Something Wet: Beach House Nights Book 2

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Authors: Lyric James

Tags: #fiction, #romance, #erotic, #short story, #contemporary, #erotic romance, #interracial, #summer

BOOK: Something Wet: Beach House Nights Book 2
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Something Wet




Lyric James







Something Wet

Copyright 2012 Lyric James

Smashwords Edition


[email protected]


Cover Art by
Gypsy Style

Professional Editing
Services by Leanne Salter

Formatting Services by



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Table Of Contents

Something Wet

Bonus Excerpt: Lover’s Revenge

Coming Soon: Up All Night

About Lyric James


Beach House Nights Book #2
Something Wet


Violet Tanner had the shittiest week ever.
She was demoted at work, her apartment got flooded, and the guy
she’s dating sends her an email to tell her he needs some space.
When she gets an invite from one of her closest friends to a party
at her beach house, her quick RSVP leaves her computer smoking.

Things start to look up when hottie Logan
McMasters arrives. She’s lusted after the ex-pro ball player for
years. She’s determined to have her weekend end on a hot and sexy
note and stops at nothing less than full-on seduction to get her
man. Before the night is over, Logan is going to know what it means
to experience something hot, something spicy, and something


Something Wet


“Has anyone seen, Dayna?” Violet Tanner asked
as she stuck a marshmallow on the end of an old iron hanger she
took from the house.

“The last time I saw her she was walking down
the beach with Jared,” her friend, Stella, told her when she sat
next to her on the beach towel she’d spread out on the sand.

Violet lifted her brow. “Jared? Jared
Stephens? Seriously?”

“Yep.” She thumbed toward the other end of
the house where the beach turned into a jetty after a couple of
acres. “They went that way.”

Violet glanced over her shoulder toward the
ocean and watched the waves whisper over the sand. A gust of wind
shifted the almost white dust around the half-washed away castle
some of them had made earlier. “I wonder what the heck he’s doing
here. I thought she wasn’t going to invite any of Anthony’s

Shrugging her shoulders, Stella leaned
forward to place the end of her stick near the blazing heat of the
bonfire. Her marshmallow began to crackle and blacken. “I did too.
I don’t know what happened.”

Violet pulled her hanger back and blew on her
sweet, gooey treat as smoke sifted up. “Wow. I hope she’s all
right. The last thing she needs are any memories of that awful

“No kidding,” her friend agreed. “But if you
ask me, I think he’s here for something else.”

It was dusk, and even though heat billowed
from the blazing fire, the ocean waves carried a nice breeze over
the beach. The sea salt air almost masked the acrid smell of
burning wood. With her thumb and index finger, she took a small
piece of the gooey marshmallow and put it her mouth. A mixture of
hard and soft sugar burst over her tongue. “What do you mean?”

“He likes her.”

As she pulled her finger out of her mouth,
she glanced up to find Logan McMaster’s staring at her. She stared
back and released the digit slowly and seductively over her bottom
lip and smiled. “Who?”

He smiled back.


“Here, hold this,” she said, standing and
gave her hanger to Stella. Never taking her eyes off Logan, she
grabbed the bottom of her tank top and yanked it up and over her
head. Underneath she wore a skimpy white bathing suit halter with
sheer horizontal stripes.

His gaze lowered to her breasts, and his
tongue wet his bottom lip.

She grinned.

Stella said, “I’ve seen the way he watches
her when he thinks no one is looking. He’s got it bad.”

She swiveled around and gave her friend an
incredulous stare. “What a minute. What? Logan likes Dayna?” A whip
of hurt clogged her throat. Dayna and Logan had gone to college
together, but as far she knew had never dated or even been
attracted to each other. They’d taken a couple of classes together
and had remained friends even after Logan had gone on to play
professional football.

“Will you stop performing your sneaky little
strip tease and pay attention? No.
likes Dayna.”
Stella’s gaze roamed the camp fire until it landed on Logan. “Logan
McMasters only has eyes for

Air whooshed from Violet’s throat. She sat
down slowly even though a zany mass of flutters began in her belly.
“Do you think so? I’ve been trying to get his attention all

Stella nodded in his direction and smirked.
“Oh, you’ve got his attention all right.”

Violet stretched her legs out in front of her
and crossed them at the ankles. Then combed her fingers through her
shoulder-length hair and shook it out behind her. “Excellent.”

Stella laughed and said, “You need to get
your mind out the gutter. How was work this week?”

“Oh God, please don’t ask.” She covered her
face with her arm. “You’re ruining my mood.”

“Uh oh… What happened?”

She dropped her hands in her lap. “I got
demoted. That’s what happened.”


Violet’s gaze followed Logan as he stood and
moved closer Ian, their mutual friend who had the hots for Stella.
He’d surprisingly convinced Stella to join them on the beach
instead of prowling around in the attic looking for antiques.
“Yeah. The firm decided to cut back. The economy sucks. Instead of
being the Lead Financial Analyst, I’m back to being a plan old
Analyst now. I lost my office, that nice fat raise I got last year,
and my free cell phone.”

“Oh, honey, I’m sorry. That sucks.”

Violet held her right hand up, palm out,
fingers spread. “But that doesn’t end my shitty week from hell.
Wednesday, John e-mailed me…
me. He didn’t even have
the decency to tell me to my face.”

“Oh no. This doesn’t sound good.”

“He told me he needed some space.
. Can you believe it? Damn it.” She waved her arms
around her in a wide arc. “The world is
of freaking
space. All you have to do is walk the hell outside.”


Leaning back on her hands, Violet gripped the
sand in her fingers. “Jerk is not a strong enough word for him. But
wait. To top that all off, yesterday I get home to my apartment and
the asshole above me left his water running all day, flooded his
apartment, and it leaked down into mine.”

“You have got to be kidding me.”

She tilted her legs from left to right and
slid a bare foot up the side of her leg and back down to the ankle.
Logan was still watching her. She considered taking off her shorts
too. “The only good thing, it just messed up my bathroom, nothing
else, but still. Everything in there, my towels, my toiletries, all
ruined. I can’t even use it. When I got Dayna’s invitation, I
responded so fast I thought I saw my computer start to smoke.”

“A weekend away is definitely what you

“Dayna’s invite came right on time. I was
about to start spazzing out. Hopefully by the time I get back
they’ve cleaned and cleared it all out. My renter’s insurance is
going to replace everything that I lost. So that’s something.”

“It is.”

“The only good thing for sure.” Well, not the
only thing, she thought as her gaze traveled back across the fire
to Logan. When he’d walked in the door thirty minutes after she did
earlier today, she knew her weekend was looking up.

She was minus her promotion, minus a working
bathroom at her apartment,
minus a man. Maybe she could
some dick in her life this weekend.

Logan’s dick, she thought and grinned. Crude,
she knew, but hey, it was what she wanted.

When she’d arrived and gone to the room Dayna
assigned her to sleep in, she’d lain out everything she’d brought
with her and smiled. All the skimpy bathing suits she’d purchased
at an end of summer sale last September were definitely going to
come in handy. The one she had on now was the second she’d worn
that day. A one-piece peach suit that plunged in the front and back
and looked incredible against her skin had been what she’d worn
while they were swimming in the pool earlier. But after she’d
showered and changed, she’d put on the white.

Operation: Seduce Logan McMasters was moving
fast, forward and ahead. Violet watched him all day, caught
glimpses of him as she paraded around, bending over, and doing
everything she could think of to focus all his attention on her.
Hopefully it was working, because before the night was over, she
planned to have him in her bed, by the pool, and any other place
she could think of. When she went home tomorrow morning,
what’s-his-face would only be a distant memory.

She stood, grabbing the shirt she’d pulled
off earlier. “I’m going for a walk,” she said to Stella, and
trailed a path along the shore, heading away from the beach house,
the wet sand sticking to her bare feet.

Her hope… Logan would follow.

Ahead, streamers of seaweed rolled in the
surf. The company that rented colorful loungers and chairs with
overhead umbrellas were loading up their equipment to sale again
the next day. The beach was empty except for the group she was
with, but she still heard snatches of conversation and music
carried on the wind from the other houses.

“Would you like some company?” The deep, sexy
drawl came from behind her.


Violet pivoted around and walked backwards
across the sand, a soft smile on her face when he approached her.
An inner core of delicious heat thrummed through her.

The man was gorgeous with chestnut hair and
liquid caramel eyes. He had on a sexy black wife-beater and khaki
cargo shorts, no shoes. Muscles abounded and even though he wasn’t
a star cornerback anymore, he still regularly worked out to keep
his body rock hard. Of course, why wouldn’t he since he now owned
about thirty 24-hour gyms across greater Florida.

“Are you following me?” she asked with a hint
of tease, but with a confident edge in her voice. Her plan worked.
Now, she had to figure out just how far her seduction needed to go
so she could actually feel that rock-hard body against hers

“Do you mind?”

Violet shook her head. “Nope.”

Logan’s gaze traveled down to her feet and
back up again. When his eyes reached her face, she asked, “You like
what you see?”

He nodded. “Oh yeah.”

She turned and barely refrained from
squealing with excitement, and continued to walk down the

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