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Authors: Joanne McClean

Someone Like You (8 page)

BOOK: Someone Like You
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Chapter Twelve




It’s been a month and a half since that weird moment with Priestly.

I could’ve sworn he was going to kiss me that day.

Why, I don’t know but a small part of me actually wanted him to.

I still don’t even know what happened. One minute we were yelling and the next we were having this intense eye-lock-thing going on.

Talk about bizarre!

Although, I can’t help but think that Anson had a point …
the atmosphere between us that night was intense.

I mean I’ve already admitted that part of me
Priestly to kiss me … even though that is completely insane.

Why was
I willing to let him kiss me but not Nixon?

Because, let’s face it, s
omeone like Priestly is not my type.

Someone like Priestly
would break my heart just for the fun of it.

No, it’s best to leave him to his Man Whore ways …


Anyway, over the last six
weeks, we have come to a mutual agreement. He continues to throw parties, I continue to torture him with my loud music and throw him criticising looks, but we don’t speak.

Seriously, we haven’t said one word to each other since that Sunday morning and it’s working out okay.

As for the whole Nixon situation, I finally let him kiss me on date three. Well, it was more the case of him pouncing on me when I didn’t expect it. But I guess it was good to get it over with, even if it was unpleasant.

maybe unpleasant is a bit harsh but if I’m being honest, everything has started to go down hill
he kissed me.

We’ve been on seven more dates and h
e’s been coming on really strong and I’m just not comfortable with it at all.

He says he understands but part of me doesn’t believe him.

Then he backs off, acts really sweet, and I feel like such a bitch.

Even more so, when – deep down – I
know that there’s something missing between us.

I mean
, when I think back on the kiss, I cringe.

Since i
t was my first kiss, I thought it would be special.

However, I
ended up feeling a little disappointed.

It wasn’t a bad kiss … but it wasn’t very good either.

I know, I know, I’m a complete bitch but the truth is, I had hoped that it would get better, that maybe there would be a little more … magic to it.

adly, so far I’ve remained disappointed.

But hey, despite his faults, Nixon seems like
a really great guy. I should be grateful to have someone like him in my life.

Because let’s face it, he’s a far better choi
ce than someone like, oh I don’t know … Priestly Sawyer?






So, it’s been the silent treatment for about six weeks now … and I’m pretty sure that it has to do with the fact that I tried to kiss her.

At least there’s no danger of us arguing all the time … even though a small part of me misses teasing Nerd Girl.

But, it doesn’t change the fact that I still want her to move out.

However, I can’t stop
thinking about how I wanted to kiss her.

Why? I don’t know but I’m just going to chalk it up to temporary insanity and that’s that.

Okay, that and maybe the evil after-effects of alcohol poisoning; hangovers make people do crazy shit all the time!

I did have quite a few beers the night before ‘the incident’ as I like to call it.

However, when I mentioned the near kiss to Carter, he just laughed and said that, despite my protestations, some small part of me must like her – to which I told him to go to hell.

Anyway, the past few week
s have been … odd.

Part of me wants to start talking to her again – if only to warn her about Nixon
again because I know she’s still dating him – but I have decided to butt out of it.

Well, not entirely since Carter
advised me to keep an eye on Nixon … just in case.

So a
nyway, if that wasn’t enough shit to deal with, I’m also failing my Business class. So much for Carter’s theory.

Yeah, finally my weeks of skipping class have caused my lecturer to give me an
ultimatum: wise up or get out.

The truth is, I’m struggling. I never once thought about the effect my partying would have on my education. In high school, the teachers gave me a break because I could sweet talk them into anything but here, things are different.

Dad was right. I need to buck up my ideas and do something with my life. If he knew I was failing, he’s be pissed.

But things are that bad that the
lecturer recommended me that I go to extra tutoring sessions if I’m serious about staying in the class. I don’t want to admit defeat and ask for help but my options are running out.

would go ballistic if I dropped out so I don’t want to disappoint him – not when he said he was proud of me. However, I don’t want to turn into some nerd who has no social life.

I mean, just look at Nerd Girl!

Granted, she’s dating Nixon but I’ve seen how she spends the rest of her time.

She alwa
ys has her nose stuck in a book and I don’t want to end up like that.

However, I’m running out of options so I’m just going to have to grit my teeth and do it.

After all, Halloween break is coming up so I’ll try to catch up with the work on my own. But if that doesn’t work, well, let’s just hope that my tutor turns out to be of the extremely attractive female variety …


Chapter Thirteen




So, it’s back to Party Central at the Brannigan and Sawyer household. Not that it ever really stopped but tonight it’s pissing me off more than usual.

I’m lying on my bed, trying to ward off the headache that has been threatening to take over since I heard the opening bars t
o some truly awful dance music and am just generally feeling sorry for myself.

I have nowhere to go since Nixon is finishing off an essay he has due next week
before we get off for the Halloween break, and Anson is off clubbing with some friends from his old high school.

Although, to be honest, I’m kind of glad that I get to take a break from Nixon since he’s been acting so weird lately.

For long enough he kept trying to pounce on me any chance he got but now it’s like he can’t escape from me quick enough. Maybe he’s growing tired of me and wants to dump me.

Anyway, Nixon’s bizarre behaviour aside, I’m still st
uck … stuck alone on a Friday night with just Priestly and his stupid drunk friends for company.

Heaving a sigh, I sit up and hold my head in my hands.

How did I get here? How did I let a guy like Priestly Sawyer crawl under my skin? Why do I let him irritate me so damn much? Why?

I lift my head and look around my room,
trying to make sense of my predicament but instead, find myself asking more questions.

Why does he seem to hate me so much? Did he really want to kiss me all those weeks ago? And why do I still find him so damn attractive?

I stare at the door, listening to the party goers shout over the music and feel my head throb again.

Sucking in a deep breath, I decide to go in search of some painkillers.

I leave my room and start to make my way to the bathroom, pushing past various drunken couples trying to hook up, when a guy deliberately blocks my path. I take in his bulky frame and cocky grin and eye him warily.

“Sssooo, you’re the nerdo flatmate?” he slurs at me as I take a step back.

“And you’re Priestly’s dumbass friend?” I retort back, taking myself by surprise.

Usually when confronted by this type of situation, the old me would
have tried to think of a scathing reply and failed miserably, only to agonise over what I should have said days later.

However, since Priestly Sawyer entered my life, those days are long gone and I can’t help but like it. I’m no longer a doormat
… well, most of the time. I guess Priestly has been useful for something after all.

The guy blinks at me, trying to focus. “
I’m Carter.” he announces, throwing me what I assume he thinks is a charming grin – it’s not.

“And I’m leaving.” I tell him, trying to push past again.

Carter throws his arm over my shoulders. “Aw, come on nerdo, what’ssss the russssh?”

“Get off me.” I tell him curtly, trying to push his arm away.

Carter suddenly frowns at me. “I can sssee why Priesssstly wantsssss rid of you. You’re no fun.”

I stop pushing his arm and stare at him. “What?”

“You’re no fun.” he repeats. “Don’t you ssssee? That’ssss why no-one likesss having a nerd around! Ha!”

Ouch. Sugar-coat it why don’
t you. I guess I was misreading the signs all those weeks ago.

After all, I am a bit clueless when it comes to the opposite sex. Still, I can’t deny that a little part of me is hurt that he didn’t want to kiss me.

Why? I have no idea. I have no reason to be so upset. However, Carter’s hurtful comments are a whole other issue.

“Well, as charming as this conversation is, I’m going out.” I tell Carter, deciding to go find Nixon. He said he was in the library so I figure it’s better to go and sit with him than be insulted by drunken idiots.

Shoving off Carter’s grip of my shoulder, I elbow my way through the crowd of people, shoot daggers at Priestly, and then get the hell out of the flat.






Wow, what the fuck was that?

Death glare from the Nerd Girl!

What the hell did I do?

Better yet, what did Carter do? He was the last one she was talking to before she stormed out.

I make my way over to Carter. “What the hell did you say to Nerd Girl?” I yell. “She threw me this really dirty look and then bailed out of the flat.”

Carter chuckles and stumbles a little, spilling his drink on the carpet. “Oh s
ssshit. Sssssorry man. I jusssst told her sssshe wasss no fun and that’sss why no-one liked her.”

I stare at him. “You said what?
Are you a complete shithead?”

I watch as Carter blinks slowly and the
n shrugs. “What’d I ssssay? You
want rid of her.”

“Not by insulting her! Fuck. You’re such a dick when you’re drunk.” I tell him, punching the wall angrily.

Fuck. What do I do now?

I never meant for the chick to get all upset. Sure, I liked to mess with her but telling her that no-one liked her was a little harsh.

Besides, Dad did tell me to treat her with respect.

Fuck. Carter is such an asshole at times.

I heave a sigh and debate about what I should do. I know I should go after her but I don’t know where she would go.

Maybe I should wait for her to come back and then talk to her.

Yeah, that could work.

Glancing around, I take in the crowd of people, all intoxicated and shake my head.

My pleasant buzz from three beers has been totally killed. I check my watch and see that it’s just after midnight.

I cut the music and yell for everyone to leave. I may have my asshole moments but that doesn’t mean that I don’t feel guilty about Carter hurting Temperance’
s feelings … especially when I know how sensitive the chick is.

And okay, that little part of me that finds her a little bit cute is screaming at me to fix things. Plus, I can’t handle it when chicks cry – which I just know she’s doing right now.

Yeah, I really need to talk to her when she gets back. Maybe we can even call a truce. After all, we’ve been living together for nearly two months now. I’m sure we could learn to tolerate each other somehow.






Sniffing back tears, I turn in the direction of the library, trying my best to forget what Carter said but I can’t. I know he was drunk but there must have been some truth to his words. Sure, I know I’m not very adventurous or outgoing but I’m a good person.

I heave a sigh and notice that I have arrived at the library, which is now closed.

Shit, where would Nixon be now?

I glance around, vaguely noticing that it’s now freezing and then set off for Nixon’s dorm building, praying that he has some coffee.

Ten minutes later and I arrive at his building. I am just about to buzz up to Nixon when a guy leaving the dorms holds the door for me.

I thank him and then make my way to Nixon’s floor. It doesn’t take me long to find his room … or the girl I find in it.

The girl he is currently kissing.

Stumbling back, I stifle a gasp and take off running. After a while, I can’t hear his cries of my name.






I hear the front slam just as I clear away the last beer bottle.

I had decided to tidy up while I waited for Temperance to come back since I felt so bad about what Carter had said to her.

However, now I wonder if I should’ve just gone to bed. It sounds like she’s still pissed.

I sneak a glance into the living area and find her sitting on the sofa with her head in her hands.

Oh fuck.

Please don’t be crying.

I slowly edge into the room and cautiously approach the couch.

“Bad night?” I joke, trying to lighten the mood.

She glances up at me and I see the tears streaking her face.

Oh no.

“You okay?” I ask hesitantly.

She shakes her head. “No. I’m not fucking okay so just leave me alone.”

Damn. I know I’ve only lived with her for a short while but the venom in her voice is fucking terrifying.

“Um, sorry about Carter.” I blurt out suddenly. “He’s a dick when he’s drunk.”

She glares at me and opens her mouth to say something when her phone starts to ring.

She glances at the screen and then suddenly hurls it across the room.

I jump at the abrupt action and eye her carefully.

Something else is definitely wrong.

And just as I think I have a good idea what that might be, someone starts to bang on the door.

“Tempy! Open the door! Please! It’s not what it looked like!”


Fucking Nixon Kingsley.

The little creep has done it again.






I avoid Priestly’s gaze as I slowly get up from the couch and crack open the front door.

“What do you want Nixon?” I demand, willing myself not to cry.

To be honest, I don’t know why I’m so upset since Nixon and I weren’t dating very long – not to mention the fact that I wasn’t all that happy in our relationship either – but still, he was the first guy to show interest in me. Now I can’t help but think that Carter was right – no-one likes me.

Although, at least I know why Nixon had backed off lately, he was getting what he wanted elsewhere!

I eye him with disgust and notice that h
e’s out of breath and looking very dishevelled. “Let me in Tempy. Please!”

I narrow my eyes at him. “My name is not fucking Tempy!” I yell, unable to tolerate the horrid nickname any longer.

Nixon gapes at me for a second and then recovers. “Sorry. I’m so sorry. She’s studying drama and she asked me to help her rehearse.”

I eye him sceptically. “Seriously? You expect me to believe that?”

What a moron!

He nods and I let out a merciless laugh. “And what? You just happened to trip and somehow ended up with your lips attached to her?”

I watch as he falters, trying to think of something to say but I don’t give him the chance to open his mouth.

“We’re done.” I tell him. “Now piss off.”

I don’t wait for a reply, I just slam the door in his face.






I stare at Nerd Girl, dumbfounded.

Fuck, I’m actually quite proud of her for telling that little shithead where to go.

However, as she turns to look at me, I can see that she’s still pissed.

You.” she begins in a deadly tone.


“Ever since you came into my life, you’ve been nothing but trouble. I never thought I could hate anyone’s guts until I met you. Do you enjoy screwing up people’s lives or just mine?” she accuses, advancing towards me.

“Look, you’ve had a bad night, how about we don’t do this right now.
Talk about it in the morning.” I say, trying to placate her.

Her murde
rous glare tells me that she isn’t buying that idea.


“Now see hear Priestly ‘I’m a man whore’ Sawyer, I have had the
night of my life all thanks to you. You see,
party was the start of it!” she says, poking her finger into my chest.

I pretend that I don’t find this quite alluring and that I’m not currently staring at her mouth again.

Fuck, what is it with this girl?

Why do arguments with her make me want to kiss her?

Well, it would be one way of getting her to shut up …

party gave me a headache which meant I had to look for painkillers.” she continues. “This led to the meeting with
dickhead of a friend – who was so drunk he simultaneously tried to accost me as well as insult me. Which then led to me leaving the flat to seek out a male companion that wasn’t a total asshole – ie Nixon. However, this also resulted in me finding the first decent guy to actually show an interest in me hooking up with some blonde. Now, please, tell me again to leave it until morning because I’m sure that a horrible night’s sleep is going to make me feel
much better!”

Fuck. Me.

I stare at her, her flushed cheeks and messy hair and will myself not to do anything stupid … God knows it’s been known to happen occasionally.

BOOK: Someone Like You
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