Somewhere in His Arms (41 page)

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Authors: Katia Nikolayevna

BOOK: Somewhere in His Arms
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Her head shot up in surprise. “He knows you're here?”

“Of course he does, the little bugger. He knew it as soon as he saw me lying flat on my arse.”

“That's awful. I don't think I like him.”

He chuckled, the sound rumbling in his chest. “Down, wife!” Then he sobered. “I don't think it's personal, I just think---”

“Think what?”

“I think maybe he's ashamed.”

“What's he got to be ashamed of?”


“Have you been able to talk to him at all?”

“Nah and Pat won't get off my back about it either.”




Alec held his wife to him for a long moment and then the idea came to him. “Want to go out?”

“On a date?” she smiled and ruffled his hair.

“Certainly. Dinner and a movie?” he suggested. “My treat.”

“It better be your treat!” she got off her husband's lap and glanced down at herself critically. “I'll have to change.”

“Wear what you have on, “ he gestured towards her outfit of denim capris and red peasant blouse. “It's pretty.”


“Sure,” he checked his watch. “If we leave now we can make the matinee.”

“Okay,” she agreed. “Just let me tidy myself first.” Lucy hurried to their bedroom to brush her hair and decided it was too far-gone to mess with. She tied it back with a pretty scarf and pinched her cheeks for some color. She was still too pale. Then she met up with her husband who gave her a wolfish whistle. “Oh, stop!” she laughed. “I'm a mess!”

“You look smashing and don't you forget it!”

She batted her eyes at her handsome husband and allowed him to escort her to the car. The truck had been traded in for something a little less ostentatious. But she knew it was because of the memories associated with it that was the real reason. She wasn't the least bit sorry. The green sedan was more in keeping with their simple tastes and Alec told her once they got back to London, he was going to buy one just like it.

He buckled his seatbelt and turned towards his wife. “Where to, my darling?”

Lucy thought for a moment. “Pizza!”

Alec started the car and stepped on the gas. “Pizza it is.”


              They sat in a corner booth making sizable progress through a large ricotta and spinach pie and laughed at each other when the cheese ended up on their chins.

“I wonder if the owner will give me the recipe,” Lucy wondered and reached for another slice.

“I doubt it love,” her husband chuckled and took another slice himself. “Can you make pizza?”

“I tried to once,” she said after a sip of her iced tea. “But Tia couldn't scrape it off the ceiling.”

“Oh, I'm sure it was delicious.”

“I don't know if raw dough qualifies as delicious. But I suppose I can give it another whirl. Just don't expect me to toss the thing into the air. It might land on your head.”

“Stop, wife,” he laughed. “I'm trying to eat.”

“Then eat and then buy me some dessert.”

“Sure thing, love. But I wish you'd tell me why you wanted to be a nurse when you wanted to study archaeology instead.”

“You don't want to hear all that! It's so boring.”

He finished his pizza and brushed the crumbs off the table. “No, really love. I want to know.”

“Well,” she began, swiping her lips with a napkin, “there was simply no money to go study it. I had to pick something that took the least amount of time.”

“I don't understand, love.” He rested his elbows on the table. “I thought your father was some television mogul or something.”

“He was,” she sighed. “Until Vivian came along and squandered my trust fund.”

“How the hell did she do that? I thought there were safeguards in place for that sort of thing.”

“Dad didn't think that far ahead. He had just married her and he was so busy enjoying himself that he didn't think to change the will. She got everything and mom and I were left with a small settlement after the divorce and most of that went to lawyer fees and hospital bills.”

Alec sighed heavily, feeling awful that she'd had to go through that. He reached across and took her hand. “I'm sorry, love. I didn't know.”

“Don't be,” she said shyly and stroked her thumb over his. “If I hadn't been a nurse, I might never have met you.”

“That's true.” He grinned and touched his lips to her. “But I'm sure we would have found each other sooner or later.”

“How can you be so sure? I could have ended up as a spinster or something, surrounded by hundreds of cats!”

“I would never have let that happen! We were made for each other.”

“Really?” Her eyes glistened with tears.

“That sounds corny, I know.”

“No, it doesn't. I feel the same way.”

“Oh, good,” he sighed in relief. “I was afraid I was making a giant arse out of myself.”

“Never!” she swore and raised his hand to her lips and kissed it. “You promised dessert!” she reminded him.

“Is that all you want me for? Sweets?”

“Let me think,” she tapped her chin lightly and grinned impishly.

“If we weren't in a restaurant, my love, I'd show you what your impertinence does to me.”

She leaned forward eagerly. “What does it do?”

“Later,” he said gruffly and hurried up to satisfy his wife's sweet tooth before he laid her on the table and took her in front of these innocent folks trying to enjoy their pizza. 'Don't tempt me wife! It's been too long.”

“I know,” Lucy said softly, meeting his eyes. She squeezed his hand gently. 'Too long.”

He groaned softly and tugged his hand away. The waitress brought their Tiramisu and Lucy ate smiling all the while at Alec, who barely touched his and instead guzzled his water like a dying fish. “You're wicked!” he accused softly.

“But you love me 'cause I'm so wicked!”

Alec burst out laughing and pushed his plate towards his wife, who gladly polished it off with relish.

“Have you decided what movie we're seeing?”

“I haven't decided yet. What do you want to see?”

“I'm not picky. Something where we can sit in the back row and neck!”

“Is that an invitation?”

“Do you need one?”

“I think sometimes I do.”

“Would you stop!” she scolded him lightly and finished her tea. “You're being silly! I wish you'd stop doing that to yourself!”

“I can't help it, “ he said, as they rose and paid their bill. “I feel like the some sort of letch.”

“What?” she hissed when he led her back into the mall. “Why did you say that?”

He caught her hand and raised it to his lips. “It was your first time.”

“So? It had to happen sometime.”

“But it should have been special. I know I hurt you.”

“Stop it!” Lucy said softly, caressing his roughened cheek. He hadn't shaved that morning. “You were very careful with me.”

“I was bombed out of my mind!”

“So was I!”

“That's no excuse.”

She pressed her fingers against his mouth, refusing to hear any more. “Stop it! I’m not sorry. And anyway, I meant it for you.”

He kissed her fingers, feeling that great heaviness in his chest again. Alec was torn between shouting for joy and screaming through the mall like a madman. “You did?” he said once he could finally speak.

“I always wanted my husband to know that he was the first.” She whispered reaching up to stroke his cheek lovingly and he closed his eyes. “And you were.”

“But what about...
Alec finally forced himself to mention the man who'd broken Lucy's heart. “You were going to

“I was going to
him at the altar!” Lucy admitted, surprising Alec as well as herself. “I don't think I could have gone through with it.”

Alec was gobsmacked at her confession. “But---”

“Every time he would try to kiss me, I would get this horrible sick feeling in the pit of my stomach.”

“Then why---?”

'”I was lonely and I'd been alone for so long that I thought he was the only one out there.”

“Lucy, I---” he began and she shushed him.

“Hush your mouth, darling,” she ordered gently. “Now take your wife to a movie and buy her some popcorn!”

“B-But you just ate!” he sputtered, not really capable of anything resembling coherent speech at the moment.

“Don't you want me to gain weight?” she asked, tugging at her baggy peasant top in dismay. “How will I ever get pregnant if I have the physique of a ten-year old boy?”

“Are we trying to get pregnant?”

“Aren't we?”

Alec wasn't sure if they should be trying for a baby just yet with Lucy still on the mend, but if she wanted him to assist her in her quest, then who was he to argue with her? Besides there were some aspects of baby-making that were just too pleasant to pass up.               He smiled at his wife and offered his arm. “You know wife, I think you just may be on to something.”


              After the movie ended, they milled out of the theatre wondering how the hero could have been so stupid. “That muppet deserved what he got, he didn't even try to hide!”

“Well, there aren't too many places to hide in a cabin,” she laughed. “What would you have done?”

“Oh, I don't know. Scream like a little girl and head for the hills.”

Lucy shook her head at her husband and they strolled casually hand and hand through the mall, peering into windows and walking away, shocked at the high cost of living.

Then they happened upon an antique shop and on display in the window, there was a swinging cradle. It was beautifully crafted from rosewood with intricate carvings along the sides and headboard. Lucy took one look and turned away, tears filling her eyes.

Alec understood; he was a little teary-eyed himself. “Let's go home, wife,” he said, wiping her eyes with his handkerchief. “I'll let you beat me at

“You wish!” she giggled and punched his arm lightly. “Be nice and I might go easy on you.”

“Or maybe I'll just play hard to get!”

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