Somewhere in His Arms (6 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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He ushered her inside and led her into the kitchen. “Now, how about some food?”

“Sounds good,” she said, trying to smile but failing miserably and sat down on a stool.

Lucy watched as he opened the refrigerator and cabinets. “Where’s Tia?”

“I gave her the night off. I didn’t think you’d want to see anyone.”

“That was nice of you.”

He handed her the bread and cheese, and they set out making impossibly large sandwiches. They ate in companionable silence and Lucy glanced around at the enormous gourmet kitchen. Nothing had changed except the new stainless steel appliances and Spanish tile floor. She’d spent many happy summers here learning how to make various Mexican dishes with Tia.

Lucy chewed her food thoughtfully, feeling Rudy’s concerned gaze. “I don’t want to talk about it right now, if you don’t mind.”

“Sure, kiddo. But not talking about it isn’t going to make it go away.”

She sighed. “I know.”

Rudy knew better than to press her anymore. When her parents split, she had gone to stay with him to get away from the chaos. Sometimes when he tried to get her to talk, she would clam up and disappear into herself. She’d bury herself in a book and wouldn’t talk to anyone but Tia. Lucy would tell him when she was ready. But that didn’t mean he couldn’t go and do a little digging on his own.

“So, what do you feel like doing?”

“It’s ten-thirty.”

“So? We’ve always been night owls. We could stay up and watch scary movies.”

You hate scary movies!” she laughed. “You’ll be up all night.”

              Grinning sheepishly, he shrugged. “I know. But you’re here to protect me.”

Shaking her head at him, they took their food into the small theatre and for a few hours, Lucy was able to laugh at Rudy as he watched the latest slasher flicks with both hands over his eyes. He made his living prosecuting heinous crimes and sifting through evidence that would make a cop puke, but here he was cringing through every bloody scene. She patted his shoulder consolingly and forgot she had troubles of her own.


* * *


“You’re so lovely,” he whispered against her hair. “Let me love you.”

“M-Me?” she laughed nervously. “I think you’re drunk.”

“So are you,” he murmured against her throat. “But you’re still lovely.”

His hands slid down her body in a gentle caress lingering over the small breasts, causing her to gasp. “P-Please, you have to be careful with me.”

“Why?” he breathed, his lips slowly moving down her throat. “Don’t be afraid of me, love”

She couldn’t think as his mouth moved over her breasts. Her eyes closed as his warm tongue slowly teased the soft peak. Strange currents of heat ran through her body. She arched her back reveling in his touch. His mouth took hers again, his silky tongue sliding in and out. She pressed her own mouth against his, shyly at first, then with increasing hunger. It felt so wonderful. He wanted her. Dean didn’t. He groaned and slid between her thighs. She gasped, trying to warn him. Please be careful. But it was too late. The hard shaft ripped her open, and his lips on hers silenced her scream, then they were on her face, trying to soothe her. And through it all he kept telling her how sorry he was. He was crying. He didn’t move for a long time. He kissed her tears away then began to move. He took her slowly, lovingly. The pain disappeared and was replaced by throbbing warmth that grew within her. Soon she was moving with him, arching her hips against his as his
moved slowly inside. She couldn’t breathe as the hot flesh penetrated again and again. Pulsating waves of pleasure mingled with pain swept through her body. His mouth took hers and she kissed him back hungrily, wanting more. He groaned and thrust harder, deeper. She didn’t mind. The pleasure pain mounted and her soft gasps mingled with his.

“I love you,” he whispered hoarsely.


Lucy gasped, the orgasm pulsing through her body as she thrust her hips against the sheets. She fell back and lay against the pillows damp with sweat. Her heart pounded wildly against her chest. She tried to calm down and told herself it was only a dream. Her eyes closed but sleep was a long time coming and she lay awake in the darkness still feeling his lips on her cheek and feeling more alone than ever.

Days passed, then weeks. Lucy spent her days sleeping. Rudy was worried about her and wanted her to see a therapist. But she didn’t need to go to a shrink to know she was depressed. “It’ll pass,” she assured him. “I’m going through a bad patch. I’ll be fine.”

But she knew he wasn’t entirely convinced. So she tried to convince him by getting up early and making breakfast, cleaning up even though Tia kept the house spotless, and typing up his dissertations. While he approved of this, he was still hinting at her returning to work.

“It’ll be good for you kiddo,” he told her one evening.

“I don’t feel like it right now, Rudy. Why can’t you understand that?”

“I would understand, but you’re the one who wanted to be independent remember? I offered to pay for any college of your choice and you turned me down.”

Lucy sighed. “I didn’t want to be a burden. I had to learn to be self-reliant.”

“And you’ve done well. Especially when you took out that loan. They’ll bury you with the interest alone.”

“Don’t remind me!” she groaned in frustration. ‘What do you want me to do? Leave?”

Rudy frowned. “No, I was thinking about a job.”

“Not that again!”

“It’ll be good for you. You’ve got to get back to the land of the living. It’s the only way you’ll defeat this thing. Don’t let them tear you down like this. Fight back.”

“And what if I don’t want to fight back?” she glared at him. “I’m perfectly happy being miserable, you know.”

“Yes, so I’ve noticed. You’re perfect for the job!” He looked like he just swallowed a canary. She didn’t like it.

Lucy peered at him suspiciously. “
did you do?”

“I have a friend who’s in dire need of a nurse,” he told her carelessly. “He was a witness in that murder trial in England. You remember, the hit man for hire.”

“The messy one.”

“Anyway, he’s here on holiday and he broke his leg while skydiving.”

“So?” She got up and went into the living room and flounced down on the sofa. Turning on the television, she tried to tune him out. But she stopped when she accidently came upon a tabloid news show.

“And guess who Vivian’s new boy-toy is?” 
the host drooled
. “He’s a real life Dr. McDreamy and he’s giving her mouth to mouth! They were caught making out on the dance floor of The Viper Room and later retired to a private room upstairs. My sources tell me that he’s all moved into the mansion that her late husband, television mogul Walter Havilland, built. And it gets better. My source also tells me the hot Doc was engaged to his daughter! Isn’t it just scandalous!”

Lucy sat paralyzed as the host giggled and gleefully brayed on about Vivian and her new toy. Suddenly the television went off, and she looked up to see Rudy angrily flinging the remote against the wall. He sat down beside her and handed her a tissue.

She couldn’t go on like this, hiding and feeling sorry for herself. That’s just what they wanted. Rudy was right. She had to fight. They couldn’t break her.

Mustering what courage she had left, she wiped her nose and said bravely, “When do I start?”

Laughing, Rudy got up and headed to his office to make the call. “Tomorrow!”

For Lucy, tomorrow couldn’t come soon enough.


* * *

              He woke Lucy at 5 a.m. and told her to pack for a few days. She was annoyed at his cheerful mood. In fact, he seemed quite pleased with himself. Just because she had agreed to this thing didn’t mean she liked it. She refused to speak to him as they drove up the coast. He rolled the top down of his 1955 Red Corvette, and she breathed in the sweet salty air, allowing it to refresh her weary mind.

Rudy glanced at her from time to time hoping she would snap out of it. He was doing this for her own good. She’d thank him someday. He only hoped Alec wouldn’t mind the intrusion. He hadn’t told him about Lucy. Goodness knows the man had a temper and had already gone through or rather devoured several nurses already. But he was hoping he would appreciate the gentle creature Lucy was. Besides, the man was in no condition to be picky. He just hoped after all this was over, Lucy would forgive him.

They drove on past a small seaside town and continued up a long winding road that led to a small cottage perched on a hill. Rudy stopped the car and hopped out. Lucy allowed him to open the door but refused to let him help her. She stood in the mid-morning sun with the wind whipping her black hair about her face, and she suddenly wished she were in bed. For some reason she felt tired.

Glancing around she saw that the house was old and in dire need of repair. The white paint was cracked and peeling. A rickety set of stairs trailed out from the back and led down to the beach. The shutters were half falling off and the garden was dead on arrival. She could only imagine what the inside looked like. What had Rudy gotten her into?

“On second thought, I don’t mind going back to the hospital. Let’s go,” she said and headed back to the car.

Rudy caught her arm  “No, you don’t kiddo,” he said, laughing. “Where’s your sense of adventure?”

“I don’t have one,” she grumbled as he knocked on the door. She thought she heard a man’s deep voice answer.

They let themselves in and Lucy stood for a moment in shock. The inside was dark and gloomy. The windows had the curtains drawn and sheets were draped over everything. Lucy began to wonder if this wasn’t some joke.

Rudy set her bag down and called out. “Alec! Where are you?”

They were answered by a loud
Followed by something breaking and then a slew of oaths so vile Lucy had to cover her ears. She glanced at Rudy who looked embarrassed and then watched as he took off toward the kitchen. Then she heard the man swearing at Rudy. No one ever swore at Rudy and walked away without a subpoena.

She leaned closer and heard them arguing.

“What the bloody hell
you do?”

“Would you keep your voice down? She’s right in the next room!”

“That’s your fault! I told you I don’t want to see anybody! Now get out!”

“I thought you weren’t playing poor-pitiful-me anymore.”

“Shut your fucking mouth! I don’t need anybody! I can take care of myself!”

“I can see that. What are you planning to do next? Hang yourself from the rafters?”

“Dammit, Rudy! I don’t need a bloody nurse! So you can piss off and leave me the hell alone!”

“I don’t think so. Why don’t you come out and meet her?”

Rudy’s head poked out and he smiled and nodded at Lucy who was beginning to feel she was better off in the ER. At least they didn’t bite. Well, sometimes they didn’t. She held her breath as he came out pushing a man in a wheelchair. The room was dark so she could barely see him. He was young, not yet thirty, or so she guessed with black hair and maybe blue eyes. From what she could see he was more than handsome. But then so was Dean. She’d had enough of that and didn’t want anymore.

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