Someone Someday (All in Good Time Book 2)

BOOK: Someone Someday (All in Good Time Book 2)
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Brooke St. James




No part of this book may be used or reproduced in any form or by any means without prior written permission of the author.













Copyright © 2015

Brooke St. James

All rights reserved.




Table of Contents


Chapter 1

Chapter 2

Chapter 3

Chapter 4

Chapter 5

Chapter 6

Chapter 7

Chapter 8

Chapter 9

Chapter 10

Chapter 11

Chapter 12

Chapter 13

Chapter 14

Chapter 15

Chapter 16

Chapter 17

Chapter 18

Chapter 19

Chapter 20




Other titles available from Brooke St. James:



Another Shot

A Modern-Day Ruth and Boaz Story


When Lightning Strikes


Something of a Storm
(All in Good Time #1)





I did everything I was supposed to do—everything you'd expect from a girl who was celebrating her 21
birthday. I made plans to go out and celebrate with friends—plans to go clubbing, like everyone thought I should. I even smiled real big every time one of my friends said they were looking forward to going out.

The problem was, I hated clubs.

I hated everything about them. I had no interest whatsoever in getting dressed so I could put myself on display for the next drunk guy who'd try to rub up against me and pretend to be interested in me for more than a one night stand. I only went to clubs so that my friends, and my sister, and everyone else in my life would think I was a normal 21 year old—the kind who liked that sort of thing.

Truth was, I wasn't normal at all.

I hadn't been normal since that night over three years ago when I was drug into the parking lot of a truck stop and raped in some guy's truck.

Three years was a long time, and I knew I should be over what happened by now, but something inside me died that night. That incident left me with no desire to impress, talk to, date, have sex with, or marry a man.

I had no interest in them at all.

This indifference toward men made me the exact opposite of the boy-crazy person I was before the rape. It was for this reason that I smiled, flirted, made plans to go to clubs, and acted like I wanted to impress members of the opposite sex—because I knew that's what I should do. I knew that's what everyone would expect.


Chapter 1



My friend Maddie had come over to get dressed at my place. We had plans to meet a big group of friends at Miller's, the restaurant where we worked, before going out for my birthday.

It was the first job I got when I moved to San Francisco, over three years ago, and Maddie had been there even longer than me. We both started as hostesses, but had since moved on to waiting tables. Both of us had other full-time jobs, (Maddie at a clothing store and me at a coffee shop) but we hung on to a few shifts a week at Miller's because we'd become close with so many people there… it also helped that on a busy night we made really good tips.

"I wish you had another bedroom in this place," she said, absentmindedly digging through my closet. "It's so close to both of my jobs."

"You should have taken over Andy's apartment when he moved out," I said, "then we could be neighbors."

She looked at me with an injured expression. "You know I couldn't live over there. Not with all the memories."

I couldn't understand why Maddie was still so torn up about Andy. It had been over a year since he moved away, and she was the one who broke up with him.

My sister, Laney, and her husband owned a really nice house in a cool neighborhood in San Francisco, and the upstairs of their garage had been converted into two apartments. Laney and I lived in this one before she married Zack and they bought the main house. Maddie's ex-boyfriend Andy had occupied the other apartment before he got a job offer he couldn't refuse in New York.

"It was your choice to stay when he moved," I said, shrugging.

She shook her head. "I couldn't move to the east coast. I had no desire to live there. All my family's here." She was quiet for a few seconds as she continued to rifle through my clothes. "I do sort of regret not taking that apartment when he moved out, though. I'll bet your sister would have let me paint the walls or change it up so I wouldn't miss Andy so much." Maddie looked at me and I could tell her wheels were turning. "How much is rent?"

"I think it's nine hundred, but it doesn't really matter since Ryan just signed another lease a couple of months ago."

She let out a huff. "Oh well, maybe I'll jump on it when he moves out."

I laughed. "It's not like you don't sleep on my couch three times a week anyway."

"This one!" she said, ignoring my statement and turning to me with a barely-there romper in her hands. "You're totally wearing this one tonight."

"I'm not wearing that one. Choose something with more…" I reached out and grabbed it. "Fabric."

"This one looks so good on you," she said. "Please! It's your birthday!"

I didn't want to wear the romper. I hadn't bought it in the first place. It was actually a gift from Maddie. She'd picked it up on clearance at the clothing store where she worked, and assumed I'd love it. I did love how it looked on me, but it drew way too much male attention. In the interest of appearing not to mind receiving that attention, I reluctantly agreed.

"I'll wear it, but I'm putting on a jacket as well since it's so low-cut."

She made a face like I'd completely lost my mind. "A jacket? It's the end of July, Lexi. It's like a thousand degrees out there."

"It's never a thousand degrees in San Francisco," I said. "And it's so revealing."

She squinted at me. "You sound like your sister." Her face broke into a huge, teasing smile. "You might as well go to church instead of the club for your 21

I stuck my tongue out at her and she laughed.

"I'm just saying… you're the birthday girl! It's your job to look hot tonight."

I gave in and put on the romper, but told Maddie I'd be bringing the jacket just in case. She was satisfied with the deal and went on to the task of choosing a pair of shoes for me. Maddie and I were both blonde, and the outfits we had on happened to be mostly browns and golds. We didn't do it intentionally, but we looked a bit like sisters by the time we left.

It was 9pm when we finished getting dressed and headed down the iron staircase from my second story apartment. I looked at Maddie when we got to the bottom. "I told Laney I'd stop by the house and tell her goodnight."

"I'll wait in the car," she said. "I'll make a playlist."

Laney and Zack knew I was stopping by, so I just went right in. I used the back door that led to the kitchen.

She must have heard me, because right when I opened the door, I heard her say, "Lexi?"

"Yeah," I called.

"We're in here," she said.

I walked through the kitchen and into the living room where I found my sister and her husband curled up on the couch watching television. It was fairly dark in there, but I could see them both smile at me when I came in.

Zack used the remote to pause whatever they were watching. Laney's smile faded slightly as she took in what I was wearing. "Whoa, where are you guys going?" she asked, standing up. She and her eight-months-pregnant, giant belly waddled toward me.

"We're going to The Breaks and then maybe to Super 7, I'm not sure."

Laney had crossed over to where I was standing, and was now carefully inspecting me. "Where'd you get this?" she asked, scrutinizing my outfit.

"Maddie gave it to me like a year ago. I just never wear it."

She smiled, but I could tell she was reluctant about seeing me go out in it. My sister knew about the rape. In fact, she'd been the one to come to my rescue when it happened. Anyway, she was understandably protective after that.

"I'm going out with like twenty other people," I assured her. "I'll never be alone, I promise."

She gave me that patient smile that said she loved me and trusted me even though she wished I'd go put on a sweat suit. If she only knew that I too wanted to put on a sweat suit. I couldn’t tell her that, though. I had to make it seem like I was interested in meeting a guy.

"I'm the birthday girl," I said, smiling. "I have to look good."

Her smile broadened. "You definitely look good," she said. She leaned over her huge belly to put a kiss on my cheek. "Have fun and be safe… and happy birthday!"

"Thanks," I said. I bent to put my cheek to her belly. "And what do you say?"

Laney laughed. "He says happy birthday too."

"Thanks little man," I said. I gingerly knocked on there a few times and whispered," You still have a few hours if you want to be born on my birthday."

Laney's belly jiggled with laughter. "I think it's safe to say he's staying in here for a little while longer… let's hope so, at least."

"Yeah, at least till we're done with this season of Madmen," Zack said, gesturing to the TV.

I smiled and rolled my eyes at him and gave Laney's belly one last pat. "Sleep tight little man."

"Hey, I have a little jacket that would go with that if you need it," Laney said, as if the thought had just occurred to her.

"Laney, let the girl go out," Zack said.

I gave her a reassuring smile. "I brought one," I said. "Maddie has it in the car."

I told Laney and Zack goodnight, and a minute later, Maddie and I were on the way to Miller's to meet the rest of the crew. Those of us who weren't working that night hung out in the bar while we waited for everyone else to finish their shifts. Most everyone was drinking, and since it was my twenty-first birthday, I figured it was my duty to join in. I knew I wouldn't drink enough to get drunk, but I ordered a beer and drank it just for the sake of saying I did on my twenty-first birthday.

I had a slight buzz when we left for the club. It wasn't much of one, but it was enough that I was glad I didn't drive. Maddie and I both rode with this guy named Chris who was a manager at Miller's. He was older and was always sort of the voice of reason around there. He had a big SUV and agreed to be the designated driver for as many of us as he could fit.

There were almost twenty of us all together, so Chris' truck was only one of four in the group. Parking was tricky, so we all made it to the club at different times, but had no trouble hooking up in line.

We had to stand there for over an hour to get in the club. Several of my friends (who happened to be guys) commented on my clothes saying how they never knew I was so hot and things like that. I did my best to pretend to enjoy the attention even though comments like that just made me long for that sweat suit.

Once we got inside, our group took over a section of the room on the far side of the dance floor. The music and atmosphere were both good, so we made the decision right away that we'd stay there for the rest of the night rather than try to get everyone to another club later.

I constantly stuck by someone I knew. If it wasn't Maddie, then it was someone else, but I was never, I repeat
alone. I bought one more beer later that night at the club, but that was just because all my friends made a big deal about watching me order it and seeing the whole transaction where I got carded. The bartender rang a bell and wished me happy birthday and everyone at the bar cheered for me. It felt good, and I was happy to have friends who cared enough to want to celebrate with me even if going to a club wasn't my first choice.

I went with it, and laughed as I bowed to the cheering crowd. This made them cheer even louder, and I held up the bottle he handed me to offer cheers. Everyone in the vicinity, which seemed to be about fifty people, raised their drinks and we all took a sip.

I was still laughing from the thrill of it all when someone came up behind me. "What do I have to do to get a dance with the birthday girl?" he asked.

I turned to find a stranger standing there. Granted, he was an extremely handsome stranger, but he was a stranger nonetheless. I gave him a regretful smile and he leaned in to speak close to my ear. "Please don't tell me you're taken," he said. His warm breath fell on my ear as he spoke, and I knew beyond the shadow of a doubt that I should be flattered, and smitten, and charmed, and all of those other good things you feel when a hot guy whispers in your ear.

I wasn't any of those things. I hated myself for not being affected by this guy. I stood back and took him in. He was perfect—a young, hot guy wearing a gorgeous smile full of white, straight teeth. He continued to smile as he leaned in again. "So are you, or are you not?" he asked in my ear.

"Am I what?" I asked.


I glanced around. My friends were all standing near me. They were preoccupied, but still close enough that I felt comfortable. "I'm just here with all my friends," I said, motioning to everyone around us.

"Does that mean you'll dance with me?" he asked, almost yelling over the crowd. Maddie was standing close enough to hear his last question even though it looked like she wasn't paying attention, and she nudged me.

I knew I had to go. It'd just be weird if a super hot guy asked me to dance and I refused. I wasn't planning on drinking the beer I'd ordered, so I turned and set it on the bar with no intention of coming back for it.

"Grab Tyler and come with us," I said to Maddie. She did, and the four of us found places right next to each other on the dance floor. It was so packed out there that our bodies came in contact with each other—there was just no getting around it. I could see, even at a glance, at least five people I knew, so I didn't feel threatened.

Even though I didn't feel threatened or in danger, I also didn't feel all the butterflies that should have gone along with having a smoking hot guy dance next to me. I closed my eyes and concentrated on the music, finding escape in the heavy bass of the dance beat that was blasting out of the speakers. I swayed to the rhythm, getting lost for the briefest of seconds.

The next thing I knew, his hand was on the small of my back and he was pulling me toward him. I opened my eyes to make sure Maddie and Tyler were still dancing next to us, which they were.

I stared up at the handsome stranger who was smiling down at me. He pulled me even closer. Our midsections were touching, and I could feel him rub against me with the pulse of the music. I pulled back a little, creating some distance between us, and as I did, his hand slipped lower, and he cupped my backside in his palm.

I instantly reached back and returned it to its place on the small of my back. He smiled at me and leaned in to speak next to my ear. "Why are you being so shy?" he asked.

I put my mouth next to his ear. "Why are you being so forward?"

He pulled back and smiled. "Because you're the most beautiful girl here. I can't help myself."

"I think you better try," I said. "That's a little much, seeing as how you don't even know my name."

to know your name," he said.

I thought about telling him, I really did. I stared at his handsome smile for a few beats of the music and really considered continuing the conversation, but I just couldn't make myself. I used my famous regretful smile.

"I'm sorry," I said. "I should really be going."

I pulled Maddie and Tyler off the dance floor with me and we made our way back to the section of tables where we had been sitting.

"What was that all about?" Maddie asked once we got over there.

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