Somethin' Dirty: Country Fever, Book 4 (12 page)

BOOK: Somethin' Dirty: Country Fever, Book 4
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She took a hasty step away, shoulders suddenly tense. “I don’t think I’m the only one at fault.”

“You could have said no. But you let me—” He almost blurted “fall” and bit it off before he embarrassed himself. Lyric started to roll, and he pinned her with a hand on her belly. She giggled.

“You knew I plan to leave Reedy. I thought you just wanted a romp before I go.”

He shot her a glare. “Woman, I don’t call what we’re doing a romp.”

She backed up another step. “What is it?”

He opened his mouth to speak, but her expression said she didn’t want to know. And hell if he thought it was a good idea to tell her that she felt as if she’d always been in his life, that he wanted to share Sunday picnics with her, wanted to see her clothes in his goddamn closet.

Where a younger man might take years to come to this decision, Griffin took weeks.

He turned back to Lyric and stuffed her into a pink smock and soft cotton jeans.

“Griffin, I have two hundred fifty CDs out with agents and music professionals all over Nashville. When I answered your ad, I had twenty bucks in my pocket, but I didn’t want to earn money for my trip from my father. He was getting attached to me in his office. I had to leave.”

What if I’m attached to you in my house, my nursery, my goddamn bed?

He made a quiet noise in his chest and placed Lyric on his shoulder. Looking right into Nola’s eyes, he said, “This thing we have—it’s not ending.”

She eased back another step. He followed her until she was pressed against the Tickle Me Pink wall. She twisted her hands. Then as if giving in, she placed her palms against his chest. Lyric kicked at her fingers, but Nola didn’t budge.

Determination spread through him. He could back off and endure his bleak existence as a single dad and his mother’s caretaker. But Nola made him feel like a man, and he wasn’t going to throw that away.

“I can’t give up my dreams—” she started.

He swooped in and claimed her lips. She opened to him, and he snaked his tongue into her hot depths. Groaning, he pulled her against him. Lyric wiggled, but he ignored her for the moment and lost himself in Nola’s delicious response.

Damn, she was honey fresh from the comb. Her youth had never seemed so apparent, but he was going to hogtie the problem. She could go to Nashville as long as she came back to him.

Nola made a humming noise that instantly aroused him. Lyric flailed until she gained a handful of his longer hair, and he withdrew from the kiss.

Nola stared at him, eyes hazy.

“Come to me when Lyric falls asleep,” he said.

She let her hands drop from his chest. “I have to go home tonight. I can’t stay again.”

He pinched a tendril of her strawberry-blonde hair and rolled the silk between his callused fingers. “You say that until I slide my fingers under this tiny denim skirt you torment me with and find your pussy waiting for me.”

She drew a hitching breath.

He released her hair and squeezed her hip. “I bet you’re not wearing panties in hopes I found your surprise.”

A pink flush climbed her throat and cheeks. “I’ll come to you when Lyric falls asleep.”

“That’s my girl,” he whispered, handing over the baby. As he left the house, triumph made his heart pound.



Nola tiptoed into the nursery to check on Lyric one more time. After putting her down for her afternoon nap, she’d rinsed out bottles and hand-washed a few dishes, all the time throwing looks out the small kitchen window.

Griffin was out there waiting for her.

The baby slept in her crib, surrounded by pink checkered and polka-dotted bedding. Her dark hair curled on the back of her head, tiny whorls that might mimic Griffin’s if his hair were cropped short.

Lyric gave a sigh, and Nola’s heart expanded. Griffin did the same thing in his sleep.

God, she was in trouble. The man was firmly yanking her into his world. Leaving would be a wrench, but she couldn’t think about that now. Not when Lyric was asleep and his words barreled through her head.
Come to me when Lyric falls asleep.

The infant’s sleep schedule was changing since Nola had started caring for her. She wasn’t taking a long afternoon nap and instead falling asleep earlier in the evening.

That means Griffin and I can watch the sun set.

The romantic notion and the weight it carried wasn’t lost on her. Hell, in some ways they were already like an old married couple, buttoning up the house together at night before falling into his big, plush bed. Sleeping wrapped in each other’s arms after she’d told her parents she was sleeping on the couch.

While these thoughts scared the shit out of her, it didn’t stop her from wanting him. She left the nursery and stole through the house.

The cool evening air felt good. Nola filled her lungs to bursting with the fresh country smells. Wildflowers and newly mown hay. The ranch was picturesque before her, and she let her gaze flit from barn to animals to fence to outbuilding. Each one kept up by Griffin’s own hand.

How, she had no idea. He worked alone, cared for Lyric and his ma. He even cooked.

Maybe Nola could take that chore over for him. When he came into the house after a back-breaking day of work, he deserved a hot meal awaiting him.

She lengthened her strides and crossed the turf between house and barn. Griffin had spent countless hours out there recently. The calves were sick, dying, and concern etched itself all over his handsome features.

When she stepped into the barn, her heart lurched at the sight of him leaning heavily on a stall door, head in his hands.

“Griffin.” Her voice sounded rough with emotion.

He scrubbed his hands over his face—to erase his emotion? Slowly he turned and gave her a smile. The way he raked his gaze over her, starting at her ponytail and moving over tank top, denim skirt, her tanned legs and ending at her pink toenails, made her feel more feminine than she ever had before.

Desired. That was the word.

Without thought, she rushed toward him. He caught her, whirled and slammed her against the nearest barn wall. The prickly wood through her thin tank top inflamed her.

“Goddamn, you’re a beautiful woman,” he growled a split second before crushing his mouth over hers. Tall, dark and handsome mingled with mint, musk and passion. He thrust his tongue between her lips and stole her control.

She rubbed against him wantonly. Her nipples were sharp peaks, aching for his pinch. He wrapped her ponytail around his fist and yanked her head back. The delicious strain of her hair on her scalp made her pant.

Griffin lowered his mouth to her chin, nipping the underneath before tracing a line with his tongue to her collarbones. She gripped his head and guided him, gasping as he raised gooseflesh with his kisses.

“Your throat needs more kisses.” He bit into the side of her neck. Fuck, she was going to have a hickey and be forced to wear a turtleneck in the middle of the Wyoming heat wave, but she didn’t care.

Her pussy flooded. He was right earlier—she wasn’t wearing panties. She’d had visions of bending over in front of him so he could get a good view of her bare cheeks and her slash of wetness between her legs.

“And your tits.” He cradled each, fanning his thumbs back and forth with maddening slowness. She squeezed her eyes shut on the sensation.

When he pinched each tight bud hard, she cried out.

“Go ahead and scream out here, baby doll. No one is going to hear you.”

He always kept a baby monitor with him while outside the house, and it hummed pleasantly from his back pocket. He rolled her nipples between his strong fingers until her legs shook. Juices oozed down her inner thighs.

He lifted his head, and she opened her eyes. His wide, full mouth was twisted. He thoroughly enjoyed seeing her undone, and that only made her feel more beautiful.

Reaching into her neckline and plunging his fingers right into her bra cup, he flashed that grin that made her heart race. “Scream my name.”

With that, he dipped his head and sucked her nipple into his flaming-hot mouth. She squealed as he drew on her needy bud while swirling it with his tongue. She dug her fingers into his hair and tugged him down harder on her.

His growl of appreciation sparked her need. The knot in her belly tightened painfully, and she clamped her legs together to hold the sweet ache in place. Never wanting it to end.

He popped her other breast free and switched his tormenting kiss to it. The dark pull was doing things to her insides, unraveling her in ways she didn’t know possible. “Griffin,” she whispered, too raggedly.

He snaked his tongue around her pink bud. The faint touch tormented her. He scraped his teeth over her hard nipple, and she convulsed in his arms. “Who do you want to touch you?”

She threw her head back and cried it to the rafters. “Griffin!”

“God, you can’t begin to know the things you do to me.” He opened his mouth over her nipple and drew her down in a haze of sexual pleasure. Her inner walls were starting to clench and release. She moved restlessly.

Still licking, lapping and sucking her nipples in turn, he stroked a rough hand up her outer thigh. He burrowed right under her skirt. When he found only skin where cotton should be, he increased his tongue action on her straining bud.

Nola slipped her hands over his shoulders. She reached between his shoulder blades and bunched the damp cloth of his T-shirt. He released her breast long enough for her to yank his shirt off. Before she could lose herself in the rugged beauty of his chest and powerful shoulders, he pressed his steely heat to her bared breasts.

“I want you naked, but not against this hard wall.” Reaching around her hips, he claimed her mouth again as he lifted her. She closed her eyes and let him put her where he wanted.

He could do anything he wanted. Even take her in the ass today. Since the moment he’d probed her sensitive nether hole with a finger, she couldn’t stop craving more fullness there.

When he laid her on something soft, she opened her eyes. Above, a watery light filtered in through a vent. The scents of animal and clean hay reached her. But the musk of the man grinding his thick erection into her thigh was everything.

“I was right—no panties. Jeezus, baby.” He nudged her wet folds with two fingers. His pupils dilated as he screwed them into her soaking channel.

Nola parted her thighs farther and rocked her hips against his assault.

“You’re so fucking wet for me. How long have you been thinking about this?” He added a third finger and strummed her swollen clit with his thumb. The first contractions raced through her cunt, and cream soaked him.

“All day. You made me wait so long.” Her words sounded like a pouting child, but he only curled his fingers to find her G-spot.

Tendrils of heat wove through her body and created a tighter knot. God, the fullness of his fingers stretching her, the pressure of his fingertips drove her wild.

She bucked upward, seeking more. Suddenly he pulled free of her body. She followed him and mewled with discontent.

His huff of laughter was a rich cloak surrounding her. Her heart pattered as he hovered near. His dark hair obscured one eye, but primal want burned from the other chocolate brown eye.

“I want you to wrap your pretty little lips around my cock, baby doll. I want to feel the head of my erection against the back of your throat. Think you can take me?”


She’d never given him oral. In fact, she had little experience. Her fumbling efforts in the backseat of a sedan after prom didn’t teach her anything about how to pleasure a man.

She touched a white hair weaving through the dark growth on his jaw. He’d probably had countless women suck him off, but she wanted him to remember her.

When she spoke, her voice was hoarse. “Where do you want me?”

Satisfaction flashed in his eyes. His lips twisted into more of a bad-boy smile. “Right there, lying down and spread out, your perky tits out and ready for my hands. And I’m going to drive my fingers into this wet pussy while you take my cock between those pretty lips.”

His gritty language made her want to sin day and night. He stood at her head and ran a hand down her belly to her pussy. She reached for him. He let her unbutton his worn Wranglers and reach into his boxer briefs. As she pulled his shaft free, a shudder rolled through him. She watched the carved muscles of his abs flex, and power filtered into her.

With sure strokes up and down his arousal, she stared up at him. He held her gaze. When she reached a certain spot on the underside of his cock, his eyes would flutter until they almost closed.

“Guide it to those sweet lips, gorgeous girl. Let me feel how hot and wet your mouth is.”

“Mmm.” She eased him toward her lips, and he positioned his body close, leaning over her to get the right angle. She didn’t want to think about him ever doing this with another woman. Right now she wanted to be the only thing in his mind.

Holding his gaze, she opened her lips. He eased his thick shaft in. He was bigger than she’d thought. The head was fat and red with pent-up lust. She clamped her lips over it and held onto him.

BOOK: Somethin' Dirty: Country Fever, Book 4
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