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Authors: Michelle Stimpson

Someone to Watch Over Me (31 page)

BOOK: Someone to Watch Over Me
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Don't miss Vanessa Davis Griggs's newest novel of faith and resilience,
Redeeming Waters
In stores August 2011
Here's an excerpt from
Redeeming Waters
. . .
And he shall be as the light of the morning,
when the sun riseth, even a morning without clouds;
as the tender grass springing out of the earth by
clear shining after rain.—2 Samuel 23:4
t was summertime, school was out, and with sky-high temperatures reaching near one-hundred degrees, even the bees appeared to be chilling out from the smothering heat.Ten years old, Brianna and Alana were outside on the long, covered front porch playing a game of Monopoly—the board type, not something electronic like all the other children their age normally played. Brianna's father, Amos Wright, didn't believe children should stay cooped up in the house watching television and playing video games all day. Brianna didn't mind; she liked being outside. On the other hand, Brianna's mother, Diane, would have preferred her daughter do things inside, especially on scorching hot days like this.
Around midday, suddenly and unexpectedly, dark clouds rolled in.
“Girls, it looks like it's going to rain. You probably need to come inside now,” Brianna's mother said as she stood holding the front door open.
“We're on the porch, Mother,” Brianna said. “We won't get wet on the porch.”
“Well, if it starts lightning, I want you to come in the house immediately. Do you two understand me?”
“Yes, ma'am,” Brianna and Alana said in such perfect unison that it sounded like one voice.
“Older people sure are funny when it comes to rain,” Brianna said after her mother closed the front door back.
Alana loosely shook the two white dice around in her hand, then threw them on the board, rolling a double three, automatically garnering herself another turn by getting a double. “I know,” Alana said as she counted out loud and advanced her wheelbarrow six spaces. “Boardwalk,” she said with obvious disappointment.
“Yes!” Brianna said, picking up her title deed card to that property. “Let's see now, with two houses, you owe me six-hundred dollars!” Brianna held out her hand for payment.
Alana slowly counted out the money, leaving her with only a small amount of money to play with. “It's a good thing I'm close to passing go and collecting two-hundred dollars,” Alana said. “I just hope I don't land on any of your other properties on my next roll, or this game will pretty much be over—two hundred more dollars or not.”
The rain started pouring down. And then the sun, just as quickly, came back out—brightly lighting up the sky even as the rain continued to fall.
“Look!” Brianna said. “The sun is shining while it's raining!” Brianna got up and walked over to the top step. “Wow. With the sun shining like that, all of those falling raindrops look like diamonds bouncing all over the walkway. Do you see how they're sparkling as they hit?”
Alana stood up and walked over to Brianna. “You
know what this means, don't you?”
“Know what
Alana turned and grinned at her friend. “When it's raining and the sun is shining.”
“No. What?” Brianna could see that Alana was pleased, knowing something that
apparently didn't.
“It means that the devil is beating his wife.”
“It does not,” Brianna said.
“Yes, it does. If you don't believe me, then go ask your mother. She'll tell you.”
“Well, I don't believe you because the devil doesn't
a wife.”
“Apparently, he does,” Alana said with a snarky shake to her head as she moved her face in toward Brianna's. “That's why the sun is shining while it's raining: to let us know that he's beating her. I feel a little sorry for her even if she
the devil's wife. It's got to be bad enough to be married to the devil. Then to have him beat on you like that.... Then again, she should have known better than to hook up with a creature like him. I mean, what did she expect when she married
the devil?

“Well, I'm not going to let any man
beat on me,” Brianna said. “Not ever.”
“They say if you stick a pin in the ground, you can hear her screaming when he's beating her.”
Brianna frowned, then winced. “Who would want to hear anything like that?”
“Hey, let's go get a pin and see if we can hear her. That way, you'll see whether what I told you is the truth or not.”
Brianna and Alana hurried into the house. “Wait right here while I find two pins.” Brianna started upstairs to her room, then stopped and looked back. “Does it matter what kind of pin it is? A straight pin, a hat pin, a safety pin, or is it actually a writing pen . . . ?”
Alana shook her head. “As long as it pierces the ground, it should work.”
Brianna came back quickly and handed Alana a large safety pin.They started toward the door.
“And just where do you two think you're going
” Brianna's mother asked as she walked out of the kitchen into the den wiping her hands on a dish towel.
“To listen to the devil beat his wife and to see if we can hear her scream,” Brianna said as easily as though she were saying that they were going to the kitchen to get a glass of water.
Brianna's mother shook her head as she smiled, but didn't protest—essentially telling Brianna that she had no objections to what they were about to do or the idea of it.
Brianna opened the large, lead-glass door and allowed Alana to go out first. Brianna grinned. She saw him before he saw her, and she ran full force, straight into his arms. “Granddad!” she said.
“Hey there,” sixty-year-old Pearson Wright said as he picked her up and spun her around two full turns. He set Brianna back down. The two of them now stood close to the man who had come with him. “So where are you two going in such a hurry?” he asked.
“We're going to listen to the devil as he beats his wife and to see if we can hear her screaming.” Brianna held up her safety pin to prove they were serious.
“Oh, that,” her grandfather said as he looked back at what he'd just come in out of. “You're talking about the rain with the sun shining. That's a beautiful sight for sure—rain and the sun shining at the same time, a phenomenon that's always fascinated folks.”
The good-looking man standing next to her grandfather began to chuckle as he smiled at Brianna.
“Gracious, where are my manners,” Pearson said. “This is my granddaughter”—he placed his hand on top of Brianna's head—“the lovely and talented young poet and short story writer Miss Brianna Wright.”
”—Brianna pointed to Alana as soon as her grandfather finished introducing her—“is my best friend in the whole wide world, Alana Norwood.”
“Pleased to meet you, Miss Alana Norwood. And
is David R. Shepherd a.k.a. King d.Avid,” Pearson said, pronouncing it King dee-Avid. “That's a small
period, capital
. You're looking at the next world-renowned recording artist.”
“Are you a real king?” Brianna asked as she placed her hand in the tall, black wavy hair, caramel colored skin man's awaiting hand he'd presented to her to shake.
“No, not in the way you may be thinking,” King d.Avid said. “But I do plan—with your grandfather advising and managing me—to rule the world of music someday.”
“Sounds like a plan to me,” Brianna said. “I plan on being the queen of something myself. Just not exactly sure what I intend to rule over. But I'm going to be somebody great, or at least produce something great one day, just like you. I promise you that. A lady at church spoke that Word over me last year.That's what she called it: ‘A Word from God.'”
“I'm impressed,” King d.Avid said, smiling at her as he continued to hold her young hand in his. “And I believe that.” He gave Brianna a slight bow with his head, then let go of her hand. He reached over and held out his hand to Alana. “And you are the best friend of the queen to be?”
Alana walked over, shook his hand, and giggled. “Yes. Although, it's likely we'll both be queens. That's how a lot of friends roll, you know.”
“Absolutely,” King d.Avid said. “It's always good to be in the company of those who are going somewhere, instead of hanging around people who are going nowhere.That's precisely why I hang with Mister Wright here, the way I do.The man is good at what he does.” He glanced over at Pearson. “And I believe he's going to help get me where I'm destined to be.” King d.Avid turned his attention back to Alana and gave her a slight nod.
“So, how old are you?” Alana asked.
King d.Avid laughed. “Why, I'm twenty-five.”
“You're kind of old,” Alana said, turning up her nose slightly. “Me and Brianna are only ten.Well, we don't mean to be rude, but we need to finish before the rain stops just as quickly as it started. Otherwise, Brianna won't believe that the devil really is beating his wife.”
“Okay.” King d.Avid sang the word. “But I don't
the devil really is beating his wife. Because I don't
that the devil is married.”
“That's what I told her,” Brianna said triumphantly with a grin.
Alana trotted down the steps into the rain and stood in the grassy, manicured yard. She looked back up at the porch, her eyes blinking with the raindrops before she eventually shielded her eyes with her hand. “Brianna, will you come on, already!”
Brianna hurried and caught up with her friend. They unlatched their safety pins, kneeled down, stuck their pins into the ground, and placed their ears respectively over their pins with the rain drenching them and all.
Pearson shook his head, laughed, then escorted King d.Avid into the house.
Chapter 1
The waters wear the stones: thou washest
away the things which grow out of the dust
of the earth; and thou destroyest the
hope of man.—Job 14:19
rianna Bathsheba (Wright) Waters looked out of the window of their three-bedroom, one-and-a-half bath house, at the rain. “A starter home” is what her twenty-three-year-old—three years her senior—husband of eight months, Unzell Michael Waters, told her over two months ago when they bought it.
“Baby, I promise you, things are going to get better for us down the road,” Unzell had said after they officially moved in. “I know this is not what either of us envisioned we'd be doing right about now. But I promise you, I'm
to get us into that mansion we talked about. I am.”
She'd married Unzell at age nineteen, a year and a half after her high school graduation, as Unzell was finishing his final year at the University of Michigan. Unlike most women she knew, Brianna wanted to marry in December. The wintertime was her favorite time of the year. She loved everything about winter. It wasn't a dead period as far as she was concerned. To her, that was the time of rest, renewal, anticipation, and miracles taking place that the eyes weren't always privy to see.Winter was the time when flower bulbs, trees, and other plants could establish themselves underground; developing better and stronger roots. Winter was the time when various pests and bugs were killed off; otherwise the world would be overrun with them. Brianna loved the rich colors she would be able to use in a winter wedding—deep reds and dark greens.
But she equally loved summertime. Summer was a reminder of life bursting forth in its fullness and full potential after all seemed dead not so long ago. Summer now reminded her of her days of playing carefree outside,
without a care in the world.
So she and Unzell married the Saturday before Christmas. It was a beautiful ceremony; her parents had spared no expense. After all, this would be the only time they would be the parents of the bride. Her older brother, Mack, might settle down someday. But even if he did, they would merely be the parents of the groom, which was a totally different expense, experience, and responsibility.
Unzell Waters was already pretty famous, so everybody and his brother wanted to be invited to the invitation-only wedding ceremony. Unzell was the star football player at the University of Michigan and a shoo-in for the NFL. As a running back, he'd broken all kinds of records, and the only question most had was whether he would be the number one or number two pick in the first round of the NFL draft the last Saturday in April. Unzell was on track to make millions—more millions than either he or Brianna could fathom
being able to spend in
Still best friends, Alana Norwood had been Brianna's maid of honor. Alana had grown wilder than Brianna, but Brianna understood Alana . . . and Alana understood her.
“Girlfriend, I'm glad you're settling down so early, if that's what you want,” Alana had said when Brianna first told her she and Unzell were getting married in a year. “But I plan on seeing
that the world has to offer me before my life becomes dedicated to any one person like that.”
Of course, when Alana learned
how famous Unzell was even
he was to go pro, then heard about the millions of dollars sports commentators were predicting he'd likely get when he signed—no matter which team he signed with—she said to Brianna, “God really
look after you! Of course, He's always looked after you. People on TV are talking eighty-six million dollars, over five years, just for one man to play . . . one man, to
And you're going to be his wife? I know you used to say all the time that you were God's favorite. Well, I'm starting to believe maybe you really are.”
“Alana, now you know I used to just say things like that. I don't
believe God has favorites,” Brianna said. “The Bible tells us that God is no respecter of persons. We're all equal in His sight.”
“Well, we may have the
to be equal, but it's obvious that not all of us are walking in our opportunities. Not the way you do, anyway. So you're definitely ahead of a lot of us, not equal by any means. All I know is that you spoke that Word of Favor with a capital F over your life, and look what's happening with you so far.”
The wedding was absolutely beautiful, every single detail and moment of it. But with the championship game being played the first week in January, Brianna and Unzell were only able to spend one day of a honeymoon before Unzell was off again to practice.
Michigan's team was the team to beat with #22, Unzell Waters, being one of the main obstacles standing between the other team having even a
of a chance. Brianna was at the game in Miami watching it along with her family. With two minutes remaining in the fourth quarter, Michigan was already a comfortable three touchdowns ahead. In Brianna's opinion, there really was no reason for Unzell to even be on the field. She, her grandfather Pearson Wright, and father Amos Wright were saying as much when that play happened—the play that would alter Unzell's career and life.
One of the other team's players grabbed Unzell by the leg, as he ran full speed, and yanked him down—pulling his leg totally out of joint. With him being down, everybody on the other team (it appeared to Brianna) piled on him (truly unnecessary roughness), merely for piling on sake. Unzell was badly hurt. Instantly, his prospective stock for the NFL plummeted.Then came the doctor's prognosis. Even with the two necessary surgeries, Unzell would never be able to play football at that level again.
Brianna assured him things would be all right. “God still has you, Unzell.”
“Yeah, but if God had me in the first place, then why would He allow something like this to happen to me . . . happen to us?” Unzell said as he lay in that hospital bed. “God knows both of us. He knows us, Brianna. He knows our hearts. God knows we would have done right when it came to me being in the NFL. So why? Why did this happen? And if God is a healer, then why can't He heal my leg completely? Why can't He make me whole again?”
“I believe that God
heal your leg, Unzell,” Brianna said. “But right now we have to deal with reality. And from all that the doctors are saying, football is out for you, at least for now. So you and I need a new direction, that's all. We're going to be all right though.” She lovingly took hold of his hand, then squeezed it. “We are.” She smiled.
“So, you're not going to leave me?”
Brianna frowned as she first jerked her head back, then primped her lips before forcing a smile. “Leave
Where did
come from?”
“Face it; I'm not going to be making millions now. In fact, I'll be doing well just to find a job, any job, at all in this economy.”
“First of all,
Waters, I did not marry you for your money or your potential money. I've known you since we were in high school.You were in the twelfth grade; I was in the ninth.You didn't have any money then and I fell in love with you. So if you think I married you for your money, then maybe I
leave you.” Brianna put her hand on her hip.
“I know, Bree-Bath-she,” he said, calling her by the pet name he sometimes called her. “But do you know how many women wanted me because they saw dollar signs?”
“Yeah, I know. I'm not stupid. I even think you thought about getting with a few of them. In fact, who knows, maybe you did. But still, I married you for you. And I married you for better or worse; for richer or poorer.”
“Come on, Brianna. Nobody really means that part when they say it. Who truly wants to be with someone poor? Sure, we may feel that's where we are at the time, but all of us believe our lives are going to get to the better and the richer at some point—sooner rather than later, not worse or poorer.”
“Well, if me staying with you now after you've lost millions of dollars—that if I'm not mistaken, you never really had anyway—means I meant what I was vowing when I said those words, then please know: I meant them when I said them. Okay, so those in the know were saying you'd likely get a contract worth eighty-six million dollars over five years with a guaranteed fifty million and now it looks like you won't. So be it. I'm just glad you're okay. You could have been paralyzed on that play.You and I will do what we need to be all right. Besides, you're graduating in May. You'll get your electrical computer engineering degree. Do like most folks and either get a job or start your own business. Regardless, Unzell, I'm here to stay. So deal with it.” Brianna flicked her head.
Unzell smiled, then looked down at his hand. “God has certainly blessed me richly.” He looked up. “God gave me you.”
“Oh,” Brianna said all mushy as she kissed him. “That was
Brianna couldn't help but think about how far she and Unzell had come since that fateful day. Following Unzell's two surgeries and the rehabilitation period, she'd suspended attending college and gotten a job as a secretary, living with her parents while he finished his final months of college in Ann Arbor. After Unzell graduated, he moved back to Montgomery, Alabama. He was relentless about getting a job, even when it felt like no one was hiring. He was diligent, beating the pavement and searching the Internet. In four weeks, he landed a job as an assistant stage manager setting up stages for music concerts, but was told if he wanted to excel in this business, he needed to be in Atlanta.
So that's what he and Alana did; moved to Georgia.
It didn't hurt when Alana told Brianna that she was also moving to Atlanta to pursue her dreams of becoming a video girl. At least now, Brianna and Alana would have a friend in their new city. Brianna especially needed someone after quickly learning that in his position, Unzell could be gone for weeks, sometimes even months at a time.
Brianna continued to stare out of the window. She suddenly began to smile.
“And what are
smiling about?” Unzell said, jarring her back to the present.
Spinning around, she kissed him when he came near. “I didn't hear you come in.”
He embraced her. “You were gazing out of the window. It looked like you were in deep thought; I didn't want to disturb you. Then you broke into that incredible enchanting smile of yours, and I couldn't hold myself back any longer. Did you just think of a joke or something that made you happy?”
“Look,” she said, pointing outside.
He looked out of the window and shrugged. “And what exactly am I looking for? All I see is rain, the sun shining, and trees and other things getting drenched.”
“Don't you know what that's supposed to mean? Rain while the sun is shining.”
He laughed. “Here we go again. Another something you learned when you were growing up? Like not stepping on a crack so you won't break your mother's back. Not walking under a ladder or splitting a pole because it will bring bad luck. Not sweeping someone's feet or you'll sweep them or someone else out of your life.”
“No. Not exactly like
things which are merely superstitions. This is different. I'm not saying that I believe it, but they say that when it's raining and the sun is shining, the devil is beating his wife.”
“Yeah, right.” Unzell smirked. “Actually, the scientific term for it is sunshower.”
“Scientific term, huh? Well, people also say that if you stick a pin in the ground and listen, you can hear her screams.”
“Oh. So do you want to go outside and do that so we can put that old wives' tale to the test?” Unzell's eyes danced as he spoke. “I'm game to play in the rain if you are.”
“Nope. Alana and I tested it out when we were younger.”
He laughed. “And the verdict was?”
“I didn't hear a thing. Of course, Alana claimed that she did. She said the scream was faint. But honestly? I think she heard something because she wanted to believe it was true.Then she said we'd used the wrong kind of pin and that's why it didn't work right.”
“Alana is something else, that's for sure. So how is she these days?”
“Still trying to get a contract as a video girl or video whatever they're called.”
“I wouldn't ever count Alana out. Before you know anything, she'll be over here forcing us to watch her DVD, showing how she was ‘doing her thing.' ” He made a quick pumping dance move followed by the long-gone and outdated Cabbage Patch.
Unzell wrapped his arms around Brianna. She fully submitted, laying back into him, then rubbed one of his hard, muscular arms that gently engulfed her.
“The devil beating his wife,” he said with a sinister giggle as they both looked out of the window. “Well, now, I think I've heard just about everything.”
BOOK: Someone to Watch Over Me
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