Something Forever (5 page)

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Authors: M. Clarke

BOOK: Something Forever
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Chapter 6



It was late afternoon when we finally arrived home. The first thing I smelled was the sweet fragrance of roses. I thought my mind was playing tricks on me until I saw a couple of vases full of the fragrant flowers on our dining table. Not only there, but also in the kitchen, on the coffee table, and in our bedrooms. I was just glad the fragrance of them didn’t make me want to vomit.

“That was so sweet of them
,” Becky gushed.

Becky texted again, most likely to Matthew, I dropped my purse on the dining chair and searched for a possible note. There it was. I took out the note that was addressed to me and read it.


My dearest Jenna,

Hope you had good

I missed you liked crazy.

I wanted to welcome you home,

but I didn’t want to be overbearing

so I thought roses would do the trick.

I’m trying to seduce you
through this letter.

Come to me!





My lips spread into a huge smile. I looked up to see Becky’s doing the same while reading her note.

“I’m going to Max’
s place,” I said, caressing the rose petal. Feeling the softness of them always put me in a state of tranquility.

“You’re going to tell him, right?” Be
cky gave me a reassuring smile and plopped on the sofa.

“Yes. I’m going to tell him.” I felt bad that Nicole and Kate knew before Max. Who knew who else would find out before he
did? Knowing Kate and Nicole, they probably would tell their significant others. “I’m going to give him a surprise visit and one hell of a surprise he won’t be expecting.”

“It’ll be fine, Jenna.

“I know,” I agreed
, but I really wasn’t sure.

I opened Max’s
front door with my set of keys. Before I could even push it open, the door swung so fast that I almost fell. Actually, I did fall...into Max’s arms. I let go of my bag and allowed Max to hold me.

“I knew you would come.” Max started kissing
me all over my face. “I missed you.”

“I missed you
, too, Max,” I said between his lips on mine. “Maybe I should go away more often.”

Max gave me a strange look. If his expression could speak, it would say
‘hell no’.

Taking my hand, he
led me to the kitchen. I stood by the entrance while he went straight to the stove. “You came just in time for dinner.” Max stirred whatever was inside of the pot with the wooden spoon. “Did you eat? I’m making beef stew.”

“You made dinner? You know how to

“I know how to
, I just don’t do it that often.”

There was something
indescribably sexy about seeing a man cooking. Just watching Max brought out a strong sexual desire within me, especially when Max took the spoon out to take a sip. His lips smacked and then his tongue slid across his lips. Even though he wasn’t trying to be seductive in the least, I saw it that way.

Little did he
know I felt sick to my stomach and food was the last thing on my mind. I’d heard of morning sickness, but whoever thought of the name should reconsider calling it pregnancy sickness. Morning sickness should mean only being sick in the morning. Hell, I was feeling sick all day. Pregnancy was not fun at this point. Regardless, I had to pretend that I was feeling well, at least until I told Max the news.

“I ate a little,” I lied. “But I
can eat with you.”

Max turned away from the pot to look at me. How he could make cooking so sexy
was beyond me. With his disarrayed hair, comfortable cotton shorts, and plain white T-shirt that framed his toned chest, I wanted to eat him. Forget about food!

“So, what did you do while I was gone?”

Max raised his brow flirtatiously, and when he spoke, his playful tone was hot and heavy. “If you want to know, come here and get your answer.”

“Maybe I don’t need
an answer,” I teased back.

“Then maybe I had tons of women at my place and I strip
ped for them. Not only am I a great singer, I know how to dance well, too.”

I frowned at his words.
Although I knew he was joking, I didn’t like the idea at all. “Maybe I let one of the dancers touch me.”

Max’s lips
formed into a straight line. “Not funny, Jenna.” He turned away.

Was he mad?
Jealous? Surely he knew I was playing around. I didn’t know what had gotten into me. Maybe it was the pregnancy hormones acting up, or maybe it was simply the fact that I missed him more than I would admit. Whatever the reason, I had to have him now.

The words escaped my mouth seductively as I started to unbutton my sweater and wiggle out of my jeans. When Max stopped stirring, I knew I’d gotten his attention. “It’s my turn to surprise you. I promise I didn’t let anyone touch me.”

words breathed out of Max’s mouth. In fact, I wasn’t sure he was breathing when he saw me with nothing on but a black lace bra and a G-string. Walking to him seductively, I placed my hands on his chest, and that was all I needed to do.

Max turned off the fi
re, lifted me up, and set me on the counter. Sliding between my legs, he pulled me into him. My whole body blazed from our bodies pressing together. “Nobody touches what’s mine,” he growled with heated breath. I could feel the intensity behind his words and his hot breath as he spoke, sending chills down my spine. His possessiveness toward me always turned me on.

“Want a taste of my delicious beef?” His lips curled up into a sexy s

I knew he meant the beef stew, but there was a double
entendre behind it. Before I could say a word, he placed his finger in my mouth and slowly pulled it out.

“You’re a great cook,” I commented, letting my tongue seductively glide across my lips
while savoring the taste of the sauce.

“I’m good at
a lot of things,” he said matter-of-factly, watching my tongue move across my lips again.

“Aren’t we confident
?” I teased, leaning back just a tad to push my breasts toward him, needing his touch.

“Arrogant,” he said. “I can be very arrogant. And I am damn good at making Jenna feel

, Max dabbed a splat of sauce on my neck. “I think I’ll try some Jenna sauce.” Oh God! His tongue was working perfectly on that spot on my neck. My breath heaved and quickened when he dripped some more sauce between my breasts.

“Delicious,” he mumbled on my flesh. Then he yanked my bra
just enough to allow his mouth to suck from one nipple to the other.

.” I shuddered, unable to take anymore. Pulling his head back, I gave him the look and knew he understood.

Anchoring my legs around his hips, he pressed me against the kitchen cabinet while his hands ran along my thighs. He slammed
his lips into mine and sucked all of the breath out of me. While kissing me, he managed to take off his shorts, then let me down to remove his T-shirt and the rest of what I had on. He was fierce, hot, and ready...and so was I.

Max lifted me up again
and planted my back against another cabinet door. I didn’t know where he was getting his strength, but he was unstoppable. Heavy gasps left my lungs when Max entered me. Oh God! He felt so good. The room was spinning and I was intoxicated by the pleasure he was giving me. Max had no mercy as he pumped, sucking the nipple that was conveniently right in front of his mouth.

“Jenna, you’re so wet. I love how you’re wet for me,” he panted. “Did you miss me the way I missed you?”

“Yes,” I whimpered, nearly exploding from his words and his hips grinding his dick deeper inside of me.

My head spun even more when Max swung me to the kitchen island.
“Say it louder, Jenna.” His words seethed out of his mouth.

With my back against his c
hest, he entered from behind; one hand teasing the hell out of my clit, the other hand kneaded my breast. Max stimulated every sensitive area on my body that would make me explode even harder.

x shifted my body and took me to the sofa. We were now face to face and I was laying on something soft. When he entered me, he cupped my face and gazed lovingly into my eyes. Every nerve in my body awakened, every muscle in my body quivered, and every inch of me felt his love and the pleasure he was giving me.

“Welcome home, babe. Thank you for my surprise.” Then he gave me all of him. Little did he know he had another surprise coming.

After dinner we got ready for bed. My stomach was in knots and my heart was pounding too fast for me to keep up. All I had to do was open my mouth and tell him, but
at every opportunity I had lost the courage.

When we got into bed, knowing it was my last chance for today, I told myself that everything would be fine. Though the lights were turned off, I could still dimly see his
face from the night-light we had decided to use when I bumped my head finding my way to the bathroom.

“Max.” I snuggled closer to him,
and pressed my head against his chest.

babe.” With his eyes closed, he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I need to tell you something, but I’m scared.”

Max shifted his body to turn on the lamplight and instantly sat up. “What is it? Is everything okay?”

I squinted
my eyes to adjust to the sudden brightness. “Everything is fine.” My old habit came back again as I fidgeted with my thumbs. It was so difficult to look at him. “I have something growing inside of me.” Max didn’t let me finish. He started to freak out.

“Jenna, what’s growing and where? Do you have cancer? Did you go see a doctor? I know the best doctors
. We’ll fix this. Nothing is going to happen to you. I won’t let it.” His words came out so fast I couldn’t stop him.

Before Max lost it, I had to calm him down. His eyes went s
traight to his cell phone on the nightstand. He was about to spring out of the bed and call someone, perhaps a doctor, in the middle of the night. Resting my hands on his shoulders, I looked him squarely in the eyes. “Max, I’m pregnant.”

He sunk back on
the bed and stared at me as if I had spoken to him in Chinese. “Max...did you hear what I said?” I gulped, anticipating his words.

Max leaned into me.
We were sitting upright, facing each other. “Did you just tell me you’re pregnant?”

“Yes.” I nodded to confirm.

There was clearly one expression on his face: he had been given the shock of his life. “I don’t understand. How could this have happened? I mean...we were careful. I mean...I thought you were on the pill. I used a condom except that one time.”

His answers were exactly what I had predicted, but hearing them was a whole different story. It hurt me more than I had imagined. It
had sounded and felt differently in my mind when I played out the scenario. Max got out of bed. While he paced around the room, he looked at the ground, then at the ceiling. I could imagine what was going through his mind, possibly having the same questions I did.

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