up into his sated eyes.

Alec laughed softly and kissed her brow. “I think so.”

“We’ve never done that before.”

“First time for everything,” he muttered and kissed her swollen mouth tenderly. “Was I too rough, love?”

“Oh no,” she sighed happily, kissing him back, “you’re always careful with me.”


She lay content beneath him and smoothed his hair. “But I hope you’ll take me home and do it properly.”

Alec raised his head to peer questioningly into the flushed visage. “I thought I did.”

“I want more,” Lucy murmured and tightened her thighs around him. He groaned and closed his eyes.

“You’re wicked, woman!”

“I know.”

They were quiet in each other’s arms for a long while, listening to each other’s soft breaths mingling with the distant strains of classical music playing downstairs. Then to their horror, they heard
…male voices. Alec’s head jerked up, and he stared down at his wife. He withdrew quickly, making her wince, and ushered her into a closet. Lucy sat on her husband’s lap, his arms around her, and waited.





Chapter Thirty-Three




Two men barged into the room arguing with each other. Lucy recognized one of the voices as Harvey’s; the other voice was faintly accented and belonged to a younger man. She felt Alec tensing beneath her.

“Now, now Jimmy,” Harvey cajoled, “if you’ll just do this for me, I’d appreciate it. Besides, you

you for what?” Gavin shouted angrily. “A fucking spider bite! That’s
I owe you!”

“It’s just a minor setback Gavvy, baby,” Harvey laughed, settling his corpulent frame onto a sofa.  “Besides, you’re clean. What’s to worry about?”

“I’m clean
What about the next time, huh? I can’t do this anymore, Harv! I want out!”

“A few more movies and you can do whatever you want. I promise.”

“That’s what you said last year when me mum was sick! You wouldn’t even let me visit her! She had cancer for fuck’s sake!”

“I did you a favor, Jimmy!” Harvey chuckled, ignoring the boy’s distress.  “How do you think mummy would’ve taken the fact that her baby boy used to suck cock for a living? Harvey lit a cigarette and waved the match out. “Besides, I sent her a very nice bouquet which didn’t come cheap. You owe me two hundred dollars by the way.”

Gavin had had enough. He sprang forward and launched himself at the man who’d ruined his life. He wrapped his hands around the thick neck and began choking him. “I
you? You miserable son-of-a bitch! I---” Gavin’s enraged snarl was cut off by a sharp jab to his ribs where his metal breastplate left him vulnerable. He sprawled backwards, clutching his side.

Harvey stood up, gasping and rubbing the area where the boy had grabbed him. He shot out his boot and kicked the little bastard in the kidneys, eliciting a hoarse scream. Harvey bent low and grabbed Gavin by the chin. “Listen to me, you little shit,” he spat hatefully, “you were
when I found you sucking cock in Skid Row! Where would you
if not for me? I own you body and soul. You signed the contract, my boy, and you have to pay the piper.” He shoved him back onto the floor and kicked him again. “You’re
without me, Jimmy! Cross me once and I’ll make you sorry you were ever born!”              

Harvey turned on his heel and left Gavin coughing and groaning in agony. The pain in his kidneys subsided a bit for him to breathe without puking, but he laid quietly on the floor for some time, wondering how the hell he’d gotten himself into such a mess. He could never go home now and look his sweet mum in the eye and not tell her what he’d had to do to feed himself. He couldn’t even bring himself to look at Alec…his own brother! Gavin sobbed out his frustration and as he tried to get to his feet, he spied something on the floor. It was a scrap of delicate black lace. He fingered it curiously before tucking it into his pocket and limping off to find the nearest pub.

Alec sat in shock at what he’d just heard and wanted to chase down Harvey and shove the bloated whale down the nearest flight of stairs. But nothing seemed capable of working at the moment. He was cold and numb all over and it was Lucy who finally deemed it safe to open the closet door. He staggered out after her, snatching her hand, and proceeded to drag her along with him down two flights of stairs, a crowded foyer, and out the door where he summarily abandoned his wife while he puked off a fake drawbridge.

Lucy hurried to assist her husband who was presently discarding his supper and having a rough time of it by the sound of things. She patted his back soothingly and tried to calm him, but his puking seemed hell-bent on remaining dry heaves, so she hurried back into the house to find a bathroom where she wet a cloth and rushed back to him. She wiped his face with the cool cloth much as he’d done for her when she’d been ill.

Alec accepted her tender ministrations gratefully and gave a final shudder as the last of the dry heaves subsided. He wiped his mouth, wishing he had something in the way of hard liquor. “D-Did you hear all of that…?” he managed once he could speak. “D-Did you…hear what…h-he said?”

“I heard,” she said, and wiped his face again. Lucy felt his brow. “We should get you home, you’re burning up.”

“I want to get lashed,” he muttered and pressed her cool hand to his cheek. Alec stood up straight and moaned miserably as his stomach heaved in protest. “I-I’m going to be sick again,” he groaned and bent over, wracked with spasms. He could feel the cool cloth bathing his face again and heard his wife speaking softly, trying to comfort him. “Get me home,” he gasped. “I need to think.”

She nodded, glancing about helplessly for someone to come to their aid, but no one did. Marco was having a blast inside the mansion, and the few people who were outside were blitzed beyond belief. “Where’s your phone?” she said urgently. “I’ll call a cab.”

“I left it in the damn car!” he gasped, slumping down into a sitting position. “I didn’t think we’d be gone that long…”

Lucy sighed and wracked her brain for some sort of plan to get them out of this hellhole. She thought of walking down to the main road and hailing a car, but that seemed farfetched as her husband was in no condition to go anywhere, let alone a three-mile hike down some strange road. Lucy sat down beside him and urged his head down into her lap. “It’ll be all right, my love,” she soothed, tears of despair filling her eyes. Just when she’d given up all hope, she heard someone ask her if they needed any help.  It was one of the kitchen staff on their way home.

“What happened to
the young man inquired, inspecting the broken heap lying on Lucy’s lap.

“He overdid it in there, I told him not to touch the punch!” Lucy glanced up at the young man dressed in chef’s whites. “Can you give us a ride back to Rodeo? We left our car there, and I need to get him home.”

“Sure,” he grunted and bent to help Alec to his feet. The man weighed a ton! Lucy propped up one side of her husband, while the young man had the other. “My car’s over there,” he nodded in the general direction of a line of erratically parked cars near the driveway. He fumbled for the keys to his mother’s battered Buick and helped Lucy ease Alec into the backseat. He watched as she buckled him in and caressed his cheek lovingly. “Boyfriend…?” he queried of the petite beauty in her flamenco dancer’s costume.

“Husband,” she answered faintly and allowed him to open the passenger side door. Lucy slid in, feeling oddly detached from reality. She had buckled her seatbelt without realizing she’d done so.

Feeling slightly disappointed, the young man hurried to the driver’s side and slid in behind the wheel. He turned suddenly to Lucy and introduced himself before he lost his nerve. “My name’s Paul.”

“I’m Lucy and that man is my husband, Alec.”

“Pleased to meet you both,” he said politely and started the car. He couldn’t help but wonder what happened to this seemingly nice couple. The man was sicker than a dog, maybe too much wine, judging from the aroma permeating his costume. Or maybe he was a diabetic. If that was the case, he’d better hurry. Neither one said a word as he made his way to Beverly Hills. His mother was sure to be worried that he was coming home so late, but at least he would have a tale to tell.

He parked along a darkened street in front of some fancy salon that his mother could only dream about and helped them out of the car. Lucy was grateful for his help and once she’d gotten Alec safely buckled into their Beetle; she turned around to thank the young man. She handed him a hundred dollar bill and told him to take it.

Paul held up his hands, he couldn’t take money from her. He was just doing the decent thing. “P-Put that away, miss,” he said uneasily. “My mother would kill me if I took that.”

“I insist!” she pressed the bill into his hand and closed his fingers firmly over it. “If it hadn’t been for you, I might have had to carry my husband all that way in these heels!” She glanced down and winced. “But I probably owe you for time and gas, anyway.”

He was about to refuse and give it back to her, when she held out her hand. He took it. “Thank you!” she said, with a genuine and heartfelt gratitude that he never thought he’d see working in this rotten town and waved at her as she climbed into her little car and sped off.

He stood alone on that deserted curb and finally tucked the bill into his wallet. He wouldn’t tell his mother where’d he gotten the money, but since her birthday was coming up, he decided he’d splurge and take her somewhere nice for dinner. He whistled to himself and headed back to his car.


* * *


Once home, Lucy left Alec in the front seat while she fetched Pat. He’d turned in early, not knowing where his stepson and his wife had gotten themselves off to on this Halloween. Nonetheless, he found himself being shaken out of a sound sleep by his daughter-in-law who looked like she’d stepped off some Spanish movie set. He was further intrigued when she urged him outside to help her with Alec.

“What’s wrong with him?” he grumbled, tying his robe.  “Don’t tell me you let him drink! It makes him sick!”

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